The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 20

by Zecharia Sitchin

  Once outside, to Ninurta Enlil the seeds gave, to him he was thus saying:

  Go, the mountainside terrace, let the grains of Nibiru once again bread provide!

  In the Cedar Mountains, on other mountains too, Ninurta waterfalls dammed,

  Terraces constructed, the eldest son of Ziusudra to raise crops he taught.

  To Ishkur, his youngest, Enlil another task assigned:

  Where the waters have receded, go and remaining fruit-bearing trees find!

  To him as fruit cultivator Ziusudra’s youngest son was assigned:

  The first fruit they found, the vine that by Ninmah was brought it was;

  Of its juice, as the Anunnaki’s elixir renowned, Ziusudra took a sip.

  By one sip, then another and another, Ziusudra was overpowered, like a drunkard he fell asleep!

  Then a gift to Anunnaki and Earthlings Enki presented:

  The chest that Ninagal had carried he unveiled, its surprising contents to all he announced:

  The life essences and life eggs, in the wombs of the four-legged animals from Ziusudra’s boat can be combined,

  Sheep for wool and meat will multiply, cattle for milk and hides will all have,

  Then with other living creatures the Earth we shall replenish!

  To Dumuzi the shepherding tasks Enki gave, in the task was Ziusudra’s middle son assisting.

  Then to the dark-hued landmass, where his and his sons’ domains had been, Enki his attention turned.

  With Ninagal, at the confluence of mighty waters the mountains he dammed,

  Fierce waterfalls to a lake he channeled to let the waters as a lake accumulate.

  Then the lands between the Abzu and the Great Sea with Marduk he surveyed:

  Where habitations once were, the river’s valley how to drain he considered.

  At midstream where the river’s waters cascaded, an island from the waters he raised.

  In its bowels twin caverns he carved out, above them from stones sluices he fashioned.

  From there two channels in the rocks he cut, for the waters two narrows he fashioned,

  Thus the flowing waters from the highlands coming he could slow or let go faster;

  With dams and sluices and the two narrows the waters he regulated.

  From the Cavern Island, the island of Abu, the river’s serpentine valley from under the waters he raised:

  In the Land of the Two Narrows for Dumuzi and the shepherds a habitation did Enki fashion.

  With satisfaction did Enlil all this to Nibiru words send; with words of concern Nibiru responded:

  The close passage that Earth and Lahmu affected on Nibiru too much damage caused;

  The shield of gold dust was torn, the atmosphere was dwindling again,

  Now new supplies of gold quickly were needed!

  Fervently to the Abzu Enki went, with Gibil his son to survey and search he journeyed.

  All the gold mines were gone, by the avalanche of water they were buried.

  In the Edin, Bad-Tibira too no longer existed, in Sippar a place for the chariots was no more!

  The hundreds of Anunnaki who in the mines and Bad-Tibira toiled, from the Earth were gone,

  The multitude of Earthlings, as Primitive Workers serving, by the Deluge were to clay turned;

  No gold can from Earth anymore be provided! So did Enlil and Enki to Nibiru announce.

  On Earth and on Nibiru there was desperation.

  At that time Ninurta, his tasks in the mountains of cedars completed,

  To the mountainland beyond the oceans once again journeyed.

  From that land, on the other side of Earth, astounding words he delivered:

  The avalanche of waters deep cuts into the mountainsides there tore,

  From the mountainsides uncounted gold, in nuggets large and small,

  To the rivers below fell down, without mining can the gold be hauled!

  Enlil and Enki to the distant mountainland hurried, with amazement they the discovery viewed:

  Gold, pure gold, refining and smelting not requiring, all about was lying!

  A miracle it is! So was Enki to Enlil saying. What by Nibiru was wrought, by Nibiru was amended!

  The unseen hand of the Creator of All it is life on Nibiru to enable! So did Enlil say.

  Now who could collect the nuggets, how to Nibiru they will be sent? the leaders each other asked.

  Of the first question, Ninurta had the answer:

  In the high mountainland on this side of Earth, some Earthlings have survived!

  Descendants of Ka-in they are, with the handling of metals they are knowing;

  Four brothers and four sisters are their leaders, on rafts they themselves saved,

  Now their mountaintop in the midst of a great lake is an island.

  As the protector of their forefathers they me recall, the Great Protector they call me!

  By the report that other Earthlings had survived the leaders were heartened,

  Even Enlil, who the end of all flesh planned, was no longer angered.

  It is the will of the Creator of All! to each other they said.

  Now let us a new Place for Celestial Chariots establish, therefrom the gold to Nibiru send!

  For a new plain whose soil has dried and hardened they searched,

  In the proximity of the Landing Place, in a desolate peninsula, such a plain they found.

  Flat as a quiet lake it was, by white mountains it was surrounded.

  Now this is the account of the new Place of the Celestial Chariots,

  And the artificed twin mounts and how the image of the lion by Marduk was usurped.

  In the peninsula by the Anunnaki chosen, the heavenly Ways of Anu and Enlil on Earth were reflected;

  Let the new Place of the Chariots precisely on that boundary be located,

  Let the heart of the plain the heavens reflect! So did Enlil to Enki suggest.

  Once Enki to this agreed, Enlil from the skies of distances took measures;

  On a tablet a grand design for all to see he marked out.

  Let the Landing Place in the Cedar Mountains be a part of the facilities! he said.

  The distance between the Landing Place and the Chariot Place he measured,

  In the midst thereof a place for a new Mission Control Center he designated:

  There a suitable mount he selected, the Mount of Way Showing he named it.

  A platform of stones, akin but smaller than the Landing Place, to be built there he ordered;

  In its midst a great rock was carved inside and out, to house a new Bond Heaven–Earth it was made.

  A new Navel of the Earth, the role of Nibru-ki before the Deluge to replace.

  The Landing Path on the twin peaks of Arrata in the north were anchored;

  To demarcate the Landing Corridor Enlil two other sets of twin peaks required,

  To delimit the Landing Corridor’s boundary, ascent and descent to secure.

  In the southern part of the desolate peninsula, a place of mountains,

  Twin adjoining peaks Enlil selected, on them the southern delimit he anchored.

  Where the second set of twin peaks was required, mountains there were none,

  Only a flatland above the water-clogged valley from the ground protruded.

  Artificial peaks thereon we can raise! So did Ningishzidda to the leaders say.

  On a tablet the image of smooth-sided, skyward rising peaks for them he drew.

  If it can be done, let it so be! Enlil with approval said. Let them also as beacons serve!

  On the flatland, above the river’s valley, Ningishzidda a scale model built,

  The rising angles and four smooth sides with it he perfected.

  Next to it a larger peak he placed, its sides to Earth’s four corners he set;

  By the Anunnaki, with their tools of power, were its stones cut and erected.

  Beside it, in a precise location, the peak that was its twin he placed;

  With galleries and cham
bers for pulsating crystals he designed it.

  When this artful peak to the heavens rose, to place upon it the capstone the leaders were invited.

  Of electrum, an admixture by Gibil fashioned, was the Apex Stone made.

  The sunlight to the horizon it reflected, by night like a pillar of fire it was,

  The power of all the crystals to the heavens in a beam it focused.

  When the artful works, by Ningishzidda designed, were completed and ready,

  The Anunnaki leaders the Great Twin Peak entered, at what they saw they marveled;

  Ekur, House Which Like a Mountain Is, they named it, a beacon to the heavens it was.

  That the Anunnaki the Deluge survived and prevailed forever it proclaimed.

  Now the new Place of the Celestial Chariots gold from across the seas can receive,

  From it the chariots to Nibiru the gold for survival shall carry;

  From it to the east, where the Sun on the designated day rises, they will ascend,

  To it to the southwest, where the Sun on the designated day sets, they will descend!

  Then Enlil by his own hand the Nibiru crystals activated.

  Inside eerie lights began to flicker, an enchanting hum the stillness broke;

  Outside the capstone all at once was shining, brighter than the Sun it was.

  The multitude of assembled Anunnaki a great cry of joy uttered;

  Ninmah, by the occasion moved, a poem recited and sang:

  House that is like a mountain, house with a pointed peak,

  For Heaven–Earth it is equipped, the handiwork of the Anunnaki it is.

  House bright and dark, house of heaven and Earth,

  For the celestial boats it was put together, by the Anunnaki built.

  House whose interior with a reddish light of heaven glows,

  A pulsating beam that far and high reaches it emits;

  Lofty mountain of mountains, great and lofty fashioned,

  Beyond the understanding of Earthlings it is.

  House of equipment, lofty house of eternity,

  Its foundation stones the waters touch, its great circumference in clay is set.

  House whose parts are skilfully together woven,

  The great ones who in the skies circle to a resting make descent;

  House that for the rocketships is a landmark, with unfathomable insides,

  By Anu himself is the Ekur blessed.

  Thus did Ninmah at the celebration recite and sing.

  While the Anunnaki their remarkable handiwork were celebrating,

  Enki to Enlil words of suggestion said: When in future days it will be asked:

  When and by whom has this marvel been fashioned?

  Let us beside the twin peaks a monument create, the Age of the Lion let it announce,

  The image of Ningishzidda, the peaks’ designer, let its face be,

  Let it precisely toward the Place of the Celestial Chariots gaze,

  When, by whom, and the purpose let it to future generations reveal!

  So did Enki to Enlil suggest. To the words Enlil consented and to Enki said:

  Of the Place of the Celestial Chariots, Utu must again the commander be;

  Let the gazing lion, precisely eastward facing, with Ningishzidda’s image be!

  When the work to cut and shape the lion from the bedrock was proceeding,

  Marduk to his father Enki words of aggrievement said:

  To dominate the whole Earth to me did you promise,

  Now command and glory to others are granted, without task or dominion I am left.

  In my erstwhile domain are the artificed mounts situated, on the lion the image mine must be!

  By these words of Marduk Ningishzidda was angered, the other sons were also annoyed,

  By the clamor for domains Ninurta and his brothers were also aroused,

  Lands for themselves and devoted Earthlings everyone was demanding!

  Let not the celebration a contest become! Ninmah amidst the raised voices shouted.

  The Earth is still in havoc, we Anunnaki are few, of the Earthlings there are only survivors!

  Let Marduk Ningishzidda of the honor not deprive, let us Marduk’s words also heed!

  So did Ninmah, the peacemaker, to the contending leaders say.

  For peace to prevail, the habitable lands between us should be apart set! Enlil to Enki said.

  To make the peninsula an uncontested divider they agreed, to the peacemaker Ninmah they it allotted.

  Tilmun, Land of the Missiles, they named it; to Earthlings it was beyond bounds.

  The habitable lands to the east thereof to Enlil and his offspring were set apart,

  For the descendants of two sons of Ziusudra, Shem and Yafet, therein to dwell.

  The dark-hued landmass that the Abzu included to Enki and his clan was for domains granted,

  The people of Ziusudra’s middle son, Ham, to inhabit it were chosen.

  To make Marduk their lord, of their lands the master, Enki to appease his son suggested.

  By your wish let it so be! Enlil to Enki about it said.

  In Tilmun, in its mountainous south, an abode for Ninmah his mother Ninurta built;

  Near a spring with date trees, a verdant valley, it was located,

  The mountain peak Ninurta terraced, a fragrant garden for Ninmah he planted.

  When all was thus completed, a signal to all outposts on Earth was given:

  From the mountainlands across the ocean Whirlwinds the gold nuggets brought,

  From the Place of the Celestial Chariots to Nibiru the gold was lofted.

  On that memorable day Enlil and Enki to each other said and agreed:

  Let us Ninmah, the peacemaker, with a new epithet-name honor:

  Ninharsag, Mistress of the Mountainhead, let us name her!

  By acclamation was Ninmah the honor given, henceforth Ninharsag she was called.

  Praise to Ninharsag, on Earth the peacemaker! in unison the Anunnaki proclaimed.


  Synopsis of the Eleventh Tablet

  The spaceport’s land, Tilmun, is declared a neutral zone

  It is granted to Ninmah, who is renamed Ninharsag

  Marduk gets the Dark Lands, the Enlilites the Olden Lands

  Marduk’s grandsons quarrel, Satu murders Asar

  Impregnating herself, Asar’s wife Asta bears Horon

  In aerial battles over Tilmun, Horon vanquishes Satu

  The Enlilites deem it prudent to prepare another spaceport

  Enki’s son Dumuzi and Inanna, Enlil’s granddaughter, fall in love

  Fearing the consequences, Marduk causes Dumuzi’s death

  Seeking his body, Inanna is put to death, then resurrected

  Inanna launches a war to seize and punish Marduk

  The Enlilites break into his hideaway in the Great Mount

  They seal the uppermost chamber to entomb Marduk alive

  Marduk’s wife Sarpanit and his son Nabu plead for his life

  Ningishzidda, knowing the Mount’s secrets, reaches Marduk

  Marduk, his life spared, goes into exile

  Enki and Enlil divide the Earth among their other sons

  The triumph of Ninurta and the Great Pyramids

  Praise to Ninharsag, on Earth the Peacemaker! in unison the Anunnaki proclaimed.

  During the first Shar after the Deluge, Ninharsag to cool down tempers managed;

  Nibiru with gold to resupply was over ambitions and rivalries paramount.

  Slowly the Earth to teem with life returned; with the seeds of life by Enki preserved

  What by itself survived was augmented on land and in the air and waters.

  Most precious of all, the Anunnaki discovered, were Mankind’s own remnants!

  As in bygone days, when the Primitive Workers were created,

  The Anunnaki, few and strained, for Civilized Workers now clamored.

  By the time the first Shar after the Deluge was completed,

  The peaceful truce by an unexpected occurrence was shattered.

  Not between Marduk and Ninurta, not between the Enki and Enlil clans, was the eruption:

  Between Marduk’s own sons, by the Igigi abetted, was tranquillity broken.

  When Marduk and Sarpanit and their sons and daughters on Lahmu the Deluge outwaited,

  The two sons, Asar and Satu, to the daughters of Shamgaz, the Igigi leader, a liking took;

  When to Earth they all returned, the two brothers the two sisters espoused,

  Asar the one called Asta chose, Satu the one called Nebat betrothed.

  Asar with his father Marduk in the dark-hued lands to abide chose,

  Satu near the Landing Place, where the Igigi dwelt, with Shamgaz his dwelling made.

  About the domains on Earth was Shamgaz concerned: Where shall the Igigi the masters be?

  So did Shamgaz the other Igigi incite, of that Nebat to Satu daily spoke;

  By staying with his father, Asar the successor alone shall be, the fertile lands he will inherit!

  So did Shamgaz and his daughter Nebat to Satu day after day say.

  How the succession in the hands of Satu alone to retain, father and daughter schemed.

  On an auspicious day they made a banquet; Igigi and Anunnaki to it they invited.

  Asar, unsuspecting, to celebrate with his brother also came.

  Nebat, his spouse’s sister, prepared the tables, footstools she also set,

  She beautified herself, with lyre in hand a song to mighty Asar she sang.

  Satu before him choice roast meat cut, with salted knife for him fatlings he served.

  Shamgaz in a large goblet new wine to Asar offered, an admixture for him he made,

  A large vessel, mighty to look upon, with elixired wine he gave him.

  In good humor was Asar; merrily he arose and sang, with cymbals in his hand he chanted.

  Then by the admixtured wine he was overcome, to the ground he fell down.

  Let us for a sound sleep take him! the hosts to the others at the banquet said.

  They Asar to another chamber carried, in a coffin they him laid,

  The coffin with tight seals they closed, into the sea they threw it.

  When word of what had happened Asta reached, to Marduk her husband’s father she raised a wailing:

  Asar to his death in the sea depths was brutally thrown, quickly must the coffin be found!


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