The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 26

by Zecharia Sitchin

  When the decision to use the Weapons of Terror was made, to himself Enlil two secrets kept:

  To no one, before the terrible decision was taken, did Enlil the secret of Galzu’s dream-vision reveal;

  To no one, until the fateful decision was made, did Enlil his knowledge of the terror’s hiding place disclose!

  When, despite all protestations, the council to use the Weapons of Terror permitted,

  When Enki, angry and distraught the council chamber left,

  In his heart was Enki smiling: Only he knew where the weapons were hidden! So did Enki think,

  For it was he, before Enlil to Earth had come, who with Abgal in a place unknown the weapons did hide.

  That Abgal, to the exiled Enlil, the place disclosed, that to Enki was unknown!

  When Enki this second secret heard, in his heart a wishful thought he harbored:

  That after such a long sojourn, the weapons’ terror would have evaporated!

  Little did Enki expect the long sojourn a calamity as never before known on Earth to cause.

  Thus it was that without Enki needing, Enlil to the two heroes the hiding place disclosed:

  Those seven Weapons of Terror, in a mountain they abide! to them Enlil said.

  In a cavity inside the earth they dwell, with the terror to clad them is required!

  Then the secret of how the weapons from their deep sleep awaken, Enlil to them did reveal.

  Before the two sons, one of Enlil, one of Enki, to the hiding place departed,

  Enlil to them words of forewarning said: Ere the weapons are used, by the Anunnaki must the chariots’ place be vacated;

  The cities must be spared, the people must not perish!

  In his skyship Nergal to the hiding place soared, Ninurta by his father was delayed;

  A word to his son alone Enlil wished to say, a secret to him alone reveal:

  About the prophecy of Galzu and the choosing of Ibruum to Ninurta he told.

  Hot-headed is Nergal, make sure that the cities are spared, that Ibruum is forewarned! to Ninurta Enlil said.

  When Ninurta at the weapons’ place arrived, Nergal from the cavity had already them brought out,

  As their ME’s from the long slumber he awakened, to each one of the seven Nergal a taskname gave:

  The One Without Rival the first weapon he called, the Blazing Flame he named the second,

  The One Who with Terror Crumbles he called the third, Mountain Melter the fourth he called,

  Wind That the Rim of the World Seeks he named the fifth, the One Who Above and Below No One Spares was the sixth,

  The seventh with monstrous venom was filled, Vaporizer of Living Things he called it.

  With Anu’s blessing were the seven to Nergal and Ninurta given, therewith to destruction wreak.

  When Ninurta at the place of the Weapons of Terror arrived, to destroy and annihilate was Nergal ready.

  I shall kill the son, I will annihilate the father! Nergal with vengeance was shouting.

  The lands they covet will vanish, the sinning cities I will upheaval! So did Nergal enraged announce.

  Valiant Nergal, will you the righteous with the unrighteous destroy? So did Ninurta his comrade ask.

  The instructions of Enlil are clear! To the selected targets the way I will lead, you behind me will follow!

  The decision of the Anunnaki to me is known! Nergal to Ninurta said.

  For seven days and seven nights the signal from Enlil the two awaited.

  As was his intention, when his waiting was completed, Marduk to Babili returned,

  In the presence of his followers, with weapons armed, his supremacy he declared;

  A thousand and seven hundred and thirty-six was the count of Earth years then.

  On that day, on that fateful day, Enlil to Ninurta the signal sent;

  To Mount Mashu Ninurta departed, behind him Nergal followed.

  The Mount and the plain, in the heart of the Fourth Region, Ninurta from the skies surveyed.

  With a squeezing in his heart, to Nergal a sign he gave: Keep off! to him he signaled.

  Then the first terror weapon from the skies Ninurta let loose;

  The top of Mount Mashu with a flash it sliced off, the mount’s innards in an instant it melted.

  Above the Place of the Celestial Chariots the second weapon he unleashed,

  With a brilliance of seven suns the plain’s rocks into a gushing wound were made,

  The Earth shook and crumbled, the heavens after the brilliance were darkened;

  With burnt and crushed stones was the plain of the chariots covered,

  Of all the forests that the plain had surrounded, only tree stems were left standing.

  It is done! Ninurta from the skyship, his Black Divine Bird, words shouted.

  The control that Marduk and Nabu so coveted, of it they are forever deprived!

  Then to emulate Ninurta Nergal desired, to be Erra the Annihilator his heart him urged;

  Following the King’s Highway, to the verdant valley of the five cities he flew.

  In the verdant valley where Nabu the people was converting, Nergal as a caged bird to squash him planned!

  Over the five cities, one after the other, Erra upon each from the skies a terror weapon sent,

  The five cities of the valley he finished off, to desolation they were overturned.

  With fire and brimstones were they upheavaled, all that lived there to vapor was turned.

  By the awesome weapons were mountains toppled, where the sea waters were barred the bolt broke open,

  Down into the valley the sea’s waters poured, by the waters was the valley flooded;

  When upon the cities’ ashes the waters poured, steam to the heavens was rising.

  It is done! Erra in his skyship shouted. In Nergal’s heart there was no more vengeance.

  Surveying their evil handiwork, the two heroes by what they saw were puzzled:

  By a darkening of the skies were the brilliances followed, then a storm to blow began.

  Swirling within a dark cloud, gloom from the skies an Evil Wind carried,

  As the day wore on, the Sun on the horizon with darkness it obliterated,

  At nighttime a dreaded brilliance skirted its edges, the Moon at its rising it made disappear.

  When dawn the next morning came, from the west, from the Upper Sea, a stormwind began blowing,

  The dark-brown cloud eastward it directed, toward the settled lands did the cloud spread;

  Wherever it reached, death to all that lives mercilessly it delivered;

  From the Valley of No Pity, by the brilliances spawned, toward Shumer the death was carried.

  To Enlil and Enki Ninurta and Nergal the alarm sounded: Unstoppable the Evil Wind death to all delivers!

  The alarm Enlil and Enki to the gods of Shumer transmitted: Escape! Escape! to them all they cried out.

  Let the people disperse, let the people hide!

  From their cities the gods did flee, like frightened birds from their nests escaping they were.

  The people of the lands by the Evil Storm’s hand were clutched; futile was the running.

  Stealthy was the death, like a ghost the fields and cities it attacked;

  The highest walls, the thickest walls, like floodwaters it passed,

  No door could shut it out, no bolt could turn it back.

  Those who behind locked doors hid inside their houses like flies were felled,

  Those who to the streets fled, in the streets were their corpses piled up.

  Cough and phlegm the chests filled, the mouths with spittle and foam filled up;

  As the Evil Wind the people unseen engulfed, their mouths were drenched with blood.

  Slowly over the lands the Evil Wind blew, from west to east over plains and mountains it traveled;

  Everything that lived, behind it was dead and dying, people and cattle, all alike perished.

  The waters were poisoned, in the fields all vegetation withered.<
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  From Eridu in the south to Sippar in the north did the Evil Wind the land overwhelm;

  Babili, where Marduk supremacy declared, by the Evil Wind was spared.


  Synopsis of the Fourteenth Tablet

  Babili, Marduk’s chosen center, survives the calamity

  Enki sees it as an omen of Marduk’s inevitable supremacy

  Enlil ponders the past, Fate, and Destiny

  Accepts Marduk’s supremacy, retreats to faraway lands

  The brothers bid a sentimental good-bye

  Enki sees the Past as a guide foretelling the Future

  He decides to commit all as a record for posterity.

  Colophon by the scribe Endubsar

  Babylonian depiction of a resplendent Marduk

  Babili, where Marduk supremacy declared, by the Evil Wind was spared;

  All the lands south of Babili the Evil Wind devoured, the heart of the Second Region it also touched.

  When in the aftermath of the Great Calamity Enlil and Enki to survey the havoc met,

  Enki to Enlil the sparing of Babili as a divine omen considered.

  That Marduk to supremacy has been destined, by the sparing of Babili is confirmed! So did Enki to Enlil say.

  The will of the Creator of All it must have been! Enlil to Enki said.

  Then to him the dream-vision and prophecy of Galzu Enlil revealed.

  If that by you was known, why did you the use of the Weapons of Terror not prevent? Enki him asked.

  My brother! Enlil to Enki with a sorrowed voice said. Enough seen was the reason.

  Whenever after your coming to Earth the mission by an obstacle obstructed was,

  A way the obstruction to circumvent we have found;

  Of that, the fashioning of the Earthlings, the greatest solution,

  Also the fountain of a myriad unwanted twists and turns was.

  When you have the celestial cycles fathomed and the constellations assigned,

  Who in them the hands of Destiny could foresee,

  Who could between our chosen fates and our unbending destiny distinguish?

  Who false omens proclaimed, who true prophecies could pronounce?

  Therefore to keep to myself the words of Galzu I decided—

  Was he truly the Creator of All’s emissary, was he my hallucination?

  Let whatever has to happen, happen! so to myself I said.

  To his brother’s words Enki listened, his head up and down he nodded.

  The First Region is desolate, the Second Region is in confusion, the Third Region is wounded,

  The Place of the Celestial Chariots is no more; that is what has happened! Enki to Enlil said.

  If that was the will of the Creator of All, that is what of our Mission to Earth remained!

  By the ambitions of Marduk was the seed sown, what the crop resulted is for him to reap!

  So did Enlil to his brother Enki say, then he the triumph of Marduk accepted.

  Let the rank of fifty, by me for Ninurta intended, to Marduk instead be given,

  Let Marduk over the desolation in the Regions his supremacy declare!

  As for me and Ninurta, we will in his way no longer stand.

  To the Lands Beyond the Oceans we will depart, what we had all had come for,

  The mission to obtain for Nibiru gold we will complete!

  So did Enlil to Enki say; dejection was in his words.

  Would different matters have been were the Weapons of Terror unused? Enki his brother challenged.

  Should we have the words of Galzu to Nibiru not return heeded? Enlil retorted.

  Should Earth Mission been stopped when the Anunnaki mutinied?

  I what I did did, you what you did did. The past undone cannot become!

  Is not in that too a lesson? Enki asked them both.

  Is not what on Earth happened, what on Nibiru had taken place mirrored?

  Is not in that tale of the Past the outline of the Future written—

  Will Mankind, in our image created, our attainments and failures repeat?

  Enlil was silent. As he stood up to leave, Enki to him his arm extended.

  Let us lock arms as brothers, as comrades who together challenges on an alien planet confronted!

  So did Enki to his brother say.

  And Enlil, grasping his brother’s arm, hugged him as well.

  Shall we meet again, on Earth or on Nibiru? Enki asked.

  Was Galzu right that we die if we to Nibiru go? Enlil responded. Then he turned and departed.

  Alone was Enki left; only by the thoughts of his heart was he accompanied.

  How it all began and how it thus far ended, he sat and pondered.

  Was it all destined, or was it fate by this and that decision fashioned?

  If Heaven and Earth by cycles within cycles regulated,

  What had happened will again occur? Is the Past—the Future?

  Will the Earthlings the Anunnaki emulate, will Earth relive Nibiru?

  Will he, the first to arrive, the last to leave be?

  Beseiged by thoughts, Enki a decision made:

  All the events and decisions, starting with Nibiru to this day on Earth,

  To put in a record, a guide to future generations to become;

  Let posterity, at a time by destiny designated,

  The record read, the Past remember, the Future as prophecy understand,

  Let the Future of the Past the judge be!

  These are the words of Enki, Firstborn of Anu of Nibiru.

  Fourteenth tablet: The Words of the lord Enki.

  Written from the mouth of the great lord Enki,

  not one word missed, not one word added,

  by the master scribe Endubsar, a man of Eridu, son of Udbar.

  By the lord Enki with long life I have been blessed.


  Abael: The biblical Abel, killed by his brother Ka-in

  Abgal: Spacecraft pilot; first commander of the Landing Place

  Abzu: Enki’s gold-mining domain in southeast Africa

  Adab: Ninharsag’s post-Diluvial city in Sumer

  Adad: Akkadian name of Ishkur, Enlil’s youngest son

  Adamu: The first successfully genetically engineered Primitive Worker, The Adam

  Adapa: Son of Enki by an Earthling female, first Civilized Man; the biblical Adam

  Agade: First postwar capital of Nibiru; unified capital of Sumer and Akkad

  Akkad: The northern lands added to Sumer under Sargon I

  Akkadian: The mother tongue of all Semitic languages

  Alalgar: Spacecraft pilot; second commander of Eridu

  Alalu: The deposed king of Nibiru who escaped to Earth and discovered gold; died on Mars; his image was carved on a rock that was his tomb

  Alam: Son of Anshargal by a concubine

  Amun: Egyptian name for the exiled god Ra

  An: First unity king on Nibiru; name of the planet we call Uranus

  Anak: The metal tin

  Anib: Royal title of Ib, a successor on Nibiru’s throne

  Anki: Firstborn son of An on Nibiru

  Annu: Sacred city in Egypt, the biblical On, Heliopolis in Greek

  Anshar: The fifth ruler on Nibiru of the unified dynasty; the planet we call Saturn

  Anshargal: The fourth ruler on Nibiru of the unified dynasty

  Antu: Spouse of An; spouse of Anu; early name of the planet we call Neptune

  Anu: Nibiru’s ruler when the Anunnaki came to Earth; also, the planet called Uranus

  Anunitu: Endearment name for the goddess Inanna

  Anunnaki: “Those Who from Heaven to Earth Came” (from Nibiru to Earth)

  Anzu: Spacecraft pilot; first commander of the way station on Mars

  Apsu: Primordial progenitor of the solar system, the Sun

  Aratta: A domain granted to Inanna, part of the Third Region

  Arbakad: The biblical Arpakhshad (one of Shem’s sons)

  Arrata: The lan
d and mountains of Ararat

  Asar: The Egyptian god called Osiris

  Asta: The Egyptian goddess called Isis, sister-wife of Asar

  Awan: Sister-wife of Ka-in (the biblical Cain)

  Aya: Spouse of Utu (the god called Shamash in Akkadian)

  Azura: Spouse of Sati, mother of Enshi (the biblical Enosh)

  Bab-Ili: “Gateway of the gods”; Babylon, Marduk’s city in Mesopotamia

  Bad-Tibira: Ninurta’s city of smelting and refining gold

  Banda: Heroic ruler of Uruk (biblical Erech), father of Gilgamesh

  Baraka: Spouse of Irid (the biblical Jared)

  Batanash: Spouse of Lu-Mach (biblical Lamech), mother of the hero of the Deluge

  Bau: Spouse of Ninurta, a healer

  Beacon peaks: The two Great Pyramids of Giza; afterward, Mount Mashu in the Sinai

  Ben-Ben: Conical upper part of Ra’s celestial boat

  Black-headed people: The Sumerian people

  Black land: The African domain of the god Dumuzi

  Black skybird: The aerial vehicle of Ninurta

  Boat of heaven: Aerial vehicle of various gods and goddesses

  Bond Heaven–Earth: The complex instruments in Mission Control Center

  Branch of life essence: DNA-holding chromosome

  Bull of Heaven: Enlil’s guardian of the Landing Place, symbol of his constellation

  Burannu: The river Euphrates

  Cedar forest: Location of the Landing Place (in present-day Lebanon)

  Cedar Mountains: Location of Enlil’s abode in the cedar forest

  Celestial barque: Egyptian term for a god’s spacecraft

  Celestial Battle: The primordial collision between Nibiru and Tiamat

  Celestial chariots: Interplanetary spacecraft

  Celestial portions: The 72-year period for 1° zodiacal shift due to Precession

  Celestial stations: The twelve houses of the zodiacal constellations

  Celestial Time: Time measured by the precessional shifts of zodiacal constellations

  Chariots’ place: Spaceport

  Circuit: Orbit of a planet around the Sun

  Civilized Man: Homo sapiens-sapiens, of which Adapa was the first one

  Count of Earth years: The count of years since Anu’s visit to Earth, the Nippur calendar begun in 3760 B.C.

  Creation Chamber: Genetic engineering and domestication facility on the Cedar Mountains

  Creator of All: The universal, cosmic God


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