The Lost Book of Enki

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The Lost Book of Enki Page 27

by Zecharia Sitchin

  Damkina: Spouse of Enki, renamed Ninki; daughter of Alalu

  Dark-hued land: Africa

  Dauru: Spouse of the Nibiruan king Du-Uru

  Dawn and Dusk: Earthling females impregnated by Enki, mothers of Adapa and Titi

  Deluge: The Great Flood

  Destiny: Predetermined course (of events, of orbit) that is unchangeable

  Duat: Egyptian name for the restricted zone of the spaceport in the Sinai

  Dudu: Endearment name for the god Adad (Ishkur), Enlil’s youngest son, Inanna’s uncle

  Dumuzi: Enki’s youngest son, in charge of shepherding in his Egyptian domain

  Dunna: Spouse of Malalu, mother of Irid (the biblical Mahalalel and Jared)

  Duttur: Concubine of Enki, Dumuzi’s mother

  Du-Uru (Duuru): Seventh ruler on Nibiru

  E-A: “Whose home is water,” the prototype Aquarius; firstborn son of Anu, half brother of Enlil; leader of the first group of Anunnaki to arrive on Earth; the fashioner of Mankind and its savior from the Deluge; given the epithets Nudimmud (“the Fashioner”), Ptah (“the Developer” in Egypt), Enki (“Lord Earth”); father of Marduk

  Eanna: The seven-staged temple of Anu in Uruk, given by him as a present to Inanna

  East Wind: A satellite (moon) of Nibiru

  Edin: Location of the Anunnaki’s first settlements, the biblical Eden, in southern Mesopotamia; later the area of Shumer

  Edinni: Spouse of Enkime, mother of Matushal (the biblical Enoch and Methuselah)

  Ednat: Spouse of Matushal, mother of Lumach (the biblical Lamech)

  Ekur: The tall structure in the pre-Diluvial Mission Control Center; the Great Pyramid (of Giza) after the Deluge

  Emitter: Instrument used together with Pulser to revive Inanna

  Emush: Snake-infested desert where Dumuzi sought to hide

  Emzara: Spouse of Ziusudra (the biblical Noah) and mother of his three sons

  Enbilulu: A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party

  Endubsar: The scribe to whom Enki dictated his memoir

  Engur: A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party

  Enki: Ea’s epithet-title after the division of duties and powers between him and his half brother and rival Enlil; father of Marduk by his spouse Damkina; failed to have a son by his half sister Ninmah, but fathered five other sons by concubines and also children by Earthling females

  Enkidu: Artificially created companion of Gilgamesh

  Enkimdu: A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party

  Enkime: Taken heavenward and granted much knowledge; the biblical Enoch; father of Sarpanit, Marduk’s spouse

  Eninnu: The temple-abode of Ninurta in the sacred precinct of Lagash

  Enlil: Son of Anu and his sister-spouse Antu and thus the Foremost Son entitled to the succession to Nibiru’s throne ahead of the firstborn Ea; military commander and administrator, sent to Earth to organize wide-scale gold-obtainment operations; father of Ninurta by his half sister Ninmah, and of Nannar and Ishkur by his spouse Ninlil; opposed the fashioning of the Earthlings, sought Mankind’s demise by the Deluge; authorized the use of nuclear weapons against Marduk

  Enmerkar: Heroic ruler of Unug-ki (Uruk), grandfather of Gilgamesh

  Ennugi: Commander of the Anunnaki assigned to the gold mines in the Abzu

  Enshar: Sixth dynastic ruler on Nibiru; named the planets embraced by Nibiru’s orbit

  Enshi: The biblical Enosh, the first to be taught rites and worship

  Enursag: A lieutenant of Ea with the first landing party

  Enuru: Third son of An and Antu and father of Nibiru’s ruler Anu

  Ereshkigal: Granddaughter of Enlil, mistress of the Lower World (southern Africa); spouse of Nergal; sister of Inanna

  Eridu: The first settlement on Earth, established by Ea; his everlasting center and abode in Shumer

  Erra: Epithet of Nergal after the nuclear holocaust, meaning the Annihilator

  Esagil: Temple of Marduk in Babylon

  Essence of life: The genetically encoded DNA

  Etana: A king of Uruk who was carried heavenward but was too afraid to continue

  Evil serpent: Derogatory epithet for Marduk by his enemies

  Evil Wind: The death-bearing nuclear cloud drifting eastward toward Shumer

  Fate: A course of events that is subject to free choice and is alterable

  Father of All Beginning: The universal Creator of All; the cosmic God

  Firmament: The Asteroid Belt, the remnant of the broken-up half of Tiamat

  First Region: The first region of civilization granted to Mankind, Shumer

  Foremost son: The son born to a ruler by a half sister and thus the legal heir

  Fourth Region: The Sinai peninsula, location of the post-Diluvial spaceport

  Gaga: The moon of Anshar (Saturn) that after Nibiru’s passage became the planet Pluto

  Gaida: Youngest son of Enkime (Enoch in the Bible)

  Galzu: A mysterious divine emissary who conveyed the messages in dreams and visions

  Gateway to heaven: The purpose of the launch tower built by Marduk in Babylon

  Geshtinanna: Dumuzi’s sister who betrayed him

  Gibil: A son of Enki, in charge of metallurgy, maker of magical artifacts

  Gigunu: Inanna’s House of Nighttime Pleasure

  Gilgamesh: King in Uruk; being a son of a goddess, went in search of immortality

  Girsu: Sacred precinct of Ninurta in Lagash

  Great Below: The continent of Antarctica

  Great Calamity: The devastation in the aftermath of the nuclear holocaust in 2024 B.C.

  Great Deep: The Antarctic Ocean

  Great Sea: The Mediterranean Sea; also called the Upper Sea

  Gug Stone: Beam emitting crystal, transferred from the Great Pyramid to Mount Mashu

  Guru: A lieutenant of Ea at the first landing

  Ham: Second son of the hero of the Deluge, brother of Shem and Japhet

  Hammered Bracelet: The Asteroid Belt; also called the Firmament

  Hapi: The ancient Egyptian name for the Nile River

  Harran: City in northwestern Mesopotamia (now in Turkey) that served as a twin city of Ur; sojourn place of Abraham; staging place of Marduk for usurpation of supremacy on Earth

  Heavenly Bright Object: A secret divine device enshrining the site of kingship

  Hem-Ta: Egyptian name for ancient Egypt

  Horon: The Egyptian god now called Horus

  House of Fashioning: Genetic laboratory in the cedar forest for crops and livestock

  House of Healing: The medical-biological facilities of Ninmah in Shurubak

  House of Life: The biogenetic facilities of Enki in the Abzu

  Hurum: A mountain where the hero Banda died and came back to life

  Ib: Third dynastic king on Nibiru, given the royal title An-Ib

  Ibru: Grandson of Arbakad, the biblical Eber (forebear of Abraham)

  Ibru-Um (Ibruum): Scion of a priestly royal family from Nippur and Ur, the biblical Abraham

  Igigi: The three hundred Anunnaki assigned to shuttlecraft and the way station on Mars; abducted female Earthlings as wives; frequent rebels

  Ilabrat: A vizier and emissary of Anu; fetched Adapa for the journey to Nibiru

  Imperishable Star: The Egyptian name for the planet from which Ra had come to Earth

  Inanna: Daughter of Nannar and Ningal, twin sister of Utu; was betrothed to Dumuzi; ferocious in war, lusty in lovemaking; mistress of Uruk and of the Third Region; known as Ishtar in Akkadian; associated with the planet we call Venus

  Inbu: A fruit brought from Nibiru to Earth, source of the Anunnaki’s elixir

  Irid: The biblical Jared; father of Enkime (the biblical Enoch)

  Ishkur: Youngest son of Enlil by his spouse Ninlil, the Akkadian god Adad

  Ishtar: The Akkadian name for the goddess Inanna

  Ishum: Epithet given to Ninurta after the nuclear holocaust, meaning “the Scorcher”

bsp; Isimud: Housemaster and vizier of Enki

  Ka-in: The biblical Cain, who killed his brother Abael (Abel) and was banished

  Kalkal: Gatekeeper of Enlil’s residence in the Abzu

  Ki: “Firm Ground,” the planet Earth

  Ki-Engi: Shumer (“Land of Lofty Watchers”), the First Region of civilization

  Kingu: Tiamat’s principal satellite; Earth’s Moon after the Celestial Battle

  Kishar: Spouse of Nibiru’s fifth ruler; the planet we call Jupiter

  Kishargal: Spouse of Nibiru’s fourth ruler

  Kishi: The first City of Men in Shumer where kingship began

  Kulla: A lieutenant of Ea during the first landing

  Kunin: The biblical Kenan, son of Enshi and Noam

  Laarsa: One of the Anunnaki’s pre-Diluvial cities; reestablished after the Deluge

  Lagash: Built the same time as Laarsa, both to serve as Beacon Cities; after the Deluge, reestablished as Ninurta’s principal city

  Lahama: Spouse of Lahma

  Lahamu: The planet we call Venus

  Lahma: The eighth dynastic king on Nibiru

  Lahmu: The planet we call Mars

  Land Beyond the Seas: The Americas; settled by Ka-in’s descendants, overseen by Ninurta

  Land of the Two Narrows: The lands along the Nile River

  Landing Place: The platform for skyships and rocketships in the Cedar Mountains

  Law of the Seed: The rule giving succession precedence to a son by a half sister

  Life seed: DNA extracted from semen

  Lower Abzu: The southern tip of Africa, domain of Nergal and Ereshkigal

  Lower Sea: The body of water now called the Persian Gulf

  Lower World: The southern hemisphere, including southern Africa and Antarctica

  Lugal: Literally, “Great Man”; epithet for a chosen king

  Lulu: The genetically engineered hybrid, the Primitive Worker

  Lu-Mach: Son of Matushal and Ednat, the biblical Lamech

  Magan: Ancient Egypt

  Malalu: Son of Kunin and Mualit, the biblical Mahalalel

  Marduk: Firstborn son and legal heir of Enki and Damkina; worshiped as Ra in Egypt; jealous of his brothers, unsatisfied with Egypt alone as his domain, claimed and after exiles and wars attained supremacy on Earth from his city Babylon

  Matushal: Son of Enkime and Edinni, the biblical Methuselah

  ME: Tiny objects encoded with formulas for all aspects of science and civilization

  Meluhha: Ancient Nubia

  Mena: The king whose reign began the First Dynasty of Egyptian Pharaohs

  Mena-Nefer: Egypt’s first capital, Memphis

  Mission Control Center: In Nibru-ki (Nippur) before the Deluge, on Mount Moriah after the Deluge

  Mount Mashu: The instrument-equipped mount at the post-Diluvial Sinai spaceport

  Mount of Salvation: The peaks of Ararat, where the ark rested after the Deluge

  Mount of Showing the Way: Mount Moriah, site of post-Diluvial Mission Control Center

  Mualit: Spouse of Kunin, mother of Malalu

  Musardu: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Mushdammu: A lieutenant of Ea at the first landing

  Nabu: Son of Marduk and Sarpanit; organized human followers of Marduk

  Namtar: “Fate”; Vizier of Ereshkigal in her Lower World domain

  Nannar: Son of Enlil and Ninlil, the first Anunnaki leader to be born on Earth; patron god of Urim (Ur) and Harran; associated with the Moon; known as Sin in Akkadian; father of Utu and Inanna

  Naram-Sin: Grandson of Sargon and a successor of his as King of Shumer and Akkad

  Navel of the Earth: Epithet for the location of Mission Control Center

  Nebat: Sister-wife of the Egyptian god Satu, the one we call Nephtys

  Nergal: A son of Enki, ruler of the Lower Abzu with his spouse Ereshkigal; unleashed the nuclear weapons together with Ninurta

  Neteru: Egyptian word for gods meaning Guardian Watchers

  Nibiru: Home planet of the Anunnaki; its orbital period, a Shar, equals 3,600 Earth years; became the twelfth member of the solar system after the Celestial Battle

  Nibru-ki: The original Mission Control Center; Enlil’s city in Shumer, called Nippur in Akkadian

  Nimug: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Nimul: Mother of Ea/Enki by Anu; not being an official spouse and half sister, her son, though firstborn, lost the succession to Enlil, whose mother was Antu

  Ninagal: A son of Enki, appointed by him to navigate the boat of the hero of the Deluge

  Ninbara: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Ningal: Spouse of Nannar (Sin), mother of Inanna and Utu

  Ningirsig: A lieutenant of Ea at the first landing

  Ningishzidda: Son of Enki, master of genetics and other sciences; called Tehuti (Thoth) in ancient Egypt; went with followers to the Americas after he was deposed by his brother Marduk

  Ninguanna: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthling

  Ninharsag: Epithet of Ninmah after she was granted an abode in the Sinai peninsula

  Ninkashi: Female Anunnaki in charge of beermaking

  Ninki: Title of Damkina, Ea’s spouse, when he was entitled Enki (“Lord of Earth”)

  Ninib: Spouse of Ib, the third dynastic king on Nibiru

  Ninimma: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Ninlil: Espoused by Enlil after she forgave his date rape; Mother of Nannar and Ishkur

  Ninmada: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Ninmah: Half sister of Enki and Enlil, mother of Ninurta by Enlil; chief medical officer of the Anunnaki; helped Enki to genetically engineer the Primitive Worker; peacemaker among the rival and warring Anunnaki clans; renamed Ninharsag

  Ninmug: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Ninshubur: Chambermaid of Inanna

  Ninsun: The Anunnaki mother of Gilgamesh

  Ninurta: Enlil’s Foremost son, mothered by Enlil’s half sister Ninmah, and his legal successor; battled with Anzu, who seized the Tablets of Destinies, and with Marduk; found the alternative sources for gold and established alternative space facilities in the Americas; patron-god of Lagash

  Nippur: Akkadian name of Nibru-ki, where the calendar of Earth years was begun in 3760 B.C.; birthplace of Ibru-Um (Abraham)

  Nisaba: Goddess of writing and measuring

  Noam: Sister-wife of Enshi, mother of Kunin

  North Crest: Abode of Enlil in the Cedar Mountains

  North Wind: One of Nibiru’s satellite-moons

  Nudimmud: An epithet for Ea meaning He Who Fashions Things; the planet Neptune

  Nungal: Pilot of spacecraft

  Nusku: Enlil’s vizier and emissary

  Olden Times: The period that began with the first landing and ended with the Deluge

  Place of Celestial Chariots: Spaceport of the Anunnaki

  Plant of Being Young Again: The secret rejuvenation plant found by Gilgamesh

  Plant of Life: Used by Enki’s robotic emissaries to revive Inanna

  Primitive Worker: The first genetically engineered Earthling

  Primordial Begetter: “Apsu”—the Sun—in the creation cosmogony

  Prior Times: The period of events on Nibiru before the missions to Earth

  Ptah: Enki’s name in Egypt; meaning “the Developer,” it commemorates his deeds in raising the land from under the Flood’s waters

  Pulser: Instrument used, together with the Emitter, to revive the dead

  Ra: The Egyptian name for Marduk, meaning the Bright One

  Sarpanit: An Earthling, the spouse of Marduk, mother of Nabu

  Sati: Third son of Adapa and Titi (the biblical Seth)

  Satu: Son of Marduk and Sarpanit, the Egyptian god known as Seth

  Scorcher: Epithet for Ninurta in his role in the use of nuclear weapons

  Second Region: Egypt and Nubia when they were granted

  Seed of life: The genetic material encoding all life-forms, DNA

  Shamash: Akkadian name for Utu

  Shamgaz: A leader of the Igigi and instigator of the abduction of Earthling females

  Shar: One orbital period of Nibiru around the Sun, equal to 3,600 Earth years

  Sharru-kin: The first king of unified Shumer and Akkad, the one we call Sargon I Shem: The eldest son of the hero of the Deluge

  Shumer: Land of the Watchers, the First Region of post-Diluvial civilization; Sumer

  Shurubak: Healing center of Ninmah from before the Deluge and reestablished thereafter

  Sin: The Akkadian name for Nannar

  Sippar: The spaceport city in pre-Diluvial times commanded by Utu; his cult center after the Deluge

  Skybirds: Aircraft of the Anunnaki for flying in Earth’s skies

  Snow-hued place: Antarctica

  South Wind: A satellite-moon of Nibiru

  Storm Bird: Ninurta’s aerial battlecraft

  Sud: A nurse; also the epithet-name for Ninlil before she became Enlil’s spouse

  Suzianna: One of seven birth mothers of the first Earthlings

  Tablets of Destinies: Devices used in Mission Control Center to track and control orbits and trajectories; later on, a record of unalterable decisions

  Tehuti: Egyptian name for Ningishzidda as “Thoth,” the god of science and knowledge

  Third Region: Domain allotted to Inanna; the Indus Valley civilization

  Tiamat: Primordial planet that broke up in the Celestial Battle, giving rise to the Asteroid Belt and to the Earth

  Ti-Amat: Wife of Adamu; first Earthling female able to procreate

  Tilmun: “Land of the Missiles,” the Fourth Region in the Sinai peninsula

  Tirhu: Oracle priest in Nippur, Ur, and Harran (the biblical Terah, father of Abraham)

  Titi: Spouse of the first Civilized Man, Adapa, mother of Ka-in and Abael

  Udbar: Father of the scribe Endubsar

  Ulmash: A lieutenant of Ea at the first landing

  Unug-ki: City built for Anu’s visit, granted by him to Inanna; later called Uruk (the biblical Erech); throne-city of Gilgamesh and other demigods

  Upper Plain: Area in northern Mesopotamia where the descendants of Arpakad dwelt

  Upper Sea: The Mediterranean Sea

  Ur: Akkadian name for Urim; the rulers of Shumer and Akkad when the nuclear calamity happened are known as kings of the Third Dynasty of Ur; the biblical “Ur of the Chaldees” from which Abraham migrated to Harran


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