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Running Wild (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 1)

Page 5

by Marie Fraser

  Her life back home was quite simpler than the one Jason lived in the city. She had a routine which didn’t allow her much free time to expand her hobbies and passions.

  “You must cook some dishes for me. I love adding in different cuisines.” Jason said and Aiyana laughed.

  “I’m not sure our food will be up to par for your restaurant.” Aiyana said, feeling self-conscious.

  “I don’t agree.” Jason said, rolling his eyes, ill at ease with her.

  “After all, you are the sous chef at the restaurant.” Jason teased. “I’m sure we can learn a lot from you.”

  “Why did you go for that profession?” Aiyana asked, confused.

  It seemed very random.

  “Because my sous chef recently quit and it made sense to use that vacancy.” Jason clarified and shrugged.

  “Do you need help in the kitchen?” Aiyana queried, wanting to help out.

  “I do but I don’t think you will want to work with me.” Jason laughed.

  “Try me.” Aiyana said, confidently.

  Jason gave her a look she didn’t want to label for it came close to awe. She saw some calculation happening in his head as he tried to decide what to do.

  “Alright, welcome on board.” Jason said.

  Chapter 7:

  Jason felt like his life had changed completely all of a sudden. He was no longer the sad, whiny version of himself which he had turned into after his break up with Jessica. No, he was back to his more confident and relaxed state, where nothing affected him as much as it did a week ago.

  Aiyana had been staying with him for four days now, four days which had gone by unnoticeably because of the comfort between them. Jason didn’t feel any sort of awkwardness with her and in return she was also open and friendlier than she had been back in the hospital. They had talked a lot about their lives and she had told him about her mother and how her father had died.

  She had told him about her simple life and job, but to Jason, Aiyana was a very intriguing person. There was a rustic aura that surrounded her and made her feel different than all the woman Jason had ever met. Yes, he was beginning to develop feelings for her. They were strong feelings, quite stronger than the ones he had felt for Jessica even when they had started dating. Jason didn’t know if Aiyana felt the same and did not want to make things awkward between them by telling her about his feelings.

  She was only a guest in his life, a temporary tenant, who was soon going to leave to go back to their own life. Jason didn’t want to think this, but there truly was a possibility of Aiyana only staying with Jason and being friendly because they were stuck in a mess with the financial aspect of her time in the hospital. Jason knew she was going to leave and go back home to be with her real family once the documents were signed and sent back to the hospital.

  Jason was trying to enjoy what little time he had with her, even if just as friends. Even though he had just met her and was still getting to know her, Jason could surely say she was a gem of a person. There was a sort of magic within her that made him want to be closer to her.

  She was staying in the guest room of his apartment and had been taking a lot of bed rest. Today, finally, Aiyana was going to come to the restaurant with him. He hadn’t ever felt this nervous about showing someone his life’s work, not even Jessica.

  He wanted Aiyana’s approval and wanted her to like his work. She had offered to help him out at the restaurant and Jason had made himself promise to let her work however she wanted instead of taking charge of the situation like he was known to.

  He dressed up for the day, putting on dark blue jeans and a beige V-neck shirt before heading out of his room and knocked on Aiyana’s door. She came out of the bedroom, with her raven hair wet, dressed in a floral dress. Rachel had returned from the trip two days ago and had made it her personal mission to take Aiyana shopping for clothes for the time she was going to be staying here.

  Jason had to suppress himself from staring at her too much but with the morning sunlight falling on her face, she looked so beautiful.

  Jason did have one nagging thought that made him feel unsure about her.

  Why was she not going back home? Not that Jason had any problem with it and he wasn’t thinking of her as a suspicious person or someone who was up to no good. It was just one of those things he couldn’t understand and didn’t want to understand as it seemed too complicated.

  That was the only thought that seemed like a con, the possibility of Aiyana having a past she wanted to hide or any other involvement which Jason did not know about.

  Jason put down a plate of breakfast for her, he had picked up what her favorites were during conversations and hence had prepared an egg shakshouka for her by waking up early in the morning. He knew how much it sucked to be away from home for too long and wanted to make this phase as easy for her as possible.

  “This is so tasty.” Aiyana said, eating the breakfast.

  “I’m glad you liked it.” Jason said, grinning. “Are you excited about going out today?”

  Aiyana had mentioned feeling frustrated because of staying in bed as she was an outdoor person and didn’t like staying in a place, holed up for days.

  “Yes.” Aiyana told him, gleefully.

  Jason had realized one thing about her. She was a woman of few words and instead spoke with her eyes. Her face remained neutral most of the time and her words were never revealing too much. Yet, her eyes and the life in them always gave her away.

  “I was thinking maybe we could go somewhere after work. I would love to show you around town.” Jason said, shyly.

  He had thought of this idea last night in bed as he lay and thought of Aiyana. He wanted to take her out but didn’t want to make her feel obligated.

  “I would love to.” Aiyana said, smiling kindly.

  Jason high fived himself internally, glad she had accepted his offer.

  They finished breakfast and headed out of his apartment. Jason opted to walk to the restaurant to show Aiyana the way and the city instead of taking his car. After an interesting walk throughout which Aiyana was easily distracted by the many attractions around her, they finally reached the restaurant.

  Jason tried to think of the best way to introduce her to the team and decided it was best to go with her being an old friend. This would make sure no one asked too many questions.

  They walked in and Jason showed her around, pointing out the different areas in the restaurant. They were closed during lunch time however Jason preferred having his team present morning onwards as it allowed them to coordinate perfectly and prepare for the night crowd. His restaurant was a cozy and comfortable one but the work that went on in the kitchen was methodical and classic. Everything was supposed to be a certain way and Jason didn’t like things changing.

  He didn’t even like people moving any table around before letting him know about it.

  “So, what do you think?” Jason asked Aiyana after they had completed their tour of the restaurant and were now back in his office next to the kitchen while his team prepared for their morning briefing.

  “It’s wonderful. You have good taste.” Aiyana told him and Jason’s ego lifted.

  He went out of his office, along with Aiyana as Rachel joined them too.

  “Hi.” Rachel said, hugging Aiyana warmly.

  They had grown quite close in the past four days after getting over the initial shock of their interaction right before Aiyana had gotten in to the accident. Jason liked that Rachel and Aiyana were getting along so well. Rachel herself had also discussed this with Jason who had talked to her about his feelings. Jason didn’t mind telling Rachel anything as she was always supportive of him in every way possible.

  She had been so glad to hear of Jason going head over heels and had reassured him that these feelings were real and had nothing to do with his hurt from his past with Jessica. Jason had accepted this and was now much more confident about his feelings for Aiyana.

  He had made one decision though. Even th
ough he was taking her out tonight, Jason had promised himself that he would not try to encourage a relationship between them until the mess with the hospital was sorted out and dealt with. He didn’t want to make things more complicated, considering Aiyana lived far away from his own house. He wanted to see how things would progress once the hospital was dealt with and out of the equation. This reminded him to call the hospital and he made a mental note to that later.

  Jason turned to ask Rachel and Aiyana to quiet down and then began his morning briefing.

  “The usual crowd is expected tonight. I assume you’re all prepared for it and I won’t have to deal with any mess ups.” Jason said, looking at one of the waiters who were known to mess up the orders.

  “I’d like to introduce you all to a new addition to our team. This is Chef Aiyana, she will be working with us for a while and will help us improve our menu.” Jason announced as everyone clapped for Aiyana.

  “What do you want to do first?” Jason asked Aiyana as everyone moved to start their own work for the day.

  Every day, Jason would wake up in the morning and send out a revised menu plan to the staff which would be prepared for the night. This way, the discussion time was saved and everything was planned beforehand.

  “I will watch and observe.” Aiyana said, gesturing for him to continue with his work.

  Jason nodded and headed towards his station to carve the rack of lamb and prepare the chops for marinating. He kept watching Aiyana and what she was doing. She moved over to stand next to him eventually and Jason finally asked,

  “Any suggestions?” Jason asked her.

  “You’re doing it wrong.” Aiyana said and caught Jason off guard.

  No one had ever said that to him and Jason felt offended.

  “Pardon?” Jason asked, cocking his eye brow.

  “I wouldn’t do it this way.” Aiyana added and moved his hand away from the meat and took over.

  She began cutting down the lamb and carving it, going at twice the speed Jason was going and doing a much better job. Jason did like her technique but his chagrin over being told he wasn’t doing something right was blinding his rationale state.

  “See, much cleaner this way.” Aiyana said, not noticing his bad mood.

  “I don’t think that’s a good way to do it. Besides, I have a degree for a reason.” Jason said, cockily.

  Aiyana gave him a confused look as he took the knife from her hand and turned his attention back to the work. She stood silently for a little while before moving away. Jason didn’t dare look up, realizing slowly how rude he had been. When he did find the courage to look up, he saw that Aiyana was gone.

  He washed his hands and went to Rachel’s office, hoping to find Aiyana there. Much to his disappointment, she wasn’t there and Jason panicked. Had he upset her too much? After all, she had only been present because he had asked her for help and now he had gone on and ruined everything with his ego.

  He picked up his coat and raced out of the restaurant, for once not giving a shit about it and headed towards home. He rang the bell and sighed in relief when she opened the door. However, the hurt expression in her eyes made his feel guilty and he stayed silent as they headed inside.

  “I want to go home. Please send me the documents when they come to you, I will sign them and send them back as quickly as possible.” Aiyana said, sourly.

  “Aiyana, I…” Jason tried to find the right words to use to apologize to her, knowing he had been a jack ass.

  “Please do not try to talk to me. I was only doing what you asked me to.” Aiyana said, hurt.

  “I know and I am so sorry.” Jason said, regretfully.

  “I want to go back.” Aiyana said, not giving in.

  “I, I don’t want you to go.” Jason gulped, the anxiety seeping into his chest and causing him pain.

  “What do you mean?” Aiyana asked, softly.

  “I think I’m falling for you.” Jason said, his voice a faint whisper between them.

  There was silence for a second as Aiyana met his eyes and a smile graced her lips. That was the only confirmation Jason needed as he strode towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist before their lips met in the sweetest kiss he had ever experienced.

  Chapter 8:

  Aiyana woke up in the morning, wrapped around Jason’s body with his arms placed on her. She sighed, nuzzling his chest as the memories of the previous night flooded her mind.

  *** *** ***

  The two of them had embraced and wrapped their arms around each other tightly. Jason buried his face in her neck, kissing her there repeatedly. Aiyana pulled away, and kissed Jason on the lips. The sweetness of their feelings mingled with their breaths and changed the mood.

  The door slammed shut behind them, as they made their way to the bedroom while stuck to each other. On the way, Jason pulled her shirt off while she unbuttoned his. After pushing her onto the bed, Jason had to take a moment to admire just how incredible she looked.

  Her upper body was bare, revealing round and plump breasts, her frame slimmer than any he had seen.

  As he took off his vest, Aiyana quickly got up on her knees, and then bent down to get on all fours, all the while looking straight into his eyes with kitten eyes.

  Having taken his pants and boxers off, she wrapped her hand around his hard erection, making his body thrust, and then started stroking it. She kissed the tip, and then pulled away, after which she slurped her tongue inside her mouth, as if savoring the taste.

  And immediately after that, she circled her tongue around the head of his penis, and took it into her mouth, taking it further in until her lips touched her hand that was wrapped around it. She felt precum falling out of his tip, the taste of it making her want to take him even further in.

  Jason’s’ moaning got loader and louder, as he gathered her hair into a bunch, and pulled it slightly with one hand, so as to reveal her face, and help her bob her head back and forth. His other hand slid downward and grabbed her breast, making her moan as well.

  Aiyana was surprising herself by the things she was doing, having never thought that she had it in her to perform this well in bed, but something about being alone in a room with him made her feel different about herself, feeling a strong desire to give herself to him.

  “That’s so good.” Jason kept saying repeatedly, as Aiyana kept getting wilder with her licks and her sucking became harder. She increased her pace, getting his dick as hard as a rock. With her hands, she started playing with his balls, rubbing them between her fingers, pressing them slightly. At one point she licked his shaft from top to bottom, and then going further down, took his testicle into her mouth and sucked on it.

  Suddenly, she pulled away, and with a wide smile on her face, started licking his penis all over, small quick licks, each of them making his dick pulsate.

  He lifted her up from the shoulders, and with one hand on the back of her neck pulling her close, kissed her hard on the lips, burying his tongue inside her mouth. Her taste intrigued him a lot, and he could smell his own conditioner in her hair.

  He pushed her back on the bed, rather roughly this time, making her smile and started kissing her stomach, moving upward while taking her skirt off with his hands. In a pattern of lick, kiss, lick, kiss, he reached her breasts, and sucked on their deliciousness.

  His hands took off her panties, and reached for her mound, pressing her clit. Aiyana was enjoying how he was treating her and spread her legs for him. Noticing this, he moved upward and putting his hands on hers, pinned her down on the bed, licked her neck, and started grinding into her pussy with his rock-hard cock.

  As he was doing this, she found herself clenching for him, and bit his ear. He bit into her neck as she did this, and with one hand placed his erection at her entrance.

  Jason couldn’t believe this was happening, she was reminding him so much of Jessica, yet at the same time, she was so different. Jessica had been drama and rough dirty sex. Aiyana had so much more life in her, and
there was exploration, excitement, laughs.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and picked her up to set her on all fours. He ran his fingers over her skin, bringing it close to her ass and then bent down and kissed her on the butt before he slapped it. He licked her there for a while to erase the sting of his hand, making her feel sensations she had never felt before.

  She put her hands on the bed-stand and arched her back, getting into stance for him to enter her. He placed his dick at her entrance, and started entering her slowly, watching her body stretch around him.

  He started moving her body back and forth, while thrusting so himself, and slowly his hands started roaming around her body. They went to her back, to her neck, and then he reached out for her hair.

  “Yes. Yes.” She moaned, as he made a bunch with her hair and held onto it, starting to ram her harder and faster.

  “Aiyana.” Jason moaned, going rougher.

  She was overwhelmed with pleasure already and had no idea what the orgasm was going to do to her.

  Jason wanted this to last so he slowed down a little bit, flexing his hips and going in circles, and then suddenly, he pulled his dick out till the tip.

  “Oh yes Jason.” She moaned louder and louder, moving her body back and forth herself now, feeling his balls hitting her.

  He pounded harder, not letting go and instead making her feel higher and higher, closer to the end.

  “I’m close.” Aiyana said with her voice breaking because of the moans coming out of her, pleasure spreading through all her body.

  Suddenly, her body became stiff as she tightened around him. “Jason.” was the last thing she muttered before her body collapsed on the bed. He stood up with his hands on her back and continued thrusting into her until her orgasm was over.

  Something overcame Jason in that moment, and getting a firm grip of her waist, he started pounding fast and hard, and slowly he felt something rising from his groin. He came inside her hard and fell on the side next to her, breathing deeply.


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