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Enduring (Family Justice Book 8)

Page 35

by Suzanne Halliday

  They were fooling around, mugging jokes, and making general mayhem when Tori noticed Remy was missing. She looked for her and found the raven-haired beauty on the side of the stage talking to Grey.

  “What’s that all about?” Angie asked.

  Tori murmured, “Dunno.”

  Parker swept into their midst with an armload of socks and boots. The men hurried to add some dignity to their wardrobe situation.

  She glanced at Finn. He was frozen in place about ten feet from the stage—just watching.

  Grey and Barry pushed the piano into place and whispered with Remy. She nodded and touched each man on the arm.

  Tori’s curiosity was piqued. Within seconds, everyone’s attention shifted, and silence fell.

  Something important was up. She could feel it.

  Chapter 18

  Finn wasn’t sure what was happening. Domineau walked up behind him. Her voice was as confused as he felt.


  “I don’t know,” he replied.

  “Oh, shit,” she mumbled. “Remy. What are you doing?”

  Rafe took her hand and walked them back—he supposed to give Finn space. For what he did ‘t know.

  Alex and Meghan asked him if everything was okay. He didn’t answer. All he could do was hold his breath. She’d already come with so many surprises that he wasn’t sure what she could possibly have left.

  The beauty in white sat on the piano bench and stared at the keys for a moment. Then she swept her waterfall of hair behind her shoulders.

  “Please God,” he whispered. “Help me. And help her.”

  After a long-hushed minute, she looked straight at him. Her expression was difficult to read, but he saw her resolve and nodded his understanding. Whatever this was, she had to do it. And he knew without hesitation that it would cost her. Big time.

  Her fingers moved across the keyboard. At first, he couldn’t place the song, but then he remembered what it was. She had it on a playlist. He’d been intrigued by the tune and asked Siri to identify it.

  “The Sun is Rising.” Britt Nicole. The lyrics were intense. He gulped when the meaning of this song, at this time and in this place, hit him.

  No one moved. He heard several muttered exclamations. He wasn’t the only one who understood the lyrics.

  Midway through, she changed the words. The phoenix rises.

  He started to tremble and shake. All his life, brave men had surrounded him—cops, first responders, soldiers—but he’d never seen anything that came close to the soul-searing courage Remy displayed.

  Her spirit awed him. Would he show her kind of guts if the situation were reversed? He didn’t think so.

  As the song neared the end, Domineau sobbed quietly in Rafe’s arms. The whole group moved in close. It felt like they all breathed as one. He felt their incredible love and drew it in. He’d need it when she fell apart.

  The last notes faded. She stopped—her hands in midair above the keys. He drew in a sharp breath. She looked so fragile in the spotlight.

  And then she dropped her head into her hands and started crying. Her shoulders shook. Meghan was shoving his shoulder.

  “Hurry, Finn. Go to her.”

  He vaulted onto the stage and scooped her off the piano bench. She was shaking uncontrollably. The sound broke his heart and gave him hope at the same time. She’d made it to the other side. He was so damn proud of her that there were no words.

  He walked with her in his arms and headed for his private office. Barry scurried to open doors and clear the way—all without saying a word.

  They moved like zombies—gathering stuff and helping the guys reset Pete’s. Tables were shifted, and chairs dragged. It was all normal after-show activity, only happening in a surreal haze and near total silence.

  Roman was watching Kelly from across the room. She didn’t acknowledge the attention—not while her emotions practiced for a gymnastics medal. To be honest, it was all she could do to keep moving and act normal.

  Taking her cues from Heather, Kelly put her head down and took care of business. There would be plenty of opportunity later for a debrief—now was not the time.

  She was stacking dishes on a tray before hauling it into the kitchen for washing when a hand brushed her shoulder.

  “Don’t worry. We’ll make sure she’s okay.”

  Heather’s voice, while calm, betrayed what they all must have been thinking. Remy’s meltdown had been a long time coming, but that didn’t make it any easier to witness.

  Nobody really knew what her deal was.

  Well, she thought, maybe that isn’t entirely true. Domineau definitely knew. So did Meghan—and that was enough for the rest of them. It didn’t take a research firm to figure out that Remy’s past held something evil and twisted. Every female’s worst nightmare was a safe bet.

  When she didn’t respond, Heather drew her aside and pushed her into a booth.


  Her eyes searched for Roman. He was talking to Cam but had her in his sight.

  She asked, “Are you wearing your counseling hat?”

  Heather snickered. “Actually,” she drawled, “it’s a chapeau. Very stylish.”

  Unthinking and on autopilot, Kelly reached for a napkin and mechanically started making origami for no reason except that her hands were trembling and it seemed smart to keep them busy.

  “Hey,” Heather murmured. “Talk to me. What’s going on in your head?”

  She sat back with a harsh grunt and met Heather’s gaze.

  “Why? Why Remy? Or my mother? What the fuck, Heather? I can’t wrap my mind around these things. Are men just inherently bad?”

  Her friend’s sigh was pained. “It’s understandable that you’d feel confusion. Frankly, sweets, the world of men is not something your upbringing prepared you for.”

  “Yeah, true but being isolated and cut off was only part of it. My mother was a nightmare on her best days, and on her worst, well, you can guess. I learned early on not to trust anyone. And to keep my head on a swivel. It’s a wonder I didn’t shoot Roman’s head off when he trespassed. On the mountain, we didn’t blink at running somebody off the property.”

  “I suppose you’re lucky then. That the universe was paying attention. If a man had to invade your world and shake things up, at least it was someone upstanding like Roman.”

  She nodded but inside her head, a swirl of troubling thoughts shredded her nerves.

  “Remy wasn’t so lucky, huh?”

  Heather grimaced and shook her head. “It doesn’t appear that way. But she has Finn. And Jace. That has to count for something.”

  “Roman wants to get married in the spring.” She said the words quickly. Bluntly.

  Heather’s face registered surprise. And then understanding. “Don’t let what happened here mess with your head. Talk to your man, Kelly. Everyone does not come with a rating label, but these guys? The Justice boys? They are the real deal.”

  Reaching across the table, Heather took her hand and squeezed gently. “Justice will save Remy. It’s okay to worry about our friends but have faith. She’s here for a reason. Finn is also here for a reason. Two more unlikely people coming together can barely be imagined, but there you have it. The way I see it, they need each other. She needs a guy she can trust enough to be honest with—it’s the only way for her to move forward.”

  “And Finn?”

  “He needs her too. It’s taken some time, but Finn finally crawled out from under the cloud of suspicion and dislike he arrived with. People barely remember the troublemaking shit he was at first. But that part of him still exists. He proved his worth to those who matter. Now he has to do the same for himself. Remy’s faith will fulfill Finn. Through her, he’ll find his way.”

  “You’re very wise,” she muttered.

  “Kelly,” Heather somberly said. “Despite plenty of evidence to the contrary, I believe in people’s ability to be kind and good. Brody is the reason for my survival. It’s no secre
t that life handed me a container ship crammed full of stinky lemons. He didn’t try the lemonade approach. None of these guys would. They’ve been to the other side and know that blowing sunshine up someone’s ass is stupid. They face shit head-on and make sure there’s a safety net.”

  “Please look after her, okay? I need to know that someone is on it.”

  “I’ll miss you,” Heather grumbled. “Are you sure that New York is where you’re supposed to be?”

  Her habit of snorting at the oddest times came in handy at a moment like this.

  “New York is where Roman is supposed to be.”

  “Just like Arizona is where Brody was destined to drop anchor.”

  They nodded together.

  “Are you going to be okay, Kelly? I wish we could all travel east with you and help get you guys settled.”

  “While I appreciate the thought and love you for it, I think moving into an actual house and making it our home is a challenge I have to conquer. Life is handing me a clean slate to makeover however I want. This one is on me.”

  Heather smiled. “I think you’re the one who is wise.”

  She snickered and snorted. “You say that now but just wait till we have to actually leave. Being wise isn’t going to mean squat if Matty and Bella start boo-hooing.”

  “Brody and I expect blowback. Those two are closer than close. I’ve noticed recently that Bella, who normally takes care of everyone else—adults included—behaves the exact opposite with Matty. He’s the little man in charge. Domineau calls him Papacito. Bella eats it up.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty deep.”

  “Keep an eye on that one.” Heather laughed. “Borrowing some of Parker’s lingo, Brody and I think young Matthew is padawan alpha. An apprentice, if you will. Rafe calls him Roman junior.”

  A burble of laughter built in her throat. “Oh, dear god. I never looked at it that way, but you’re right. You should see him with Sam and Liam. They have this ridiculous boy’s club mentality that Roman relies on to keep things interesting.”

  “Men.” Heather chuckled.

  Roman was less than five feet away when Heather made her remark. Watching him stride toward them had been pure pleasure. He moved with a confidence and masculine grace that reached out and grabbed her.

  “Interrogation 101, ladies. Learning to recognize derision and disparagement. Dealing men as a group such a derogatory hand sucks balls.”

  “But I thought manly men liked female slander?” Heather replied with wide-eyed innocence. “Isn’t that your cue to get all chest thumpy and arrogant?”

  He swept a hand in front of Heather’s face and suggested she see if Brody needed help.

  Rising, she kissed his cheek and whispered something Kelly couldn’t hear.

  Looking at her, she offered a smile. “Today was a win, Kelly. It’s not always a bad thing when something so positive ends on a somber note. Think of it as a reminder to take the good with the suck. You two take care of each other and that boy of yours. That’s what matters. We’ll talk again before you leave.”

  She strode off and left her alone with Roman.

  “Are you ready to head out?” he asked.

  Around them, the heavy atmosphere was lifting and laughter returning. Rafe and Cam were fake sparring by the front door as Domineau and Lacey fake attempted to separate them. It was the usual Justice farce. She smiled.

  The gleam in Roman’s eyes caught her attention.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  He grinned. “Seriously? Look down,” he told her.

  Like a clueless idiot she did as he asked and immediately realized why he was laughing.

  “Oh, right. I forget about the costume.” She straightened and gave the girls a little shake. “You like?”

  Roman’s amused laugh held a warmth that made her tremble. “Hell yeah, I like. Planning to fuck you in the car so get ready.”

  If she hadn’t been sitting in a booth, she might have fallen down laughing.

  “Be blunt, why don’t you?” she groused. “The least you could do is pretend to be a gentleman instead of leering at me like a hundred-dollar steak.”

  “Hundred dollars?” he barked. “Baby, get real. Those tits,” he drawled. “That ass? Your pussy? Try priceless on for size.”

  Without missing a beat, she lowered her gaze and inspected his crotch for visible signs of arousal. She wasn’t disappointed.

  With a sly smile, she put her hands under the table and slipped off a bracelet that she dropped on the bench seat. Scooting on the leather, she got to the end and slid off. Tugging on the bottom of her corset, she arranged her Moulin Rouge outfit for maximum effect. Roman didn’t miss a thing. He even helped adjust the garter on her upper thigh.

  He stepped back and subjected her to a very deliberate once-over. He held his elbow out for her to slip her arm around. “Ready, m’lady?”

  She faked him out by almost taking his arm before squeaking with a jerk. “Oh wait, my bracelet.”

  Turning around, she bent over the bench to reach for the costume jewelry. Completely aware of what she was doing, Kelly gave a long-reaching stretch—putting one knee on the leather bench as an aid.

  She heard his growl and nearly face-planted on the bench when he boldly stepped up, gripped her waist, and ground his hard-on against her ass.

  Quickly grasping the bracelet, she stood before they went too far.

  He was on top of her when she turned around. The intensity in his gaze made heat engulf her core. It felt like she was burning up from the inside out.

  “You give very good tease, Ms. James. My hot little virgin learned fast.”

  “I have an excellent tutor,” she purred.

  “Let’s roll. If we don’t, it doesn’t matter who’s standing around ’cause you’ll be lap dancing on my dick.”

  Did she have any goddamn idea how fucking hot she was? Roman didn’t think so. Not when her whole attitude was clueless innocence.

  For someone his age, who had been through and done the things he had, his response when she deliberately taunted him with her ass was inconceivable.

  But that was what Kelly brought to his life. A whole raft of inconceivable shit.

  He was amused when she bent over and found her flirty teasing cute. Then she put one knee on the bench, and his body went into overdrive. In naughty stilettos and wearing provocative stripper attire, when her ass tilted, and she bent farther, he had to rub against her. Had to. She needed to understand the fire she was fanning.

  After tossing fuck knows what into the back of his SUV—he didn’t care and was just anxious to get on the road—Roman started mentally tapping his foot and checking his watch as the girls said their good-byes.

  When Kelly came back to his side, he kissed her forehead. Alex and Meghan strolled up to them. As usual, the Major came off like an old-school gentleman with his lovely wife on his arm. The only thing was, he was shirtless, and she was dressed like a tart.

  They shook hands and said good night. It was all very civilized and crap your drawers funny. He watched them stroll away and laughed at the rear view.

  Rafe and Domineau were next. Kelly and the Amazon queen giggled for a minute while he and his giant, bald friend looked on with smiles. Then, because why not, Domineau cartwheeled across the parking lot in her outrageous skintight circus mistress outfit.

  Stephanie and Calder came through the door and caught the tail end of this performance.

  “I’ll walk, thanks,” Stephanie drawled.

  He and Calder exchanged looks and shook hands.

  Then the guy grabbed Kelly in a hug and said something that made her laugh. She slugged his arm and shoved him after Stephanie.

  A shriek and a scream preceded Sinjin bursting from Pete’s into the parking lot with Tori slung over his shoulder.

  Kelly laughed and scolded Drae, reminding him to go easy on the new mommy.

  Her high spirits turned to awe when Lacey Cameron sashayed from the building w
ith a slut strut that deserved a standing ovation. Roman shook his head—disbelieving the outrageous vamp walk he was witnessing from the normally modest woman. Kelly just stood there, gaping.

  The best part was when Jason appeared. There were all sorts of fancy words to describe the guy’s behavior, but the most accurate depiction Roman could come up with was a knuckle-dragging caveman. The man was practically on his knees behind her, salivating as she and her naughty hips rocked and rolled.

  Brody slapped Roman on the shoulder as he passed and didn’t let Heather slow down to say good-bye. She gave them a yikes face, waved, and scrambled to keep up.

  Parker hollered at them to hold the door open and then out he swept with an angelic looking Angie cradled in his arms.

  “Toodles,” she called out. “Kelly, you were great!”

  And then it got quiet. Barry stood at the open door and waited for everyone to get in their cars.

  As she got settled, Roman suddenly grumbled. “Hold on. What happened to Sophie and Jace?”

  Kelly’s hand touched his leg. All she said was “Remy.”

  Oh, right. Shit. He closed her door and rounded the car. Before climbing behind the wheel, he looked back at the entrance to Pete’s and waved to Barry.

  When he was strapped in and ready to put the vehicle in gear, he looked at his young lover. She eyed him with lascivious interest and twirled a curl around one finger.

  “Don’t drive over the speed limit, big guy, but hurry, okay?”

  They drove off into the darkness to enjoy their last night in Arizona. This time tomorrow, they’d be on a late flight headed to New York City for the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.

  “Should I go in there? I should, right? Or, no. Which is it? No, I should go,” Finn mumbled.

  Jace’s hand came out and grabbed his arm. “No. Sit down. You’re making me dizzy.”

  He checked his watch but couldn’t make sense of what he saw. “How long have they been in there? Do you think she’s all right?”

  “Finn, sit down,” Jace grumbled. “It hasn’t been that long. Chill, man. Sophia will ask for help if she needs it.”


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