Love in the Mix

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Love in the Mix Page 6

by Lucy Darling

  “She’s not giving me a chance.” I look over to my sister-in-law. The only woman in my life I can ask for advice.

  “She’s shy and you King men are bigger than life.” She licks her fingers clean. “I wouldn't have dated you.”

  “I’m glad I don’t have to kill my brother,” Ethan says as he strolls into the room. He easily picks Amelia up, sitting her in his lap.

  “He’s so smitten. He can’t stop staring at her.” They talk like I’m not sitting right here.

  “Good. I’ve been telling him to find a woman for a while. He needs to settle down.”

  “One woman,” Amelia adds in.

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “I mean that’s what everyone says. That you’re a ladies man. Playboy?” She looks to Ethan. “Isn’t that the term?”

  “No idea what a playboy is. Sounds disgusting.”

  Amelia laughs, giving him a kiss. “Good answer.” Amelia beams at my brother. He moves her blond hair from off her shoulder, kissing her neck. Again, jealousy settles into my stomach wanting what they have. I’ve seen them do this so many times. But this is the first time I’ve ever felt jealous of it.

  “I’ve never brought a woman around.” I’m a little shocked that Amelia thinks I’m a playboy. Have the tabloids really made it that bad? She knows me, for fuck’s sake.

  “No, playboys go from one girl to the next. I’ve never seen you serious with anyone so…” She shrugs.

  “I don’t sleep around.” I grit my teeth. Not because I’m mad at her but because if she thinks that, then there isn’t a chance in hell that Alyssa isn’t thinking the same fucking thing.

  “Sleeping around would take time away from work,” my brother chimes in.

  “True.” Amelia looks like she’s thinking it over.

  “I work in clubs. It doesn't mean I’m partying all night. It’s my job. If I was a playboy, I’d admit it. I own my shit.”

  “I’m teasing you.” Amelia smacks my shoulder. “I was just trying to see how worked up you’d get so I know how serious you are about her. She’s a sweetheart. I promise I know you’re not like that.”

  “How do I get her to see that shit that's written about me isn't real?”

  Alyssa’s gaze flicks my way. I don’t turn away and try and pretend I wasn't staring at her. We all know I am. I wish I could hear what she’s saying to her friend. I need a little insight here. She gives her friend, Neily, a hug.

  “Prove it to her. Give her time to see you’re not going anywhere. That you’re not some man looking for a quick lay who isn’t willing to put the work in.” I look back to my sister-in-law, who is smiling at my brother. “I know you King men know how to chase down something you want. You’re relentless.”

  “You like it when I chase you down.” Ethan pulls Amelia down to kiss him. I stand, not wanting to watch the two of them go at it. I head straight for Alyssa, who is watching her best friend go out the front door. I snag her by the waist, pulling her to me. I drop my mouth onto hers before she can protest, kissing her like I’ve been dying to all day. I kiss her until we’re both breathless.

  “Stay. Have fun with the girls. I’ll leave you be.” I kiss the tip of her nose. “For now.” I let her go, heading toward my brother’s office, in dire need of a drink. Maybe a pair of handcuffs, too, because I have no idea how I’m going to stay away from her for the next few hours.



  I can’t help but smile as all the girls laugh, holding up one sexy piece of lingerie after another. Kim, the owner of Kimmy’s Lingerie and Mia’s sister-in-law, brought goodie bags for everyone to take home. I haven't gotten the courage to peep inside of mine yet. I don’t own anything sexy.

  I’m a simple girl who enjoys underwear that fit me right and don’t go up my butt. Now that I’m seeing all of these different sexy things, I might be having a change of heart. It may have something to do with the fact that Sean has awoken something in my body. He seems to be changing a lot of things about me.

  “You giving Sean a run for his money?” Amelia sits down next to me, working on her fourth plate of food. I still have no idea where she’s putting it all.

  “I’m not running.” I was so running. She raises an eyebrow at me. “Avoiding?” I offer as another choice of words. The truth is that I’m not exactly sure what it is that I’m doing.

  “He’s a good guy,” she offers. Of course she is going to say that. He’s her brother-in-law. “I’m not just saying that. I promise. Girl code and all. You should give the man a shot. He has that King look of love in his eyes. I’ve only seen that look one other time and it was from Ethan.”

  “Give who a shot? Sean?” Kim comes over, sitting down on the other side of me. I feel like I’m being cornered. I’m going to strangle Neily when I see her. This is one of those times that I could really use her. I’m out-numbered. I need her smart mouth as a distraction and she’s run off to who knows where. “He’s in the office over there pacing back and forth like a crazy man.”

  “Is he crazy?” I look to Kim. She’s not related by blood or marriage so I’m hoping she can shed some light on exactly who Sean is.

  “Most men are when it comes to a woman they want.” She shrugs as if it’s not a big deal that Sean might be crazy. Who am I to judge anyway? I am starting to feel crazy myself with all of these feelings I’m having. I want to run to Sean and away from him at the same time. “I was shocked to see him kissing someone in the paper, though. That’s new.”

  My face heats. I’m sure I’m turning a darker shade of red than those delicious red velvet cupcakes that are almost gone. I still can’t believe someone took pictures of us together. It only goes to show you how popular Sean really is. Being in the spotlight is not something I’ve ever wanted.

  The bakery is about the extent of in the spotlight that I want to be. It’s on a much smaller scale. There aren’t paparazzi waiting to snap pictures of me at every turn. I own a normal business and live a pretty simple life. To have people watch my every move actually freaks me out. I think it has to be something about Sean that draws them in. I have to admit that I, too, used to watch him. I’m sure thousands of other woman in this city do the same. I can’t fault anyone for that.

  “I saw him with lots of women.” I try and keep the jealousy out of my voice.

  “Yeah, but I’ve never heard of him dating someone.” Kim tries to grab one of the mini cupcakes off Amelia’s plate but she smacks her hand. I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from saying maybe he doesn't date women because he only sleeps with them.

  That is definitely not something I am cut out for. I am already half in love with the man and I’ve only spent the night with him. I know if I sleep with him that there would be no going back. I have to protect myself. Running is starting to feel like my best option. For all I know this could be about the chase to Sean. I’m sure most, if not all the women throw themselves at him or are more than willing to do whatever he wants. Maybe he’s so interested in me because I’m not that way. Yet, his actions last night say differently. He could have had me. I was more than willing to sleep with him yesterday but he wanted to wait.

  “Stay out of it, Kim. Let them figure it out.” Amelia looks to me. “She is always trying to hook people up.”

  “What? I was only trying to help. Don’t act like you didn't come over here trying to meddle, too.”

  “She’s a baker. Of course I’m going to sit next to her.”

  “I can’t date anyone even if I wanted to. I just opened a new business. I don’t have time for dating.” I’m not sure if that’s a lie or not. I should focus on work. We were doing so well already that our accountant was telling us we should look into opening another location. I wasn’t so sure that was something Neily or I wanted to do.

  “Trust me, you can do it all. I own a business, have two boys and a husband that can’t keep his hands off me. With a good partner in life you can do anything.”

true,” Amelia agrees with Kim. After looking into Sean I think the man has his hands full already.

  “I think I’m going to head out.” I stand. Kim reaches down, picking up my goodie bag and handing it to me.

  “Sneak out the back.” Amelia points toward the kitchen. “If you’re trying to get out without Sean knowing.”

  “I thought you were trying to sell me on the Sean idea?” I take the bag from Kim. “Thanks.”

  “I am, but that man gave my husband a hard time about him chasing after me. I think it will do him good to get a taste of it.”

  “Thanks again for everything. If you ever need desserts again, give me a call.” I give her my card, saying my goodbyes before taking her advice and slipping out the back door. I know if I stayed and Sean got me alone, he could talk me into anything.

  The best plan of action is avoiding him. Soon he’ll lose interest and then I can get on with my life. One that includes trying not to steal peeks at him in the morning. And not being jealous if I ever see him taking some other girl home. I sigh, knowing that I’ll never be able to handle that.

  The thought makes my stomach turn. I know he told me he doesn't do that. I want to believe him so badly, but I have to be smart. Don’t men say all kinds of things to get what they want? My feet start to hurt as I make my way down the street. Snow starts to fall. I don’t see a taxi in sight, so it looks as though I’ll have to walk for a while.

  I text Neily that I’m heading home. She sends me back a thumbs-up. Which is odd because she hates when people send her that emoji. She always says it’s rude. That causes me to wonder what the heck she’s up to. She’s acted so strange since that night we went to the club. I bet Sean knows what went down. I could ask him, if I wasn’t trying to sneak away from him.

  “I’m not asking him,” I mumble to myself. That is the complete opposite of avoiding him. I stop looking down the street both ways. Still no taxis. I notice a black SUV slowly inching toward me. I turn and keep walking. I peek over my shoulder to see it is getting closer to me. I turn at the next street, the SUV doing the same. What the heck? I walk faster in these shoes that are killing my feet. If it wasn't snowing, I’d take them off and walk barefoot.

  “Are you done trying to get away?” That deep familiar voice sends goosebumps over my skin. I turn to see Sean running toward me. “It’s freezing out here.” He takes his coat off and puts it around me.

  “I’m not running. I’m going home.” All right. I am running a little.

  “Let me take you home.” He motions to the SUV I thought was following me. Now I know for sure it was. A man in a suit jumps out, opening the back passenger door for me.

  “Did you have them follow me?” I ask as I slip into the car with him. My feet are killing me and it is freezing out now that the sun has gone down.

  “You might call it following. I call it protecting what’s mine.” He clicks my seatbelt into place for me. He grabs my legs next, pulling my feet into his lap. He slips my shoes off my feet and starts to rub them.

  “Oh God, that feels good.” I can feel the heel of my foot rub against his hard-on. My whole body lights up. God, why does he have to be so sweet and so hot? He’s going to ruin me. I let my eyes fall closed as he continues rubbing my feet. I’ll worry about it tomorrow. Right now, I feel safe, taken care of. I could steal one more night with him. What could it really hurt?



  “You’re leaving?” Amber asks as I sign off on the order that just came in. It was a mundane task that someone else could have done, but I was biding my time. I had to do something to keep busy or I’d sit my ass in Alyssa’s shop all day. Something she told me I wasn't allowed to do. I decided not to push it. I had to choose my battles with her.

  She let me take her home last night. Then this morning I was back bright and early to make her breakfast while she got ready for work. At least she’d let me in. Okay, Neily was actually the one that let me in, after I told her I brought bacon. I never met a person that could resist the stuff and she was no different.

  Alyssa didn't kick me out, though, so that’s a positive sign. She sat and ate the bacon, egg and cheese sandwich I made her. One of the few things I know how to make. Sure, I could have picked up breakfast but this was about showing her I care.

  That I am in this for more than a quick fuck. If she wants me to work for it, then that’s exactly what I am going to do. I’ve never been afraid of hard work. I don’t care how long it takes me; I will make sure that Alyssa knows that she’s my one and only.

  “Is there something you need before I go?” Amber’s tone is flirty again. I give her a sharp look. This girl never learns.

  “No, there is nothing he needs.” Noah comes sliding in between Amber and me at the bar, taking the order slip from me. “Get back to the hostess stand.”

  “We aren't even open,” she snips back at him.

  “One more write-up and you’re gone,” Noah reminds her. Amber looks to me as though I’m going to help her out.

  “Noah, you don’t need write-ups anymore to fire someone. I trust your judgment.” I slap him on the shoulder before heading out, leaving one pissed-off looking Amber. Noah can deal with her.

  If my girl gets off midafternoon maybe I won’t need a second assistant after all. I’ll be cutting back my hours to be with her. I head out the front of the club. The sun blinds me as I exit. I’m not used to leaving so early. I look across the street to the small bakery.

  A pretty large line has already formed. It brings a smile to my face, knowing that my girl’s place is successful. There are a few girls that work the counter at the front of the shop while my girl creates her edible masterpieces in the back. I cross the street, heading around the back.

  When I pull on the back door of the shop, I grit my teeth when it easily opens. There should be an automatic lock when it closes. I don’t care if it’s a business. No one should be able to come in the back door unless they have a key or someone lets them in. I’ll have to make sure to get this fixed. I can’t have my girl working in these unsafe conditions.

  It looks like it needs a peephole too. I pull out my phone, sending a text to Noah to have it fixed. Alyssa can be mad at me about it tomorrow. I’ll have a new door in here before she knows what happened.

  The kitchen is empty when I step inside. I glance over toward the small office to see my girl putting her coat on. Her eyes lock with mine.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks.

  “I told you I was coming. I even asked what time you leave.” I walk over to her. She takes a step back. Usually it would bother me that she’s shying away from me, but this time it gives me the opportunity to step into her small office. I kick the door shut behind me. “I came early. Had a feeling you might try and sneak out on me after you let your head get the best of you.”

  She looks everywhere but at me because we both know I’m right. When I’m in her space she doesn't have time to let shit blur her mind about us. She overthinks when she’s all alone and I’m sure she spent all morning overthinking everything while she baked.

  I wrap my arm around her, pulling her into me. She doesn't resist, her curvy little body molding right into mine as I take her mouth in a kiss. I slip my tongue past her lips. The taste of her and frosting fill my mouth.

  Damn, this woman always tastes so damn good. With every bit of strength I have I let her go, stepping back. I pick up her knit hat off her desk, putting it on her head and making sure to cover the tops of her ears so they don’t get cold.

  “You eat anything besides sweets since I fed you?” She shakes her head no. “Then we’re going to dinner.” I hold her gloves out for her to slip her hands into.

  “It’s too early for dinner.” She licks her lips and I wonder if she tastes me on her. If she craves the taste of me as much as I crave the taste of her.

  “You can have dinner whenever you want.” I pull her from the office, heading for the backdoor.

  “Wait. Let me
tell the girls I’m leaving.” She lets my hand go, heading for the front of the shop. I follow her. The eyes of two girls behind the counter go wide when they see me come out the door with her.

  “I’m leaving,” she tells them. “I’m not sure if Neily will be back, so make sure you lock up tight.” They both nod, still staring at me. One’s mouth hangs open. I am pretty sure the other asks if I’m the guy who owns the club next door. Alyssa gets an annoyed look on her face. She turns, pushing me back through the door into the kitchen.

  “Everyone always stares at you.” She shakes her head, clearly annoyed.

  “Trust me. I get as annoyed as you,” I admit. She stops to look up at me. I can’t stop staring at her. Why would anyone look at me when she’s standing right here? When she strolled across my club the other night, I don’t think she noticed how many men stopped to turn and look at her. She was a breath of fresh air. Her beauty is natural. She doesn't have to try to be sexy, she just is.

  “Being handsome is a cross you have to bear?” She smirks. I’ll fucking take it. Annoyed is the last thing I want her to be with me.

  “If it got your attention then I’m more than willing to bear it.”



  We stand outside one of the most famous steakhouses in the city. I’m not sure how he expects to get in, since they don't open for another few hours. I’ve always wanted to eat here but I never felt like I had the right clothes to wear. I’ve looked at their menu online more than a few times. That’s another reason I haven't actually come to eat here. I couldn’t afford the menu. Not with opening a new business recently.

  “Have you heard of this place?” he asks me as he knocks on the double glass door.

  “Who hasn't heard of this place? I know they have a Crepe Cake on their menu. It’s one dessert I can’t seem to master.” I let out a sigh. I’ve tried so many times but I can never get it right.


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