Love in the Mix

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Love in the Mix Page 7

by Lucy Darling

  “I’m sure Francesco will give you a few tips before we leave tonight. I hear it’s his mom's secret recipe. Yet, something tells me he’s going to have a sweet spot for you and spill all of his secrets.”

  I look up at him, feeling a little hopeful. I am self-taught on most of my stuff. I went to culinary school but they didn't touch on everything. “You don’t think it’s rude of me to take someone else's recipe?”

  “I have no doubt that you would change a few things and make it your own.” This is true. A moment later a tall brunette answers the door, letting us in. She takes my hand, pulling me inside the fancy restaurant.

  “Sean! It’s been too long.” She goes in for a hug, but Sean pulls me in closer to him, cutting her off. He’s using me as a human shield against the woman.

  “I texted Francesco about a table.”

  Her eyes flick over to me. “What’s the special occasion? A business meeting?” Of course that’s what she would think this is. I am not dressed for a meeting with someone like Sean, let alone a restaurant like this one.

  “No, this is my fiancée. She got off work early and wanted something to eat. So I thought I’d take her to the best restaurant in town.”

  The woman looks over to me again, taking in my appearance. The disbelief is clear on her face. “You’re engaged?” She half shouts. Her eyes go back to Sean.

  I look up at Sean, having no idea what he's talking about. We are so not engaged. I'm pretty sure this is our first date. Wait, it’s not even a date. It’s only dinner.

  Well, at least that's what I’ve been telling myself anyway. It is two friends going out for a casual bite to eat at a very fancy, exclusive restaurant. No big deal and definitely not a date.

  “She’s the girl from the paper.” The woman looks at me again. My whole face flushes, feeling a little embarrassed that my first kiss was all over the gossip blogs in our city.

  “Marol. Can you show us to our table?” He cuts her off, clearly done with the conversation. She hands us the menu, turning and half stomping off before Sean can finish his sentence.

  “See? Every girl is trying to get your attention. I’m going to be honest with you, Sean. I’m not sure I can handle that. I think I might be the jealous type. I kind of wanted to smack her and I’m not a violent person usually.”

  “I can promise you that you’re the only woman I want. Didn't you see how shocked she was that I brought a woman with me? That’s because I don’t date. You’re different. You’re mine.”

  “You told her we’re engaged,” I whisper, reminding him of what he’d said.

  “Yes, I can see the female attention I get sometimes bothers you. If I’m engaged it’s clear that I’m off the market. I promise you, cupcake, that I do not like the attention. I only want yours. If you give me a chance and time, I'm going to prove that to you.”

  “I don’t like being in the spotlight. It makes me anxious. It’s why I don’t even work in the front of the store. I stay in the back just baking. And now my picture is splashed all over the papers.”

  “Mr. King. It’s a pleasure to have you here.” A man in a suit comes over to our table. The whole place is empty. I look down at the menu, not sure where to even start.

  “I wanted to take my girl to the best steakhouse in the city.”

  “Then you’ve come to the right place.” The man smiles. He looks old enough to be my grandpa.

  “You want something to drink, cupcake?”

  “Water is fine with me.”

  “I’ll have the same. Are you still feeling those drinks from the other night?” He says it with a smile on his face.

  “No, but I do realize that when I drink I blurt out things I shouldn't. So water it is tonight. Need to make sure I don’t give away all of my secrets.” I send a small smile his way.

  “You can say anything to me, Alyssa. I promise you it’s not going to scare me off. I find your openness refreshing. You’re not trying to play a game. You’re just being you and that’s what I want.” I almost melt into a pile of mush at his sweet words.

  “How about you do some talking? I don’t know much about you except what I’ve read in the papers.” I take a sip of my water that Francesco sets down.

  “Do you mind if I order for us?”

  I close my menu. “That actually sounds kind of fun.” Not knowing what I’ll be getting sounds interesting. Sean rambles off a giant list of things I can’t keep up with.

  “I don’t think I can eat that much.” I laugh.

  “I want you to get a taste of all of my favorites.” I take another sip of my water, not sure what to say next. Maybe I should have gone with the wine to loosen me up some.

  “I went to Princeton and got a master’s in business. I was trying to prove to my brother that I was serious about going into business. I think he thought I was going to come work for him but I needed something on my own.”

  “So how did you decide on opening a nightclub?”

  “It was a fluke really. I saw one going under and I thought I could take it over. That I could bring it back to life. I asked Ethan for a loan to see if he’d help me get off my feet. He gave it to me without question. I worked my ass off to prove to him that I knew what I was doing. Then one club turned into another and so on. It was with pride that I got to pay my brother back every penny he gave me. He’s always been more like a father to me.”

  Wow, that’s really sweet. He and his brother really stick together. It reminds me a lot of Neily and me. She isn’t my sister but she might as well be. She lived next door to me growing up. Then when it was time to move out, we found a place together.

  “If you don’t mind me asking, where is your father?”

  Emotion flashes in Sean’s eyes. “Dead.” He doesn't look sad about it. “He was a piece of shit that treated our mom with disrespect. Mistresses and drugs. The list goes on and on. He almost ran the family business into the ground. Then Ethan got his hands on it. It didn't take him long to turn it around.”

  “You both seem really driven.” Sean is nothing like I thought he was. This is the man I met that first night in the club. Gentle and sweet. Not the one that’s portrayed as a womanizing partier in the papers and online.

  “We are. We never want to be like our father. We make sure to take care of our mom so she will never have to worry about anything. She’s always been our first priority.”

  “You love your mom.” That makes me smile.

  “You’ll love her, too, when you meet her. Right now she’s on one of her cruises. Our dad never let her go anywhere. Now she is seeing all the places she always dreamed of. She’ll be back before Amelia has the baby. No way will she miss her first grandbaby being born.”

  Francesco returns with a giant tray. I’m not sure how all the food is going to fit on the table. Somehow they work it out.

  “Anything else I can get you?”

  “I think we’re good.”

  “Enjoy.” Francesco gives a nod, leaving us alone.

  “Will you tell me about yours?” I bit my lip, feeling a little bad. “I promise you can tell me anything.”

  “It’s not that. It’s just my life is very cookie cutter. You know, the white picket fence and all. Parents who love each other and dote on me. Neily pretty much has the same. She lived next door to my parents. We grew up together. They actually helped us get the loan to start our shop.”

  “No wonder you’re so sweet.” He cuts off a piece of steak, offering it to me. I open my mouth, taking it from him. I let out a moan as it pretty much melts in my mouth.

  “That is so good.” I close my eyes, enjoying the flavor. When I open them again, Sean is staring at me with that same gaze he had when he stripped me naked in his bed. I wiggle in my seat, remembering how wonderful that night had been.

  “I’m happy you had a good childhood, but I do think you’re running scared from me because you’re scared to be hurt. I’m guessing it isn't something you’re used to feeling.” I think about his words for a
minute. He’s right. I’m not sure it’s something my heart can take. Neily always says I wear my heart on my sleeve. It never really mattered until now. There were no consequences to me being that way. I know this thing with Sean is different so my natural instinct is to protect myself. Even though somewhere deep inside, I somehow know he means every word he says.

  ”Maybe.” I could see that. “You could break my heart, Sean. Not to mention I think the jealousy thing is already affecting me. All those women always looking at you. It makes my blood boil. I don’t like that I feel that way toward other women.”

  “I know you googled me. I want you to go back and look at those pictures. I’m not touching one woman in them. They are group pictures from when celebrities came in. It was great publicity for me. I’ve never dated or fucked any of them.”

  “Then why me?”

  “I told you that you’re my cupcake. My one and only. I knew from the second I saw you standing outside that you were it for me.” He reaches across the table, grabbing my hand. “You can keep on running from me, but I’m not going to stop chasing you. I don’t care how long it takes but I’m going to prove to you that you’re the only woman that matters to me. That I don’t even notice other women.”

  “Okay,” I agree. “Hold on, did you say from the moment you saw me outside?” I question him because I didn’t meet him until after I was in his club for a bit. My question causes a huge smile to light up his face.

  “I may have had something to do with you getting pulled to the front of the line and ushered in immediately.” It all makes sense now. I shake my head at him because none of this surprises me. He’s been persistent from the moment I met him.

  My heart races, knowing I want this so badly. Sean continues to smile at me. “I need to warn you about one thing, though.”

  “Whatever it is I’m sure I can handle it.”

  I cringe. “I’m not sure they can be handled. My mom and Neily’s can be a little over the top.”

  “You think I can’t handle them?”

  “Sometimes I can’t even handle them.” I laugh. “They mean well but they can be a handful. They also try and take over your life thinking they are being helpful. I think they are just being nosy.”

  “Like I said. There’s not a thing in this world I would hold against you.” He lifts another piece of steak to my mouth. I let out a small moan. This food is to die for.

  “Your moans are going to kill me.”

  “Maybe it’s my turn to make you moan.” My cheeks fill with heat. I can’t believe I said that. I think it’s my sex-crazed mind. Sex is all I can think about since that night he took me back to his place. I tried to get myself off after that but it didn’t come close to how he’d made me feel. I think that mouth of his has special powers.

  “Eat. Then we’re out of here.”

  “Can we get it to go?” I request. Sean is up and out of his seat before I can finish my sentence. He grabs to-go boxes, dropping everything into them in record time. I have to fight a laugh. He holds his hand out to me.

  “My place or yours?”


  He leans down, brushing his mouth against mine.

  “Thank you for giving this a chance. I promise. I’ll never hurt you. You hold my heart in the palm of your hand. Trust me when I say you have the same power to break me, too.”



  I hope she believes the words I said. She fidgets in her seat, playing with the hem of her seatbelt. I can never get over how breathtakingly beautiful she is without even trying.

  “Omg!” She shouts causing me to stomp on the brakes before pulling the car to the side of the road.

  “Are you okay?” My eyes roam over her, making sure she is fine. She cringes, biting her lip.

  “I just remembered that I didn’t get the crepe cake recipe from Francesco.” She sheepishly looks up at me through her eyelashes. I sigh in relief. “Sorry, you know I can’t seem to stop randomly blurting things out when I’m around you.” One of the many things I love about her. It generally lets me know where I stand with her. She might not like it, but I enjoy the fuck out of it.

  “What am I going to do with you, cupcake?” I smile as I lean over to place a light kiss on her mouth. I want to tell her that I love her, how incredibly adorable she is, but I manage to restrain myself this time. “I’ll have Francesco call you and the two of you can share your baking secrets over the phone.”

  I pull back onto the road and we continue to head toward her apartment. She goes back to fidgeting in her seat. I rest my hand on her thigh, giving it a small squeeze, trying to reassure her so that she’s not so nervous.

  “Nothing has to happen tonight. We can go back to your place and watch TV. We can sit around and talk. All I want to do is be with you. I have no expectations.”

  She places her small delicate hand over mine and smirks over at me.

  “Maybe I have some expectations.” I throw back my head and laugh as I pull up to her place. “I’ll try and make sure I live up to them.” I hop out of my car, going around to open the door for her. I glance to my left to see Charlie is a block back in a black SUV.

  I give him a nod. He always keeps a low profile but he’s always there if I need him. When you start to make a lot of money, all kinds of crazies can come out of the woodwork. Now that I really have something worth protecting, I can’t take any chances.

  I take her hand, leading her inside her building. The doorman opens the door for us, giving us a warm smile.

  “Hi, Sam.” Alyssa gives the older man a soft smile.

  “Heads up. The moms have been poking around looking for you.”

  “Oh God.” Alyssa shakes her head. “You never saw me.”

  “I’ll try my best, but those two are impossible sometimes.”

  “Thanks.” She gives him a wave as we head toward the elevator. I hit the button, causing the doors to slide right open. We step on, hitting the button to her floor.

  “Should I be worried?”

  “No, it’s just my mom and Neily’s. They are always in our business.”

  “I mean about the man at the door flirting with you.”

  She jerks her head up to look at me. I’m smiling down at her.

  “You’re teasing me?”

  “I want you to relax.” I lean down, kissing her gently. Not pushing for more but wanting her to know how much I want her. I tuck her hair behind her ear, kissing her on the tip of her nose. If my brother could see me now, he’d never let it go. To be honest, I wouldn't give a shit. I smile about all his teasing I’m going to have to endure. I look forward to it. She’s almost mine. I can feel it in my bones.

  The elevator dings. I drop my hands away from her face, taking her hand in mine as I lead her to her door.

  “Neily home?” I ask the question I already know the answer to. The quirky girl with glasses has taken a liking to the world's best MMA fighter. She hasn't had a chance to tell my girl about it, so I keep it to myself. Who would have thought that those two would hit it off? I only know because it all started in my club. I may have dug a little more than I should have into their business but only because it involved Neily. I always need to make sure my girl is safe and that means knowing what's going on around her. Plus, if Neily gets hurt, my girl gets hurt. I make it my business that my girl never gets hurt. I don’t care if Tomas Hitman Holiday is undefeated in the ring. No one does well against a baseball bat. You just gotta get the drop on them.

  “No, she’s been acting weird,” Alyssa says as she unlocks her door. “But I’m not sure if I can call it that because Neily is always a little strange. Let’s just say it’s more than usual.” She turns off the alarm. I let the door fall closed behind me, locking it.

  “You sure you don’t have to be at work?” She flicks her gaze to the windows. The sun has almost fully set now, which is usually the time I head into the club. But there is no way I’m going to work tonight or anytime soon, for that matter.

  “Are you trying to get me to leave?” I tease her, taking a step toward her. She rests her hands on my chest.

  “No, but in my small amount of stalking I know you work a lot.”

  “True, but not tonight.” I pick her up. She lets out a giggle that goes straight to my dick. Could she get any fucking sweeter? I start to take her over to the sofa but she stops me.

  “Bedroom,” she says before she kisses me. Some of her shyness is fading away. She’s growing more comfortable with me. I can tell by some of the small things she’s doing that she’s beginning to let me in a little more. I’ll take every inch she’ll give me and hopefully she’ll do the same when I slide my cock into her sweet pussy. I lay her down on her bed, coming down on top of her, unable to let her mouth go. Since the moment I saw her, this woman has owned me and now she is going to let me have her in every way.

  “Sean.” She breathes my name against my lips, trying to catch her breath. “I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “I told you, cupcake, you don’t ever have to do anything.” Besides never try to leave me again. I slip down her body, stripping each piece of clothing from her. My mouth traces over each lush curve of her. My hands are everywhere. I want to go slow but I want to touch every single part of her. To taste her sweet cum on my tongue again. To slide my cock into her until it finds her sweet spot, making her scream my name in pleasure over and over again.

  “You’re driving me crazy,” she whispers. The desperation in her voice is music to my ears, letting me know she needs me as much as I do her. Her body is begging for me to be inside her. She pulls at my shirt. I lean up, helping her take it off of me.

  Her delicate fingers trace my chest for a moment before lowering to my belt. I let her undo it, pulling it from my slacks and dropping it to the floor. When she goes for the button next, I let her, but grab her wrist when she gets my zipper down. I don’t want to frighten her. She’s going to take every inch of me in that sweet cunt of hers that she’s never allowed another man to touch.

  Knowing this gives me the most barbaric caveman thoughts. It’s irrational and fucking crazy, but giving a shit about being a sane man went out the window as soon as I laid eyes on her. There was nothing I wouldn't have done to have her. Now, there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep her.


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