Love in the Mix

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Love in the Mix Page 8

by Lucy Darling

  I lean down, placing soft kisses on her wrist before letting it go. I stand on the side of the bed, pulling my slacks off as my cell phone starts to ring. I don’t even look to see who it is because I already know it’s work.

  For once in my life, I just don’t give a shit. I hit the button to silence my phone. I drop all of my shit on the floor, never taking my eyes from hers. How could I? Her body is like a feast laid out in front of me, waiting for me to sample each and every part of it. And I'm a starving man who plans to get my fill.

  She seemed nervous in the car. She has nothing to be nervous about. Her merely existing makes me happy. As for me, I wanted to prove myself. To have her never doubt that she is it for me. That even if all that shit in the papers and blogs had been true, it doesn't matter. She is and always will be my everything. There will never be anyone but her.

  “I’m the only one naked here.” She sits up on her elbows, making her tits bounce. Her normally pink nipples are a little more red from my mouth. She rises to her knees, her hands reaching to the outline of my cock in my boxer briefs. “I’m not scared,” she tells me as her hand strokes me back and forth.

  She reaches inside, wrapping her hand around me. I groan as she starts to stroke me again. Her other hand tugs at my briefs until my cock springs free. I should tell her to stop, that this is about her, but I couldn’t if my life depended on it. She watches as she strokes me with a look of fascination on her face.

  The heat in her eyes as she gazes down and strokes me is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. The tip of my cock begins leaking precum. She licks her lips at the sight. I almost spent myself the minute her pink little tongue reached out, imagining it on my cock.

  “Now you’re the one driving me crazy,” I grit out. The head of my cock brushes against her soft stomach, smearing my cum on her soft skin. Marking her as mine.

  “I don’t know what I want more.” She bites her lip. Her cheeks tinting a shade of pink. “To taste you or to have you inside me.” She barely gets the words out of her mouth and I have her pinned to the bed. My mouth begins devouring her. I know this isn't what she meant by tasting me, but we can get to that later. Right now I am going to claim her. To bring her one step closer to being mine forever.



  I reach up, wrapping my arms around Sean’s broad back as he devours my mouth. The feel of his naked body over mine has me lifting my hips to try to rub against him. Trying to get the friction I know I need. I might not know exactly what I’m doing, but my body knows what it wants from his.

  Sean breaks our kiss, peppering small open-mouthed kisses down the side of my neck, then to my collar bone and finally his lips latch on to my nipple. Sucking and licking me until I’m on the verge of coming.

  “Need to taste that sweetness between your legs, cupcake. Spread your legs and show me that sweet spot that's mine,” he says as he gives my nipple one last lick before he makes his way down between my legs. I spread my legs wide, making room for him between them. Showing him what we both know belongs to him. It was stupid to fight it.

  The sudden nip I feel on my inner thigh is soothed by his tongue. I watch as he does the same to the other. The thought of him leaving little love bites there almost makes me climax. The throb between my legs grows stronger by the second. The need for him to be inside me is overwhelming.

  “Sean.” I almost don’t recognize my own voice. The words come out breathless and needy.

  “You need my mouth?”

  “I need..” I pause because I need more than his mouth on me. This ache I have is for all of him. “I need you. All of you.” I feel his smile against my thigh before he makes his way over to where I throb for him. His warm breath trickles over my core, causing a chill to run through me.

  “I need to get you ready first.” I felt ready.

  “I’m ready.” I try and lift my hips off the bed, but he pins them back down.

  “More ready.” His tongue circles my clit and my breath shutters. It’s too much. White-hot pleasure bursts through me as I cry out his name, coming from the softest of touches from him. My whole body goes lax as my eyes fall closed for a moment. Kisses pepper my neck. Again, he nips at me before his tongue darts out, licking the spot he bit. My eyes spring open.

  “Sean.” I turn my head to meet his gaze. His eyes lock with mine. I’m in love with him. My mind screams it. This is right. This is what I’ve been waiting for. Why I’d saved myself. It was for him. In this moment I know he’ll never break my heart like I thought he might. No, this man would never let anything hurt me if he could stop it. He is even fighting himself right now.

  “Cupcake,” he responds. His cock presses slowly inside of me. I lift my hands from the bed to his back, my fingers sliding down him.

  “Do it.” I dig my nails into him. He closes his eyes, his forehead dropping to mine.

  “You told me that first night you were mine. I’m yours too. Only yours,” he says as he thrusts inside me. His mouth falls onto mine and I wrap my legs around him. I feel a small pinch of pain but all my thoughts are on his words and what they mean to me. I feel nothing but sweetness. He is always saying I’m sweet. He’s the sweet one. “Say it again. Say you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I whimper against his mouth. I am his. There is no going back. I don’t think there has been since the first time I saw him. I might have tried to run for a second but I know I would have ended up right back here. He has me, all of me. Again, I try and move my hips, needing him to give me what I need.

  “I’ve got you.” He pulls out, thrusting back inside me. Over and over again. The same pleasure grows again. I thought your first time was supposed to hurt. That sex got better with time. If it gets any better than this, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle it. Or ever want to get out of bed again.

  My eyes stay locked with his, unable to look away. I watch the pleasure on his face as my own orgasm starts to rise. I don’t want this to be over already, but I can feel myself about to come.

  “Baby, you’ve got to come for me.” I realize he’s waiting for me. He needs me to come before he’ll let himself have the same pleasure and I want to give him that.

  “Yes.” I nod my head in agreement. I barely get the one word out.

  “Then give it to me.” I cling to him. My nails dig more into his back. “Now,” he snaps in a tone I’ve never heard him use before. My body lights up as I come undone under him. This man really does own me. My body is under his control. Who am I kidding? I am under his control, too, and there is nowhere else in the whole world I’d rather be.

  “Alyssa.” He groans my name as his warm release spills inside of me. I clench around him, my body still shaking from the orgasm. Not wanting to let go of him yet. He jerks over me. I feel more of him spill deep inside of me. I whimper, getting turned on all over again.

  “I don’t want to stop,” I whisper into his ear.

  “We’re never going to stop.” He nips my neck. His still hard cock inside of me starts to move again. “How’s your pussy?” he asks. I bite my lips, suddenly feeling shy. “Does it hurt?” He thrusts in and out. Suddenly he stops.

  “Sean.” My voice comes out in a pout. I don’t mean it to.

  “Tell me how your pussy feels.” He demands an answer.

  “It hurts.” His face grows serious. He starts to pull from me but I wrap myself tightly around him. He’s not going anywhere.

  “Not the way you’re thinking. It hurts for more. I can’t explain it. This ache.” I think I’ve wanted him for so long that now my body wants to make up for lost time. I’m starved for him.

  “I won’t stop until I make the ache go away. I promise.” He starts to thrust again. I lick my lips, taking the pleasure he gives me. Taking away the ache that I know only he can cure.



  “You always taste so damn sweet.” I kiss my woman, picking her up and sitting her on the counter in the back of the bakery.

“That’s because I eat my own products.”

  I kiss her again. She’s wrong. Some of the sweetness might be from her cooking but I know a lot of it is all her. I think she puts a little of it in her cooking, too. Shit makes me jealous sometimes but I’ll learn to deal with it. This is her and Neily’s dream and I’d never come in the path of that. I only want to be a part of it.

  “I gotta finish these cupcakes. There is nothing angrier than a mom thinking her little one isn't getting the perfect birthday cake.” She smiles up at me, not looking the least bit scared. Likely because she knows they’ll love whatever she creates. My girl is confident in her work and that shit is sexy as fuck.

  “I’m going to pop next door. I guess I need to do some work, too.” I know Noah has been handling things, but I need to show my face. The man is really worth his weight in gold. I am going to have to give him a raise because there is going to be a lot less of me there now that I have Alyssa. I know that I can slip into my office when Alyssa is at work.

  That would be convenient since it’s down the block. I’m guessing she wouldn't love the idea of me taking over her office. I guess I can give her a little breathing room. Not because I want to but because I have to.

  “I’ll be done in a couple of hours.” She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling me down to kiss her again. Damn it feels good to have her not running from me anymore. “Then we gotta go see my mom before she kills us both.”

  “I think we’ll be okay.” I cup her face, kissing the tip of her nose. “I promise you it will all be fine.”

  “They’re crazy,” she says for the tenth time now. I know she’s not only talking about her own mom but Neily’s, too. They can’t be that crazy if they raised Alyssa. She is perfection. Neily, I’m not too sure what that girl is but she’s loyal and loves Alyssa like a sister. I understand the bond, having a brother.

  “And I’m crazy about you. I’m sure we’ll all get along perfectly. We all love you and that’s all that matters.” I give her one last kiss before I make myself leave. I was going to end up taking her into her office and then I would find out what an angry parent looked like when their kid didn't get the perfect birthday cake.

  It makes me think about us having our own family one day. Something I never considered before meeting Alyssa. I can picture Alyssa standing in the kitchen in the home we make together. Baking all of our little ones cakes for their birthdays. I bet it turns into a family tradition.

  Those thoughts lead me to thinking about her round with my babies. I shake the thoughts, not wanting to get ahead of myself and knowing that I need to leave her to work. If I keep thinking about this, I’m sure to have her bent over her baking counter while I bury my seed deep inside of her cunt.

  I take a deep breath, trying to think of something else. I finally got her to let me in. I don’t want to send her running now. One step at a time. Still, images of her pregnant flip through my mind, one after another, not helping my already hard cock.

  One of my security guys is already outside messing with one of the cameras as I approach the front of the club. “Door’s unlocked,” he lets me know. I pocket my keys, giving him a nod. When I open the door I see the perfect thing to kill my hard-on. Amber. Her head pops up from whatever she’s looking down at. Most likely the reservations for tonight.

  “Sean. I tried to call you.” I’m a little surprised she’s still here, to be honest.

  “Noah?” I ask, dismissing her question.

  “In your office, I believe.” I turn, heading that way.

  “Not now.” I say when I hear the click of her heels behind me. I knew she called. I’d seen her number over a dozen times. I think she even tried to call me from other numbers to see if I would answer. Then I’d fucking forgotten about it because that’s what she is: forgettable. Now I’m here and I’m pissed. Before she was annoying and now she’s becoming intrusive on my life.

  I’m pissed because it’s insulting to Alyssa. I would say something myself but I’m guessing what I have to say will end up in every gossip magazine out there and that is the last thing I want or need. I care more about protecting Alyssa than telling Amber about her. I’ll let Noah do it. He is always better with words when it comes to things like this.

  “You back?” one of the bartenders asks as I pass. He smiles so I have no doubt everyone around here is gossiping. It comes with this line of work.

  “Not for long.” I smile right back at him.

  “Good for you, man.” He gives me a nod as I head up the stairs to my office that I find empty. Walking over to my computer, I put my thumb on the pad and it comes to life. My calendar is the first thing to pop up and I see Noah is in a meeting with some new vodka company. It looks like it just ended so he should be here shortly.

  I run my hand down my face, not wanting this to wait, but what could go wrong in the time it takes him to get here? I’ll get lost in some emails. I could actually call my brother and see what he wants. I have a feeling it’s not him calling at all but my sister-in-law, Amelia, fishing for details on my new love life.

  Love life. I actually have one. Then it hits me. I told her that I loved her. Of course I fucking love her. Those words had been on the tip of my tongue all night but I hadn't wanted to say them while we were making love. I didn't want her to think it was an in the heat of the moment thing. Again, I also didn't want to send her running. Then I went and said them without realizing I’d done it before I’d walked out of the bakery.

  I smile. It doesn’t matter. She can try and run all she wants. I’ll catch her again and again. I’ll always be willing to chase after her. Now the minutes will only seem longer until I know I can go back to the bakery and pick her up.

  I was so wrong. Things could go wrong rather quickly.



  I stare at the door Sean just strolled out of. Did he just say he loved me? I hop down from the counter, wanting to run after him. I’ve been wanting to say those same words to him. Again, I was running scared not saying them last night when I wanted to. I kept waiting for them to come from him.

  He’d pushed so hard for there to be an us that I kept thinking at any moment he’d say it. We made love so many times last night I’m not sure how I’m not dead on my feet at this point. My body aches but in the best of ways. The connection I felt to Sean last night was beyond anything that I ever could have imagined.

  “You okay, Alyssa?” Izzy, one of the girls that works the counter, asks. I’ve been training her on decorating. She is actually getting better than me at frosting. I’m not as good with the designs. I can do them but I’m not an artist. I am all about the flavor and making them taste delicious. Having to make them pretty was something I had to train myself to do. For Izzy it comes naturally.

  “Can you finish this order for me? It just needs to be decorated.” I pull off my apron, knowing that I need to go see Sean and tell him the way I’m feeling. This is one thing that I don’t want to run from.

  “You’re leaving?”

  “Yeah. You got it?”

  “Of course. I’m just surprised you’re letting me do one that will go out without your approval.” She beams at me. The excitement is clear on her face.

  “I trust you.” I smile back at her as I go running out the front door. This time I’m not running from Sean, I’m running toward him. I want to say those words back to him. I want him to know I’m in this, too.

  When I get to the club, I pause. It’s not open yet. How will I even get in? I’m guessing it’s the same as our place; people go in the backdoor.

  “Alyssa?” Someone calls my name. I turn to see a tall older man in a suit coming toward me. He gives me a smile seeming friendly. I feel like I’ve seen him before. “I’ll get the door for you, ma’am.” He pulls a key out to unlock the door for me.

  “Do I know you?” Why is he just letting me in? How does he know my name?

  “I’m Charlie. Think of me as security.” He opens the door wide for me.

/>   “Thanks.” I step inside the club. This time no one is at the front. My mind flicks to Amber, who was there the last time I was here. The same woman who gave me all those dirty looks. I might have to get used to other women wanting Sean, but I know he’s mine and I trust he’d never break my heart. Not after last night.

  As I go further inside, there is no sound of music. People move about the club, getting it ready for the night.

  “Noah,” I hear someone shout. I turn at the sound of a voice. The man who shouted nods his chin at me.

  “I got her.” I turn again, almost running into someone.

  “Alyssa. How lovely to meet you. You’re even more adorable in person.” The man in the fancy suit who looks like one of the best dressed people in the world holds out his hand to me. His dark hair is perfectly in place. Everything about him is. He’s almost as tall as Sean, and that’s saying a lot, but he’s more lean where Sean is thick. “I’m Noah.”

  “Noah.” Suddenly it hits me. Sean had mentioned him once or twice last night between bouts of sex and talking about our lives. “Sean has told me so many nice things about you.”

  “That’s because he needs me.”

  I laugh. “That might have been one of the things he said, actually.” He touches my elbow, motioning toward the stairs I hadn't noticed before. That must be Sean’s office.

  “Let me show you up.” His hand drops as we head to the stairs together. I bite my bottom lip, trying not to smile like a goofball that not only does everyone know who I am but it looks like they have been told I’m free to come and go without question.

  I push on the door that stands ajar, my heart dropping at the sight in front of me. I can see Sean at his desk. What I can’t see is his face. I can’t miss the woman standing in only a bra and red panties that turns to look over her shoulder at me. Her dress is still in her hand. Well, I no longer have to wonder why Amber isn’t at the hostess station. The answer stands right in front of me.


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