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The Size Anthology

Page 35

by KT Morrison

  “I had to, Geoff, I wanted that job.”

  “No, Nia, you didn’t...” She didn’t want that. She wanted other men. He knew it. He could feel it. Maybe he always knew it.

  “Call me your whore,” she whispered.

  “No, Nia, I love you.”

  “Geoff, call me it.”

  She bucked against him, fucked him harder than he fucked her, thrashing underneath him and pounding her sex against his. Her pussy gripped his cock like her fist.

  “Oh fuck, Nia, you—”

  “Whore,” she hissed.

  “Fucking whore,” he whispered into her ear and he put the palm of his hand over her mouth and felt the hot breath snort from her nose against him. His other hand went around her throat and he squeezed her roughly. “Cunt whore,” he said, pounding, each word a deep stab up inside her hot pussy.

  She squeaked and bounced underneath him, her hips crashed against his in perfect rhythm. She was going to come. He was going to make her come. She sucked some guy off but she needed Geoff. He could be here for her. Help her when she was bad, “I love you, Nia,” he said and he let her mouth go just at the lip of her orgasm. She clutched herself suddenly to him, dug her nails into him as her head thrust back into the mattress. Her eyes shut, her face contorted as if in pain. Her whole body tightened and clamped, her pussy squeezed the cum out of his cock. He exploded inside her, he came watching her come, knowing she was bad, knowing she was in love with him still and needed him. He shot his semen inside her and he felt a wave of warm love for his bad girl wash up over him and crash around her shoulders and the water was warm and nice and if he was in it with her everything was going to be okay. Her teeth clenched and she snorted for breaths, her lips peeled back in a snarl and she growled and coughed and struggled to breathe all at the same time. It was the craziest hugest orgasm he’d ever seen. Her nails shredded his back, her heels dug into his thighs and kicked him, her pussy tried to suck every bit of him in and he thrust his hips forward to give her every bit he had, wished he had more. His heart pounded out of control.

  He watched it ebb from her finally, felt her grip calm, her heels release. She lay on her back, her chest heaving, a vein pulsed in her hairline and he saw just how fast he’d got her heart going. He watched wide-eyed as she came to, as she returned to the land of the living. Her eyes opened and she looked into him. Her eyes sparkled, a white dazzling spot in those black balls. She smiled.

  Then reality kicked his doors down. The enormity of her actions. Forgiven or not. He started to shudder, felt himself buckle under the pressure of his emotions.

  “Geoff?” she said.

  “Oh, Nia.”

  “Geoff, I was kidding,” she said.


  Her long finger poked his side. “You idiot.”

  “Nia...” he felt himself start to cry.


  He cried, buried himself into her shoulder so she couldn’t see his stupid face.

  “Geoff, baby, get off me,” she said, but he clutched her tighter.

  “Geoff. Geoff! You think I sucked a guy’s cock for a job?”

  He clenched his face shut tight. He breathed her in, inhaled her deeply until his chest couldn’t swell any larger. He was crying but his exhale turned to a chuckle.

  He felt her remorse in her. She knew that wasn’t funny. She knew it could seem very real.

  “You weren’t joking,” he whispered.

  “Geoff, look at me...”

  He pulled back and saw her face underneath him, she said, “I did not suck a cock for a job okay?”

  “Why would you do that to me?”

  “You liked it.”

  “Baby, no I didn’t.”

  “You thought it was real and you didn’t stop.”


  “You were okay with it. When you thought I was serious, you were still okay.”

  “I love you.”

  “Geoff,” she said and he saw a sadness in her too and she hugged herself to him. “I’m sorry. That was mean. I thought it was hot, but it was mean.”

  “It was hot, I guess.”

  “Was it?”

  He couldn’t answer. Too ashamed to answer.

  “I didn’t even get to the part where I was going to tell you how big he was. You like that.”

  “He was big?” he said and he rolled off her, his cock sliding from inside her. He fell to his back and covered his face with his forearm.

  “He had a big one, Geoff.”

  “Oh, Nia,” he said and laughed.

  She kissed his chest and he opened his eyes and moved his arm and looked at her. She was smiling and she kissed his chest again and let him see her do it, held his eyes. “I love you, Geoff.”

  He took her and held her against him, let her sit in the cradle of his arm and rest her head on his shoulder, she put her hand up on him.

  He lay like that for a long while, felt himself get sleepy. He watched the ceiling and thought about this woman he loved so much and how it felt to hold her and feel her amazing beauty against him.

  He’d thought that was real. Thought his wife was so dirty, so stupid, she would suck a cock for a job. And in that perceived reality, he was okay with it. Loved her just the same. Part of him in a way, sadly, even liked th—



  “You thought I sucked another man’s cock.”

  “You told me th—”

  “You were okay with it.”

  “I know. I love you.”

  “In a way...I thought you would.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I thought you—”

  “Was that a test?” He felt mad now.

  “No. Not on purpose. Maybe...”

  “You want to suck someone’s cock? You wanted to know if I would be okay?”

  “I don’t know.” She sat up and leaned over him. She kissed her bunched fingers and touched them to his lips. He kissed them. “I know that if I ever really want to sometime, I can. You’ll be okay with it.”

  “Nia,” he said, trying to get her to be serious.

  She laughed and stood up in just her bra in front of him, let him see her incredible body.

  “Interesting,” she laughed.

  “Nia,” he said again, sternly.

  She gave him her back, swayed her hips and showed him her perfect woman ass. She sashayed to the bathroom door, giving him a show and watching him over her shoulder.

  “Wow, Geoff, I wonder who it’ll be...”

  She closed herself into the bathroom and he heard the tap running and heard her laughing to herself over the rushing water.



  House Check

  The two British Airways tickets marked Destination: Grand Cayman had been laying in the flat brass dish in the hall for two days. Kate put them there while she'd been packing so that they wouldn't be misplaced. But so much had been happening in preparation that for the life of her that fact could not be retrieved.

  “Are you sure they're not in your pocketbook?” Mitch said from the hallway.

  “I checked Mitch, I told you that,” she said to the empty bedroom, though she knew he couldn't hear her. Mad at him, but she didn't know why. It was just defensive like throwing up sand in someone's face in a street fight. She'd seen her father do that one time in a parking lot. Grown man, knocked down in a fight with another Dad over a parking space.

  She heard Mitch say, They’re here, and then knew right away where they were. She could picture them sitting in that brass dish below their wood framed wedding picture. She came out to the hall, Mitch standing there exasperated with her, leaning over the handle of his bag. He smiled and waved two fingers over to the tickets on the teak table.

  “It’s going to be a rush,” he said but she knew they’d have plenty of time.

  “All right, all right,” she said and picked them up, “Let’s go.”

  She looked arou
nd at their beautiful, modern Campden Hill flat. It felt strange, like she was seeing it for the last time. What would they return to? She checked her pockets, did a brief little inventory. Mitch was already headed down the hall, and she took one last look at the little two-bedroom with a patio and manicured garden that cost more than her Dad had made in his entire life and she turned off the light.

  They wheeled their bags to the elevator and down to the parking garage without running into anyone. She’d said to Mitch earlier to just call porterage but Mitch didn’t want small talk with anybody. Didn’t want anyone knowing their business. He was being more secretive about this than she thought he needed to be. As far as anyone would see from the outside they were two people going away on vacation. What did he think people would see? How did he see themselves?

  It felt like they were sneaking out. As Mitch drove the black Range Rover out into the morning light she imagined he was glad their windows were so deeply tinted.

  When Kate had got the little diamond stud in her nose he’d had to tell his friends she’d just done some travelling in India. People, other wives he knew, didn’t do things like that. Didn’t bother him in the slightest, but still, she had to keep up appearances. Did she have to give out a signal to everyone like that? Most of them were already talking about her behind the back of their hand.

  Something had gotten into her recently. She’d always been aloof, unusual, and very unlike every other woman he’d met in his circle. That was why he loved her though—she was different than them in every way.

  There were more than a few things—besides the nose stud—that hinted to him she was tired of playing the part of the proper wife of a former barrister turned Investment House co-owner. And she wasn't like that—it was truly just a role in a movie to her. She didn’t even look the part, stood out from the thin prep wives in their slim fitting dresses when at a function. She didn’t fit in with them socially either, isolated herself. Waited for Mitch to get home every night. That was fine with him. He didn’t fit in with them either even though he’d been raised amongst them.

  He watched her walk a step ahead of him as they made their way from business parking to the pod that would transport them to the terminal. His beautiful wife. The person for whom he would do anything. And that wasn’t some rote phrase, he knew that. Whatever had made this bond with her he always had felt it had been made unbreakable. It was one of the greatest sources of power in his life. His stability.

  She wore a black quilted Barbour jacket, skirt and leggings, and tall black Burberry riding boots with the house check along the cuff. Her beautiful, silky hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She looked gorgeous. She was his dream girl but there was more to it. She wasn’t just his pretty doll that he liked to see dressed up.

  He’d met her while he was in pupillage and instantly fell for her. They dated quite a while and even Kate didn’t know how much he was tortured in that time; the sleepless nights, the twists in his stomach as he tried everything he could to win her over. That was mostly about her looks if he were honest. That was his hormones in overdrive.

  Once they were committed he saw something else in her. When he’d won her away from the others, and she’d promised herself to him, that was when they started to grow together; into one another. She took to his mum, who was used to being sort of left out but who was the most important person to him. She’d raised him, with a little help of course, but his mum was an older woman when he was born, and she had nothing but time for him. They spent all their days together when he wasn’t in school. Museums, zoos, art galleries; they’d travelled all over Europe before he was eleven. Mitch was the youngest son by far, ten years younger than Derek and the others. Growing up it was just him and his mum, while the men seemed to be in and out of the house, off doing their very important things.

  When his mum got sick Kate was there for her when Mitch couldn’t be. Went with her to her appointments, sat with her in the park, brushed her hair and did her makeup when she had to go out. When she was in the hospital Kate was there every day. She was there holding her hand when she passed while Mitch was at work.

  Mitch held Kate’s hand at the funeral. Looked over at her, saw her through the veil. She wasn’t just a spouse, or girlfriend at that time, she felt like blood. Family.

  His dad and brother, Derek, hadn’t been so quick to take her in. At first he hadn’t been sure why. Who wouldn’t like her? In a fight with his dad, late one drunken summer evening when a party had dwindled, Derek Sutton Sr referred to her as a slapper. It had crushed him that he would think like that.

  But she wasn’t your typical prep school waif, like most of the others he’d dated. She was petite but full-figured. Built like a woman. Big breasts, narrow waist; voluptuous. She drove him crazy.

  They checked themselves in and headed to the Galleries Club Lounge. Mitch got himself a coffee and Kate didn’t want anything. She settled into the crook of his arm as they sat and watched planes out on the tarmac. She pat him on his chest, told him, See, plenty of time to spare, closed her eyes and fell asleep.

  Her figure, and perhaps sometimes her manner, might have led his father to the insult, but there was a small truth to it. It was probably why it hurt him. It hurt that his Dad could see it in her. She’d had a lot of boyfriends and quite frankly she was ruthless in bed. He’d never encountered anything like it. And, over the last few months, she’d really kicked it into high gear.

  They boarded the plane and took their seats in business class. There were no first class options. Mitch could have arranged for something, had Derek make some calls to get something private, but this was all right. They had their seats together in little pods but facing each other. He looked around at the other passengers as they started to taxi. This was better. Quieter. If he kept this as low key as possible it would be for the best.

  Over the last maybe eight months she would bring it up. In the beginning he would think not this shit again. But she was consistent, maybe once a week she would offer. Bringing someone else into their bed. But Kate was all he wanted, he had no real desire to fuck some other girl. He’d told her this so many times. Sure their lovemaking had tapered off somewhat, but it wasn't that he'd lost any sort of desire for her, he was just, at times, overwhelmed with work. He wanted her to know he was faithful and that he hadn't lost any interest in her at all but he thought it would sound funny saying it in those words.

  Although of course that would be simplest, sometimes, he had learned, the direct approach was not always best with Kate. He felt like sometimes her feelings were hurt easily. If he’d stated that he wasn't losing interest she might accept it but inside a voice would tell her that he’d said it because that was how he felt. How else would he have known to say it? Sometimes the straight path was indeed the least efficient route through his relationship with Kate.

  Then, not too long ago, Kate was back on again. Back on like Old Kate. Kate that would put her hand down your pants in public while she said dirty things in your ear, or stand naked in the hall as you came home and tell you to fuck her. That was really how she got him to agree to this. Not recoiling from him, saying no or acquiescing, but advancing, taking. Instead of demanding this from him, or pouting, she inspired him to want it. Now he did want it. This last while he’d felt like he was twenty-one again. He’d lost a stone, was sleeping better, and he woke up with a smile most mornings.

  When she’d told him it was arranged he’d just nodded, eyebrows raised, in agreement. He’d agreed, somewhere along the way there, that it would be fun. He thought of it as an idea, a concept, not something that would ever become a reality. But here it was. And it was intriguing.

  Not just some girl. Her best friend. Her Maid of Honour. Kiley Beckett, her almost constant companion since they were nine. She’d been her roommate when Mitch was dating her. He’d never thought of her like that at all. Pushed it out of his head because she was Kate’s best mate. But her charm was undeniable. Tall, slender, a great mane of beautiful hair. An
d she was lovely as a person, he felt warm towards her, felt like he could trust her. She would be perfect.

  Kate said that Kiley was into it and that put a tingle into him. The thought that he could do this, that this was a possibility, would have been something unimaginable to a young Mitch. He was not that sort of guy. But he wanted to be. The idea that his wife’s friend would agree to this was so flattering too. Had she thought of him before as well? Had she pushed away intimate feelings while they were together? Didn’t act because he was her best mate’s husband? It was heady thinking.

  The arrangement was made quickly, only a few days ago, the opportunity falling into Kate’s lap. A small window of time, a place warm and far away. Kiley worked in America now, a sales rep, pharmaceuticals. She was doing well but always busy, they didn’t really see her any more. Their schedules overlapped only one week, it could be now or never. But Kiley was seeing someone. And like that it was off. All of Mitch’s excitement dashed on the rocks. He hadn’t wanted this for himself, but once it was arranged, he had to admit, he was crestfallen when it was cancelled.

  The next day, sitting at the kitchen counter, Kate had a new idea. It was quietly presented to him, shy but hopeful. The threesome became maybe a foursome. And how do you feel about that, Mitch? He didn’t like it, but he saw what the idea was doing to Kate. She was excited. Kiley called back. It was definitely a foursome. And ever since then he was looking for a way to call it off. But the thought of him and Kate fucking another couple together, of seeing Kate being pleased, her face when she was in ecstasy; despite how his stomach hurt when he thought about it, part of him wanted to see it happen. He almost enjoyed the fear, the worry, the lust.

  Kate wanted to get this done. Needed it. It wasn’t easy that was for sure. She wasn’t convinced it was a settled deal yet. There was plenty left that could go wrong. She knew that.


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