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Love Under Two Gunslingers

Page 9

by Love Under Two Gunslingers (lit)

  Something Caleb had just said niggled.

  “Tomorrow I can do for myself? Aren’t we getting underway soon? Traveling?”

  “Not today, Sarah. What with the way we both rode you last night, you need to take it easy today,” Caleb said. One thing she knew for certain, if they kept talking to her like this she certainly would rid herself of her embarrassment in a day or two.

  “But I thought we were in a hurry,” Sarah said. She had to struggle to hang on to the thread of the conversation. The twin sensations of hands caressing her flesh and rigid cocks pressing against her hips had her in a state of near total arousal.

  On the other hand, she didn’t feel sore in quite the same way anymore. In fact, the ache between her thighs had changed subtly to an ache of emptiness and need.

  “We were in a hurry to get out of Springfield without being seen or followed,” Caleb said. “And we did.”

  “We can take this one day, sweetheart,” Joshua added. “You deserve the chance to recover.” Joshua plucked and pulled at one of her nipples at the same time Caleb slid his hand down lower to cover her mound. He moved his fingers back and forth, his clever action quickly awakening her clitoris.

  Sarah couldn’t hold back the groan that seemed to rise from deep down in her womb.

  “Or to put it another way,” Caleb said, his husky words brushing the shell of her ear in hot, scintillating breath. “When a woman fucks her lovers for the first time, she ought to be able to relax the next day.”

  Their words inflamed her. Their bodies enticed her. “I don’t know how to tell you this, but I’m not feeling very relaxed at the moment.” She reached down, took an erect cock in each hand. She knew how to touch them now, knew how to give them pleasure with just her hands. “And neither do you. I have a feeling we’re going to be busy for a while. So much for my recovery time.”

  “Oh, darling,” Joshua said, clearly enjoying her touch, “there’s more than one way to reach pure pleasure.”

  “That’s right.” Caleb tilted her face up and brought his down so that a bare inch separated them. “There’s more than one path to heaven. Let us show you.”

  Chapter 10

  Sarah loved the taste of them. Something in the flavor of each of her lovers fed the flames of her hunger. The combination of Caleb and Joshua simply drove her wild.

  The men had arranged all three bedrolls together, one atop the other, and moved them under the shade of the trees. She was naked in the middle of the day, lying on the ground but cushioned so that the hardness of it didn’t bother her, touching and being touched by two naked men. In that moment, it seemed the most natural way in the world to spend the morning.

  There was not another soul for miles, the only sounds to reach her other than her own tiny groans and whimpers the sounds of nature—the birds, the breeze through the tree tops, and the soft huffs of their horses grazing near-by.

  “You have to tell us what you like,” Joshua said, bending to take one of her nipples into his mouth. He nipped it lightly with his teeth, and then sucked it hard, elongating it. He released it with a wet plop, and then blew on it. The cold air made her shiver, sending her arousal even higher.

  She never could have imagined that there existed a connection between her breasts and her womb. But every time one of them sucked hard on one of her nipples, she felt an answering tug deep inside her.

  “Everything. I like everything you’re doing to me.” No less than the truth, she wondered they didn’t know that already.

  “Mmm, yes,” Caleb said. He ran a hand over her belly and down, dipping into her moisture. “We can see that you do because you’re so hot and wet.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Oh, sweetheart, that’s beyond good.”

  There was so much she didn’t know. The basics, yes, she’d known the basic facts of fornication. Even before her wedding day, she had taken those trips to her uncle’s farm and had seen nature at its most basic. But the nuances, the intimacies—she’d been completely ignorant of those.

  In that entire stumbling lecture Colleen had given her, not once had that older woman even hinted there would be pleasure involved. Unless…

  “It’s normal, isn’t it? For me to enjoy…”

  “Hush. Of course it is.” Joshua looked up from her breast, his gaze holding hers in place.

  “I don’t know why society says that ladies shouldn’t get pleasure from this or that they don’t. But if a woman is loved properly, of course she can have sexual pleasure. So yes, it’s normal. You’re normal. No, actually, you’re fantastic.”

  Their hands caressed and petted, their mouths seduced and enticed. Sarah’s arousal climbed, her excitement nearing fever pitch. And then one or both of her lovers would change the rhythm of their touch and that magical peak would recede, and she’d begin to gather momentum all over again.

  “Oh, God, what are you doing to me?” She felt so close. Sarah didn’t know if she wanted to scream or laugh.

  “Pleasuring you and ourselves,” Caleb said. He rose above her, filled her whole vision, and gave her a smile that melted her insides. Then he bent down, his mouth taking hers in a kiss warm, tender and addictive.

  “Are you daring?” he asked when he’d weaned his lips from hers.

  Sarah laughed. “I’ve just taken on two lovers at the same time. I’d say that makes me pretty darn daring.”

  Caleb’s grin spread, quick and full of fun. “You have a point,” he said over Joshua’s laughter. “I guess I wanted to know if you’d be interested in trying a few things that some women—and men for that matter—would consider—um, scandalous.”

  Joshua relinquished her nipple and relaxed beside her on his side, facing her. Caleb ranged above her on her other side. Perhaps another woman might have felt caged in, intimidated by being so completely surrounded by these two muscular, naked males. Sarah didn’t feel that way at all.

  She couldn’t ever remember feeling quite so pampered, or quite so wanted before.

  “I could give you the same answer. This—being like this with both of you could be considered scandalous. It’s also way outside of normal. But I don’t care. To me, it feels right.”

  “To us, too,” Joshua said, stretching to plant a quick kiss on her mouth.

  “My point is I had no idea there could be such fun, such pleasure, or such…fulfillment. So the answer is yes. Yes, I’m willing to try anything…everything.”

  “Do you remember last night, when I put my mouth on your pussy?”

  Sarah smiled, and not just from the memory of those wondrous moments when she felt his lips and tongue tasting her intimate flesh. She knew of only one term for her feminine parts. Now here was another. “Is that what you call it? My pussy?”

  “That’s one of the names,” Joshua said. He blushed, and Sarah was touched. She wasn’t the only one feeling a little awkward, it would seem.

  “Yes,” she said to Caleb, who had posed the question. “I definitely recall that moment.”

  “Good, because I want to feel your mouth on my cock.”

  If someone had made the suggestion to her a month ago—or even two weeks ago—Sarah would have thought the idea revolting.

  Looking in Caleb’s obsidian eyes, at the desire shining there for her, the image of her doing what he asked curled heat through her body. Memory of what his lips and tongue had done to her pussy, to the way those most intimate of kisses had aroused her, fueled her curiosity.

  She wanted to pleasure him that way. She wanted to pleasure the both of them that way.

  “Show me what to do.”

  Caleb drew her up into a kiss. His hands shook as he stroked them over her back. It seemed incredible to her that this strong, virile man could be as excited, as aroused as she herself had become.

  “Get on your hands and knees, baby,” Caleb said against her mouth. The flavor of him lingered, and she licked her lips, wanting to taste more of him.

  The heated look he gave her made her hear
t thud in her chest. Eager to try something new, Sarah got on all fours, then raised her gaze to meet his, awaiting his next instruction. Since he had gotten on his knees, his cock bobbed fairly close to her face. She didn’t think she’d need much direction.

  “Open your mouth. Let me slide my cock between your lips. I’ll move it in and out. You use your tongue to stroke it, maybe suck a little. Just a bit at a time. And sweetheart, if you don’t like it, though I may cry, you can say stop, and we’ll stop.”

  She couldn’t hold back her smile. His cock ranged close to her face, and its presence fascinated her. Though both he and Joshua had used these wonderful organs on her, she’d not had the opportunity to see either of them up close until this moment. She’d wanted to. She wanted to study and explore and learn. They seemed to know already what to do to pleasure her. She wanted the same knowledge of their bodies for herself.

  She felt Joshua behind her, felt the heat of his body and the force of his stare as he focused completely on her. When he reached out a hand and stroked it down her back and across her bottom, she arched her back, letting him know how much she liked his touch.

  She turned her attention back to Caleb, to that marvelous cock that twitched just inches from her face. “Just let me…”

  He seemed to understand what she needed. “Go ahead and do anything at all you want.”

  Caleb’s voice sounded strained. When she looked up at him, tilted her head, he said, “The way you’re looking at me is getting me very horny.”

  “Horny? Another new word. Good. I want you horny.” She felt bold and brazen, and she felt free. Reaching out her hand, she stroked his cock. So amazing. Hot, hard, yet soft as velvet. She traced the veins that ran the length of his penis, allowing her fingers to brush the swollen sacs at the base of it. Caleb hissed in a breath, so she guessed he liked that.

  Leaning forward, she sniffed him and was instantly filled with such a craving for him it left her breathless. Right there, right where his cock emerged from his body, his scent was the strongest, a combination of sweat and man and passion that turned her insides to molten honey. She liked his aroma very much, and she liked what smelling him did to her.

  “Have mercy,” he breathed.

  She sat back on her haunches for a moment, met his gaze, then let one finger play up and down on his erect shaft. A bead of moisture emerged from the tiny hole at the top. She used her finger to spread it over the head of his penis, pleased when his cock seemed to jump and stiffen and grow even more.

  “Taste me.” His voice came out a desperate-sounding rasp. Caleb put his hand in her hair, his fingers flexing, grabbing hold of the strands, then drawing her face down and closer. Because she knew she’d teased him, and because she just plain wanted to, she got back on her knees, opened her mouth and let him slide his cock inside it.

  Shivers wracked her as she closed her lips around his hot member, as the scent of him combined with his taste excited her. He slid his cock deeper, and Sarah had never imagined her mouth filled in such a way. She played her tongue along his shaft as he withdrew then surged into her again. His groan fueled her desire to please him, and she experimented, trying to suck as he moved in her, even sucking against his withdrawal.

  His grunt and the flexing of his fingers—both hands now held her head—told her she pleased him.

  When he’d been inside her pussy, when he’d reached that moment of purest pleasure, she’d felt his seed erupt into her. The memory of that heavy pulsing deep inside her body came back to her now, and that emptiness-ache in her womb increased.

  Having Caleb’s cock in her mouth like this evoked desires she never knew existed. She wanted to taste his seed, watch as that rapture overtook him, rapture that she gave him. As her excitement grew, she flexed inner muscles, trying to quench a thirst between her legs for her lovers’ flesh.

  She sighed with deepest gratitude when she felt Joshua’s hand there, stroking back and forth slowly over her slit, dipping in to draw her moisture out, spread it over her. When he nudged her legs, she responded to his unspoken request and spread them a little wider.

  Hot breath gave her little warning. Sarah groaned around the cock in her mouth when a hot, greedy tongue lapped her pussy.

  * * * *

  Joshua recalled other times when he and Caleb had shared a woman. Maybe it had been because they were twins, but the idea of sharing had always been there with them. Right from that first time when they had been sixteen, with twenty-year-old Cora Mae who’d been the first for them both in a room in old Pete’s bar back home in Baker, Texas, sharing had always just felt right.

  Joshua wondered now if all those other times, and all those other women—bless their generous, cock-loving hearts—had been getting them ready for this time and this woman.

  Caleb kissed Sarah, and she responded to him with such sweet eagerness.

  “Get on your hands and knees, baby,” his brother whispered.

  Oh my, but she has a pretty little ass. Nicely rounded, smoothly white, it looked tasty, and there was nothing more he wanted than to sink his teeth into it.

  Watching the way Sarah examined Caleb’s cock, watching the way Caleb’s passion grew, fed a hunger in Joshua he couldn’t explain. Older than him by mere minutes, Caleb had always been his big brother. Twice during the war, he’d have been dead if not for Caleb’s instincts and his caring. He gained a particular satisfaction from seeing his brother’s happiness.

  Sarah nuzzled his brother’s cock, and his own jerked in response. He needed to touch her, and from the way he could see her sweet ass twitching, she needed his touch.

  Her sigh was all the encouragement he needed. She’d had them one at a time last night. They hadn’t wanted to overwhelm her or shock her. But they didn’t want to only have her one at a time.

  Joshua knew there would be times when they both would have her—in various ways—at the same time.

  He nudged her legs, and she parted them just that little bit more for him. Hungry for the taste of her, he lay down and maneuvered himself between her thighs.

  Her woman’s fragrance went straight to his cock, making it harden even as his mouth watered. Using his tongue, he lapped the entire length of her slit. The sound she made, coming out around his brother’s cock, helped fuel the flames of his excitement. He nuzzled his face into her flesh, between her folds, spreading her moisture across his lips and chin. Sarah tensed, torn, he knew, between pleasuring his brother and seizing her own rapture.

  He’d show her she could have both, easily. Another time, he’d use his mouth to take her to the peak again and again. But the scent of her, the moans and the slurps had him more triggered so that he knew he needed to grab some of this passion, too.

  Moving quickly, he got out from beneath her, rose up in his knees behind her. He moved his hand back and forth, testing her with a finger.

  She’d taken them several times already, and he’d be careful. But he needed to feel her silky heat surround him again.

  He focused on his objective, guiding his cock to her wet folds, gently rubbing it against her so that she knew what was coming. He looked up and encountered Caleb’s glittering gaze.

  His brother enjoyed watching as much as he had. Caleb looked down at the top of Sarah’s head. As if just realizing how hard his hands had been gripping her hair, he relaxed his fingers, stroked his hands over her blond tresses.

  “Joshua is going to fuck you, baby. He’s going to fuck your pussy at the same time as I fuck your mouth.”

  “You’re going to be full of our cocks, sweetheart,” Joshua whispered. “You’ll take us both at the same time.”

  “Mmm.” Sarah reached one hand up, curled it around Caleb’s cock as she slid it free of her mouth. He’d never seen a more alluring expression as the one she wore when she glanced at him over her shoulder. She widened her legs a bit, raising her ass just a fraction, as if offering it to him.

  “Yes, please. I want to have you both inside me at the same time.” She turned
her attention back to Caleb and sucked his cock into her mouth again.

  His brother stayed still, allowing her the freedom to move on him, to take as much or as little as she chose. And in only moments, Joshua understood she chose to take it all.

  He hissed as she moved her ass back, captured the end of his cock between the folds of her cunt. He surged into her, one long steady thrust that was as thorough as it was controlled.

  Hot and wet, tight and magnificent, her body took his in. “Ah, sweetheart,” Joshua said as he thrust his cock in and out of her. “You’re going to take us every way a woman can take two men.”

  He grasped her hips, holding her still even as she tried to escalate their dance. He held her and teased, teased them both, until he saw Caleb throw back his head, his growl a keening cry of satiation.

  Reaching down and around, he teased her clitoris until he felt the walls of her body convulse around him. Then he followed them both into the bliss.

  Chapter 11

  The land had leveled out, and as they traveled all day toward the southwest, it seemed to Sarah they left the hills behind. They’d been riding for several hours since the last break, their pace steady but not fast.

  As the terrain became flatter, less rocky, Caleb no longer kept them to single file, and instead the men flanked her. That made it easier for conversation.

  At the first rest stop of the day, Sarah had dispensed with the top part of her traveling dress and her blouse. The simple chemise she wore beneath would be too scandalous an item to wear out in Chicago. But on the trail heading through the untamed wilderness toward Texas, it seemed more than appropriate.

  And since her lovers had seen, touched, and kissed every inch of her naked body the day before, Sarah had awakened that morning to discover her modesty truly beginning to ebb.

  “See those trees up ahead? There’s a small river up there. We’ll stop and make camp for the night, see if we can catch some fish to eat. If you’re hungry.” Caleb said.


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