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Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)

Page 148

by Edwards, Scarlett

  He responds with a throaty growl and continues annihilating my pussy. Every thrust hits exactly the right spot within my walls.

  I get lost in his taste, his smell, his dominance.

  And then the orgasm hits. I cry out his name as wave after wave crashes through me.

  When it’s over, I’m left shaking, sweaty, but oh-so-satisfied. I’ve never been more fulfilled than I am when I’m with James.

  And for the first time ever, I realize:

  I never want another man.


  “So?” Summer asks the moment I walk through the door. “I know you were with him. What did he say?”

  “Summer, he showed me your test.” I look straight in her eyes. “I read what you wrote. You didn’t deserve to pass!”

  “Well, newsflash, I fucking didn’t,” she fires back.

  “James did you a favor,” I continue, dropping my bag on the counter and taking out some food items I’d picked up at the corner store. “He could have failed you with a much lower mark. Then you wouldn’t even be able to pass the course. He said he wanted to give you the chance to make up for it at the end. So he actually helped you because you know me. Not the other way around.”

  “Some help it was,” Summer mutters, but the fire seems to have gone out of her. She can’t hide behind bluster and false bravado anymore.

  “Anyway,” I say, closing the pantry door after depositing my emergency canned beans and tuna. “You better give your all in class. The final exam’s going to be your only opportunity to pass. You need to ace it.”

  “I will.”

  “No, Summer.” I fold my arms over my chest. “I mean you really need to ace it. You can’t dick around and pretend all the cards are going to line up for you in a neat, pretty little row. You’ll have to seriously study. How are you doing in our other classes?”

  “I’m doing fine, thank you,” she says, snatching an unopened water bottle from my hand. She unscrews the lid and drinks it as if I wasn’t just holding it. “How well did you do on Landon’s test, anyway?”

  “Good,” I say. “Better than most. I thought you were supposed to be an expert on everything James Landon, anyway? You’re the one who has all his books.”

  “I thought so too,” she murmurs, looking abashed for a split second. Then she perks up. “You say I should study, yeah? Well, you can help. Want to hit the library with me?”

  I hesitate. I’m feeling more run down than usual, thanks to the chemo drugs.

  Luckily there have been no further scary incidents like the reading one.

  “Please?” Summer insists. “I know you’re trying to be a good influence on me. I do appreciate it, Celeste. Please? I just need a little kick in the rear, that’s all. You’re the only one who cares enough to make me do it.”

  “You do have a sexy ass,” I consider.

  She perks an eyebrow at me.

  We both laugh.

  “Fine,” I say. “Yeah, I’ll do it. Let’s go.”


  Schoolwork picks up toward the end of the semester. I see exhausted, sleep-deprived faces everywhere. Crunch-time before final exams is on.

  Summer and I are lucky in that we only have two classes with a written examination. James’s is one of them. For the others, we have take-home papers.

  I see James as much as I can. I spend weekends at his place. He drives me to chemo each Saturday. And after every successful session, after every day where I don’t feel absolutely wiped, a small bloom of hope makes me think a future is possible.

  An uneasy feeling comes up in the back of my mind every time I consider it, though. I can’t help but feel like I’m overlooking something. Some flaw, some problem with the plan. People don’t just pack up and run off into the sunset. Things never happen like that in real life.

  So why is it that I feel like, with James, I could?

  Obviously, I haven’t told Summer our plans. Even the little tidbit about James getting tenure at the end of term felt like a transgression of trust.

  But so be it. She and I have been studying together single-mindedly. There’s too little time to focus on anything other than schoolwork.

  The week before exams, James makes a surprising announcement at the end of lecture.

  “We’ve had a fantastic term,” he says. “Out of all the classes I’ve taught, this one—“ he looks right at me, “—has been my favorite. Ever. Bar none.

  “Now, I admit some of you have expressed concern about the format of the final exam. If you’ve been paying attention in class and been diligent in your readings, you shouldn’t worry. I’m not a hard-ass. It is not my intention to fail a single one of you.” Appreciative murmurs come up from around me.

  “That said, you do need to study… but not that much.” James winks. “And to prove it to you –my real nature, that is –I’d like to invite each and every one of you to a celebratory party I’m hosting… in my penthouse suite… at the end of the week.

  “This Friday night.” He turns around and writes the date on the chalkboard. “Ten pm at this address.” He faces us again. “Now, it’s not a requirement that you attend,” he says. “But I would be most heartbroken if any of you wonderful people don’t make it.” He frowns in mock-sadness, then grins wide. “Alcohol will be served, music’s going to be blasting, and for those of you who wanted to know me better… you’ll get a very personal side of me that I’ve never exhibited in class. It’s going to be a party. In fact…” He purses his lips, and considers for a moment. “…the only way to truly fail class is to not show up. Because, you know what? Fuck it. Screw the examination. The only way to fail this class—is if you don’t show up.”

  He smiles broadly again.

  “How’s that for a sweet deal?”


  “Did you know about this?” Summer asks on the way out.

  She’s beaming. Almost everyone is. I don’t think any of the students expected to have the exam supplanted by a… party.

  “I had absolutely no idea,” I answer. “Swear to God. It was as much a surprise to me as to anyone.”

  “I guess good things do come out of fucking your professor.” Summer giggles, nudging me. “I don’t think he’d be in such a generous mood if it wasn’t for you!”


  When I ask, James tells me that he’s been planning the party for some time, but didn’t tell me so as to not ruin the surprise.

  “What it really is,” he says, “Is yours and my send-off. I figured one final rager here before we hit the road would be quite appropriate. Don’t you? Especially considering the circumstances of our meeting.”

  “Well, your students all love you,” I say. “It’s a huge load off our backs.”

  “I know,” he smiles. “I was in your shoes not that long ago. Besides. There is something I’ve always wanted to do. I wanted to be the awesome fucking professor they remember for a lifetime.”

  “You think everyone will come?” I ask. “What about the ones who don’t? Are you going to actually fail them?”

  He laughs. “Of course not. They’ll be given the chance to write the original exam as intended. But think, Celeste. Don’t you remember my very first office hours? Tell me, which of those girls wouldn’t jump at the chance to come to my home?”

  “Right,” I say. “I seem to remember a particular blonde that day, too. I wonder if she’ll be there.”

  James laughs and swings me into his arms. “Why?” he asks, after giving me a scorching kiss. “Are you going to be jealous?”

  He kisses me again, in the way that only he can.

  I’m flushed and turned on when he lets go.

  “Mmm,” I purr. “Maybe just a little.”

  I toy with the buckle on his belt. “Maybe you can find some way to convince me that I shouldn’t feel…” my hand dips inside and I grab his cock, “…threatened.”

  “Oh Celeste,” he growls. “I know just the way.”


  We fuck all over hi
s apartment that night. On the kitchen table. In the running shower. Against the refrigerator doors.

  James makes me come over and over again but holds off his orgasm until the very end. Only hours later, when we’re both sweaty, hot, and exhausted, does he unleash the greatest load of his life all over my belly, chest, and tits.

  I collect his cum, and with unsteady, trembling fingers, spoon it all into my mouth. I love the intensity that flares in his eyes when he sees me do that. I know it makes him go absolutely crazy for me.

  Everything I can do to ingratiate myself to this wonderful man just a little bit more is a plus in my book.


  James drives me home later that night. He begged me to stay, but I told him that even without his exam, I have an enormous amount of studying to do.

  “Besides,” I promise. “Another week and a half and we’ll jet out of this place. If you’re still up for it.”

  “Celeste.” James says my name in utter seriousness. “When have I once let you down? When have I lied to you? I meant what I offered. If you want, we can fly to my parent’s place in Boston first. Pay them a visit. I’ll introduce you…”

  He gets a thoughtful look on his face. “…You know, you’ll be the first girl I’ve let them meet other than Angela.”

  “What?” I quip. “All the randoms you’ve been sleeping with wouldn’t fit their bill of approval?”

  “Somehow,” James says. “I think not. You’re the only one forever for me, Celeste.”

  “Not quite forever,” I whisper sadly.

  His head snaps to me. “What?”

  “Nothing,” I say. “Just a… remnant. Of my former way of thinking.”

  “Damn right it is,” he growls. “You think I’m going to let you go just because some little disease has its hold on you? You’ve fought it off spectacularly thus far. After we see my parents, we’ll go to the Mayo Clinic like I promised. They’ll take amazing care of you there.”

  “And what about you?” I ask. “Will you take amazing care of me, too?”

  “That,” he says, latching his lips onto mine. “Is a fucking guarantee.”


  “Slutty or classy?” Summer asks me before the party Friday night. She’s weighing an outfit in each hand. One is a simple, strapless black dress, the other a skin-tight, royal blue dress, cut low at the collar and high at the leg.

  “Depends if you’re trying to get laid or just show off,” I say.

  “Hmm.” She considers her reflection in the mirror while holding each hanger in front of her body in turn. “Well, we know James is taken, but maybe he has some hot friends.”

  “If he does, I haven’t seen them,” I say.

  “Yeah!” She turns on me. “What is it you two do with all your time together?”

  “Mostly, we just fuck,” I say, point-blank.

  “Ha!” Summer laughs. “Sounds like a great time.” Casually, she adds. “Do you think it will last?”

  My defenses come skyrocketing up. “Of course, it’s going to last,” I say. “Why wouldn’t it?”

  “Oh, you know,” she shrugs. “Professor Landon doesn’t seem like the monogamous type. And you never were, either.”

  “People can change,” I defend.

  “Maybe. But it’s against nature… yours and his. Anyway…” She does a little spin. “We’re out to have fun tonight, right?” She throws outfit number one down. “Slutty it is.”


  When we pull up to the building in Summer’s Mini, we can hear the music from James’s penthouse on the street.

  “Shit,” she says. “This is the place? I remember it. Mike’s party?”

  “James hosted it, yeah,” I say.

  “Sweet,” Summer beams. She parks and gets out then looks at me. “Damn. You think we should have walked? Neither of us are getting home in that…” She nods back at her car. “…tonight. Not if we’re getting as drunk as I want us to.”

  “Walk in this weather?” I put my hand out, palm-up, to catch a snowflake. “No way. We would freeze to death halfway here.”

  “You’re right. Let’s hurry the fuck up, then.” She grabs my arm, and together we traverse the frozen sidewalk, clinging onto each other so we don’t fall.

  I greet the concierge by name, and he calls down the elevator for us. We get in.

  “Wow,” Summer says, glancing at her phone. “It’s only nine thirty. We’re here early, and already it sounds like the party’s started.”

  The doors open to reveal James’ enormous suite.

  “Oh wow,” Summer amends.

  I stand in shock beside her.

  James has completely redone the place. He’s had all the furniture moved to the sides to make one giant dance floor. Strobe lights are erected along the walls. There’s a huge DJ set all the way on the other side, against the massive windowed wall. House music is blaring through the speakers, and there’s already a sizeable crowd dancing in the middle. Along the sides, people are crowding the bar, being served drinks by none other than James.

  He’s laughing and smiling and flirting and teasing and absolutely reveling in the attention. I knew he would. He adores the spotlight.

  We make our way toward him. It’s hard with so many people. There’ve got to be at least two, three hundred crammed into the space.

  More are arriving by the minute.

  “Celeste!” James exclaims when he sees me. He puts down the drink he’s making and hops right over the bar like a hockey player jumping the bench.

  The move elicits some surprise from the crowd, but I hardly notice. My eyes are glued to James.

  Shit, he looks good.

  He’s wearing a deep, ocean blue button down and killer matching jeans. He’s got a bit of scruff on his face, and his hair is just a touch messy. Accenting his figure is a sleek black belt.

  This is the James I’ve come to know… and the one who tricked me into falling in love.

  I’m glad all his other students get to glimpse this side of him.

  “Professor Landon.” Summer smiles and puts her hip to one side, cutting a dashing silhouette. “How good to see you.”

  “James,” he corrects, without giving her a second glance.

  His attention is all on me.

  He grabs me by the waist and pulls me to him.

  With everybody watching, he seals my lips with a heated kiss.

  A round of applause explodes around us when he lets go. I blush furiously.

  “How are you feeling?” he whispers in my ear, his voice carrying just a touch of concern.

  “Fine,” I say back, quickly. “Good enough. Today’s a good day.”

  He nods, solemn for a brief second, and then it’s all smiles again as he turns his attention away.

  “It’s good to see you here, Summer,” he says, clasping her hand. “I wasn’t certain you’d show, considering the circumstances.”

  My stomach sinks. Have they been talking behind my back?

  Summer gives a predatory smile. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” she tells him. She takes a drink off the counter. “I do want to pass your class. That was the arrangement, was it not? Show up here, receive a passing grade?” She sips the cocktail. “How very generous of you, James. You have my thanks.”

  And then she leans in, kisses him on the cheek, and turns away into the crowd.

  He looks at me. “Do you know what that was about?”

  I shake my head. “I haven’t the slightest idea.”

  Somebody calls his name. He looks over his shoulder. “I’ve got to play the part of host tonight,” he whispers. “Are you good on your own?”

  “I’ll manage,” I say.

  “Here,” he presses a small key in my hand. “This opens my bedroom door upstairs. If you’re feeling tired, go up there. I’ll see you there before the night’s over.”

  Then he pinches my ass, making me jump, and steps away.

  I pick up another unclaimed drink—James has been making them and l
eaving them up on the bar—then go off to see if I can find Summer.

  But my search is interrupted real quick by the squeal of my name. I look back and see a group of girls I kind-of, vaguely, sort-of know rushing toward me, looking scandalized and excited all at once.

  “Celeste!” the first exclaims. She’s a tall, tanned, leggy blonde who obviously put more effort into her appearance tonight than I ever have in my life. “We heard rumors Professor Landon was hooking up with a secret girl from one of his classes… but we had no idea it was you!”

  I cringe and hate the way she says that, as if I’m somehow less deserving of James’s affection than any of them.

  “Girl, why didn’t you tell us?”

  “Oh, you know,” I say, plastering on a fake smile. “Some secrets necessitate a grand reveal.”

  I take a sizeable gulp of my cocktail, and make pretend we’re all the greatest of friends.


  The party picks up at eleven. The lights all go out, except for the flashing strobes, and the DJ begins his live set.

  It’s hysteria on the dance floor with so many bodies clustered together. It feels almost like a rave. I keep having shots with those girls who caught me earlier. I know it’s a bad idea what with chemo and all—but one night out shouldn’t kill me.

  I hope.

  I see no sign of Summer. But it doesn’t take me long to forget her. The drinks are going down smoothly, the music is amazing, I feel freer than I have in months, and I’m surrounded by a gaggle of new fake besties.

  There’s just something about totally letting loose and forgoing all inhibitions that is very, very cathartic. I’d denied myself the opportunity since getting news of my cancer. But tonight marks the end of one very lonesome stage of my life—and the transition into entirely another.

  Together with James.

  I catch glimpses of him here and there as the party goes on. But every time I try to find him, he’s like a ghost: Here one second, gone the next.


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