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Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)

Page 212

by Edwards, Scarlett

  “I came to correct your mistakes. Your business associates consider you a thief. You took information from them that they want back. While you’re safe here in luxury, they have made Min’s life a living hell.”

  Rich’s father does not seem surprised. “Oh yes, I know all about what they want. What interest is Mindy to them?”

  “They set their hounds after her. They planned on using her as collateral to get to you.”

  “She’s a smart girl. She can care for herself.”

  “Are you really so heartless?” Rich asks. “Do you feel no responsibility for what is happening to her?”

  “Forgive me, son, but information of the outside world is scarce.” He smiles without humor. “Very little filters through these walls. I do not know what is happening. It may surprise you, but I hold no power here.”

  “Tam and Victor were sent after Min. They chased her across the country while you were safe here. She feared for her life. She came to me. I have protected her as best I can. But they will not stop their pursuit until they have what you took back.”

  Rich’s father considers things for a moment. “So it comes down to this. The son, owning up to his father’s mistakes. And you speak freely of this in front of Penny?” He gestures to me in an offhanded way. My dislike for him grows exponentially.

  “I trust her with my life,” Rich says with the utmost conviction. My heart melts in my chest.

  “Fine. What do you want from me, Richard?” He holds up his hands as if they were shackled. “My options are limited.”

  “Give me the combination to your safe. I will return the documents. Min will be able to live her life again.”

  “My safe?” he chuckles. “The one in my office? I’m proud of you. I did not think you had the mind to remember.”

  “I’m not here to listen to your false flattery,” Rich says. “Give me the combination. Let your daughter live without fear.”

  “You really believe it is that simple, don’t you?” His eyes narrow. “You return what I stole—” he emphasizes the word, “—and everything can go back to normal? What is normal for you, Richard? What have you done to make your father proud?”

  I feel Rich tense. That hit a nerve.

  “I live for myself, father. Not for you. Not for your approval. Not anymore.” My chest swells with pride and love.

  “Fine. You think you know everything? You’re swimming in muddy water with sharks, boy, and you’re just a guppy. A guppy who considers himself a killer whale. You want the combination? Have it. Six-six, six-six-six.” He grins maliciously. “Do you expect me to write it down for you, too, or do you trust yourself to remember?”

  Rich glowers. “If this is a trick—”

  “Then you know where to find me again,” his father shrugs. “I am not as cold or ruthless as you think. I shielded you from so much as I allowed you to grow up in my home. What appreciation do you give in return?” He shakes his head as his eyes focus on Rich. “No. No, I don’t need it, either. Do what you will. Protect your sister. Prove yourself to be the greater man.” He smiles in a provoking way. “You mother would have been so proud.”

  Rich growls and starts to rise. At the same time, the security guard on the other side lays a hand on Rich’s father’s shoulder. “Time’s up,” he barks.

  “Good-bye, son,” his father says, standing to leave. “Take care of that girl of yours. She looks like a keeper.”


  “Well, that wasn’t so bad,” I say as we climb into the car. The walk from inside was quiet, with Rich stewing in his own thoughts.

  He scowls. “That was too easy. He’s not telling us something.”

  “You handled it beautifully.” I kiss him on the cheek. “You didn’t rise to any of his inflammatory words.”

  “He must think I’m an idiot if I believe that’s really the code to the safe…”

  “Why can’t it be? It’s not like anyone’s going to find it, anyway. Why not choose something simple?”

  “Really, though? Six-six-six?” Rich snaps his seatbelt on and starts the engine. “I agree, though. That’s why we have to try.”

  “Rich?” I ask.


  “Why did he speak about your mother that way?”

  “Because he wanted a reaction from me. He’s smart. Manipulative. He knows how to push people’s buttons.” Rich takes my hand. “If it weren’t for you, I don’t think I could’ve handled it.”

  “Nonsense,” I tell him. “You would have done perfectly even if I hadn’t been there.”

  “No, Penny,” Rich protests. “You kept me in control. You gave me strength just by being there. I couldn’t have faced him without you.”

  “Maybe now you’ll realize you can’t leave me behind anymore,” I remind him, smiling.

  Rich chuckles. “I think I already know that.” He shifts gears and drives out of the lot.

  A few minutes later, we’re driving through the same wooded landscape that brought us here. I see a dirt side road split from the main one up ahead.

  Rich notices it, too. He glances at me. I see a mischievous glimmer in his eye.

  Without warning he cuts right, onto the dirt road. At the same time, his hand goes to my thigh. I can see him trying to hide a sneaky grin.

  “I kind of passed out on you last night,” he says. “And the encounter with my father has left my blood boiling.” He stops the car in the shade of an enormous tree. “I haven’t had the time alone I need with you since you found me in New York.”

  “Richard!” I admonish playfully. “Don’t you know Min is waiting for us?”

  His hand starts moving up and down my thigh. He unbuckles his seatbelt and faces me. “Let her wait,” he says, pulling me in for a kiss.

  Our mouths meet. I devour him greedily. His tongue duels with mine as his hand tightens on my leg. Feeling frisky, I climb over the center console onto his lap.

  Rich’s hand slips under my jeans and he grabs my ass. I grind my hips against him as we continue to kiss. I can feel him growing hard. It excites me.

  I pull at his shirt and tug it over his head. He rips the top buttons of my blouse open. My breasts heave out. Rich makes a low, growling sound, and then lowers his head to feast on my flesh. He tugs my bra down, slipping the girls free. I moan and arch into him as he sucks on one nipple. He turns his attention to the other one, his tongue flicking it back and forth in his mouth. I thread my fingers in his hair, pulling him into me.

  The horn sounds, startling both of us.

  “Sorry!” I grin at him and move my elbow.

  Rich chuckles. “Trying to draw attention to us in the woods, are you?”

  “Oh yes, I want all the animals to see.”

  “I didn’t know you were such an exhibitionist,” Rich teases.

  “Maybe it’s something you bring out in me,” I quip.

  “Do I?” Rich kisses me again. “In that case, I think we’ll have to explore it further.” Another kiss. “What else do I bring out in you?”

  “Mmm… many things.” I laugh as his stubble scratches against my skin. I run my hands down his body, hook my fingers into the waist of his jeans, and pull down.

  His erection springs free, hard and thick. I curl my palm around it and start stroking him up and down. Rich exhales a heavy groan.

  I bite my lower lip and smile, watching Rich’s face. I love seeing his features full of ecstasy like they are now. Knowing I’m the one he’s responding to that way makes me feel so sexy.

  “My god, baby, you’re so good with your hands,” Rich pants. I bring my other hand into him, so I’m stroking his cock with both of mine. I circle my thumbs over the tip and pump him as he groans with pleasure. I feel my own breathing growing heavy. A thin layer of perspiration beads my body from exertion.

  Rich pulls my head toward his and crushes his lips to mine.

  “I want you deep inside me,” I whisper in his ear. “Rich, I want you in me now.”

  His hands fly to u
ndress me. I hold onto his shoulders for balance as he slides my pants down to my knees. I’m moist and ready for him. I wiggle one leg free, kicking my shoe off in the process. Then, I slowly sink down over him.

  The air leaves my lungs in a shaky moan. Rich fills me to the brim. I love the stretched feeling. To think I was once scared of it is ridiculous. The little bit of discomfort makes it so much better.

  “Jesus Christ, Penny, you’re so tight.” Rich’s thumb starts to circle my clit. “And you’re so ready for me.”

  “I’ve missed you,” I tell him as I start to rock.

  Pretty soon, the car is filled with the sounds and smells of sex. I moan into Rich’s mouth as he continues to kiss me. I lean back into the wheel and steady myself on his legs as he pumps into me. My breasts are heavy and swollen, my nipples tight, straining buds. I can see the veins pop in Rich’s sculpted arms as he grabs at me. I can feel the swell building within with every glorious intrusion of his penis. I can see the pleasure in his eyes, hear the satisfaction in his voice.

  I cry out as the tension builds to the breaking point. My body is rocked by a series of unimaginable waves. Rich bursts into me at almost the same time. The hot, sticky fluid fills my insides and adds immense satisfaction to my pleasure.

  I collapse forward, into him, drenched in sweat and fulfilled in the way only he can make me feel.

  Rich’s breathing is ragged and hard. As he regains his strength, he pulls me close and whispers in my ear, “I love you.”

  Chapter Eight

  We clean up as best we can, get dressed, and drive back. Rich sports a satisfied smirk all the way to the hotel.

  Min is frantic when we arrive. “Oh, my God!” she gasps. “What took so long? I’ve been dying in here!”

  Rich and I share a look that she catches. She starts to frown. But, Rich calms her down and explains everything: The long wait, the conversation with their father. The um, traffic, on the way back.

  “Does he look… okay?” Min asks. “I know he deserves to be there, but still…”

  “He’s fine,” Rich answers gruffly. “If anything, they’re pampering him in there.”

  Min senses Rich’s reluctance. “He is our father, Rich.”

  Rich grunts in reply.

  We get back into the car and drive to their house. Rich circles the block once, looking for suspicious vehicles. Even though we don’t find any, he remains wary as we approach the doors.

  Min uses her key and we walk to the office. Rich activates the mechanism that frees the painting and help Min and me through. The heavy door at the bottom moves more easily this time.

  Rich kneels by the safe. He looks at Min, then he looks at me. I give him a confident smile.

  It’s only skin-dep. Inside, I’m trembling with the unspoken worry we all share: What if Rich’s father lied about the combination?

  Rich takes a deep breath and punches in the code. Six-six, six-six-six. My breath catches. The second that passes feels like eternity…

  The safe springs open.

  “Shit,” Rich mutters. “He was actually telling the truth.” He reaches inside and takes out a single, dark USB stick.

  “Oh my God!” Min jumps and envelopes me in a hug. She takes the USB stick from her brother. “This is it!”

  Rich stands up. “All that trouble for something so small.”

  “Can I see?” I ask. Min hands it to me. The device is small and heavy—much heavier than the cheap plastic dongles sold in stores. There’s a cap that comes off. I notice an inscription on the underside: ‘RedArm Corporation.’

  As I give the USB stick back to Rich, a wave of relief washes over me. Finally, I feel the end of all this uncertainty is near.

  I point out the lettering to him. He nods. “Yeah, that makes sense. RedArm is my father’s former business partner’s company.”

  “What do they do?” I ask.

  “It’s probably a shell organization to legitimize all the underground dealings that go on,” Min offers. “Officially, it’s a boutique consulting firm. But that can mean anything.”

  “Told you she’s smart,” Rich winks. We climb the stairs to the main floor. “Lucky for us, RedArm’s offices are in a building close by.”

  “So they’re the ones who sent Tam and Victor?” I ask.

  “Most likely,” Rich answers. “Obviously, they have mob connections. Like Min said, the company is just a legal front.” Rich pauses to consider something. “I want to get this over as soon as possible. I’ll go there today.”

  “Not without me,” I interject.

  Min’s hand on my shoulder makes me stop short. “This is something he has to do by himself,” she says, her eyes full of compassion. “They wouldn’t just let three of us walk in there.”

  “No,” Rich agrees.

  “But we’re going with you to the building.” Min smiles at me. “We’ll wait in the lobby.”

  Rich laughs. “I know better than to expect anything else.”


  Min picks out black formal-wear from her closet. She gives me a pencil skirt and matching jacket, along with a white blouse and black pumps. Even though it all fits, I’ve never felt more uncomfortable. I don’t recognize the woman staring back at me in the mirror. I know all the clothes are terribly expensive, but they’re square-ish and make me feel awkward. Dressing professional is definitely not my style.

  I turn around and nearly gasp when I see Rich. He’s wearing a perfectly-tailored, light-grey suit. It emphasizes his wide shoulders and trim waist. He looks handsome and dashing.

  He looks me up and down. “Sexy,” he growls when our eyes meet. “There’s something about seeing you like that that turns me on.”

  Scratch everything I said before. I love these clothes.

  Min clears her throat. “You’ll get plenty of time alone,” she tells Rich, “later. Are we doing this, or not?”

  Rich chuckles and tosses the USB stick up in the air. He catches it with his other hand and slips it into his pocket with style. “Hell yeah. I’m excited to get all this behind us.”

  “Do you guys really think it’ll be that easy?” I ask. “I can’t shake the feeling that something’s going to go wrong. We just walk in there and hand them the USB drive?”

  “Babe, I promise that’s all it’s going to take.” Rich leans down and kisses me. “I might need to sweet talk them a bit, but you know how good I am at that.” He winks at his sister. “I got you to fall in love, didn’t I?”

  I knuckle him in the ribs. “Don’t push your luck.”

  Min laughs.

  We get into the car together. I let Min take the front seat with her brother. As Rich drives us into the city, I marvel at the splendor and sheer size of New York. Yes, I’d lived in the most populated state before. But, there’s something about this city that takes my breath away.

  Thirty minutes of stop-and-go traffic later, Rich pulls into an underground lot beneath an enormous glass tower. When we walk into the lobby, I’m suddenly glad for the way we’re dressed. There are hundreds of people milling around here, and all of them have the same stark, professional garb. We would have stood out in anything else.

  We walk to the elevator. Rich consults the building directory, then we step inside. We rocket to the top floor.

  A gleaming steel desk stands directly in front of the elevator doors. A graceful, beautiful woman in her fifties smiles at us as we walk inside. “What can I do for you?” she asks pleasantly.

  Rich takes the lead. “I’m Richard Blackthorne—”

  “Oh!” The secretary exclaims. “Mr. Blackthorne’s son! We’ve been expecting you. Please, sit down. I’ll ring Mr. Calloway and let him know you’re here.”

  I exchange a glance with Min as we’re ushered to the waiting area. “Can I get you anything?” the woman asks. “Water, tea, coffee?”

  “We’re fine,” Rich answers cordially. “Thank you.”

  As soon as the secretary turns back, Rich hisses at us. “You need to leave
. Now. If they knew I was coming, that means they’re having us watched.”

  “If we’re being watched, then how do you expect us to get away?” Min shoots back. She offers a composed smile to the woman at the desk.

  “Go underground,” Rich says softly. “Take the subway. Nobody can follow you there. Get off on 12th street—”

  “Richard!” I emphasize his name. “What does it matter if we’re being watched? We came here with what they want. You give it to them, and everything will be over. You said so yourself!”

  Rich hesitates, conflicted…

  “Mr. Blackthorne?” the secretary calls out. “Mr. Calloway will see you now.”

  “Thank you,” Rich smiles at her. He stands up and straightens his suit. “Penny,” he says as he delays. “If anything happens…”

  “Go!” I tell him. “Min and I can take care of ourselves.” I squeeze his hand. “Really. Don’t worry.”

  Rich looks at me, then at Min. “You better,” he mutters under his breath. He walks to the front desk wearing a fake smile. The woman there escorts him down the hall.

  Min scoots next to me when we’re alone. “We’re doing the right thing by staying,” she assures me.

  “Then why does it feel like we’re always fighting what Rich wants?” I ask.

  The secretary returns to her desk and starts typing on her computer. Time drags by. About fifteen minutes later, the elevator doors open to admit a balding man in a light beige suit. My heart freezes in my chest. For a second, I think that it’s Tam. He glances at me and Min. Relief floods my body when I see he has a completely different face. After a curt greeting to the secretary, he walks down the same hallway where Rich disappeared.

  More time passes. I can’t keep my eyes off the clock. Why is the second hand moving so slowly? I look at Min. Her legs are crossed, and she’s tapping one foot nervously against the floor. Both of us are strung tight.

  I hear a door open. Two voices drift down the hall. One of them belongs to Rich. Booming laughter comes next.

  I look at Min and risk a smile. “If they’re laughing, that must mean something good, right?


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