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Uncovering You: The Complete Series (Mega Box Set)

Page 218

by Edwards, Scarlett

  Tam’s voice does not change. Nothing about him, that I can tell, changes. But when he speaks, it feels like the room has been overtaken by a blizzard. “I will advise you, only once, not to speak to me that way.”

  Rich glares at Tam. His neck muscles tighten. Tam looks back plainly. I can feel a confrontation coming on. I inch away. I knew bringing Tam here was a bad idea. And now that Rich’s temper has been fanned, there’s no way he’ll calm—

  “You’re right.” Rich lowers his head. “I apologize.”

  My eyes widen. Rich? Saying sorry? It almost strains belief.

  “I accept. I trust we will avoid similar situations in the future?” Tam’s question is not a question but a statement.

  Rich sits beside me again. His anger hasn’t faded, but he’s doing a very good job restraining it. Maybe I can learn a thing or two from Tam.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, putting my hand over Rich’s.

  He nods once. “I just never expected… fuck, but I should have seen this coming!”

  “You had no way of knowing,” I reassure him.

  Rich shakes his head. “I should have gotten suspicious when Amanda’s texts and emails to me started increasing. It was right around the time Min found me.”

  “I thought you said you’d been in touch with her consistently after your breakup?”

  “Consistently, but sporadically,” Rich answers. Tam watches patiently as he waits for our conversation to finish. The man might creep me out, but his patience is impressive. “No more than once every few months. Come to think of it, I remember she was the one who initiated contact at first, after the breakup. Right around four years ago.”

  “When she started seeing your father,” I say.

  Rich grunts.

  “Back on topic,” Tam reminds us. “Victor began acting strange after his failure. When he and I met with Amanda, and she brought us to you—only to find you’d escaped again—he took it personally. I went back to await further instructions from RedArm. He went to pursue you on his own. I had to track him without his knowing. I knew he could jeopardize our objective.”

  Tam lays out another set of photographs on the table. “These are from four days after we lost track of you.”

  I recognize the buildings in the background. “That’s the college town where I used to live!”

  “Huh. She cut her hair,” Rich comments.

  Tam nods. “This is right around the time of the apartment fire.”

  “You know about that?” I gasp.

  “Yes. I said I lost you, not Victor.”

  “Were you in contact with him during this time?” Rich asks.

  “No. As soon as he went on his own, RedArm nullified his contract. I remained vigilant to ensure he would not do anything that might harm the well-being of our target.”

  “Min,” Rich says dryly.

  “So you were telling the truth, then,” I say, looking from Tam to Rich, and back again. “I didn’t believe it for the longest time. Min and I were really not supposed to be hurt?”

  “No harm would have come to Ms. Blackthorne as long as her father cooperated,” Tam offers. “As for you? No. You were not who we wanted.” I hate how he can say things like that with so little emotion.

  “So then what happened?” Rich demands. “Where did your vigilance go when Victor and Amanda rammed into our car?”

  Tam’s eyes tighten ever-so-slightly. It’s a warning. The tension in the room thickens. I bet Rich’s question teeters right on the edge of that invisible line Tam forbade him from crossing.

  “He means, how did Victor and Amanda get to us without your knowledge?” I correct, hoping to avoid an unnecessary confrontation.

  Tam looks at me. His dark eyes glisten. “Even I have my faults. I am not above admitting that. I lost track of them when they arrived in New York. But, since yesterday, I believe I have narrowed their location down to three different hotels. They have rooms in each.”

  “Good,” Rich says. He glances at me. “See? I knew this would be useful.”

  “Do you still want to talk to Amanda?” I ask. “Considering the new information?”

  “I have to, Penny. I have no choice.” Rich grimaces. “Even if it angers me just thinking of what that means…”

  “I also took these,” Tam interjects. “From this morning.” He takes out an envelope from his jacket and hands it to Rich. “Please, take a look.”

  Rich opens the envelope and pulls out a batch of photographs. He angles them toward me so I can see. The first is of Amanda, wearing large, dark sunglasses, and walking down a street. Alone. In the second, she’s hailing a cab. The next shows her walking from the cab into a full parking lot. There’s another of her opening the door to a car, and finally driving away.

  Rich stops flipping through them. “Does she know you took these?”

  Tam raises a single, questioning eyebrow. That’s enough of an answer for Rich.

  He continues through the pictures. There are some of the back of Amanda’s car in traffic. Some of her driving down a long, isolated country road. My stomach clenches as I recognize the surrounding trees. I don’t need the final pictures to know where she ends up: Rich’s father’s penitentiary.

  Rich grunts and stuffs the pictures back into the envelope. “I need to see him,” he says softly.

  I take hold of his arm. “Rich, are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “He has to know what his actions did to his daughter.”

  “He’s in jail, Rich. There’s nothing he can do from there.”

  “His children are still facing his consequences. I can manage, but Min…?” Rich looks at Tam. “Does Victor know where Amanda went?”

  Tam shakes his head. “She took the trip discretely for a reason.”

  Rich sighs. “She’s playing Victor like a harp, then.”

  I look at Rich in surprise. “You think she’s seducing him?” I shiver despite myself, remembering the way Victor smelled.

  “Victor was always distracted by a pretty face,” Tam agrees.

  “And Amanda is devious enough to manipulate people like this,” Rich says. “She’s using Victor to get to us. To me.”

  “What about your father?” I offer. “What if Amanda is just doing what he tells her?”

  “Shit, I didn’t even think of that!” Rich exclaims. “I don’t want to believe it. There’s only one way to find out.” He stands up. “I’m going to go see him. Right now.”

  “I’m coming, too,” I say.

  “No, Penny, it’s too—” Rich catches himself and cuts off. He chuckles. “You’re not going to let me say ‘no’, are you? Okay. Let’s go.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Tam stays behind when we leave. He says he has things to do, and will meet us later. Rich asks him to watch Min in case Victor or Amanda show up. He agrees.

  Rich is fuming the entire drive to the penitentiary. I try my best to keep him calm. But, I would be angry, too, if I were him. It’s understandable.

  We pull up to the prison. I take a deep breath. “Rich, I want you to know that whatever happens, I’m there for you. I love you. Don’t forget that.”

  “I won’t.” Rich squeezes my hand. “Thanks, Penny.”

  “How do you think he’s going to react this time?” There is no need for me to say who ‘he’ is.

  “Hell if I know,” Rich mutters. “He might deny it. He won’t like that we found out, I’ll tell you that.”

  “Do you think he initiated things or Amanda?”

  Rich grimaces. “That’s something I don’t want to think about. I don’t know. My bet is on Amanda. It’s not like my father kept tabs on me after I left home. Amanda knew where to find him, though. Maybe this was her twisted way of getting back at me.”

  “I can’t believe she would do that.” I shake my head. “Actually, I can easily believe it of Amanda. I can’t believe it of any sane person.”

  Rich shrugs. “Those are the cards we’re dealt. Ready?”

bsp; “Yeah,” I sigh.

  We get out of the car and walk toward the penitentiary. We go through the familiar check-in process. Then we’re brought to sit in a different waiting room than last time. Today, there are other visitors here with us. I see a young couple—which surprises me—a lone, older man, and a tanned, leggy blonde who’s chewing her gum ambitiously.

  No one really looks at one another. Rich and I find seats away from everybody else.

  The guard informs us that since there’s a line, we’re going to have to wait for everybody who arrived before us. They only bring out one prisoner at a time. Because of the crowd, there’s a ten-minute conversation limit.

  And so, once again, Rich and I wait for his dad. When the blonde finally leaves, and we’re the last ones in the room, the door on the other side of the glass separation opens. Rich’s father walks in, accompanied by two guards.

  “Penelope,” he smiles. “To what do I owe the great pleasure of your company?”

  I scoff. “Talk to your son!” I lean down and kiss Rich on the cheek. “I’ll leave you two alone.”

  Rich holds my hand. “Don’t go far.”

  “I won’t.” I turn around and return to the seats. I didn’t like the creepy way Rich’s father eyed me. I also think Rich needs time to talk to him alone without my interrupting.

  Still, I find a spot where I can listen in on their conversation without straining too hard.

  “…never forget that I loved her.” Anthony’s voice.

  “Oh? Is that the same type of love you claim to have for your daughter?”

  “Mindy means the world to me.”

  “Hah! Spare me the bullshit. Min is in the hospital, unconscious, because of you.”

  “What?” I can tell his father’s surprise is feigned.

  “I know who visited you here this morning,” Rich says quietly.

  “Other than you, I’ve seen no one.”

  “Don’t. Don’t lie to me about this. I know about her, Anthony. I know about Amanda.”

  There’s a long pause. Neither man says anything. Finally, Rich’s father speaks. “You know about her? What do you know, Richard?”

  “Everything. I know you’ve been seeing each other for four years. I know about the clandestine meetings, the plane tickets you bought her. I know about the money you’ve given her.”

  Rich’s father laughs. “Is that what this is about? Are you jealous that I’m giving money to your former lover instead of… you?”

  Rich slams a fist against the glass wall. “Don’t call her that.”

  “Why? It’s the truth, isn’t it? Is that what brought you here again?” Rich’s father sneers. “I saw the way you paraded Penny before me. You’re not threatened by your old man, are you?”

  “You disgust me,” Rich spits. “Your daughter is in the hospital because of your mistress, and all you can think to do is mock me? You are reprehensible. You are…”

  I stop listening when I hear heels clicking down the hall. I turn around, and instantly feel bile rise in my throat.

  I know the person walking in. She is the one responsible for everything that has gone wrong. Amanda.

  She smiles when she sees me. I have a feeling her presence here is not coincidental.

  She takes off her large sunglasses to reveal her flawless, sun-kissed face. Her hair is cropped stylishly around her forehead. At one time, I would have been jealous of her long-limbed, curvy figure. Not anymore. I know the monster that lurks beneath.

  I stand up. I know I’m nowhere close to her height, especially when she’s in heels, but damn if I’m going to let her intimidate me. I glance back at Rich. He’s engrossed in a heated argument with his father. Neither man notices the newcomer.

  Amanda sits at the far end of the room and motions for me to join her. She does it so casually that there is no way a passerby would guess there’s any animosity between us.

  When I get to her, she’s admiring her own reflection in a little hand-held mirror that she found in her purse.

  “Hello, Penelope,” she says. “So nice of you to join me.”

  “Amanda,” I note. The guard in the room looks at us. There’s no way Amanda would try anything here, not with this much security. That also means I’m unable to do anything to her.

  Amanda smiles. Her voice rings as she speaks, “Is that really the proper way to greet an old friend?” She tsks. “What do you think of my new hair? It’s quite a departure from my previous style.”

  “What are you doing here?” I hiss at her. I have to grip the hand rests to avoid “accidentally” hitting her. I want nothing more than to plant my fist right in the middle of her perfect face.

  “I came to see Tony, of course.” The way she says Rich’s father’s name leaves no doubt in my mind that they’re lovers. “Fancy my surprise when I find you here—” she grimaces, “—with Tony’s son.”

  “Don’t play dumb. I know you followed us.”

  Amanda laughs, a sound like chiming bells. “Penny, you put too much faith in my abilities. How would little old me know where to find you?”

  “I don’t know, Amanda.” I give her a sickly-sweet smile. “Why don’t you tell me?”

  “Why don’t we just call it a happy reunion, then?”

  “I know what you did,” I tell her. “I have proof. You are not going to get away.”

  Amanda touches her lips in faux-surprise. “Oh my, is that a threat?”

  “Tell me,” I ask her, “exactly how long you’ve been Anthony’s whore?”

  Anger flashes in Amanda’s eyes. Her body trembles, and for a second I think she’s going to break from her placid mask. She takes a deep breath, lets it out—and the mask reappears.

  “You know, I do believe I made a small mistake the other night,” Amanda says. “Somehow, it seems I confused you with Min. I hear misunderstandings like that happen all the time.” She smiles at me. “You were supposed to die, not her.”

  The first words that come to mind are, ‘Min’s not dead’. I swallow them and hold my tongue. Amanda thinks Rich’s sister died?

  Suddenly, a realization dawns on me. What is the best way to prevent someone who’s seeking revenge from harming you? Convince them that you’re dead.

  I wonder if that is the extra “protection” Calloway provided. It would make sense. It’s certainly within his power. He’d barely need to lift a finger to do so.

  “What’s wrong, Penny?” Amanda mocks. “You’ve gone all quiet. Don’t tell me I’ve upset you!”

  “How could you?” I whisper. “How could you be so heartless?”

  Amanda shakes her head. “No, my dear. You don’t know the truth of it. I told Richard once, long ago, that he would live to see the day he regretted breaking up with me.” She flips her hair. “This is me fulfilling a promise.”

  “You’re sick.”

  “And you’re in imminent danger.” Amanda smiles. “How was it so easy for me to follow you, Penny? I’ve done it time and time again.”

  “You’re using Victor,” I spit at her. “For your own vendetta against Rich.”

  Amanda laughs again. “Believe me, I don’t think he minds. In fact, he’s proven himself to be quite loyal to me.”

  “Does he know you’re here? Seeing Tony?”

  “Some things are better left unsaid,” she offers. “I don’t expect you to understand. Men have never fought over you.”

  “Bitch!” I know she’s just trying to get a rise out of me. I fell right for it.

  “Amanda?” Rich’s voice is surprised and angry.

  I look across the room and find him spun around in his chair. His eyes are wide.

  Amanda gives a little wave and blows him a kiss. Maybe it’s meant for Anthony. I see Rich’s father leaning back in his chair, triumphant as a king.

  Rich crosses the room in quick strides and grabs me by the elbow. He pulls me up and puts his body between mine and Amanda’s. The damn woman watches everything with as much alarm as if she were sunbathing on
the beach!

  I feel another hand on my shoulder. I turn to find the security guard frowning at me. “Is there a problem here?”

  “No problem,” I say quickly.

  He grunts and looks at all three of us. “Behave yourselves,” he warns. “Remember where you are.”

  “Yes, officer,” Amanda says sweetly, smiling at him with her beautiful tilted eyes and rosebud lips.

  “Hmph.” The guard nods and returns to his place at the door.

  “Penny, how long have you been talking to her?” Rich demands.

  “Oh, grow up,” Amanda says. “Penelope’s a big girl. She can handle herself.”

  “I didn’t ask you,” Rich growls. He turns back to me. “How. Long?”

  “A few minutes?” I tell him.

  “Dammit, why didn’t you say anything? Don’t you know she’s dangerous?”

  Amanda laughs. “Really, Rich? Look around you. Do you see where we are? I’d be an idiot to try something here.” Her voice becomes mocking. “Although it’s oh-so-heartwarming to see how precious little Penny is to you.”

  “Shut up, Amanda,” Rich barks. I can tell by his body language that he’s strung tight.

  I lay a hand on his arm. “Maybe we should go.”

  “You want to leave so quickly?” Amanda pouts. “Why, you’ve only just said hello!”

  Rich addresses her. “I’m only going to tell you once, Amanda. Leave. Go home. I don’t want to see or hear about you anymore. This is the only warning you will get from me. Leave. Tonight.”

  Amanda laughs again. “Oh my! Is that another threat? You two make a wonderful pair.” She stands up. Rich stiffens and I nearly jump at her as she leans in to add in his ear, “You and I could have been wonderful lovers. But you chose her over me. Now, my darling,” she runs her hand over Rich’s cheek, “you have to face the consequence that I once warned you about.”

  She spins off and struts toward Anthony. “Such a shame to hear about that sister of yours,” she says over her shoulder. “From what I understand, she’s had nothing but trouble since you two reunited. I would say I’m sorry about what happened to her, but… I’m not.”

  Rich takes a menacing step after her. I grab his arm. I have to use both my hands to hold him back.


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