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The Vampire's Infliction (Fatal Allure Book 4)

Page 11

by Martha Woods

  Cayden was stronger and faster than most humans, able to handle himself in a fight with a werewolf, any kind of shifter, a vampire, and the list went on. Of course, he refused to accept his heritage and left home and all the craziness when he was nineteen. All he wanted was a quiet life, a nice, safe desk job, and maybe a wife and a kid or two.

  He remained estranged from his father for years. Finding out that his father had been killed a year ago, he had finally assumed his title as hunter. Guilt and pain drove him to find the shifter that killed his father. Maybe if he had stayed and hunted with his old man, protected him, he would still be alive. He’d always thought it was less than smart for one person to hunt alone. There should be a team of men and women working together. The best he had done was check up on his father every once in a while, but he chose to stay away for the most part. The last he heard, his father was in these very woods, hunting a pack of shifters and one of them had killed him.

  Cayden set down the blade. He vowed that it would be the weapon he used to end the shifter when he found him. Tonight, he had hoped to get his hands on one of the creatures and torture him or her for information, then kill the abomination of course. He had been close, but the wolf was fast and had the advantage of knowing the terrain.

  No matter. He would remain in town until he accomplished his mission. In the meantime, he would take out as many abominations of nature as he could and hone his skills. He started his truck and drove off, easily navigating his way through the dark with his enhanced vision. A shadow of a smile hovered on his lips. He may not be thrilled about what he was but he was going to have a grand time in Boulder Junction wreaking havoc on all the creatures that went bump in the night.

  Chapter 2

  Skylar ducked into her car. Her heart raced and her breathing came out in short huffs. How had they managed to find her? She had been careful, laying low since she found out that she was a target. Letting out a frustrated growl, she checked her rearview mirror and reversed. She didn’t even know what she was being targeted for. But she had a pretty good idea why. No doubt her father had something to do with it. If he would just answer his phone, she could at least know what he did, and to who this time.

  Once she hit the highway, she fished around her handbag for her phone. Glancing in her mirror again, she was satisfied to see that no one was trailing her. She dialed her father’s number. The phone rang a few times without an answer.

  “Dad, unless you’re dead, you had better answer,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Sky?” the deep, raspy voice answered.

  She let out a breath, relieved that he wasn’t dead. “Dad, it’s about time. I was worried, which I don’t even know why since you managed to pull me into your mess. And I don’t even know what kind of mess it is!”

  “Slow down, honey. What are you talking about?”

  “Men have been following me for about two weeks, Dad. I’m no criminal. I didn’t screw anyone over. So that must mean you did.”

  There was a string of expletives followed by, “I didn’t know they would actually go after you, sweetheart.”

  She drew in a breath. I knew it! Her eyes narrowed to slits even though he couldn’t see her but she wished he could so he could see how pissed she was.

  “What did you do?” she asked wearily.

  “I owe someone money and I may have mentioned that I have a daughter who could help me out.”

  Skylar’s mouth dropped open. “You may have mentioned me?” she scoffed. “I can’t believe you. Tell me, Dad, what the hell am I supposed to use to help you out? I don’t have a job. I just graduated. And you didn’t even come to my graduation,” she added with a pout.

  “I know, I know. I’m sorry… I was…in hiding.” He paused. “Are you sure you don’t have any money left? Your mother-”

  “Left me enough money to finish school,” Skylar interrupted. “You are a piece of work, Andrew Moore. And don’t you dare talk about Mom. You don’t even deserve to mention her.”

  Her voice shook and her eyes filled with tears as they usually did when she thought of her late mother. It had only been the two of them for a long time, after she kicked her husband out of their house because of his gambling and drinking. He was constantly putting them in danger with his antics and Sharon was through putting up with him. She was the only parent Skylar knew from the age of six. Her father called once in a while and showed his face for birthdays, even though Sharon never liked the idea of him coming around.

  Andrew had the decency to sound repentant. “I’m sorry, honey.”

  “Yeah, you’re always sorry,” she grumbled. “Back to the matter at hand. The big, scary looking guys have been following me because they think I can pay off your debt, correct?”

  “Er, I suppose.”

  “Well, what else could they possibly want me for?” Images of her gagged and bound and being tortured filled her mind. Or what if they wanted to sell her to some creepy rich pervert to get their money or force her into prostitution? “You know what? Don’t answer that.” She took a deep breath. “Look Dad, you need to tell your friend that I am of no use. I have no money so you’re going to have to dig your way out of this one on your own.”

  Andrew sighed. “Skylar, wait. How do you know these men are after you? I mean, I mentioned you, that was all. I didn’t give away your address or anything.”

  “Well, I’m bright enough to know that when I step out of my apartment and see large men dressed in black with mean looks on their faces, it doesn’t mean they stopped by for a friendly visit. And when said men continue to follow me around, I know they are up to no good.”

  It was a good thing she was quick and crafty. She had learned a few things from her mother. She had learned to be observant and how to make a quick escape if necessary. Sharon had lived in fear of her husband’s activities catching up to them. It had a few times and that was why they had moved often until they ended up in Miami.

  They were in Miami for the longest because everything seemed to have settled down. There Skylar had finished high school and went to college like her mother had wanted. Skylar hadn’t found out that her mother was sick until her last year in school, when the effects of her illness started to physically show. Sharon had made her promise not to drop out of school, as her intention had been to drop out of school and get a job to help pay her mother’s mounting medical bills. She died a few months before Skylar graduated.

  “Okay, maybe you should come and stay with me, Sky.”

  She let out a laugh. “Are you insane, Dad? That is the worse idea I have ever heard. Sure, just go straight to the guy who has a bull’s eye on his forehead.”

  “You can’t protect yourself from those men.”

  “Like hell I can’t. I’ve managed to stay one step ahead of them and I’m going somewhere far, far away.”

  “Where are you going?” Andrew asked. There was genuine concern in his voice, which Skylar ignored. It was best if he didn’t know.

  “I’ll keep that to myself for now. Just be careful, Dad. I’ll call you. Okay?”

  “Sky-” She quickly hung up before he convinced her to tell him where she was heading. She had always had a soft spot for her father. She was the type to always see the good in people. And she was convinced that deep down, her father was a good man. She let out a long breath as she turned her focus back to the road.

  Surely if she laid low long enough, this entire thing would blow over. She smiled, feeling a sliver of hope. As soon as she had realized that she wasn’t safe, she had taken steps to get herself out of Miami. She had been scouring the internet for a job, and like a quick answer to her prayer, the job posting had appeared. Some rich business man was looking for a personal assistant in Boulder Junction. She didn’t even know where in North America Boulder Junction was until she looked it up. It was in Wisconsin, far enough from Miami.

  Applying for a job as a personal assistant was a waste of her business degree, but there was something about the ad that see
med to call to her. She couldn’t explain why she had been so drawn to it. Plus, it was perfect for the time being; a job in a town far from the danger in Miami and she could start paying off her mother’s medical bills. Later, she could do what she really wanted to do: go into accounting. She had always been good with numbers and figured that was a good way to use her skill.

  “This will be temporary,” she assured herself out loud.

  Skylar bit her lower lip. Guilt nagged at her as she thought about the job. She didn’t think she would actually get the job without any experience but she had. The ad had specifically asked for male applicants but for some reason she had gone ahead and applied. Her name was unisex so the employer naturally assumed that she was a male.

  “Oh God, I’m turning into a liar and cheat like my father.”

  Well, it was too late now. She was already on her way to Wisconsin, two days earlier than planned, but she had to get going when the men showed up at the motel she had been hiding out in. This time there had been three of them. They had pulled up in front of her room in a heavily tinted van.

  Not conspicuous at all, she thought, rolling her eyes. Her bags were packed and already in her car. All she had to do was slip out the back window, make it down the fire escape, and run.

  * * *

  Skylar smoothed her skirt as she stepped out of her car. Looking down at herself, she frowned, wishing she had something better to wear. She had always been a jeans and t-shirt girl, and the drab brown skirt suit she had on was the only business attire she owned.

  She gazed up at the house in awe. It looked like a cabin but a very big one. A mansion. A mansion cabin? A cabin mansion? Whatever it was it was beautiful.

  “And in the middle of the woods,” she mused, looking around.

  Well, it would suit her just fine. It was secluded and far from the town. Her father’s enemies would have a hard time finding her there. She teetered on her high heels toward the door, praying that she didn’t break an ankle. Heels were something she didn’t wear often. Maybe because, subconsciously, she knew she always needed to be ready to run.

  She smoothed her hair, which was caught in a simple ponytail. She figured it would make her look more business-like. When she made it up the last step and stood in front of the door, she took a steadying breath. Whoever answered probably wouldn’t be amused to find out that she wasn’t what they had asked for. She grasped the gold heart-shaped pendant around her neck that her mother had left her.

  “Well, here goes nothing.”

  She lifted a hand toward the brass knocker but the door opened before she could use it. With wide eyes, she stood face to face with a woman. The woman looked middle-aged with graying, black hair. She had dark skin and wore a friendly smile. Her dark brown eyes shone with intelligence and seemed to look straight through Skylar. At least, that was the impression she got from the woman’s penetrating stare. She wore an apron around her waist and Skylar wondered if she was the housekeeper, or perhaps the wife of the man she had applied to work for.

  Skylar put on her brightest smile. “Hello, I’m Skylar Moore. I’m-”

  “Mr. Conway’s new personal assistant,” the woman finished for her. She had an unusual accent that sounded French.

  “Uh, well. I certainly hope so.” She let out a nervous giggle and clamped her mouth shut. She waited for her gender to be addressed.

  “My, my. You are by far the prettiest man I have ever seen.”

  Shocked, Skylar stared at the woman. She saw the humor shining in her eyes and couldn’t help smiling. Color seeped into her cheeks and she looked down at the tip of her shoes. “Er, about that. I’m so sorry but I -”

  “Really need the job,” the woman finished.

  Skylar glanced up. “Yes.” The woman with the assessing eyes seemed to be a mind reader.

  She chuckled. “I know.”

  “Uh, you do?”

  “Yes, I sent for you.” She stepped aside. “Come in.”

  Skylar eyed her with confusion as she stepped in. “You sent for me? Oh, you mean you posted the ad online?”

  The woman’s brown eyes twinkled. “I did. Mr. Conway asked me to.” She gave Skylar a once over. “I knew you would come. You are perfect.”

  Skylar tried to keep her expression neutral but the way the woman phrased her sentences were a bit off. “Perfect for the job?”

  She received a smile. “Among other things. Come child. Let me introduce you to Mr. Conway.” The woman laughed. “I can’t wait to see the look on his face. I’m Farah, by the way.”

  Skylar followed her. “That’s a lovely name.” Before she could ask where it originated from, she got the answer.

  “Thank you, it’s Haitian.”

  Skylar nodded and focused on keeping herself upright in the ridiculous shoes. She was led into what looked like a library. There were tall shelves, stacked with books - volumes rather.

  “Have a seat, dear. I’ll let Mr. Conway know you’re here.”

  “Thank you.”

  Skylar perched on one of the cozy looking chairs. She was on edge, worrying about what would happen when Mr. Conway arrived. Farah seemed alright with her lying on her application, but would Mr. Conway be? “God, I need this job.” If she was kicked out on her ass, she had no idea where she would go or how she would get there without money.

  She jumped up with a ready smile when she heard footsteps. She heard Farah say, “Mr. Conway, I must warn you -” His eyes had landed on her before Farah finished. She cleared her throat. “This is Skylar Moore, sir.”

  Liam stared at the woman standing in front of him. She was all blonde hair, blue eyes and bright smile - way too perky looking. His brows knitted. “What is she doing here?”

  Skylar was too busy being stunned by his appearance to answer. She thought the house was impressive, but the owner was breathtaking. The sight of him literally robbed her of breath. He was younger than she thought, much younger. Emerald eyes gazed at her with confusion. He blinked and a lock of raven hair that was a bit too long fell over one eye. Her eyes moved down to take in his full lips and a chiseled jaw. He turned to Farah and the movement pulled his shirt tighter, drawing her attention to broad shoulders and very muscular arms. He was tall and imposing. He was perfect‒ male model perfect.

  “Well?” he growled.

  The deep, annoyed tone pulled Skylar from her trance.

  “She is the applicant you chose to be your personal assistant, sir,” Farah said with a smirk.

  Skylar eyed the older woman suspiciously. She didn’t seem at all intimidated by her very large boss. In fact, she seemed as if she was enjoying herself.

  “No, I hired a twenty-four year old man with a business degree who said he could help with finances.”

  Skylar held up a finger. “Th-that would be me, with the exception of being a man.” She gulped when he turned cold green eyes her way. “I can balance a check book like no other.”

  Liam sighed. “Thank you for your time Ms. Moore, but I do not need a female personal assistant, especially one who lies.”

  Skylar’s heart dropped. Damn it. “Now, Mr. Conway, if you’re referring to me not mentioning that I am a woman on my application, I wouldn’t call it a lie per say, more an act of omission.”

  “Show her out, Farah.” He turned on his heels.

  “Mr. Conway, you are being completely sexist if you think that I can’t do the job that you offered simply because I’m a woman.”

  He stopped and turned back to her. His eyes traveled over her slowly, making her squirm just a bit. “Trust me, Ms. Moore, the issue is not me thinking you incompetent because of your gender.” He turned to leave again.

  “Then what is it? A-are you gay?”

  Farah suddenly broke out into a coughing fit. Liam froze in his tracks and Skylar clamped her mouth shut. Oh, no… foot in mouth disease, she thought. She’d always had a problem with speaking before thinking. Liam’s eyes landed on her once again and she flushed a bright pink. “I-I mean if you a
re, that’s totally fine. I would understand why you would prefer male company.” She really should just stop talking.

  To her surprise, amusement flashed across his face. “I am not gay, Ms. Moore. I’m merely hesitant to hire a female because the last one I had took every opportunity to plot her way into my bed rather than do her job properly. She lasted a week.”

  Skylar scoffed. “Well, if that’s what you’re worried about, put your mind at ease. I don’t find you the least bit attractive.” And the award for biggest liar goes to…

  Liam cocked a brow but remained silent. Shoot, I offended him. She took a deep breath. She had to get this job, she had to. Come on, I’m Andrew Moore’s daughter. I can talk my way in and out of just about anything.

  “Please, Mr. Conway, I really need this job. I spent all of my money to get here. I’m coming all the way from Florida. I don’t know how I’ll get back there.” He still didn’t say anything. Okay, maybe he didn’t have a sympathetic side. “Uh, one week. Give me one week to prove myself, and if I don’t have your life and business running like a well-oiled machine, then you can send me through the door. I’ll serve you breakfast in bed and give you foot rubs if I have to.” She stopped, breathless from her rapid begging. Her teeth sank into her lower lip as she waited for his response.

  Chapter 3

  Liam stared at the woman, amused. His attention was drawn to her mouth the second she began nibbling her bottom lip with small white teeth. He couldn’t help noticing how sensually curved her plump, pink lips were and wondered how they tasted. Catching up on his wayward thoughts, he scowled. He could already tell the woman would be a distraction. He had only considered being a distraction for a female employee‒ not once did he think that he could be the one who got distracted. There was no room in his life for romance. He only ever engaged in brief affairs where the other party knew nothing about him and he didn’t care to know anything about her.


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