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Carol's Image

Page 25

by Jordan, Maryann

  Tom turned to Jake with desperation in his eyes. “Jake?”

  Jake looked at his best friend, knowing that he was at the end of his rope. “We’ll get her. Stay here and keep talking to her. She needs to hear your voice. She needs to know you are close.”

  Shane was already on the radio, directing the police helicopter to the building site. “ETA is three minutes, Tom. Jake is right, talk to her.”

  Quickly laying down on the roof, with his head dangling over, Tom called to Carol. “Angel, it’s me. Hold on. Help is coming. Can you hear me, baby?”

  She managed to nod her head.

  “You remember the first time I saw you? You were leaning over me, that golden hair like a halo. I coulda’ sworn I’d died and gone to heaven. And I didn’t even care. All I could think of what if you were what was waitin’ on me, then that was fine. From that moment on, all I’ve wanted is you. Never looked at another woman. Never looked back. Just wanted a future with you. I always thought I was in control. But the honest to god truth is that you have controlled my heart since I saw you. Can you still hear me?”

  Another head jerk.

  “I want us to get married. We can settle in my house or if you want, angel, we can buy a house of our own. Whatever you want. We can have kids. Watch ’em grow up. Little blonde angels, just like you. Only if they’re half as beautiful as their momma, I’ll have to lock ’em up just to keep the boys away.”

  Tom’s voice cracked as the emotions overtook him. Jake, sitting right next to him, put his hand on Tom’s shoulder to steady him. Tom sniffed and wiped his nose as tears fell freely.

  “Just keep hanging on, angel. Swear to god, I’m gonna get you.”

  The sound of a helicopter came upon them, drowning out their voices. Shane came running over as a rescue line was dropped. “Tom, gotta man who will be fastened into the harness and the chopper will lower him to her. He’ll fasten a harness around her too and then it will pull both of them up and place them here on the roof. Already got the rescue team in place.”

  Tom standing to his full height took a deep breath. “It’s gonna be me, Shane. Have them harness me.”

  “You’re not trained in this, Tom. Let my men get her up here.”

  “We’ve got no time to argue, harness me up,” Tom ordered.

  Shane looked over at Jake, who just nodded. “Do it.”

  Tom was quickly harnessed in and lifted over the side of the building. Only needing to be lowered about ten feet, he quickly came upon Carol’s trembling body. “Carol, it’s me. You can keep your eyes closed if you want, but angel, just know it is me that got’s you. I’m the one touching you. You got me, angel?” his soft voice coaxed.

  She nodded, keeping her eyes tightly shut. She could feel Tom’s arms encircling her as something was wrapped around her waist and tightened.

  “Angel, here comes the hard part. You have to trust me. I want you to let go of the ladder and hold on to me as tight as you can.”

  Carol shook her head, knowing there was no way she could let go.

  “Angel, eyes on me,” Tom softly ordered. Another shake.

  “Angel. Eyes. On. Me.”

  Carol turned her head toward his voice, allowing his words to flow over her. Slowly, she opened her eyes, desperately seeking his. His face was inches from hers. His arms were wrapped around her. Blue eyes gazed at blue eyes.

  “Ready, angel?”

  Nodding, she felt Tom’s arms tighten even more. Suddenly she was flying through the air, being lifted. But all she felt was Tom wrapped around her body. Protected. Safe. Cared for. Comforted. Accepted. Loved.

  Chapter 25

  Carol lay in the Richland hospital bed, eyes closed in pain-drug induced slumber. Tom lay next to her, refusing to leave her side. Her leg was stitched, her cuts and bruises taken care of. She had answered all of the police questions about Cal’s operation that she might know as well as her ordeal. Calmly. Quietly. Rote answers. To anyone else, it would look as though she had come through the last couple of days mentally unscathed. But Tom knew better. She had shut down, shut him out, shut out everyone. One of the hospital shrinks had come by, but she politely refused to talk or to take any anti-depressants.

  One more day, then they could head home. Jake and Rob had been burning up his phone, wanting to know what was going on. It seemed as though all of Fairfield was concerned about Carol.

  Shane stopped by the day after the rescue. Tom slipped out of her bed, walking over to grasp him tightly. Tears shining in his eyes, Tom admitted, “Shane. I owe you. If we hadn’t had you, I don’t know…”

  Shane, wrapping his arms around his old colleague, shook his head. “No man. She did it all. Her will was strong to get back to you, to stay alive. Hell, maybe one day we can all be that lucky.”

  “Gotta ring on her finger, plan on getting married as soon as we can. You better be at the wedding.”

  Looking down at his booted feet for a moment, Shane looked back up into Tom’s eyes. Taking a deep breath, he shook his head. “Sorry, man. But, I’m goin’ in. It’s the only way to get these fuckers. Cal, he was someone we wanted, but he’s not the top of the chain. So, I’m goin’.”

  Not the life he wanted, Tom nonetheless respected the men who went undercover. “Damn, Shane. Are you sure?”

  Looking over at Carol resting in the bed, Shane gave a short laugh. “About as sure as any of us can be. Been thinkin’ about it for a while. I’m ready. But I am sorry I will miss the wedding.”

  Clasping hands again, the two men said goodbye, not knowing when they might meet again. Turning quickly, Shane left the room, leaving Tom suddenly very tired.

  Moving silently across the floor, he slid back into her bed, pulling her close before falling asleep.


  Waking near dusk, Tom looked at her face, gently brushing her hair back from her forehead. Planting a gentle kiss there, he turned as he heard a noise at the door.

  Standing in the hospital doorway was Carol’s father, looking out of place in the hospital corridor. Glancing back down at Carol, seeing her still asleep, Tom slid out of the bed and walked over to the door.

  “Mr. Fletcher,” he acknowledged.

  Carol’s father glanced at his daughter lying still in the hospital bed. His eyes cut back to Tom’s. “Is she all right?”

  “She will be. Is there something I can help you with?” Tom looked behind her father to see if he was alone.

  Looking uncomfortable, Mr. Fletcher said, “I came by myself. Her mother couldn’t…well, it’s been all over the news and … well she…” Looking down at his shoes momentarily, he signed heavily. “She is embarrassed by the publicity.” Looking back to Carol lying still in her bed, he said, “I just wanted to come by myself to see if she is all right.”

  Tom, angry at the pitiful show of parental concern, just replied, “She’ll be fine. Nothin’ that won’t heal or I won’t take care of.”

  Carol’s father jerked his gaze back to Tom’s eyes. “I know you don’t approve of me.”

  “It’s not my place to approve or disapprove. I just know that you’ve never understood her or been there for her. But I am. And I’m not goin’ anywhere. We’re not waitin’ to get married. As soon as she is healed, we’re goin’ through with the wedding.”

  Silence ensued as both men took measure of each other, gazes not faltering.

  Cutting his eyes back to his daughter once more, Mr. Fletcher just nodded. He turned to leave but stopped just short of the door. Looking back, he spoke softly, “Take care of her.”

  Nodding, Tom replied, “Always planned on it.”

  With that, Carol’s father left the room. Tom stood staring after him for a long minute. Trying to reconcile his warm, supportive upbringing compared to her cold one left him first angry, then sad. Sighing deeply, he turned back to her bed. Large, blue eyes were staring back at him, tears sliding down her cheeks. Blue eyes gazed at blue eyes.

  Rushing to her side, he slid in the bed wrapping his arm
s around her small body. Pulling her in close, he cradled her head to his chest.

  “Angel, I’m so sorry. So sorry.”

  “He came,” she whispered. “That was hard for him, but at least he came.” Sniffling, she continued, “Tom, I want to talk to my counselor when we get back. I’m ready to talk.”

  Letting out the breath that he had been holding, he pulled her in even tighter. “Thank god, angel. Anything you need, you got it. I’m here just for you, babe. I’ll call her right now and set things up.”

  “Later is fine. Right now, I just want you.”

  Holding her close, knowing that she was going to be all right, he willed her to feel his love. I got you, angel. I’ll always have you.

  Carol snuggled in, breathing him in. Warm. Comfort. Safe. Here. Forever.

  “I hear your heartbeat.”

  “It beats for you, angel.”


  Pulling into the driveway two days later, Tom glanced over at a still-recovering Carol in the seat next to him. Pale, with dark circles under her luminescent blue eyes, there was a hint of a smile curving her lips. And her breathing had been easier since they had crossed into Fairfield.

  Looking up at their house, he saw Laurie, Rob, Jake, Sofia, and Jon on the front porch waiting for them. Sighing deeply, he was glad their friends were so concerned but he worried about Carol. She was better, both physically and mentally, but he would be glad when she talked to her counselor.

  Looking back at the friends walking from the porch to the truck, he hoped it wasn’t too much. “Stay right there, angel.” He hopped out of the truck, rounded the front giving a quick head nod to their friends and opened her door. Carefully he scooped her out and carried her toward the house.

  “I can walk, you know,” she said softly.

  Looking down into her blue eyes, he grinned. “Yeah, but this is so much more fun.”

  Their friends surrounded them, accompanying them inside the house. Tom placed her gently on the sofa, then settled in next to her back, pulling her tightly to his side. Sofia and Jon quickly checked her leg.

  “I’m sure it’s fine, guys,” Carol admonished.

  “Honey, nobody does stitches like I do,” claimed Jon, as he carefully pulled back her bandage to see the handiwork.

  “I don’t trust those big-city doctors. Nothing like having your friends sew you back together,” Sofia chimed in. “But I guess they took one look of your Mr. Hunka Don’t Mess Up My Woman Detective, and they did you up good!”

  Hearing Sofia’s newest name for him had Tom’s eyebrow raised in surprise. Carol couldn’t help but giggle, and the sound was music to his ears. She hadn’t laughed in two days.

  Laurie brought in refreshments from Bernie’s Bakery and the friends settled in for a short visit, keeping the conversation light. Everyone danced around the topic of the kidnapping, not wanting to say anything to upset Carol. Smiling, she seemed genuinely pleased to be with their friends.

  After a while, Carol’s eyes began to close, the pain medications working.

  “What have they got her on?” Jon asked.

  Tom nodded toward Carol’s purse saying, “They’re in there.”

  Sofia pulled open Carol’s purse and pulled out the prescription bottles. “This is just pain meds. Do they have her on any anti-anxiety meds?”

  Still holding a sleeping Carol in his arms, he just shook his head. “Hospital shrink came by twice, but she wouldn’t talk. She also refused any medicines other than for pain.” He looked down at the fragile beauty in his arms, cradling her close to his heart. “Almost lost her,” he spoke on a whisper, his voice raspy with emotion.

  Rob pulled Laurie in tightly, as tears fell from her eyes. Jake, still shaken from the events on the roof as well, walked over and placed his hand on Tom’s shoulder.

  “Honey,” Sofia said quietly to Tom. “You need to get her to her counselor and you need to go as well.”

  Tom just nodded. “Yeah. Already put a call in. We’re goin’ in the morning.”

  Jake squeezed his shoulder, “Good man.” Looking around the room, he announced, “We need to leave so Carol can get some rest.”

  They all stood to leave, saying their goodbyes, as Jon checked with Tom to see if he knew how to take care of the leg wound. Receiving Tom’s assurances, he left as well.

  With Carol in his arms, he carried her upstairs to their bedroom. Laurie had already turned the bed down, so he just laid her gently on the sheets. Carefully sliding her yoga pants off her body, he looked at the neat stiches running down her thigh. His hands tightened in fists as he thought about that fucker with her. Drugging her. Terrorizing her. Chasing her. Taunting her. Shaking his head, he headed into the bathroom to shower.

  Climbing in bed with her later, he gently pulled her body tightly in next to him, knowing the only way he would ever be able to sleep again was if she were wrapped in his arms.


  “You ready, dearie?” Jon asked Carol as Sofia fussed over her.

  “You’d better be ready to go meet Mr. I’m Gonna Give You Some Loving Detective waiting at the alter,” Sofia chimed in.

  A smile lighting her face, Carol beamed, “Oh yeah. I’ve been ready!”

  They watched as Laurie and Sofia walked down the aisle first, then the music began the bridal march. “Then let’s get the show on the road.”

  Floating down the aisle, Carol made her way to the front of the church where Tom waited. Jake and Rob stood with him, creating a wall of masculine gorgeousness, but she only had eyes for Tom. Tall, blonde, handsome, his chiseled face in a panty-melting grin, he was her Viking.

  The last two months had been difficult as she alone and then with Tom, went through counseling with Ronda. Reliving her nightmares and fears had been traumatic, but day by day she was getting stronger. Glancing to the side, she saw Ronda in the church smiling at her. Returning her smile, she was so proud that she had not binged or purged throughout the ordeal. Looking back to Tom, she realized once again that she had what she had always wanted. Trust. Companionship. Care. Comfort. Love. She made her way to his side, placing her small hand in his much larger one.


  Tom watched the beauty as she made her way to him. Heart near bursting, he felt the sting of tears. Blinking them back, not wanting to miss a moment of her journey down the aisle, he smiled as she approached his side. Taking her hand, they turned toward the minister.

  Minutes later they were pronounced man and wife. Tom lifted her up in his massive embrace, kissing her the way he had been wanting ever, since he saw her at the back of the church. A kiss filled with love, promise, passion, hope. Forever. Slowly letting her slide down his body as the kiss ended, blue eyes gazed at blue eyes.

  “I hear your heartbeat, Mr. Rivers,” she said with a smile.

  “Angel, it beats for you, Mrs. Rivers,” came the heartfelt reply.


  (5 years later)

  “Angel, we’re gonna be late,” Tom called up the stairs.

  “We are hurrying,” came the reply.

  Tommy looked up at his dad. “Why does mommy always say that?”

  Hoisting his four-year old son up in his arms carrying him outside to the truck, he replied, “Son, it just takes women longer to get ready than men. We don’t fuss about our hair and clothes like your momma and sister do. But when they come out, make sure you tell them how pretty they are. Remember, we take care of our women.”

  Carol and two-year old Joanna came running out of the house, hustling to get to the car. Tom looked over at his beautiful wife and little girl, but before he could say anything, Tommy piped up, “You two look beautiful. Daddy says we have to say that and take care of you.”

  Rolling her eyes, Carol just laughed. “Oh he did, did he? Well, I guess your daddy is right,” she declared as she leaned up for a quick kiss.

  “Ew, mommy’s kissin’ daddy,” Tommy proclaimed.

  “Son, that’s the good stuff,” his father said, while buckling him
in the car seat.

  Arriving at Bernie and Mac’s place for the Thanksgiving meal, the kids ran over to play with Richie and Sarah, Jakes’ children with his wife Emma, and Brock and Caroline, Laurie and Rob’s children. As the adults tried to settle the children down for the meal, they couldn’t help but laugh at how far they had come in recent years. The boys didn’t want to sit with the girls, but their dad’s managed to convince them that girl cooties wouldn’t jump on them.

  Tom stood looking at Jake and Rob, saying, “You know, it won’t be too many more years before these kids start pairing off. And I’m, telling you right now, your boys start sniffin’ around my Joanna, I’m gonna have my eye on them.”

  Jake spoke quietly, “You think I’d let either one of your boys anywhere near my Sarah?”

  Before Rob could retort, the women walked over. “Down cavemen,” Carol said. “The boys’ll be fine and so will the girls. We just raise the boys to respect women and the women to respect themselves, and they’ll be just fine.”

  Nodding at her wisdom, the adults made their way over to the food laden tables. Bernie and Mac still presided over the table of family and friends. Jake’s mother, Mary, sat with Tom’s parents, Charles and Nancy, at the other end of the table. Christina toddled over to her parents, and Rob picked up his daughter, cradling her as he leaned over to kiss Laurie. Jake and his wife Emma were sharing a look that only lovers and partners can know. Carol recognized it because it was the same look she and Tom gave each other.

  She continued to look around, appreciating the simple concept of family and friends gathered around a table. The food no longer bothered her. Eating was for nourishment and enjoyment, but not for stress relief. When she looked in the mirror, she saw the image of a strong woman and was determined to raise her daughter that way. Healthy. Happy. Accepted. Loved. Family. Tom leaned down for a kiss before the meal began, still amazed at the beautiful woman at his side.

  As the meal was ending, Tommy and Joanna crawled into their parents’ laps, feeling nap time coming on.


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