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The Best Friend: A Young Adult Romance Story

Page 14

by Ally Williams

  The good thing is Hayden and I are moving on. It was only one kiss, so it should be easy for him to forget about, and it seems he already has. I’ll admit that it hurts, but I’m grateful. After all, I was the one who asked him to let it go.


  I’ve undeniably been on a rollercoaster of emotions that I haven’t been able to get off. Yet again, I push them all back down in an overflowing box for the time being when I walk into the quaint little coffee shop.

  Autumn rain slowly turns into winter drizzle, pelting down from the cloudy sky. Soft music plays through the speakers, just low enough to enjoy the sounds of the cozy weather outside.

  I drag a hand through my slightly damp hair, grumbling under my breath about wasting my time straightening it this morning when it’s just going to frizz up into a wavy mess now. With bright eyes, I peer around at my surroundings to see a long brick wall to my right, decorated with twinkling fairy lights. There’s a counter to the left where you place your order and a glass container filled with all sorts of pastries and sandwiches.

  Dirty blonde hair catches my attention when he looks up to find me with a wide grin spreading across his face, waving me over.

  “How are you?” Nick smiles when my feet carry me to the table he saved towards the back with rustic seats.

  “I’m doing good. You?” I tug off the coat, shaking off the water droplets before hanging it on the back of my chair.

  Nick and I had made these plans a few days back over text messages, coming to the conclusion that we haven’t spent time together in a bit. I’m more than happy to meet up with him because he always makes me feel refreshed in a way.

  Hayden, of course, gives me a grim frown when I tell him I can’t visit him at work because I have plans. When he asks who I will be with, I can’t stop my eyes from rolling, looking at him like it isn’t his business, but I spill the beans anyway. It puts him off for some reason and throws him into a bad mood. Though, when I press a kiss to his shoulder when we hug goodbye, he smiles, and I know that was enough.


  “I’m doing great! Glad I made inside before it down poured on me.” Nick smiles, eyes looking at my body up and down, observing my very damp state. We didn’t have the same luck. “Don’t frown at me…” He stands to bop my nose with his finger. “Let’s go order.”

  I drop the façade the second his uplifting spirit rubs off on me like it always does. Nick insists on paying for my part, and no matter what fight I put up, my protests are futile. When we order, he ends up handing his money to the cashier to pay for both our coffees and sandwiches.

  We return to our seats with warm beverages and food in front of us on the cute, little, wooden table that has intricate carvings on it. I tuck my legs under me, cold fingers wrapping around the mug to find some sort of warmth.

  “How’s Leena and your mom?” Nick asks, taking a small slurp of his drink, looking at me with raised brows behind the rim.

  “They’re doing really well. Leena is in perfect health. The doctor said so after her checkup yesterday.” I think back to my baby sister who has thousands of adorable fat rolls on her body.

  “I’m happy to hear that!” he says genuinely, and I smile. Nick’s always been the kind of person who really means what they say and is always checking up to make sure the people he cares about are okay. “How’s the baby with Wylie and you?”

  I chuckle. “Wylie absolutely adores her. Always making sure she’s not crying and well-fed. Though Leena does get annoyed and fussy with him sometimes because Wylie always wants to hold her, but it’s cute. She’s good with me, but when she’s hungry, the only person she wants is my mom.”

  “Leena surely is going to have a problem with boyfriends if Wylie is already that overprotective.”

  “Between Wylie, Gabe, and I, it’ll be impossible for her to ever have a boyfriend. We might scare shitless every guy that steps near her.”

  Nick throws his head back in laughter that soon dies down to small giggles. “That’s how I am with Phoebe. In my mind, she won’t ever grow up and will never be allowed to have a relationship.”

  “They are kind of pointless anyway. You don’t even need to be in one to have your heart broken…It’s just life.” I shrug, peeking down at the coffee that swirls around in my cup.

  “How’s all of that going by the way? You and Hayden?” He winces quietly, tiptoeing around the subject.

  I sigh with slumped shoulders, chewing up my food before speaking. “We’re okay, I guess. We’re slowly getting back to the way things used to be, which has been good.”

  “I’ve noticed that he hasn’t really left your side. I’m surprised he wasn’t trailing behind you when you walked in here to meet me.” He teases, a smirk curling at his lips.

  “We’re not that attached at the hip.” I scowl with a small snicker, his exaggeration amusing me. “He’s just been trying to fix what he broke.”

  “I’m happy for you and him, really.” His blue eyes bore into mine, reaching over to lay his hand on my own. “You’re one of my good friends, and I adore you. I just don’t want to see you hurt because of him again. Be careful, yeah?”

  I nod, feeling extremely grateful I have such amazing friends who care so deeply about me and my well-being, but who also take a step back and let me do things my own way.

  “My feelings for Hayden are nonexistent when I’m with him, so you have nothing to worry about. Things can’t possibly get any worse than they already have in the past.”

  Chapter 25


  “You have to tell me what I’m doing wrong, or I’ll quit!” I exclaim and roll my eyes, shoving my gloved hand at his chest, pushing him back some.

  My heavy breathing and the sounds over everyone else around us training or working out are loud, but Hayden’s boisterous laughter is louder.

  He tries to stifle his chuckles, eyes sparkling while peering down at me. “Okay, I’m sorry.” The apology slips right out, but I know he doesn’t mean it. He’s been having way too much fun giggling at me this entire time.

  Hayden managed to sneak his way in my house on this dreary Sunday morning. It wasn’t even close to afternoon, and yet he was forcing me out of my warm and comfortable bed that I was snuggled in. I was half out of it when I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and slipped workout clothes on the right way, thankfully.

  For a while now, he’s been wanting to teach me how to defend myself, but I always declined and picked jogging on the track upstairs instead. Today is different, because he guilted me into it, claiming it would relax him before his match tonight.

  Boxing always looks cool, and I hear it’s a good workout—not that I cared about exercise—and I lack in the arm muscle department. It’s not exactly my fault I have the upper body strength of a rodent, and no one was ever there to teach me how to throw a punch.

  Violence doesn’t resolve anything. But it makes Hayden happy and content; plus, it’s something he’s finally stuck with. So, if he’s been willing to watch chick flicks with me over the years, even though I see him secretly wipe his tears, then I’m willing to give this a try for him.

  Believe me when I say I’ve tried my hardest to hit the punching bag with all the strength I have, but it hardly moves. Instead, I only end up smashing my nails into the palm of my hand while Hayden has a good laugh at me with his head thrown back and a hand on his stomach.

  “You’re honestly doing really well for someone who’s never done this.” He admits, grabbing my wrist to pull my hand away from his chest and back into the right position he taught me. “Just try to put all your body weight in the punch, and don’t overthink it.”

  I scoff because he’s making it sound like a piece of cake, which is something I can go for right now. A nice slice of vanilla cake.

  We continue like that for a while, and I see a bit of progress despite the moon shapes I still continue to leave in the skin of my palm. At least I know how to throw a proper punch now, even if it’s not powerful eno
ugh to knock someone out.

  Hayden shakes his head in amusement, placing his hands on my hips to move me off to the side. His fingers lingering on a strip of my bare skin where the tank top has risen due to all the physical movement I’ve been doing. That one small gesture is enough to have my heart pounding out of my chest.

  There’s no way he didn’t hear my shocked gasp because he drops his touch, clearing his throat. He then moves on to show me once again how to hit the bag dangling in front of us. I worry about the condition of his hands since he has nothing on to protect them, but he continues without a care.

  He throws a look over his shoulder to make sure I’m still paying attention when I’m really trying to hold in my laughter. His brows furrow in confusion, turning to face me completely.

  “I think your shorts are shorter than mine.” I flit my eyes down to the bright orange piece of fabric that rides up further than mid thigh. They fit him too well, but I still think it’s too cute.

  “What?” He pretends to gasp, looking down quickly at his clothing choice. “No, they’re not…How could you say that?” He mocks in fake offense, but the playfulness to his tone and the smile curling at his lips tell me that he finds it just as amusing.

  “It’s the truth.”

  Hayden cocks a dark brow, gripping my forearm to spin me around so he can observe my shorts. “Yours are by far shorter than mine. I can actually see your ass hanging out.”

  His gaze seems to stay frozen to my back side until I push him away with an agape mouth, ready to deny.

  “No, you can’t!” I exclaim, looking at my backside in the wall-to-wall mirror behind the punching bag. I catch the sly smirk on his face, and I’ll admit the spandex shorts are an inch or two away from showing off some private things, but I won’t say my butt is hanging out. “It leaves just enough to the imagination.”

  He does an assessment around the room that is mostly filled with the male species. “Yeah, and most of the dudes in here haven’t taken their eyes off your ass since you walked in.” He huffs, crossing his arms. “If they know what’s best for them, they won’t imagine one single thing about you.”

  Hayden has always been this way. He’s not the type to tell me what I’m wearing is too revealing, and he’s never asked me to change; he has no right to. Girls and boys should be able to wear whatever makes them feel good about themselves. He’s just always ready to beat any guy to a pulp that disrespects me in any way.

  “Would you feel better if I wore yoga pants next time?” I know I’m getting under his skin by the way he starts to squirm, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.

  His eyes go wide, head snapping over to me. “No!” He spits out frantically, quickly trying to regain his composure. “I mean, no, don’t do that…Just wear some men’s sweats that are two sizes too big for you next time,” he says calmly, winking at me, and I laugh.

  “I’ll make you a deal.” I hum, leaning against the wall. “I’ll wear the sweats you suggested and an extra-large shirt next time if you take me to get pizza after this.” I nudge my foot at his shin, pointing at him with my glove-covered hand. “And you have to pay.”

  He narrows his beautiful green eyes, teeth nibbling on his bottom lip. “Why do I have to pay?”

  “You’re the one with the job. Plus, I’m sacrificing looking good for being a sweaty mess next time.”

  “Fine.” He grunts with a deep roll of his eyes. “Maybe you should be a lawyer.”

  A light squeal leaves me when he pulls on my arm to make our bodies crash flush against each other. There’s a triumphant smile gracing his pretty pink lips, eyes twinkling with an emotion I can’t pinpoint.

  “I have an important question to ask you,” he says with a raspy voice, winding his arms around my waist to pull me closer so our faces are only inches apart.

  I gulp, my blood pumping loudly in my veins, and I’m afraid he can hear it. I should push him away, but being this close, our skin brushing, is so intoxicating and addicting that I can’t find the strength to.

  I’m apparently not the only one affected. His chest heaves up and down at an alarming rate. He moves closer as a sly smirk appears on his face. I can barely focus when his fingers hover over my skin, and his minty breath tickles my lips.

  I remind myself that I need to breathe, that this doesn’t mean anything because we’re good friends that happened to kiss before and are currently in a very compromising position.

  I’m obviously not making a good case for myself.

  With a little bit of my dignity and sanity hanging on by a thread, I clear my dry throat. “What?” I croak, my hands on his shoulders itching to drift towards his hair, but the boxing gloves hinder that.

  He dips his head down to brush his lips lightly against the shell of my ear, making a shiver run over my spine. I feel him smile, taking in a deep breath.

  “What kind of toppings do you want on your pizza?” he whispers, his voice thick and coated with a huskiness.

  Instead of reacting like an awkward teenager in love, I laugh. The unstoppable grin won’t go away anytime soon when I use my already sore arms to push him off my body, but he looks pretty proud of himself.

  Cackles fall from him as well, eyes squinting and crinkling at the sides in amusement. He’s done bent over now, slapping his hand against his knee likes he’s just told the funniest joke ever, and I’d do anything to see him like this all the time.

  I can’t believe he just teased me…

  “For your information, I want pineapples on my pizza.” I scoff, pushing down the chuckles that still remain as I pull off the gloves to throw them at Hayden’s head.

  They bounce off and fall to the floor, only making more breathless laughs leave his lungs before he’s standing up straight with the biggest smile on his face.

  “You’re so gross, but I adore you.” He curls me up in his arms again, pressing a light peck on the top of my head.

  I let out a deep sigh of contentment, melting into his touch. I’ve loved every second I get with him recently, especially ones like this. With one last squeeze, I poke at the area under his ribs, and he yelps, pulling away to shoot me a glare while I gaze at him innocently.

  He’s just about to open his mouth to say something, but the sound of my phone going off halts him. I bend down to retrieve it from my bag, feeling one of the boxing gloves hit my butt before Hayden reaches over to childishly tug down the ends of my shorts.

  I snort, smacking his hand away when I stand to look at the texts that rolled in.

  Mom: We have a meeting with your guidance counselor tomorrow.

  Me: Okay…Am I in trouble?

  Mom: Not that I know of, love!

  I frown while placing my cell back in the bag, trying not to dwell on it. I can’t help but wonder why they want to see both my mother and me. It could just be a simple meeting because I know I haven’t skipped any classes or done anything wrong.

  “Is everything okay?” Hayden questions with concern lacing his tone, and I didn’t even realize he is looming over my shoulder.

  I nod, spinning back around to face the sweet boy that I get the honor of calling my best friend. “Yeah, nothing to worry about.”

  “In that case…” He croons packing everything up and handing me my bag and water. “Let’s go get that disgusting pineapple pizza.” Hayden pinches my nose, grabbing my hand to lead us out of the building with a cute skip.

  Chapter 26


  In Hayden’s words, his match went “absolutely perfect.” However, in my eyes, I don’t have the same passion. I call it messy, bloody, and straight up disgusting. Not to mention my anxiety was through the roof the entire time I stood off to the side and watched.

  I only managed to stomach it for him. I wanted to be a good friend and support the things that interest him. But the second he met up with me again in the parking lot after winning, I puked up everything in my stomach at the sight of his bruised and cut-up face. The crimson liquid drying up o
n his skin was enough to have concern swirling in my gut.

  I’m hemophobic, what can I say?

  At least I can confirm that I’ll never go to school for anything involving the medical industry.

  When Hayden comes to pick me up this morning, which has become a routine, I almost have to physically close my jaw that dropped to the ground. He had turned his head to send me a charming grin, but I barely see it.

  Instead, I focus on the dark bruise blossoming around his left eye and on the sharp curve of his jaw. There’s a split on his bottom lip that opens back up every time he speaks, and a fading cut on his brow too.

  It takes everything in me to stop myself from begging him not to box anymore and to let me cater to him till he fully heals. I can’t bear it seeing him this way. But I don’t; I can’t do that to him. It won’t be fair, not when he’s found something he really loves.

  “Hayden…” I gasp under my breath, hovering my fingertips over the deep purple and almost black discoloration and the few lacerations.

  He winces, gently grabbing my hand, intertwining our fingers. “I’m fine. I promise.” He assures me, tugging the gear into drive before speeding away with my hand still in his.

  I don’t want to let go. Seeing him physically hurt like this makes me want to stay glued to his side all day long just to make extra sure that he will be okay. Even though I know he was telling the truth, I still can’t help myself. I worry about him constantly, and that’s something that won’t ever stop.

  “You don’t have to drive me home today because my mom’s coming to the school for a meeting we have with the guidance counselor,” I inform him, peering down at our tangled hands, thinking how good it feels to see that.

  It becomes a bit more difficult when he has to change gears, but we manage.

  “Okay,” he answers like it isn’t a huge deal, but I see the swirl of sadness in his face. “I meant to tell you this yesterday, but I’m going to eat lunch with Abby today. She’s been hounding me about it for days now.”

  I understand; after all, she is his girlfriend. “Okay,” I say, feeling my heart clench a little.


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