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A Miami Love Tale 3 : Thugs Need Luv Too (A Miami Love Tale : Thugs Need Luv Too)

Page 3

by Diamond Johnson

  Chapter 4: Nae

  Things between Sin and I had been good for the most part. I say most part because my only request that made of my dear husband was for him to bring his ass home at a decent time. I shouldn’t have had to come home from school damn near at midnight and realize that my husband wasn’t home. I was convinced that his ass might’ve still been fuckin’ around. But it was fine because like the saying goes, what happens in the dark will always come to the light. Ever since the day I caught Sin in the studio with that bitch, I’d been having my share of doubts that maybe my husband may not be the faithful, loving man that I thought he was. I didn’t want to be one of those wives that liked to spy on her man by going through his phone, popping up on him at work, or always accusing him of shit, but if he gave me a reason then I just might have to do that. You would think that once I caught him in action that he would up his game but the nigga still wasn’t improving. I’d give credit where it was due though; he did make time to call me throughout the day but there was only so much a phone call could do. I wanted him here with Niy and I when we ate dinner. I wanted him here with us when we went to bed at night. I hated rolling over in the bed at two in the morning and realizing that my husband still wasn’t home.

  Right now, it was 2:15 in the afternoon on a Friday and I was parked in the car pick up at my daughter’s school waiting for her to come out. I didn’t have class on Friday nights, so most likely I would just chill out for the rest of the day. Shortly after, I noticed my daughter’s teacher, Ms. Lopez, walking outside with my daughter and the rest of her car pick up classmates. Niy was so beautiful in her school uniform. I dressed my baby today in her teal collared school uniform shirt with a khaki skirt and some cute little white socks with big bows on them and her pretty beige Gucci ballet shoes. Her hair was in two long ponytails that were still freshly done from when I did her hair this morning. My daughter was every bit of me because she didn’t play about getting her hair messed up.

  “Hi Mommy,” Niy said as soon as she got inside of the car.

  “Hey baby,” I said, reaching over to put my daughter in her seatbelt as she sat in the passenger seat. “How was school today?”

  “It was good Mommy. The boys in my class are so annoying though. They kept pulling my hair and kept trying to play with me at recess,” my daughter said, batting those big, hazel eyes at me.

  I laughed. “And what did you tell them? You want Mommy to go out there and handle them for you?” I asked my daughter, damn near about to take my seat belt off and go beat one of those little boys’ asses. Lord knows, I didn’t play about my baby.

  “No Mommy, it’s fine,” she said.

  I sat and thought to myself that this was only the beginning. My daughter was so beautiful and with that, there was going to come plenty of boys. My baby was only six years old though. I knew she wouldn’t be a baby for long and Lord knows I was nowhere near ready for my daughter to grow up. I don’t even want to see the day that my daughter started to date. I just wouldn’t want for my baby to get hurt. Half the shit Sincere put me through back in the day, I would lose my mind if a nigga were to ever do my daughter like that. Of course, I would never tell my daughter this because she thought so highly of her father and I wasn’t going to air out his dirty laundry to our child.

  Anyways, we were almost home when my daughter spotted a McDonald’s on the right of side of us. “Oooh Mommy can we go to McDonald’s? Please, please, please?” Janiya begged.

  “Niy, you know I’m going to cook when we get home. I’ll take you tomorrow,” I told her, trying to speed past the McDonald’s so she could stop looking at it. My daughter knew that I cooked during the week and then on weekends we’d eat out. Now Sin on the other hand, he’d let Niy do whatever she wanted but no sir, not with me.

  “But Mommy, I’m hungry,” she whined.

  “Niy, I will make you a sandwich when we get to the house!” I told her.

  She got the hint and left the situation alone. I knew she was mad at me but she would be alright. Five minutes later, we pulled up to the house and I noticed that my husband’s car was parked in the driveway. This was a surprise because I was used to his ass being out all night on a Friday. When I parked the car, Niy didn’t even wait for me to get out the damn car before she went running to the front door. I made it to the door and unlocked it for the both of us. As soon as Janiya got in the house, the first thing she did was throw her Princess and the Frog book bag down on the floor in the foyer of the house.

  “Niy pick that damn bag up and go put it in your room. Don’t play with me girl!” I told her. I watched as she sucked her teeth and went to pick the bag up. I walked over to her and popped her real hard on her butt.

  “Don’t suck your teeth at me! Now go put that bag in the room and change out of your uniform and hang it up in your closet!” I let my daughter know. By no means was I a mean parent but I wasn’t going to allow for my daughter to disrespect me. I never beat my daughter. Occasionally, I’d pop her here and there but that was it. She was going to go run and tell Sin in a minute because that’s what she always did. I stood by the steps and waited for my daughter to come back down from doing what I told her to do.

  Five minutes later, she was coming down in a pair of cheetah tights and the matching cheetah shirt that I bought her the other day from Justice. She walked past me and went towards the den and I could already hear her telling her daddy how I had hit her. I shook my head and headed upstairs to take a shower and a much needed nap. I had been up since six this morning getting Niy up and ready for school and when I came home from dropping her off to school, I cleaned up this whole house. I couldn’t catch a break for shit.

  As I was getting ready to look for something to wear inside my drawers, I saw my phone vibrate on my dresser.

  Breesha: Nae, I’ll be to your house around 6 to pick up Niy so she can come with us to the fair tonight.

  Thank God! I texted her back okay and continued to find me something to throw on. I heard Sincere come in the room but I continued doing what I was doing with my back turned to him. I felt him put his strong arms tightly on my small waist and apply a great amount of pressure.

  “Fuck you slap my baby for?” Sincere asked me through clenched teeth.

  “First of all, I didn’t slap Niy. I popped her on her putt for sucking her teeth at me. I shouldn’t have to explain to you why I decided to discipline my own daughter. Fuck out my face with that shit!” I hissed, trying to move from the strong grip he had me in.

  “Nae don’t get fucked up in here with that slick ass mouth of yours,” he told me and let my waist go followed by a hard ass slap on the ass that damn near caused my little ass to go down in the process.

  I didn’t even say anything because I didn’t feel like arguing with his ass. I watched on as my husband took his towel from out of the hall closet and headed for the shower located in our bathroom. He knew damn well that I was getting ready to take a shower. That’s just how petty his ass was. I sat on the bed for ten minutes and his ass was still in the shower. Fuck it! I got up and headed inside of the bathroom with him. The door was already cracked, so I let myself in. I stripped out of my clothes and headed towards the glass sliding door.

  “I was wondering when you were going to come,” Sin said grabbing my hand and roughly pulling me into his chest. He placed my back into him and his tall, muscular body mounted over my small frame. I stood there and allowed the water to run over both our bodies. This felt so perfect. A few minutes later, I felt Sin’s soft, full lips on my neck, sucking real hard and then nice and slow. I felt like I would cum from that alone. That’s because my body was backed up. I hadn’t fucked Sincere in weeks because I was still mad after catching him with that bitch. Damn, he was making my body feel so good right now and I didn’t want him to stop. I felt him reach his hand over in front of me and slid it down my bare pussy. I gently spread my legs apart so that he could have better access. The sensation of him sucking on my neck, fingers caressing my clit,
and his dick poking the shit out of me in my back was about to make a bitch have withdrawal.

  I said I wouldn’t do it but shit. “Ohhh Sinnn, righttt there baby,” I moaned. I didn’t want to let him know that it was feeling good but damn, what was a bitch supposed to do?

  “You gon’ let Daddy get some pussy? Or you still with that bullshit?” he asked huskily in my ear and I could hear the passion and lust with every word he spoke. The way he was rubbing my clit with his index finger and finger fuckin’ me with his other two felt so good to me that I couldn’t even form the words to answer his question.

  “I’m cummminnn babyyyy. Fucckkkk!” I yelled.

  “I take that as a yes,” Sincere said and slid all ten inches up inside of me. He didn’t even give me a second to get my bearings straight before I felt him damn near in my chest. Each time my ass would slam into him, his big ass chains would slap the shit out of me in my back. That shit hurt but the dick was too good for me to even complain.

  Sincere was driving me crazy and wearing my little ass out up in this shower. I was trying not to be so loud because I didn’t want Niy to hear me. “Walking around here not giving your man no pussy! You knew damn well you wanted this dick!” Sincere said, talking shit as usual.

  “I’m cumming baby! Shit!” I said, trying to catch my breath. Sin ass was not sparing me because he continued to hit my pussy from the back and all I could do was pray that my ass didn’t fuck around and pass out. Then it hit me that I hadn’t taken my pills in like a week and Sin and I weren’t using protection right now and I wasn’t trying to get pregnant again.

  “Sin baby, pull out please,” I told him because I knew when my husband was going to cum. This had been my dick for years, so I knew my man’s body. When I felt him grab my waist real tight and not let up, that meant he was seconds away from cumming.

  “Shittt Nae, a nigga love your ass for real,” he whispered in my ear.

  “Babbyy….fucckkk I love you more! Sincereeee I’m cummminn’. Pull out pleassseee!” I screamed as I tried to reach back and pull his dick out but he quickly slapped my hands away. Fuck! I knew he was going to do that shit too. I got myself together and stood up and faced my husband who had the biggest smirk on his face.

  “You did that shit on purpose!” I told him.

  “You damn right I did!” Sincere told me.

  I just shook my head at him and finished washing my body off. Once I finished, I hopped out and wrapped my towel around my body. When I got in my room, I dried off, lotioned my body and threw on a pair of tights and a shirt. I laid in the bed and watched as my husband checked the closet for something to wear. Ten minutes later, he came back out with an outfit in his hand.

  “You leaving me already?” I asked with a sad look on my face.

  “Nae don’t start tripping baby, please. I’m not even going to be gone long,” he told me. I just ignored him and turned my back to him because I didn’t want him to see the tears that were threatening to fall. I was sad. All I wanted to do was to spend the remainder of the day with my husband. I would be all alone because my daughter was about to be going to the fair later on tonight.

  Ten minutes later, I felt my husband pull me up and sit me down on his lap. “What’s good Nae? What you crying for?” he asked, wiping away at my tears.

  “I don’t want you to leave Sin. Breesha and Tae are taking Niy with them tonight to the fair and I didn’t think you were going out. Can’t you stay here with me tonight?” I asked him, laying my head on his bare chest. After a few moments of silence, I heard Sin chuckle, which caused me to look up at him.

  “And you get mad because Niy is spoiled. She get that shit from her mama. Y’all two really make it hard for a nigga to say no!” he said.

  “Thank you baby. I love you,” I said, kissing him, knowing that I got my way.

  “I think I pumped some twins in you li’l mama,” Sincere said, rubbing my flat stomach.

  “Sincere, don’t even play around like that!” I said seriously. Lord knows, I would go crazy if I was pregnant with twins. Oh Lord, let me not even speak that into existence.

  Chapter 5: Imani

  Right now I was at the grocery store with my son at 7 o’clock at night because my baby had ran out of baby food and I couldn’t get it touch with Shard so that left me no choice but to go out and get the shit myself. I walked inside of the grocery store with my son laid out on my chest with his head resting on my shoulder. My baby was knocked out from the drive over here. I didn’t pick up a shopping cart or anything, I just got a small basket and went to the aisle for the baby food and just that quick, I was heading for checkout.

  As I was standing in line, waiting to pay, I could feel eyes on me. I turned around and nobody was looking but when I looked to the left of me I saw two girls in the next checkout line burning a hole through me with their eyes. One of the girls, I had never seen before a day in my life but the other one did look a little bit familiar. I just didn’t know from where. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out where I saw this bitch face before. When it was my turn to pay, I walked up and watched on as the cashier scanned my items, I paid, and then I was out the door.

  As soon as I made it outside, I spotted the two girls in the parking lot, sitting on the hood of a car. I paid them no mind as I walked to my car and put my baby in his car seat and the groceries down on the backseat floor. When I closed the door and turned around, I was met with a mean right hook to the face that sent my ass down to the hard pavement ground. I tried to stand up and that’s when I was face to face with the two bitches from the store. Damn, now I knew who this bitch was. This was the ho that sent them damn pictures to my phone that night Shard didn’t come home. How could I have forgotten about that big ass forehead?

  I wiped the blood that was falling from my nose. “Don’t tell me you trying to fight me over some dick that’s not even yours!” I told the girl. I believe Breesha and Nae told me that her name was Quanie or some shit like that.

  “See bitch, that’s where you’re wrong. That dick is mine. It was team Quanie and Shard before your young ass came the fuck around and it’s going to remain that way if I can get your ass out of the fuckin’ picture.” She grilled at me.

  “Ho you sound real fuckin’ stupid right now. Just because you sucked the nigga’s dick, you don’t qualify the dick as being yours! Y’all fatal attraction hos kill me being all possessive over a nigga that was never yours and will never be yours! Fuck out my face with that bullshit!” I said and reached for the handle of my car door to open it. As soon as I got it to open, I was literally picked up off my feet and swung to the ground. I knew they weren’t going to let me go, I just wanted to test my luck. I knew once I walked outside and I saw them sitting on top of the car that they were going to jump my ass. They were going to do it regardless, so it was only right that I talk some shit and hit a few nerves. I screamed out in my pain because of the way I came crashing down on my arm. I knew my damn arm was broken after that too. It wasn’t even Quanie that swung me, it was her manly ass looking friend. Before I knew it, these two bitches started jumping my ass. I’m talking kicks and punches to the chest, stomach, face, back, everywhere you could possibly think of. I couldn’t do shit because number one my fuckin’ arm was broken and this big bitch was sitting on my chest. I got a chance to look at the car and I could see my baby crying at the top of his lungs. I couldn’t hear him because the doors were closed. I said a silent prayer asking God to get me out of this situation.

  “Let’s see if Shard wants your ass now,” Quanie told me, followed by a mean kick to the stomach. After that, everything went black. My body could no longer hold on any longer. Every bone in my body ached and I could only hope that somebody came and got my ass before I died right out here on this ground.


  I woke up to a banging ass headache. I looked around me and everything was so damn blurry. I tried to lift up my left hand but that’s when I noticed that I had a cast on it. When I went to lift up
my right hand, I saw the IV running through my arms which led me to believe that I was in the hospital. Everything on my body hurt so bad to the point where I just wanted to fuckin’ cry. That’s when I remembered that I had just got my ass jumped. I felt a lot of presence in the room but I couldn’t really make out the faces real good because of the blurriness. After trying to get my eyes to open all the way, that’s when I realized that they might be swollen shut.

  “Imani who the fuck did this shit?” I heard a voice ask and I knew right off the back that it was Breesha. I could hear in her voice that she was crying as well. That was to be expected because Breesha was my big cousin and she was very overprotective of me. It’d been that way for years.

  I was able to get my left eye to open and that’s when I was able to see who was all in the room. I spotted my mom, who was holding my baby, my dad, my grandmother, Breesha, Shard’s mom, and Nae. “Where the fuck is Rashard?” I asked to no one in particular.

  “He stepped outside to talk with the doctor. Imani what happened and who did this shit to you?” my mom asked me.

  “I got jumped when I was leaving the grocery store,” I said, trying to reach my left hand out to get my baby from my mom but I was too weak, so my mom just brought him closer to so I could just kiss his cheek.

  “You got jumped by who Mani?” Nae asked all fired up.

  I didn’t get a chance to answer because Shard walked in. The look of murder was written all over his handsome face. I knew he was on one and ready to find out who did this shit to me. He walked over to me, squatted down, and whispered in my ear, “When them fuckin’ pigs come in here, don’t tell they ass shit. Play stupid, tell them you don’t remember shit because I want to handle this shit personally,” he told me. I nodded my head okay.

  Five minutes later, my nurse came back inside my room with her blue scrubs on. She was a very pretty, middle aged Hispanic nurse. “Hello Imani, I’m Nurse Rivera. First off let me start by saying that I’m so sorry that this happened to you,” she said and I just shook my head. “How are you feeling right now?” she asked me.


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