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The Radical Factor (Stone Blade Book 3)

Page 30

by James Matt Cox

  "Go, Micah. Your path... is not mine... now."

  "Katie no! Come on! We can make it! Just move slowly. Let me do the work."

  "No, dosha." This time her cough brought up more blood. Too much blood! "No, my dearest dosha... I will not... burden you. Go."


  She smiled up at him, her eyes growing dim. "Micah... dosha... Kiss your woman... for me. She... She has..."

  She drew a much shallower breath then coughed and bubbled it out redly.

  "Katie..." He barely whispered it.

  Footfalls. Heavy ones.

  Noise at the door.

  With a primal shout of wordless emotion Micah went berserk! He no longer cared how many Zehbol'ach Dhu came through that door. His world, his universe, his entire reality focused on the fight. Only the fight! His mind snapped into clearer focus than it had in weeks. A small, detached part of it calculated the odds but he didn't care. Only the fight mattered! He struck with deadly accuracy now, heedless of any fist or foot that struck him! Pain and fatigue vanished! Micah knew he'd not survive this fight but by the stars and galaxies, even though these Esavians might hate him they would sing his praise on the altar of pain for centuries to come!

  Amusing. That thought carried Micah through the next five enemies. When the last fell he saw a line of four ammi rushing him. He dropped one with a broken neck but the other three connected. Though he finished another and connected again they had him in nerve grips and solid locks. Two more Zehbol'ach joined the fray and, fight though he might, Micah hit the floor and darkness took him.


  "You, my not-friend, have caused a great deal of trouble."

  Pain woke Micah. He sat, bound in a comfortable chair in a finely-furnished room. A man who matched both stood in front of him with a steaming mug of khav in his hand. Micah felt a thousand points of pain but none severe. His ribs hurt mightily but when he drew a breath none felt broken. Odd, he knew he'd taken many hard hits there.

  "We tended your injuries, not-friend," said the man, "We used medical methods... not readily available to most of the folk here. But I forget myself. I am Franc Elshid, First Assistant to the Vizier Erri Benjamin al'Ahmas. We are in his palace and there are mobs outside demanding your blood. This very second they would gladly rip you to small, bloody tatters, did I wish it. I do not."

  Elshid sipped his khav with relish.

  "Make no mistake, stranger. You will die here. It will be a long and painful affair. Before you do, though, you will divulge all of the secrets within you. You will reveal everything you know and wish with all your heart and soul that you had more to tell. You will beg my questioner to allow you to tell more. I do not know how you came to be here but I soon shall. I suggest you enjoy this last time of pleasant conversation you will have in your life. Your speech from now until your death will be much less so."

  "You... Mekhajan."

  "Indeed I am. Very impressive, not-friend. I have lived among these Esavians for years and a hundred or more will swear I am the scion of the first blood to set foot on this planet. Even my most staunch opponents do not suspect that fact. How did you manage to discover it? No? Never fear. You will tell me soon enough."


  "Why? Why what? There are many 'whys.' Which do you ask?"


  "Ah. Them." He spoke with disdain as he sipped his khav again. "Although we appear similar to the outside eye we could not be more different. We are a people who appreciate the fine art and life of trade and profit. Were it not for the accursed League - is that your blood, not-friend? - we Mekhajan should all be kings and princes of it. That is our birthright and our destiny.

  "The Esavians are foul-smelling, uncultured, uncivilized, ill-mannered and stone-minded barbarians who do not see the dunghills in which they wallow. They eschew all that is good, decent and pleasurable in life, all for the sake of their precious Dhu.

  "Still, they make excellent tools. Insult one and all will fight you. Whisper to one that this person or that spits upon Dhu and planets full of them will swarm into battle. Yet still they proffer us the respect and regard they deny so many others."

  Bonusjack! Micah wished with all his soul for a hidden datacaster.

  "But do not let their plight trouble you, not-friend. You cannot impugn me or mine because we understand them as do no others in the universe. Did you speak ill of me even the most suspicious and xenophobic of their ammi would show you your heart the instant before you died. Do not think to escape, either. Your only escape will be the sweet embrace of death and you will beg her to take you before finally she does."

  "Why... Semid?"

  "Their Peace Spire? Yes. Yes, that was beauty and perfection incarnate. A telling blow against their wretched Federation and the League besides. All who hate must have a target for their hatred. The Jengiil and Vezieri show that only too well! They bicker and squabble with each other and vie for our attention.

  "The Semids bore us with their so-vaunted trade and laughable skill at it. They are so very easy to strike and humiliate and when we smear mud in their faces it also falls upon the League. For all their might and size and power they were helpless to save their friends. Helpless! How many will now abandon them for a more... capable partner? Why should we deny such a mass of imbeciles so eager to die for our goals?"

  Elshid checked his chrono and finished his khav in two gulps.

  "You must forgive me now, not-friend, for our time of conversation is at an end." He pressed a button on his comm. "I am certain you will find my questioner an adequate companion."

  "Wait. How... find me?"

  "Yes. I suppose we do have a moment more. All strangers' quarters are equipped with highly secret and sensitive detectors. I do not know what you blipped or to whom but it will benefit neither you nor them."

  Micah heard a door open.

  "al'Vooshi," said Elshid, "You certainly took long enough! No! No excuses. Take this infidel away and do not kill him until after you have learned his every thought and secret. Go!"


  al'Vooshi roused the infidel by the simple expedient of a nerve lash. He caught his breath and pulled against the restraints. Incredibly, he didn't struggle with them! He simply stretched the muscles and bones whose injuries should have paralyzed him!

  "Well, infidel, Dhu grant that you are willing to talk now. I am told that secrets bourne past death weigh heavily upon the soul."

  "In... infidel."

  That puzzled al'Vooshi. "Yes. Infidel. The Feast of the Flight has started and its end marks your demise. You fought well, infidel. I shall speak a prayer for you on the Altar of Sacrifice. It is an honor I have granted no infidel before you. May you find happiness in it."

  The man smiled! Dhu strike blind the eyes of Ben al'Vooshi the infidel smiled!

  "Bring down... bring your master."

  This time al'Vooshi couldn't stop himself from striking the man. Such blasphemy!

  "Fool infidel! Dhu is the master of all men an no other such is!"

  The infidel's gaze sharpened at that.

  "Bring me one... who has marveled at... waves... of the Sea of Clouds."

  Shock numbed al'Vooshi else he would have smitten the man fatally.

  "Who spoke those words to you, infidel? Speak his name and you will die quickly."

  "Have... Have you walked... past... shadow of Mount Sai'hon?"

  al'Vooshi fell backward into his seat. "What..."

  "I have... spoken to one who... spoke to one who... walked... sands of Khra'vul Desert. Name... name me not... infidel."

  The infidel's words struck al'Vooshi harder than any man he'd ever fought! Could it be... No! The man was infidel! His words, his speech, his acts... No! Impossible! Still, he felt a nagging doubt.


  "What is it," demanded Elshid, "Speak quickly, fool. Did the infidel break?"

  "No, moha. I... He will speak to you. He demands it."

  "Demands?!" Two steps put Elshid in al'Voo
shi's face. He slapped the fool down. "You waste my time and the Vizier's, questioner! Only to say the infidel demands me?"

  al'Vooshi stood, wiped the blood from his mouth and spat at Elshid's feet. Four Zehbol'ach Dhu stood quickly, ready to draw their blades.

  "Dhu strike you dead from the Altar of Martyrs, whore-son of Yrran! I have bourne from you in humility acts for which boer'khai Dhu would kill you twice!" al'Vooshi put a hand on his own blade.

  Now the Zehbol'ach relaxed, though none sat. One offered al'Vooshi a bare wisp of smile. Elshid looked at them and the back to al'Vooshi.

  "The Vizier himself will spill your blood, fool."

  "Show now your honor else I shall spill yours first!"

  al'Vooshi saw the calculations running through Elshid's eyes. He always felt the man a coward, now he knew. He smiled inwardly. This would lead to one path only.

  Micah marshaled what energy he had when he heard the door open. Elshid, al'Vooshi and four guards walked into the room. Elshid's nose wrinkled and contempt dripped from his pores but his eyes held a hint of unease.

  "Well, not-friend. I see you are still alive. Perhaps Dhu will grant you..."

  "Infidel." Micah tried for some punch behind the word but managed little. "Do not profane the name of He Who Spun the Stars with your unworthy lips!"

  Elshid's jaw dropped and the Zehbol'ach gasped as one!

  "Yrran-whelped son of..."

  "Silence!" Micah drew a shaky breath. "I will not... waste words on... blood cursed of Dhu. Summon your... moha'mii and... cut out your tongue."

  Elshid drew his blade with a scream of inarticulate hatred. He raised it high with eyes filled with death for Micah. Then, before Micah could blink, Elshid's eyes glazed and his dagger clattered to the floor.

  al'Vooshi pulled back his blade and wiped it on Elshid's robe. Elshid staggered back and collapsed flaccidly on the floor. al'Vooshi looked at the Zehbol'ach ammi, his dagger held ready.

  "Sheathe your blade, younger brother. Your blood is not ours this day." Then the ammi spoke to Micah. "Stranger, you speak words you should not know. By the Path we should spill your blood and burn your carcass."

  "Do you think... think the eyes of Dhu... see only... children of Esav?" Micah struggled to get the words out. "Did... Esav ride... Black Horses of Kai'in... alone? Do only... Dwellers in Esav's Robe... await Moa'Dhu?"

  Micah saw shock in the man's face. He didn't bother to hide it. The other Zehbol'ach looked between him, their ammi and al'Vooshi. The ammi finally spoke.

  "Tend him! Tend him now! Succor him, questioner! If he dies now all our souls are forfeit!"

  al'Vooshi worked quickly but carefully. Dhu strike him deaf, dumb and blind! Dhu break his arms and legs that Ben al'Vooshi might be forgiven! The man was woefully weak, nearly dehydrated and certainly three-quarters starved. Dhu grant him life enough to survive! al'Vooshi, burdened with his task, gave only a minimal bow when the Vizier himself walked in accompanied by three Ammi of many Marks.

  "I have heard words of great blasphemy came from this infidel," said the Vizier.

  "Do not... malign me... Brother in Dhu."

  "Speak with care, stranger! Your life means nothing to me."

  "I shall... forgive," said Micah, "your ignorance. Brother Ammi. Gaze... upon me. I stand humbly... with marks of great suffering... I have known... pain. I have made... sacrifice. I have given... blood for purity. May Allhai'Dhu... welcome me to the... Table of Ancient Wood... upon my death."

  The Vizier gasped. No one spoke those words save to celebrate the death of one truly beloved of Dhu: senior Ammi or Ammi'duz. The Passages of Shadows stated many times that Dhu would welcome even the least of His children to the table in His paradise. For this stranger to claim that...

  The four Ammi whispered busily. At times the words were heated and the Zehbol'ach Ammi, the least senior among them, spoke the most vociferously.

  Micah drew a breath, closed his eyes and relaxed. Whether he lived or not he'd completed his mission! He had strewn the seeds and now, with or without the help of Dhu, they would grow and spread! He called his best memories of Jennifer, which meant all of them, into his mind and concentrated on them. I love you, he thought. He tried to send that simple message across the stars to her.

  A semi-polite cough interrupted Micah's reverie. All four Ammi stood before him, faces stern and somber. Then, one by one, they bowed.


  Two days and nights of rest, food and water worked wonders on Micah. He was still weak but no longer near death. The Vizier bade his personal medic to tend Micah and al'Vooshi stayed close when the others left. He spoke pleasant words but none deep, save to apologize frequently and profusely. That soon reached the point of annoyance but Micah held his tongue with amusement. Then, with the announcement that a League vessel would soon arrive, the Vizier al'Ahmas had Micah brought to him.

  "This was not the path of my choosing, but Dhu's, may he be praised," said Micah, "Grave tidings yield deep Marks."

  "Of what tidings do you speak, Micah Stone?" The Vizier himself offered khav.

  Micah took a courtesy sip and set the khav down. He couldn't take the spicy brew yet.

  "The Children of the Brothers of Esav have strayed from their path."

  The Vizier gasped and a flash of anger crossed his face.

  "Do not your warriors choke on their wine," asked Micah, "Do not your children vomit forth their Passage into Manhood? Do these things happen here alone?"

  The Vizier actually jumped at this. Here and there, yes, but all who knew the truth kept hidden the same things happening across the Esavian worlds.

  "They do, strange friend. Not only here."

  "Dhu is displeased with His children. He demands sacrifice."

  Now the Vizier's eyes lit up with emotion and conviction.

  "Praise be to Dhu! So shall it be, then. We shall fly forth from our worlds and..."

  "No! No, brother," said Micah, "That is what you must not do!"

  Now the Vizier gazed at Micah with suspicion. By Dhu he'd not doubt the words of four Ammi but they were, after all, only men.

  "Do you think the Gaze of Dhu does not see beyond the worlds of the Children of Esav? Is Mount Sai'hon on these worlds? What of the Sea of Clouds? Whose awe-filled eyes gaze upon them now?"

  The Vizier looked at him hard, then dropped his gaze.

  "I do not know, strange Ammi."

  "Neither do I," said Micah, "May Dhu forgive my desire to do so, I have traveled among the stars as none here have. May Dhu forgive the desire I felt to find even one. To cast my unworthy gaze upon even the Stone of Breaking."

  "You speak as though Dhu is praised among the stars, Strange Ammi."

  Micah smiled wanly. "The name of Dhu, may He be praised, is known to some. It is not praised as it should be, I will not lie to you so, but there are brothers not of Esav who hold to the Paths of Dhu, may he bless our unworthy feet."

  "Do you say that not all outside are infidel?"

  "That is not my place to say," said Micah, "Dhu alone, may He show mercy, is the sole judge of that. I say merely what He sent me to say."

  The Vizier nodded, then his shoulders slumped. Grave tidings indeed.


  Micah rode through streets packed solid with screaming Esavians. Some wore expressions of shock and disbelief, others of awe. Here and there someone shouted Ammi'duz but those didn't spread. The Vizier sat beside him with al'Vooshi on the other. A double-line of Zehbol'ach Dhu ringed the vehicle, more for crowd control than danger prevention. Finally Micah saw a single shuttle shining in the distance. It wouldn't drop its ramp until he arrived since Esavians packed the starport as well.

  "What are we to do, Strange Ammi," asked al'Vooshi.

  "I do not know," said Micah, "My blood is not that of the Children of Esav. I know only the message I brought. May He be praised, whatever plans Dhu has for Esav's sons and daughters He has not shared with me."

  "It is said that Dhu no longer speaks to His
warriors. It is said that more boy-children now face the Madness of Dhu upon their Passage. What must we do?"

  "Again I do not know. My heart tells me you should go to your wife and children. Cherish them. Hold them. Past that I have no words."

  "The words you have given are sufficient, Outside Brother," said the Vizier, "The children of the Brothers of Esav are not weak! Nor are we blind. We have suffered hardship before now and Dhu, may He be praised, has guided us true. He will guide our unworthy steps now, no less. If He has no words for us today, perhaps He will tomorrow."

  "May it be so," said Micah, "Praise to Dhu and His wisdom."

  Micah cared nothing for the words but now al'Vooshi looked comforted. The crowd at the port parted, the vehicle approached the shuttle and its ramp finally dropped.

  Micah wobbled when he stepped down. al'Vooshi was there instantly, supporting him, and Kidwell was almost as fast to his other side. She held him firmly with her face a mask of shocked horror.

  "Not too bad," said Micah, "I've had worse."


  Ferrel, Ionoski and Barstein met him at the bottom of the ramp. al'Vooshi spoke words of kind parting and turned his burden over to Ferrel.

  "Did you get..." started Micah.

  "Yes," interrupted Kidwell, "We have her. What did they do to you, Micah?" She tried to keep the quiver out of her voice. And failed.

  "They asked me some questions."

  "We received Katie's body yesterday," said Barstein, "They washed her and wrapped her in fine white silk."

  "Honor," said Micah, "They honor her in prayer for Dhu's forgiveness."

  The ramp and hatch clanged shut and Micah decided he'd never heard a sweeter sound.


  After a less-than-comfortable trip to orbit Micah found himself in the contingency ship's sickbay. Davies and several other medics tried to restrict him there but Micah refused adamantly. They finally compromised and let the others visit and stay.

  "Bastards," said a still-upset Kidwell, "Why did we wait for the crowd to clear?! One good sweep with the engines and..."

  "Steady hon." Micah patted her hand. "I'm alive, which is both surprising and gratifying. I'm also among friends and well away from that soggy ball of sewage!"


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