Book Read Free

A Minty Mess

Page 3

by Helen Perelman

  “But it’s still so soggy,” Melli said. “Do you think the jubilee will be moved?”

  “I don’t know,” Prince Scoop replied. “But it seems you were thinking of some plan. I bet Princess Lolli would love to hear it.”

  “Well then, we’ll have to go see her first thing in the morning,” Dash said. She held out her mint treat to Prince Scoop. She was so glad that he was there to share this Sun Dip with her friends. Dash was sure this would turn out to be the best royal Mint Jubilee.

  Mint Rainbow

  Dash met up with her four Candy Fairy friends early the next morning. Everyone was feeling happy—and dry! The rain had stopped, and the plan was to fly to Candy Castle together for their meeting with Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop. Dash was very nervous about asking Princess Lolli to change the location of the royal Mint Jubilee.

  “Are you ready?” Raina asked.

  “Yes,” Dash said. “I’m so glad everyone is coming with me. Cocoa even said she drew up some pictures so Princess Lolli could see what we’re talking about.”

  “Where is Cocoa?” Berry asked. “You mean Cocoa is the last to arrive? I don’t believe it!”

  Melli laughed. “For once Berry is not the last one,” she said.

  “I’m here!” Cocoa shouted from above. “I just wanted to finish up some drawings.”

  “Let’s go,” Dash said. “I want to get to the castle already. I am going to burst if I don’t talk to Princess Lolli about the jubilee soon.”

  “We don’t want that to happen,” Berry said.

  The five friends flew to Candy Castle, but Dash quickly took the lead . . . and then flew with superspeed. Dash was the first of her friends to land in the Royal Gardens. Even when she landed, Dash’s wings didn’t stop moving.

  What if Princess Lolli doesn’t like the rainbow idea? she thought. What if the princess doesn’t want to have the jubilee at Candy Castle?

  The bitter thoughts were circling in Dash’s head, and she flew in circles around the garden to cool off.

  “Hey, Dash,” Cocoa called, “this wasn’t supposed to be a race! You were flying so fast! And you are still moving!” She landed in the garden, trying to catch her breath. “Please come down and rest for a minute. I could barely keep up.” She squinted at the sky. “I don’t even see Melli, Raina, and Berry!”

  “When I am nervous, I fly faster,” Dash said. She landed next to Cocoa and shrugged. “Sorry!”

  “Dash, don’t look so worried,” Cocoa said. “I am sure Princess Lolli is going to love your ideas.”

  “I hope so,” Dash said. “I want to make sure everything is perfect for the meeting.”

  “Do you want to see decoration sketches?” Cocoa told her. She reached into her bag and took out her sketchbook. “It’s just like we talked about at Sun Dip.”

  Dash smiled. “Thanks, Cocoa,” she said. Dash flipped through the pages. Cocoa was such a good artist. “I knew I could count on you. These sketches look so mint!”

  Melli, Raina, and Berry finally flew over the Royal Gardens. All of them were breathing heavily—and looking exhausted!

  “You made it,” Cocoa said.

  “Dash was flying superfast,” Raina said. She wiped her forehead. “How did you keep up?”

  Cocoa smiled. “Chocolate rush, I guess,” she said. “I was excited to share these drawings with Dash.” She patted her sketchbook. “I love the rainbow idea, and I know Princess Lolli will too.”

  “Sure as sugar!” Melli exclaimed.

  “And the castle ballroom is the perfect place for the party,” Raina added. “It’s sugar-tastic!”

  Berry squeezed Dash’s hand. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I know Princess Lolli is going to be so happy about this plan.”

  Melli laughed. “I’m not even worried!” she exclaimed. “And you know I worry about everything.”

  “Let’s head inside,” Berry said, moving toward the front gate of the castle. “Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop are expecting us.”

  The five friends flew over to the royal guards. The guards announced their arrival to the princess and prince, and the Candy Fairies found the royal couple in the throne room.

  “Welcome,” Princess Lolli said. “This is such a treat to see you all.”

  Dash smiled at Prince Scoop. She understood that he had not shared their thoughts about the Mint Jubilee with Princess Lolli. After all, it was Dash’s idea, and she should be the one to ask Princess Lolli.

  Cocoa held out her sketchbook as Dash spoke about the rainbow decorations. It was easy to see how excited Princess Lolli was about the theme and decorations.

  “Do you think everyone will be comfortable here in the ballroom?” Princess Lolli asked Prince Scoop. “We have never had a jubilee inside the castle before.”

  “Why not?” Prince Scoop asked. “I think we’d be able to make it work.” He looked up at Cocoa and Dash. “These designs are really delicious. Your drawings are terrific.”

  Princess Lolli took Dash’s hand. “Thank you for taking the lead on this,” she said. “You have done a sweet-tacular job.”

  “And now we have a ton of work to do to make this all happen,” Dash said with a big grin.

  “Very well,” Princess Lolli said. “We can’t wait to see you later.”

  Prince Scoop flew over to Dash. “I’m so proud of you and your friends. This is going to be so mint!” He winked and flew after Princess Lolli. “See you later,” he called.

  Dash led her friends back to Peppermint Grove, where she told the other Mint Fairies about the change of location.

  “Sweet mint!” Menta exclaimed. “We’ll get right on bringing all the decorations and candy to the castle. Good job, Dash.”

  Dash felt proud and smiled at her friends. And then she saw Spera and Pepper.

  “Good idea,” Spera said.

  “Everyone seems to like the change,” Pepper added.

  Dash couldn’t tell if they were being nice or not. But to her it didn’t matter. She was feeling so happy.

  “Are you two going to help, or what?” Menta asked. She patted Dash on the back and moved Spera and Pepper along to a dipping station.

  Dash was grateful to Menta for distracting the mint meanies. She put her hand on Prince Scoop’s rainbow charm. She felt it must have magical powers. Everything seemed to be going perfectly now. Thinking about rainbows and all the decorations for the jubilee made Dash smile. Things didn’t seem to be a minty mess anymore. In fact, today was a supercool mint rainbow!

  A Royal Assignment

  Early the next morning Dash flew to Candy Castle. She was surprised at how many other Candy Fairies were already there when she arrived. Everyone was working hard to change the royal ballroom into a mint-tacular setting.

  The room was bright with red, white, green, and pink colors, and there were tiny rainbows scattered around the room. The decorations looked so sweet, and Dash was proud of the Mint Fairies and other Candy Fairies who had pitched in to help. Today was the royal Mint Jubilee!

  Across the room, Dash spotted Cocoa and Melli sitting on the floor. They were surrounded by seven cans of rainbow-colored sugar paint.

  “You are here early,” Dash said, flying over to them. She looked down at what they were painting. “And those tiny rainbows are so mint!”

  “Thanks,” Cocoa said. She leaned back to admire their work. “We’re almost done with these.”

  “These rainbows are going to be part of the centerpieces,” Melli told Dash. She pointed to the opposite corner. “You have to check out Menta’s wall hanging. She is an amazing artist.”

  Dash smiled. “And so are you,” she said. She saw how carefully her friends had painted the mini sugar rainbows. They would look so delicious in the center of each table. “I can’t believe how fast this room has changed. This is going to be the sweetest Mint Jubilee that Sugar Valley has ever seen!”

  “I just wish my parents would be able to see it,” Princess Lolli said, coming up behind Dash.

  “Wait, what?” Dash said. She looked at Princess Lolli’s face and saw that the princess had been crying. This was not like her to be so sad. “What do you mean?”

  “The rain has made traveling very difficult,” Princess Lolli said. “This morning there were more reports of rain on the way, and I don’t think it is safe for them to fly here.”

  “Oh, bittersweet,” Cocoa whispered.

  “But they have to come!” Dash blurted out. “This is the first time the Mint Jubilee will be in Candy Kingdom! And Berry made special hats for you and the queen!”

  Melli stood up and put her arm around Dash. “Dash,” she scolded, “don’t make Princess Lolli feel worse. I’m sure she is trying to think of a way to get them here.”

  Princess Lolli shook her head. “My parents don’t have a covered carriage,” she said. “And with all that is going on here, Scoop and I can’t fly out to get them.”

  She turned away and flew out of the ballroom.

  “Hot caramel,” Melli said. “I have never seen Princess Lolli so upset.”

  Cocoa shook her head. “This would be the first Mint Jubilee that the queen and king have missed.”

  Dash’s wings fluttered. “Well, we can’t have that!” she said.

  “Where are you going?” Cocoa called. “Dash!”

  Dash followed Princess Lolli out of the room and found her by a window in the grand hall. She was sitting on the window seat, looking up at the dark, gray sky.

  “I have an idea,” Dash said. “I can fly up to Sugar Castle in the covered carriage and get your parents.” She stood tall and brave.

  “Are you sure?” Princess Lolli said. She turned to give Dash a long, serious look. “You feel comfortable enough to steer the carriage?”

  “I know that I can handle Butterscotch and get there safely,” Dash went on. “Ask Prince Scoop—he let me drive the carriage before. I flew in the covered carriage with Prince Scoop the other day, and it was very dry and safe.”

  “He let you drive?” Princess Lolli asked, looking surprised.

  Suddenly Dash felt horrible. She didn’t want to get the prince in trouble. “I begged him,” Dash went on. “It wasn’t his fault. I was feeling so sad about, well . . . things being so minty and the rain and everything.” Dash sighed. “But I was really good at driving the carriage, and Butterscotch listened to me.”

  Princess Lolli started to laugh. “Oh, Dash, I’m not mad!” she exclaimed. “I’m relieved! Here I was, thinking that Scoop and I couldn’t go get my parents with all the work to be done here, and now you can do this for us!”

  Dash bowed her head. “It would be my honor to go and get Queen Sweetie and King Crunch,” she said.

  “You would fly the royal carriage with Butterscotch all the way to Sugar Kingdom?” Princess Lolli asked. “It is a lot to ask of you. Are you sure?”

  Dash stood up a little straighter. “I’d be honored,” she said. Then she looked back at all the Candy Fairies in the ballroom. “But I am not the bravest or biggest fairy,” she said quietly. “Are you sure you’d want me to go?”

  “You have the biggest heart,” Prince Scoop said. He came up and gave Dash a tight squeeze. “And we believe in you. Plus, I’ve seen you drive!” He looked at Princess Lolli. “Dash is a real natural. In fact, I should have thought of it myself.”

  Princess Lolli hugged Dash. “I am sure you can handle the royal carriage and Butterscotch,” she said. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “Can I bring my friends too?” Dash asked. She thought of Melli and Cocoa inside the ballroom. The journey would be much more fun with them. And she knew Raina and Berry would not want to miss out on the adventure.

  “Of course,” Princess Lolli replied. “My parents would love that!” she said, smiling. “And you will have fun together.”

  “Thank you!” Dash said.

  “You should leave soon,” Prince Scoop told Dash. “Go tell the others and meet back here before midday. There is another storm coming our way.”

  Princess Lolli smiled. “Today just got a whole lot brighter,” she said, “even if there is more rain due to roll in. It will not dampen our royal Mint Jubilee party one bit!”

  Dash grinned. “Sure as sugar,” she said. “You can count on me and my friends.” She flew off to tell her friends of the royal assignment they were about to take.

  Sweet Welcomes

  The five friends quickly flew to the Royal Stables together to get the carriage and Butterscotch ready for the journey to Sugar Kingdom.

  “Are you sure you can handle this?” Melli asked. Her eyes were wide as she took in the size of the carriage. “Why couldn’t one of the guards go?” she asked.

  “Because not all the guards know how to ride Butterscotch when she is pulling this carriage,” Dash told her. “Besides, we’re helping Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop. It’s going to be great. You’ll see.”

  “Oh no,” Melli cried, looking at the sky. “The rain has started again.”

  “That’s all right,” Dash told her. “This is why we’re taking the covered carriage. It will be fine.”

  “This is the biggest carriage I have ever seen!” Cocoa exclaimed.

  “Check out these seats,” Berry said, flopping onto the cushioned bench. “This is definitely a royal ride.”

  “We could fit ten more Candy Fairies in here,” Raina said as she looked around.

  Dash knew her friends were a little nervous about the trip, but she wasn’t. She had confidence that she could handle the ride. It felt good taking this task on. For the past week she had been feeling so low. This was going to be one minty cool ride!

  The rain was coming down hard, so Dash and her friends helped get Butterscotch prepared. Carefully, they put a large red rain shield around the unicorn. It was a giant canopy that covered her wings and protected them from the rain. Butterscotch looked ready to ride through any storm.

  Dash took away Butterscotch’s feed bucket. She gave the sweet unicorn a kiss on the nose. “We’re going to be a great team again,” she said. Then she called out to her friends, “Everyone in! We’re ready to ride.”

  The Candy Fairies climbed inside the carriage just as Princess Lolli and Prince Scoop flew inside the stable.

  “We’re here to see you off, ” Princess Lolli said.

  “Sure as sugar,” Dash replied, grinning. “We put up the canopy and we’re ready to go.”

  Prince Scoop smiled. “I know you’ll be careful,” he said. “Butterscotch knows the way. Remember, a slight tug on the reins. And don’t go too fast.”

  “I remember,” Dash said. “Don’t worry.” She looked over her shoulder at her friends. “I know, it’s not a race.”

  “That’s for sure,” Melli said, settling into her seat.

  “Thank you again for going to Sugar Kingdom today,” Princess Lolli said. “We’ll see you back here soon.”

  Dash sat up on the bench and took the reins. “A steady hand,” she said, thinking of her ride with Prince Scoop. Butterscotch trotted forward and Prince Scoop opened up the stable door wider.

  “Safe travels,” the prince called.

  “See you soon,” Dash replied. She took hold of the reins, and Butterscotch leaped up in the air.

  The rain made a soft drumming sound on the carriage roof, and Dash leaned back in the seat. “Everyone okay?” she called.

  “We’re fine,” Raina answered.

  “This really is the way to travel!” Berry said, stretching out on the seat.

  “And we can stay dry!” Melli added. “Even Butterscotch is staying dry.”

  “Choc-o-rific!” Cocoa exclaimed.

  Prince Scoop was right about Butterscotch’s knowing the way. Even with raindrops falling, the unicorn knew the route. Dash kept her eyes open for anything that might cause any alarm or problems, but the journey went very smoothly.

  “I see the palace!” Raina called.

  Down to the left, Dash saw the top of the palace as well—the bright white sugar tur
rets of the old palace.

  “So mint!” Dash exclaimed. “Hold on, we’re coming in for a landing!”

  Dash held the reins and guided Butterscotch down to the palace garden, just as Prince Scoop had shown her when they had landed at Candy Castle. She took a deep breath as she felt the unicorn’s hooves touch the ground.

  In a flash the royal guards of the palace came out to the carriage. A red fruit leather carpet was rolled up to the carriage door, and a rainbow of colorful umbrellas appeared.

  “Why, this is a sweet welcome,” Dash said.

  A large caramel trumpet sounded, and the king and queen walked out of the palace and down the red carpet. The door to the carriage was opened and the royal couple peered inside.

  “So nice to see you all!” King Crunch said. “Thank you for coming to get us.”

  “We never did get a covered carriage,” Queen Sweetie told the Candy Fairies. “Lolli has been after us to do that, but lucky for us you were able to come!”

  “It is our pleasure,” Dash said. “Please have a seat and we’ll be on our way.”

  Dash was bursting with pride. She knew she was likely speaking way too fast, but she was so excited to be driving the king and queen back to Candy Castle.

  The royal couple sat down and gave gifts of sugar stars to each of the Candy Fairies. Dash wanted to join in on their conversation, but she kept her focus on the sky ahead.

  “We’ve got this,” Dash said to Butterscotch. “We’re almost there.”

  The ride back to Candy Castle felt much shorter to Dash. Maybe she really was getting the hang of driving the carriage. The tricky part was landing. She took the approach slowly and held the reins tightly.

  “Easy, Butterscotch,” Dash called.

  Butterscotch responded to Dash’s command, and the landing was as smooth as a licorice stick. Everyone in the carriage cheered and applauded Dash.

  “Dash, come here so we can give Queen Sweetie her gift,” Berry said.

  Queen Sweetie looked surprised. “What do you mean?”


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