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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 44

by Alexander Gordon


  “I’d much rather hunt something for you, and not for myself,” she kindly said. “Are you sure you are not in need of anything this morning?”

  Daemon merely shook his head, the lycan then smiling and giving a polite bow to him.

  “Very well, I shall return shortly,” she said before quickly taking off along a field of swaying tall grass. As Forrus ran off with her tail wagging behind her Daemon glanced to Sasha as the reptile girl was watching the artifact in her hand carefully.

  “Sasha, I trust you won’t drop that while it’s in your care.”

  Sasha shook her head then looked to him with a proud smile.

  “I would die before ever letting anyone take what belongs to you,” she promised. “Not even that succubus shall pry this from my hands.”

  Daemon nodded once before looking up at the sky again with a distant gaze while remaining quiet. Sasha then looked at him curiously while her tail slowly shifted around against the rock she was leaning on.

  “If I may ask, why did you entrust it to me and not the others?”

  “Because I chose to at the time,” he calmly replied. “That’s all there is to it. Don’t make me regret that decision.”

  Sasha watched him with longing eyes then nodded with a small smile.

  “I won’t, I promise.” Her eyes then slowly glanced to his sword, the smile on her face fading into a frown before she looked down at the relic she had been entrusted with. “I do wish we could celebrate our finding and securing this piece for you, I really do.”

  Daemon slowly glanced over to her as she tilted her head slightly while shifting her hips over to the side, her tail slowly sliding along the rock and into the air before she looked back to him with a saddened smile as she carefully and lightly flaunted her thigh at him.

  “I would gladly do anything you asked of me,” she confessed, her voice almost sounding pleading. “Anything. You could do… whatever you… wanted…”

  “Sasha,” Daemon said expectedly, with the reptile girl nodding and lowering her head with closed eyes.

  “I know,” she remorsefully replied. “Such a thing is out of the question. You have your duty to fulfill above all else, that cannot be put aside for anything. Just know that… that…”

  Slowly she looked back to him while holding a hand over her heart, her eyes almost seeming to fight back tears as she took a steady breath.

  “I am yours, now and for all time,” she vowed, with Daemon watching her for a moment before he looked away while remaining silent. Sasha closed her eyes as she tried to control her feelings then looked to his sword that he had sheathed at his side, a feeling of pride for who she served coming across her along with a sense of spite for that magical blade that he wielded, for she knew the legend behind it quite well.

  And she knew how it was always going to be between her and the one she wished to mate with.

  Chapter 13

  New Believers

  In the world of Eden there were three ways that could help convince others to believe the words of an idealist. One was if the doubters experienced the horrible consequences of what the visionary warned them about, showing that the message they questioned was real. Another would be for them to witness the speaker standing in the face of danger for them with his beliefs, proving that he wanted to help even at the cost of his own life. And finally there was the direct approach, with the idealist demonstrating their beliefs firsthand, letting their actions speak louder than words so they would not be ignored. However they managed to get themselves to be heard, all that mattered in the end was that they were heard by those around them.

  Because once their beliefs were accepted to be true, they had won.


  Daniel was watching something that he had never dreamed of seeing once in his entire life, and still questioned whether he was hallucinating at that very moment from what his eyes were showing him. As he sat on the bed in which he, Triska, Alyssa, Specca, and Squeak had all not only slept in together during the night but also engaged in carnal acts of lust and love with each other all throughout the midnight hours, he could only watch as he was rendered speechless at seeing those same four girls standing in front of the bed as they were slowly getting dressed for the day. Everything seemed to be like a surreal dream for Daniel as he watched all the naked girls talking and giggling with one another as they apparently wanted this to be the outcome of their feud over his heart all along.

  His eyes watched, along with a quickly beating heart, as Triska slowly put her panties back on, the girl slowly tracing her hands up her legs to her hips in almost a teasing manner before she picked up her bra just stared at it reluctantly. After a moment to think about it she tossed the lingerie aside with a laugh before the girls all started laughing together.

  “Guess I won’t need that anymore,” Triska mused playfully with a shrug before looking to Specca with a smirk. “No sense being the odd girl out after all.”

  The nixie slipped on her petal skirt and adjusted it around her waist, her slender tail slowly swaying behind her as she glanced to Triska with an amused smile.

  “I’m still the only one here not wearing panties,” she mentioned in jest. “Doesn’t that make me the odd girl out?” She then jumped with a surprised yelp as she felt a few fingers slide along between her thighs and against her pussy, the nixie then seeing Squeak winking at her with a squeak before she shrugged as the other girls laughed a bit at the sight.

  “Squeak, not now,” Specca said bashfully as she blushed and looked down timidly.

  “You like getting wet and you know it,” Alyssa giggled as she slipped back on her stockings, with Triska watching her blushing nixie friend with a curious smile and Squeak casually playing with her fingers as she had some juices on them from Specca. Alyssa then started to pull her panties up before she glanced to Triska with an amused smile.

  “Yep yep,” she said knowingly. “I think we all learned what each of us likes to get turned on with, isn’t that right, Triska?”

  Triska blushed slightly as she put her pants back on and buckled her belt again.

  “We all have our fetishes, not going to lie about that. Like how you seemed to have an orgasm every time Daniel does you in the ass,” she said before turning to Alyssa with an accusing smile, with Daniel blushing even more from hearing that. Specca and Squeak smiled amusedly at the two girls as Alyssa put her skirt back on then set her hands at her hips.

  “There’s nothing wrong with that,” she quipped. “It feels simply amazing to feel him all the way inside of me. I’ve always known my butt is just too cute to resist. Besides, I’m not the one who likes to be punished like a bad girl, like somebody I know.”

  Triska blushed more and looked away while holding her arms around herself, not saying anything back to her from that comment. Specca giggled then gently held Triska from behind while watching Alyssa with a knowing smile.

  “Now now, Alyssa,” she interjected. “You were quite the naughty girl last night too, and you certainly begged for some discipline of your own.”

  Alyssa blushed further and looked away from the girls while Triska glanced to her with a small smile. Specca smirked then eyed Triska while leaning in closer to her ear.

  “Did you at least learn your lesson last night?” she whispered playfully.

  Triska closed her eyes and quickly pulled away from her before grabbing her shirt and putting it on, with Specca watching her curiously as the teen adjusted her breasts under it before crossing her arms and looking to the nixie with a precocious smile.

  “Nope,” she said before glancing away with a smug grin.

  “I had a feeling neither of you would have,” Specca reasoned with an amused smile before she put her shirt back on and started tying her tie.

  Squeak began squeaking something as she got dressed with her panties and then her tunic, going on and on about something while she put her gloves on and then her boots. The other girls watched her curiously as the a
nt girl once again failed to realize that her long speech about something, which with her hand signals going every which way wasn’t helping to clarify what she was talking about, was going right over everyone’s heads. After Squeak finished talking about whatever it was she was trying to talk about she turned to the other girls with a curious smile, gently patting down her tunic as everyone just stared at her in silence.

  “She’s trying to tell us something,” Alyssa said after a while, with Squeak sighing and looking down with a troubled frown as she once again failed to communicate with her friends. Specca smiled curiously as she slipped her sandals back on then reached over and scratched her nails along Squeak’s abdomen, the ant girl squeaking loudly as her body shuddered in response before she looked to Specca with a blush on her face.

  “Maybe she was trying to say how much she likes having her abdomen being scratched,” Specca mused, with Squeak looking down with an embarrassed smile as the other girls giggled to that.

  “Yeah, that’s right,” Triska recalled. “She sure seemed to go crazy whenever we did that to her last night.”

  “I think we know what she and Daniel did on her date night,” Alyssa reasoned. “That little cat scratching gesture she gave then makes much more sense now.”

  The girls laughed from that, with Squeak nodding and glancing to them with a timid expression. Specca gently ran her tail along Squeak’s abdomen with a curious smile before Triska reached over and stroked her ear fin, the nixie yelping before glancing to Triska with a blush forming on her face.

  “Did Daniel use your little weak spot during your date night as well?” Triska asked curiously before Specca gently swatted her hand away and held a hand to her cheek.

  “No, nothing like that,” Specca defended. “We just cuddled and read a book together. That was more than enough to make the night complete for me.”

  “I believe that,” Alyssa giggled. “Seeing as how she couldn’t keep her voice down at all when we did that to her it sounds like that little secret was a secret until last night.”

  “It was,” Specca agreed before looking to the others with a small shrug.

  The girls all smiled at each other then looked to Daniel, the boy just staring at them with a stunned expression, a blush on his cheeks, and a noticeable erection that all the girls instantly took notice of.

  “Daniel,” Triska purred with a slick smile.

  “Oh my,” Specca said holding a hand over her chest.

  “Well then, looks like you’re up for the day,” Alyssa said coyly, with Daniel looking down to his body’s honest reaction before he quickly smiled nervously and pulled a sheet over his lap. The girls all laughed a bit while Daniel wasn’t sure what to say right now with everything he was hearing and seeing.

  “So, Daniel,” Triska mentioned as she slipped on her boots. “I think we need to talk about our sleeping arrangement, now that we’ve crossed this threshold of which there is no going back from.”

  Daniel tilted his head in puzzlement before seeing the girls watching him with gentle smiles as they all had finished getting dressed.

  “Yes, I believe she’s right,” Specca said while adjusting her glasses. “Since we’ve all expressed our true feelings for one another last night, we need to agree on how we’re going to be handling all of us sleeping together every night.”

  “I think our date nights are over,” Alyssa reasoned with a shrug. “Since Daniel chose all of us, we’re all going to be sleeping with him every night now, right?”

  All the girls nodded as Daniel jumped in surprise.

  “What?” he shakily asked. “So then, what are you saying we do differently now?”

  “Just what we said, Daniel,” Specca replied with a shrug. “You did choose us all, right?”

  “So then you’re going to take responsibility for that and take care of us all, equally, right?” Triska asked with an accusing smile, with Daniel nodding nervously to her.

  “That means you have to love us all,” Alyssa giggled. “Each night, and every day too, hee hee.”

  “Um,” Daniel slowly said. “What do you mean… by that… exactly?”

  Squeak started squeaking while gesturing around to all the other girls before she made small hops with high pitched squeaks, her breasts bouncing under her tunic as she showed a lustful face while looking up with pleading eyes before watching Daniel with a knowing smile. Daniel blinked then looked at the other girls with a nervous expression as he had a good idea what they were expecting of him now.

  “Um, what?”

  “You know what, Daniel,” Alyssa replied coyly.

  Daniel looked around at the girls as they all watched him with immoral smiles, something that stood out a bit with Triska and Specca, not so much with Squeak, and certainly not at all with Alyssa, then slowly nodded as he felt there was no playing dumb with this.

  “Right, I get it. Um… so…”

  “Daniel,” Specca said worriedly, with him seeing her watching him with a saddened smile as all the girls showed concern as well. “Don’t you want us?”

  “This is what we want, isn’t it what you want too?” Triska asked with a troubled look.

  “You can’t just use Squeak’s pheromones all the time to love us,” Alyssa pouted with a frown. “You have to want to too.”

  Squeak nodded and squeaked something while holding her arms around herself with a saddened expression.

  Daniel looked around at the girls then shook his head as he quickly stood up before them, with the girls glancing down to his penis as the sheet dropped down since they just couldn’t help themselves before looking back into his eyes as he showed a caring smile while holding his hands out at his sides.

  “Of course this is what I want,” he reassured. “I couldn’t bear to live without any of you. That’s the truth, I promise. I love you all, I really do, and I don’t need Squeak’s pheromones to show you that. I’ll make sure you feel loved and that you know just how much I care about all of you, equally, just like I said.” The girls all smiled in relief as he rubbed the back of his neck with an embarrassed chuckle.

  “Besides,” he mentioned. “After using Squeak’s pheromones I couldn’t really recall most of what happened last night. I remember some parts, but most of it was a blur to me. I don’t want to miss out on a thing with you girls, with everything we do and share with one another, so of course I would prefer not to use her pheromones again. The next time we do anything, to any extent, I want to remember every detail so that I can treasure every second I spend with you girls.”

  The girls all giggled and nodded before Daniel looked down thoughtfully, his eyes darting around in thought as the girls watched him curiously.

  “Daniel? What is it?” Triska asked.

  Daniel blinked then looked to the girls while showing a troubled expression.

  “Um,” he said glancing around. “Maybe I just can’t recall from last night after being affected by Squeak’s pheromones, but did anyone hear anything from Charlotte or her helpers last night before they left?”

  The girls all looked to each other then to him with concern while shaking their heads.

  “No,” Triska said worriedly. “I didn’t even notice them leaving last night. I don’t think they said anything to us.”

  “Oh dear,” Specca fretted holding a hand to her cheek. “I hope Daniel proved his point to Charlotte last night. I mean he actually did all of us, surely that had to have shown her that his beliefs are accurate, right?”

  “Well,” Alyssa mentioned while holding a hand over her neck. “They didn’t slit my throat last night when Daniel was doing me, that’s a good sign.”

  Squeak merely shrugged with a simple squeak, figuring that even if the witches had said anything to her last night she’d likely not be able to convey it properly now anyway.

  Daniel thought about their options carefully, wondering if he had proved his belief to Charlotte and whether he would hear from her again, then showed a relaxed smile at the four girls before him
, feeling content knowing that either way he had at least taken hold of what really did mean the world to him.

  Without another word he moved forward to pull Triska into a kiss, the girl jumping a bit at first from the gesture then closing her eyes as the other girls watched them curiously. Triska slowly held her hands to his bare chest as she felt her heart fluttering from his touch, the kiss alone quelling all fears she had about the alpha witch from last night.

  ‘Daniel… I love you so much.’

  Daniel then let go of Triska, the girl blinking once before looking at him with wonder and a faint blush, and then gently pulled Specca into a kiss, the nixie sighing softly while closing her eyes as her tail slowly wrapped around his leg. He held her by the arms gently yet securely, making the timid nixie feel weak in the knees as she yearned to be held by him always.

  ‘He truly is my knight in shining armor. My Daniel.’

  After her kiss was done, and he nonchalantly used one hand to loosen the nixie’s tail from around his leg as she was reluctant to let him go, Daniel then pulled Squeak over into a kiss, the ant girl holding onto his waist while closing her eyes in the embrace. Daniel felt the girl’s saliva hitting with a powerful effect right away, however he focused his mind more on the fact that he loved this ant girl and was happier about the fact that she was going to be his. As for Squeak, she too felt her love for this human very clearly, being evidenced by a small wiggle of her abdomen behind her and a quiet sigh of joy from the kiss.

  With the euphoric sensation rippling through his mouth and head Daniel then used all his willpower he could to stay focused and break the kiss with Squeak, taking a moment to regain his senses before he then used both hands to remove her hold on his waist as the ant girl just smiled bashfully at him. After a small chuckle Daniel then knelt down and pulled Alyssa into a kiss, the witch happily holding her arms around his neck as the other girls smiled curiously at him. He didn’t see her as a little girl at all; rather he saw her as a lovely woman, one who he knew he cared about deeply and couldn’t bear to be without. And Alyssa knew she loved Daniel, she had known that about him from the very start, yet now she felt extreme joy at knowing that Daniel was returning those feelings completely.


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