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Chronicles of Eden - Act IV

Page 49

by Alexander Gordon

  “This is weird, right?” she questioned.

  “Yeah,” Daniel commented while scratching his head with puzzlement. “It looks like everything inside remains perfectly still even when we’re on the move.”

  Triska nodded and looked around at seeing everything in the cabin remaining perfectly in place despite a few bumps the caravan’s reinforced wheels rolled over just then. None of the girls even seemed to notice any sudden movements or thumps from the caravan. In fact what they did notice was that they couldn’t even hear the caravan’s wheels below them. It was as if they were all inside a normal house and not on the move at all.

  “How did they do that?” Triska asked herself as she walked along the floor while looking around in puzzlement. She looked over to Squeak who was kneeling down by the flowers near the back corner with a curious eye then over to seeing Alyssa, Specca, and Falla looking at the map on the table.

  “Alyssa? How is it that this place isn’t moving around at all when the caravan’s in motion?”

  “Magic, how else?” Alyssa replied with a shrug as she kept her eyes on the map.

  Triska nodded slowly, figuring that answer, as simple as it was, was enough, and then noticed that Luna was still bouncing around on the bed like a giddy child.

  “Hey, Luna, stop bouncing around like that,” she said walking over to stand before the bed, watching as the butterfly girl kept hopping around while giggling to herself. “Luna, enough. Stop bouncing on the bed.”

  “It’s so bouncy and soft! Hee hee hee!” Luna giggled as she bounced on her knees then her butt then her knees then her stomach, laughing and hopping about while Triska growled with growing ire.

  “Dammit, I said knock it off,” Triska ordered. “This is starting to get very annoying.”

  “Weee! I can’t wait to sleep in this! It’s so comfy!”

  “Luna! I’m talking to you!”

  “This is much more fun that flying everywhere, I like this a whole lot!” Luna cheered as she kept hopping about on the bed.

  Triska growled loudly then yanked her sword out with a swift ring, everyone looking to her with a jump as she aimed her blade at Luna with narrowed eyes.

  “I said stop bouncing on the bed!”

  Luna slowly stopped bouncing and stared at her with a nervous whine, her wings drooping low behind her as she trembled slightly.

  “I’m sorry,” she squeaked out.

  “Triska Raylight!” Specca scolded loudly as she quickly stood up from the table.

  Triska jumped a bit then looked back to seeing Specca, Alyssa, and Squeak watching her with discontent and their hands at their hips.

  “You know the rules,” Specca asserted sternly.

  “No swordplay in the caravan,” Alyssa reminded while pointing to the teen.

  Squeak nodded and squeaked something with a stern expression while Falla watched Triska with a dull stare.

  “I know she’s difficult to talk to,” Falla mentioned dryly. “But unless you want her peeing in your bed out of fright, please don’t threaten my sister with your sword again.”

  Triska looked to Luna who slowly backed up and whimpered then over to the other girls as Specca slowly adjusted her glasses as she watched the teen with discontent.

  “Triska,” Specca lectured in a knowing tone.

  Triska gulped then dropped her sword with clank onto the floor, showing a worried expression as all eyes were on her.

  “Um… sorry?” she said with a nervous smile.

  Daniel watched the girls with a quiet sigh then looked back ahead, realizing that perhaps the fighting between them wasn’t entirely over just yet.

  “Everything alright in there?” Kroanette asked as she looked at the caravan curiously.

  “Yeah. Same old, same old,” Daniel said with a small shrug.

  After a while Falla came out and sat next to him, leaning back against the caravan while her wings folded slightly behind her. Daniel glanced to her then smiled weakly.

  “Are they still fighting in there?” he asked. “Don’t worry. It usually doesn’t last too long.”

  Falla glanced to him with a raised eyebrow then peeked back into the caravan.

  “They’re doing something in there,” she replied, with Daniel looking at her curiously then back into the cabin before jumping with surprise.

  “Bad girl, very bad girl,” Specca scolded as she spanked Triska, the teen behind held across her lap as the nixie sat on the edge of the bed. The human’s pants were pulled down, exposing her naked cheeks as Specca slapped each one sharply while lecturing the girl. Squeak was holding Triska’s legs down as they tried to kick about with each slap while Alyssa was holding Triska’s hands together in front of her, the teen yelping and blushing more with each hit.

  “What are we going to do with you, Triska?” Specca said shaking her head, spanking Triska again and again as the teen yelped and looked ahead at Alyssa with pleading eyes.

  “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she begged loudly.

  Luna watched curiously from next to them then looked to Alyssa while tilting her head slightly.

  “Should I be doing anything right now?”

  Alyssa looked to her then shrugged and motioned to Triska’s hands with her head.

  “Sure, hold her down like this for me,” she casually said, with Luna nodding and smiling to that as she quickly knelt down and held Triska’s hands in place before her. Triska looked to her while gasping and grunting with each hit then to Alyssa as the witch lied down on her stomach to face Triska with a coy smile.

  “You just don’t learn, do you?” Alyssa said playfully.

  “I’m sorry- AH! I’m sorry, I’m- NGH! Sorry!” Triska pleaded before Alyssa grabbed her head and kissed her passionately, muffling her screams and gasps as Specca continued to discipline her.

  “Bad girl! Bad girl! Bad girl!” the nixie scolded, spanking the teen’s ass repeatedly while Squeak watched with an amused smile. Luna giggled then started to join in with Specca, the two chanting together while even Squeak started to squeak along with them, presumably saying the same thing in her own language. Alyssa forced her tongue into Triska’s mouth, the teen’s mind starting to swim while her own tongue began lapping around the witch’s on reflex.

  Daniel watched with a stunned smile, seeing the girls still coming to odds with one another but now resolving their dispute in a very sexual and kinky way, then slowly looked back ahead while Falla glanced to him with a questionably.

  “So,” she dryly said. “Those are the ones you chose to help you spread the word of monsters and humans living together in peace, huh?”

  Daniel looked to her then back into the cabin, watching as Triska was both disciplined and loved by all the monster girls that he had fallen in love with, along with Luna, and then looked back ahead with an awkward smile as he slowly nodded.

  “Yeah, they’re the ones alright. Triska, Alyssa, Squeak, Specca; they’re the ones I love and know can help me with this.”

  Falla watched him for a moment before looking down at the passing ground below them.

  “You’re an idiot,” she said flatly, crossing her arms as she kept her eyes away from the boy.

  Daniel merely shook his head with a small chuckle in response, watching as Lucky pulled their new ride along the road without any trouble.

  The travelers made their way across The Outerlands towards their next destination; with Daniel feeling like there was no stopping them now. As they all rode off on their quest together, Daniel felt like great change was coming to their world soon, a world in which one day monsters and humans could hopefully live peacefully with one another.


  The screams of a man, woman, and young girl echoed out inside a darkened tunnel, the voices of the humans being heard along with the laughter of goblins. A warm red glow illuminated the tunnel as a goblin was holding torch to lead her sisters back home with their latest catch. Being dragged forcibly by two goblins a man was thrashing about in their grip, his
clothing ripped with some blood seen on his shoulder and leg, while behind them his wife and daughter were being pulled along as they had been tied up and forced to stumble behind three other goblins who were leading them by the ropes. The woman’s dress was tattered and had a large blood stein soaking the bottom left while the daughter’s dress was dirty with some leaves still stuck to her back.

  “Let my family go! It’s me you want, just let them go!” the man shouted out as he was dragged along, with the goblins holding him laughing with wicked smiles.

  “You all wanted, you all wanted! Hahahaha!” a goblin cackled as the daughter and wife screamed while trying to break free from their binds.

  “Please, let us go! Let us go!” the young girl cried out.

  “Don’t hurt my daughter and husband, I beg of you!” the woman pleaded as they were all taken further into the mountain.

  After a while they all came out of the tunnel into the large underground home of the goblins, the resident monsters moving about in their village while their voices echoed throughout the hollowed cavern. As the humans were dragged towards the center stone court other goblins started to gather and follow along, all of them cackling and laughing as the woman and child screamed in terror while the man was struck in the gut with a club to get him to stop thrashing around.

  “Papa!” the child cried out as the man stumbled and coughed while being led towards the court. The three humans were taken over into the center square while the crowd of goblins gathered around them, the husband being thrown over onto the ground while the daughter and child were then cut free from their binds, the two promptly rushing over and holding onto the man as they looked around fearfully at their captors.

  “Why did they take us too?” the woman whimpered. “Why didn’t they just kill us along with our horse?”

  “Mama, papa, what’s happening?” the young girl asked while crying.

  The husband slowly stood up and looked around at seeing all the goblins laughing and taunting them while keeping their distance, none seeming to come any closer to rape or kill them.

  “What do you want? What do you want from us?” he yelled out with anger.

  “We want to have some fun,” two voices said in unison from nearby.

  The crowd of goblins slowly parted as the humans watched two girls slowly walking up to them. One had short raven hair and wore a black webbed masquerade mask over her eyes, a red cocktail dress with black edgings and a black tail, the dress having gold embroidering below the bosom, and black high boots with two green straps. The other girl had long blonde hair that flowed down her back, wore a purple floral masquerade mask, a long purple slit dress with long sleeves and a sapphire embroidered belt, and wore long black stockings under her dress along with black high boots that had red bow ribbons on the front.

  “Welcome,” Jovian and Jacqueline said together before laughing, with the crowd of goblins cheering and cackling as well. The man slowly walked ahead of his family and held up his fist threateningly to the two strange girls while he bared his teeth slightly.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? If you think you can take me and my family without a fight, you’re sorely mistaken!”

  “Aw, how cute, he wants to play rough,” Jovian teased with a sneer.

  The man yelled and ran towards them, with Jacqueline quickly dashing forward and grabbing his fist as he tried to punch her, the girl snapping his wrist effortlessly before spinning around and breaking his arm back behind him forcibly.

  “No!” the wife cried out as her husband screamed in agony, with the gemini laughing while Jovian walked up to the human her sister was holding in place.

  “Who’s sorely mistaken now?” Jovian taunted before she ripped off his tattered shirt, the goblins around yelling out in anticipation as the girl then tore off his pants and underwear before throwing the rags aside. Jacqueline giggled then threw the man over into the crowd of goblins, the human tumbling into a roll before collapsing onto the ground with a scream while his broken arm dangled at his side.

  “Rape him until he has no more sperm to give, and then string him up by his own intestines!” Jacqueline called out, with the goblins around the human quickly swarming him to do just that. One held his head and shoulder down while two more held his legs in place, with one more quickly mounting the human over his waist and laughing down at him. The monsters holding his legs quickly started stroking his penis while one shoved a finger up his ass, the human screaming as they quickly got him hard before they pushed his erection into the monster’s pussy atop him. As the goblin started humping him and scratching his chest with her nails Jovian and Jacqueline watched the sight of the man being raped with dark smiles and giggles.

  “No! Let him go!” the wife cried out as she and her daughter ran towards them. Before they could get far Jacqueline quickly grabbed the wife and backed her up by the shoulders while Jovian lifted the child up by her waist, the two humans screaming and trying to swat the strange girls in the face. As they did they knocked off their masks, the woman and daughter then staring in horror at seeing the strange multicolored eyes of the monsters as the gemini smiled wickedly at them.

  “No no,” Jovian said coldly. “He’s playing with our new friends. But don’t worry, we’re going to play with you.”

  “What in Eden are you?” the wife cried out.

  “Why, we’re thrill seekers of course,” Jacqueline replied playfully before she started dancing around in circles while holding onto the woman as if at a ball, forcing her to move with her while Jovian merrily spun around while holding the screaming young girl up in the air.

  “Have you ever been to a royal ball at Nimquent?” Jovian laughed with a creepy smile on her face. “It was so divine to dance amongst the blood and gore of those we slaughtered on the ballroom floor.”

  “Or have you ever heard the singing harpies on Mount Rollound?” Jacqueline asked while spinning gracefully around with the screaming wife in her embrace. “It sounds even better with the acoustics from the cliffs when they’re screaming from having their innards slowly ripped out of them.”

  “Or perhaps swam in the Icida Sea near Waterwrench?” Jovian chuckled, with the child screaming and shaking her head with fright at seeing everything around her. “The mermaids there are so graceful and beautiful, especially when their corpses are floating amongst the blood soaked waves of the ocean.”

  “And I don’t know about you,” Jacqueline said before stopping and holding the woman close to her face. “But I love traveling through the forests of Rentha. They have such beautiful flowers called Blue Irises that I simply adore. They look even lovelier with blood dripping from their delicate petals.”

  The woman let out a fearful whine as the gemini sister leaned closer to her face with a dark smile.

  “After all, fresh blood gets me so wet. How about you?”

  Without another word she quickly ripped the woman’s dress apart, the human screaming and thrashing about as the gemini tore off all her clothes before she tackled her to the ground. Jovian giggled then held the young girl’s chin and forced her gaze over to seeing Jacqueline lifting the woman’s legs up in the air before holding them down by her head, the wife screaming as she was lying back on the stone court and looking up at the monster with fright. Jacqueline licked her lips before she ran her tongue along the woman’s exposed genitals that were raised up in front of her.

  “Mama!” the child screamed out.

  Jacqueline gave one more playful lick along the woman’s pussy then smiled wickedly down at her.

  “Scream for me,” she said coldly before she snapped down on the woman viciously. The wife shrieked as blood splattered onto her thighs and waist before running down her belly and against her breasts. The young child’s scream of sheer horror was nearly muffled by the goblins around the area as they laughed and cackled at the sight of the woman being eaten by the gemini. The woman’s painful cries of agony echoed out in the cavern as blood dripped down onto the stones beneath her, h
er eyes rolling back into her head as the gemini ripped out mouthfuls of her flesh and insides while watching her with a cold look in her eyes.

  Jovian chuckled then turned the child’s gaze back to her, the young girl crying and screaming as the gemini slowly laid her down on the ground and held her in place by the shoulder with a firm grip.

  “I just love it when little girls scream for me,” she said softly before ripping apart the child’s dress and throwing the tatters aside.

  “Now, it’s your turn,” she mused with a cold smile as she gently ran her finger down to the girl’s stomach and stopped there, with the young girl screaming at the top of her lungs in terror.

  The goblins around the court cheered and shouted out in excitement at watching the man being raped, they laughed and sneered at seeing the woman being savagely eaten alive by Jacqueline, and they watched with cruel smiles and sneers as the child’s blood sprayed out in small bursts onto Jovian’s face, the raven haired monster watching with a dark smile as the young girl’s shrieks of agony slowly became gurgled and weak from what the gemini was doing to her. After a while Jovian slowly wiped the blood off of her face with her hand which wasn’t bathed in the child’s blood then began to lick her fingers while looking around at the bloodshed and debauchery that was ensuing, a devilish smile coming across her face while the young girl’s bloodied hands slowly reached up and weakly grabbed hold of the monster’s arms.

  “Daniel, we’ll be seeing you again very soon, along with all the proof you’ll need of what happens when monsters and humans mix,” she said before laughing manically, the monster looking down to the child whose blood was dripping down onto the stone court below them.

  “I can’t wait to see the look on your face, it’ll simply be orgasmic!” she yelled out before lunging down and viciously mauling the young girl, the human’s arms shaking and wavering about above her before finally dropping down onto the blood soaked ground.

  Screams of agony, cries of suffering, and wicked laughter echoed out in the cavern as the monsters raped and killed the humans they had captured, with the goblins cheering and shouting in anticipation for following their new leaders out of the wastelands and into the heart of the human kingdom in the region. And within the shrieks of torment, cries of sorrow, and cackling of the dark mountain dwellers, the sound of the gemini laughing together in perfect sync was heard, the haunting voices of the Darker One which had two bloodthirsty bodies, and one soul as black as the night.


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