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L. J. Smith - The Secret Circle 01

Page 16

by The Initiation

  She noticed, for the first time, another wall of art prints like the ones she’d seen the first day.

  “Are these goddesses too?” she asked.

  “Yes. That’s Persephone, daughter of the goddess of growing things.” Diana’s voice was soft with tiredness, but she smiled at the picture. It showed a slender girl laughing as she picked an armful of flowers. All around her it was springtime, and her face was filled with the joy of being young and alive.

  “And who’s that?”

  “Athena. She was the goddess of wisdom. She never married either, like Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. All the other gods used to go to her for advice.”

  It was a tall goddess with a wide brow and clear, calm gray eyes. Well, of course they’re gray; it’s a black-and-white print, Cassie told herself. But somehow she felt they’d be gray anyway, and full of cool, thoughtful intelligence.

  Cassie turned to the next print. “And who’s—”

  Just then there was the sound of voices downstairs. “Hello? Anybody up there? The front door was unlocked.”

  “Come on up,” Diana called. “My dad’s at work—as usual.”

  “Here,” Laurel said, appearing in the doorway. “I thought you might like these. I got them along the way.” She held out an armful of mixed flowers to Diana.

  “Oh, Bouncing Bet! They’re such a pretty pink, and I can dry them for soap later. And wild snapdragon and sweet melilot. I’ll go get a vase.”

  “I would have brought some roses from the garden, but we used them all for purifying the skull.”

  Melanie smiled at Cassie. “So how’s our newest witch?” she said, her cool gray eyes not unsympathetic. “Totally confused?”

  “Well… a little confused. I mean”—Cassie picked at random one of the things she didn’t understand—“how do you purify a skull with roses?”

  “You’d better ask Laurel that; she’s the expert on plants.”

  “And Melanie,” said Laurel, “is the expert on stones and crystals, and this is a crystal skull.”

  “But just what is a crystal, exactly?” Cassie said. “I don’t think I even know that.”

  “Well.” Melanie sat down at Diana’s desk as Diana came back and began to arrange the flowers. Laurel and Cassie sat on the bed. Cassie really did want to know about the things the Circle used to do magic. Even if she could never do the one spell she wanted to, she was still a witch.

  “Well, some people call crystals ‘fossilized water,’ ” Melanie said, her voice taking on a mock-lecturing tone. “Water combines with an element to make them grow. But I like to think of them as a beach.”

  Laurel snorted and Cassie blinked. “A beach?”

  Melanie smiled. “Yes. A beach is sand and water, right? And sand is silicon. When you put silicon with water, under the right conditions, it forms silicon dioxide—quartz crystal. So water plus sand plus heat plus pressure equals a crystal. The remains of an ancient beach.”

  Cassie was fascinated. “And that’s what the skull is made of?”

  “Yes. It’s clear quartz. There are other kinds of quartz too; other colors. Amethyst is purple. Laurel, are you wearing any?”

  “What a question. Especially with a ceremony tonight.” Laurel pushed her long, light-brown hair back to show Cassie her ears. In each she was wearing a dangling crystal of a deep violet color. “I like amethysts,” she explained. “They’re soothing and balancing. If you wear them along with rose quartz, it helps draw love to you.”

  Cassie’s stomach clenched. As long as they could stay off subjects like love she’d be all right. “What other stones are there?” she asked Melanie.

  “Oh, lots. In the quartz family there’s citrine—Deborah wears a lot of that. It’s yellow and it’s good for physical activity. Energy. Fitness. That sort of thing.”

  “Deborah needs a little less energy,” Laurel muttered.

  “I like to wear jade,” Melanie went on, twisting her left wrist to show Cassie a beautiful bracelet. It was set with a pale green, translucent oval stone. “Jade is peaceful, calming. And it sharpens mental clarity.”

  Cassie spoke hesitantly. “But… do these things really work? I mean, I know all the New Agers are into crystals, but—”

  “Crystals are not New Age,” Melanie said with a quelling glance at Laurel, who seemed about to argue the point. “Gemstones have been used since the beginning by ancient peoples—and sometimes even for the right things. The problem is that they’re only as good as the person using them. They can store energy and help you call on the Powers, but only if you have the talent for it in the first place. So for most people they’re pretty useless.”

  “But not for us,” said Laurel. “Although they don’t always work the way you’d expect. Things can get out of control. Remember when Suzan simply covered herself in carnelians and almost got mobbed at the football game? I thought there was going to be a riot.”

  Melanie laughed. “Carnelians are orange and very—stimulating,” she said to Cassie. “You can get people overexcited if you use them wrong. Suzan was trying to attract the quarterback, but she nearly wound up with the entire team. I’ll never forget her in the bathroom, pulling all those carnelians out of her clothes.” Cassie burst into laughter at the picture.

  “You’re not supposed to wear orange or red stones all the time,” Laurel added, grinning. “But of course Suzan won’t listen. Neither will Faye.”

  “That’s right,” Cassie said, remembering. “Faye does wear a red stone on her necklace.”

  “It’s a star ruby,” Melanie said. “They’re rare, and that one’s very powerful. It can amplify passion—or anger—very quickly.”

  There was something else Cassie wanted to ask. Or rather, that she had to ask, whether she wanted to or not. “What about a stone like—chalcedony?” she said casually. “Is that good for anything?”

  “Oh, yes. It has a protective influence—it can guard you against the harshness of the world. In fact, Diana, didn’t you give… ?”

  “Yes,” said Diana, who had been sitting quietly on the window seat, listening. Now she smiled faintly in reminiscence. “I gave Adam a chalcedony rose when he left this summer. That’s a special kind of chalcedony piece,” she explained to Cassie. “It’s flat and round and it has a sort of swirling spiral pattern in it, like a rose’s petals. It has little quartz crystals sprinkled over it.”

  And tiny black shell things on the back, Cassie thought. She felt sick. Even the present he had given her was Diana’s.

  “Cassie?” They were all looking at her.

  “Sorry,” she said, opening her eyes and faking a smile. “I’m okay. I—I guess I’m a little wound up about this thing tonight. Whatever it is.”

  They were immediately sympathetic. Diana nodded grimly, showing more animation than she had since Cassie had arrived that evening. “I’m worried myself,” she said. “It’s way too soon. We shouldn’t be doing this yet—but we don’t have any choice.”

  Melanie said to Cassie, “You see, the skull absorbed energies from whoever used it last. Like an imprint of what was done, and who did it. We want to see what those are. So we’ll all concentrate on it, and see what it will show us. Of course, we might not be able to activate it at all. Sometimes only a certain person can do that, or a certain code of sounds or lights or movements. But if we can, and if it’s safe, we can eventually use its energy to show us things—like maybe who killed Kori.”

  “The larger the crystal, the more energy in it,” Diana said bleakly. “And this is a big crystal.”

  “But why did the old coven carve it into a skull?” Cassie asked.

  “They didn’t,” Melanie said. “We don’t know who did, but it’s much older than three hundred years. There are other crystal skulls out there in the world—nobody really knows how many. Most of them are in museums and things—there’s one, the British Skull, that’s in the Museum of Mankind in England. And the Templar Skull belongs to some secret society in France. Our old coven jus
t got hold of this one somehow and used it.”

  “Black John used it,” Diana corrected. “I wish Adam had found any of the other Master Tools instead of this one. This one was his, Black John’s favorite, and I think he might have used it to get rid of people. I’m afraid that tonight—I don’t know. But I’m afraid something awful is going to happen.”

  “We won’t let it,” said a new voice at the door. Cassie’s heart began to pound dully and blood rushed to her face.

  “Adam,” said Diana. She relaxed visibly as he came over to the window seat to kiss her and sit beside her. She always seemed both more tranquil and more radiant whenever he was around.

  “We’ll keep the ceremony under strict control tonight,” he said. “And if anything dangerous starts to happen, we’ll just stop it cold. Did you get the garage ready?”

  “No, I was waiting for you. We can take it down now.” Diana unlocked the large cabinet, and Cassie saw the crystal skull resting in a Pyrex baking dish full of pink rose petals.

  “Looks like John the Baptist’s head,” she murmured.

  “I’ve used salt and rainwater to try and clear it,” Diana said. “But what it really needs is a full course of crystals and flower essences, and then to be buried in moist sand for a few weeks.”

  “We’ll take every precaution,” Adam said. “A triple circle of protection. It’ll be all right.” He picked up the skull, with a few rose petals still clinging to it, and he and Diana left for the garage. Cassie watched him go.

  “Don’t be nervous,” Melanie told her. “You won’t really have to do anything at the ceremony. You won’t be able to; it takes a long time to get the hang of scrying—years, usually. All you have to do is sit there and not break the Circle.”

  Cassie tried not to mind the condescending note in her voice. “Listen, do we have time for anybody to drive me over to my house?” she said. “There’s something there I’d like to pick up.”

  Diana’s garage was empty—of cars, at least. The floor was clean and bare, except for a circle drawn in white chalk.

  “I’m sorry to make us all sit on concrete,” Diana said, “but I wanted to do this inside—where I can be sure the wind won’t blow out one of the candles.”

  There were a number of white candles lying at the center of the circle. They formed a smaller ring. In the very center of that, something draped with a piece of black cloth sat on a shoe box.

  “All right,” Diana said to the rest of the group, who had arrived in small clusters and were now standing in the garage. “Let’s get this thing over with.”

  She had changed into her white shift and jewelry. Looking at them now, Cassie suspected that the diadem and cuff bracelet—and maybe even the garter—had some mystic significance. She watched Diana “cast” the circle, going around it with the dagger and then with water and then incense and then a lit candle. Earth, water, air, and fire. There were also some incantations, which Cassie tried to follow. But when they all filed into the circle and sat down knee to knee as Diana instructed, any interest in the actual ceremony flew right out of her mind.

  She had ended up between Faye and Adam. She didn’t know how it had happened. She had been in line to sit next to Sean, but somehow Faye had gotten in front of her. Maybe Faye didn’t want to sit by Adam. Well, neither did Cassie, although for a very different reason.

  Adam’s knee was pressing against hers. That was how Diana had told them to sit. She could feel the warmth of it, the solidity. She could think of nothing else.

  On her other side, Faye smelled of some heady, tropical perfume. It made her slightly dizzy.

  Then all the lights went out.

  Cassie didn’t see how it was done; she was sure no one left the seated circle. But the overhead fluorescent panels had abruptly gone off.

  It was pitch-black in the garage. The only light now was the flame of the single candle Diana held. Cassie could see her face illuminated by it, but nothing else.

  “All right,” Diana said quietly. “We’re just going to be looking for the last imprints left. Nothing more than that; nobody goes in really deep until we know what we’re dealing with. And I don’t have to tell anybody that whatever happens, we don’t break the circle.” She didn’t look at Cassie as she said it, but several of the others did, as if to imply that maybe she did have to say it.

  Diana touched the candle flame to the candle Melanie held out to her. The flame doubled. Then Melanie leaned over to light Deborah’s candle, and there were three flames.

  The fire went around the circle until Laurel gave it to Adam. Cassie’s hand was trembling as she held up her candle to receive the flame from him. She hoped everyone would assume it was just general nervousness.

  At last all twelve candles were lit and stuck in their own wax to the concrete floor. Each shed a pool of radiance and cast huge dark shadows of the seated figures on the walls.

  Diana reached into the ring of candles and pulled off the black cloth.

  Cassie gasped.

  The skull was facing her directly, its empty eye sockets staring at her. But that wasn’t the most alarming thing. The skull was glowing. The candle flames around it played on it, and the crystal in turn reflected and refracted the light. It almost looked—alive.

  Around the circle the others had straightened, tensed.

  “Now,” said Diana. “Find someplace inside the skull that interests you. Concentrate on it, look at the details. Then look for more details. Keep looking until you find yourself drawn into the crystal.”

  Someplace that interests you? Cassie thought blankly. But when she looked carefully at the glowing skull, she saw that the crystal wasn’t completely clear. There were gossamer webs and what looked like wisps of smoke inside it. There were internal fractures that seemed to be acting as prisms to form miniature landscapes. The closer Cassie looked, the more detail she saw.

  That looks like a spiral or tornado, she thought. And that—that looks almost like a door. And a face…

  She jerked her eyes away, stomach lurching. Don’t be silly; it’s just imperfections in the crystal, she told herself.

  She was almost afraid to look again. But no one else seemed disturbed. Their shadows loomed and flickered on the walls, but all eyes were turned toward the skull.

  Look at it! Now, she commanded.

  When she looked back at the skull, she couldn’t find the misty face again. There, that proves it was just a trick of the light, she thought. But the skull had developed another disturbing quality. Things seemed to be moving inside it. It was almost as if the skull were made of water, contained inside a thin skin, and things were drifting slowly around.

  Oh, stop it and pick one detail to focus on, she ordered herself. The doorway, look at that. It isn’t moving.

  She stared at the little prismatic fracture in the left eye socket, just where the pupil of a real eye would be. It looked like a half-open door with light spilling out.

  Look at it. Notice the detail.

  Dizziness from Faye’s perfume swept over her. She was looking—just looking. She could see the door. The more carefully she looked, the larger it seemed. Or perhaps she was coming closer.

  Yes, closer… closer. She was losing her sense of space. The skull was so large now; it seemed to have no boundaries, no shape. It was all around her. It had become the world. The door was right in front of her.

  She was inside the skull.


  The door was no longer tiny but life-size, large enough to go in. It was ajar, and colored light streamed from the other side.

  Inside the skull, Cassie gazed at the door, her scalp tingling. If it opened, could I go inside? she wondered. But how could it open?

  Maybe if she just imagined it opening… but that didn’t seem to do any good. What had Melanie said? Crystals help us call on the Powers. What Powers would be connected with clear quartz? Earth and water? For sand and sea?

  That sounded almost like the beginning of a poem.

h and water, sand and sea

  As I will, so let it be…

  She concentrated on the door, willing it to open. And as she stared, it did seem that there was more rainbow light spilling out. More… and more. Keep it opening. Let it draw you closer. She was floating in front of the door now. It was huge, like the door to a cathedral. Opening… opening… She was drowning in rainbow light.

  Now! Go in!

  But at that instant a scream tore through the room.

  It was a scream of terror, high and wild, and it lanced through the utter silence. The door stopped opening, and Cassie felt herself being pulled backward. The door was receding, faster, faster. Then, just before she found herself outside the skull, a face flashed before her eyes. The same face she’d seen before. But it wasn’t receding; it was traveling toward her. Getting bigger. Bigger and bigger so fast—it would burst the crystal. It would—

  “No!” cried Diana.

  Cassie felt it at the same instant, an overwhelming sense of evil. Of something rushing toward them at incredible speed. Something that had to be stopped.

  She never quite knew what happened next. Sean was sitting on the other side of Faye. Maybe he was the one who moved first; maybe he panicked and tried to bolt. In any case there was a commotion. Faye seemed to be trying to do something and Sean to stop her, or maybe it was the other way around. They were struggling. Diana was crying, “No, no!” Cassie didn’t know what to do.

  She tried to check her instinctive flinching away from Faye, but it didn’t matter. Faye lurched forward and Cassie felt the pressure of Faye’s knee leave hers. The circle was broken, and Faye’s candle went out.

  Instantly all the other candles were snuffed out too, as if by a blast of wind. In the same instant Cassie felt the rushing thing reach the limits of the crystal. It burst out of the skull and past the dark, smoking candles. Cassie didn’t know how she could tell this—everything was pitch-black. But she felt it. She could sense the rushing thing like an inkier blackness. It exploded past her, blowing her hair straight up and to the side. She threw out an arm to protect her face, but by that time it was gone.


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