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Intoxicating Magic

Page 14

by Deanna Chase

  Tal stumbled back a few feet, his body hunched over and his head in his hands.

  “Tal?” I reached out, but before I could touch him, I pulled back. I’d taken too much. He was hurt.

  “Do it now, Willow,” he huffed out. “Heal K.C.”

  I hesitated. Tal needed help, too.

  “Wil!” He waved at K.C. “He’s your priority. I’ll be fine.”

  His urgency snapped me back into action and I spun, placing both hands over K.C.’s heart. This time when I unleashed my magic, it held for just a moment before seamlessly flowing straight into the guard. He took it so easily I had to consciously hold back the magic for fear it would be too much for him.

  But then I realized I wasn’t getting any response from him at all. There was no change in his heart rate or temperature or any of his other metabolic responses. His monitors continued to beep on at a steady, monotonous rate.

  “Come on, K.C.,” I pleaded, not at all sure what else I could do. “Work with me here.”

  “I’m here,” Tal said into my ear as he shifted behind me again, his hands coming to rest on top of mine. His healing energy slipped over my skin and merged with my magic as we both poured all our gifts into K.C.

  A scene at Allcot’s mansion materialized in my mind, only Allcot wasn’t there. Neither was David. K.C. sat at Allcot’s desk, dressed in a silk shirt, a tailored jacket, and designer jeans. His black-leather-clad feet were up on the desk, crossed at the ankles as he leaned back, eyeing the three vamps standing in front of him.

  His lips turned up into a sly smile as he barked inaudible orders at his minions. They nodded automatically and filed out of the room just as Pandora, Allcot’s lover, strolled in, wearing even less clothing than she normally did. He stood and leaned over the desk as Pandora pulled at the ties of her bustier, her eyes molten with desire.

  K.C.’s heart rate sped up, sending the machines into a beeping frenzy.

  I jerked my hand out of Tal’s and held it close to my heart. K.C. had been deliriously happy in what could only be a fantasy. Pandora was completely devoted to Allcot, and there was no way in hell anyone would be stupid enough to not only take over Allcot’s desk but also order his employees around.

  Tal moved his hands from K.C.’s chest to my arms. He bent down and whispered, “I think that did it.”

  K.C. lay blinking up at us from the hospital bed.

  “Welcome back,” Tal said.

  “Back?” K.C. croaked.

  “Yes. You were poisoned and ended up in a short-term coma.”

  The guard glanced around the room, finally focusing on David. “Wasn’t real,” he muttered to himself. “Fuck me.”

  Chapter 18

  Tal and I had just walked through the front door of my house in the Lower Garden District when his phone buzzed with an incoming text. He glanced down and frowned.

  “What’s up?” I tossed my keys on the side table and glanced around for my roommate, Phoebe. The place was quiet, no sign of her. Link bounded through the house, no doubt checking for any unwelcome guests the way he usually did.

  “I’ve been summoned to the Void office.” Tal blew out a breath as he shoved his phone back in his pocket.

  I raised my eyebrows. “Any idea what it’s about?”

  He shrugged. “Could be anything. But I’m not going anywhere before we eat.” Moving to the base of the stairs, he held his hand out to me.

  I took it without any hesitation. Neither of us had eaten a proper meal since the day before. Tal took the lead up to my second story, where the kitchen was located. He slowed as he passed my bedroom door. It stood open, everything left untouched, sitting exactly as I had left it. It was neat, but the bed was unmade and called to me. Before I could stop myself, I said, “Bedroom picnic?”

  He turned to me, a mischievous grin on his face.

  My heart squeezed. It was exactly the expression I would’ve expected from him prior to our breakup.

  “You sure you can handle it, being in bed with such an irresistible—”

  I held up my hand, laughing. “I’m after the energy boost, thank you very much.”

  His right eyebrow rose and he let his gaze wander the length of my body. More than just my face heated at his careful perusal. “An energy boost, huh? Is that what you call it?”

  Giggling, I swatted his arm. “Stop. You know I’m talking about my tree. If you’re gonna act like a fifteen-year-old, maybe we better stick to the kitchen table.”

  His grin widened.

  “Oh, shut up,” I said, not able to stop my body from shaking with laughter.

  “The table works for me.” He winked and slid his arm around my waist, pulling me tight to his firm body. Then he lowered his voice, letting it go husky. “Forget dinner. Let’s head straight for dessert.”

  My mouth went dry as I stared up into his heated expression. Yes. The word was on the tip of my tongue. Who needed food when he was offering me everything I’d ever wanted?

  His gaze shifted to my mouth and I swear we both stopped breathing. If I moved one tiny inch toward him, I knew we’d never make it to the Void office. We’d be lost to each other.

  Clearing my throat, I stepped back. “We should eat,” I said reluctantly.

  Still staring at my mouth, he nodded slowly. “Yeah. We should.”

  Every single one of my muscles was taut with tension. Why was I resisting what was so clearly arcing between us? I no longer knew or even cared about my reasons. My heart was bursting with desire for this man. But something held me back. Nerves?

  No. That wasn’t it.

  You’re afraid.

  The words were a silent whisper in my mind. I didn’t want to get hurt again. Talisen had the power to break me. I trusted him with my life, but not my heart. Not yet anyway.

  Sucking in a steadying breath, I held out my hand.

  Tal took it, his thumb brushing gently over mine. Sparks of intense need shot from his hand and touched me deep in my soul. The contact nearly broke my resolve. Instead, Link appeared behind him, wagging his tail, and the spell was broken. I tugged on Tal’s hand and led him into my kitchen.

  He followed willingly. As did Link. But when I stopped in front of the refrigerator, Tal didn’t release me. He moved closer and cupped my cheek with his free hand. Our eyes met, his green ones searching mine. “I won’t let you go this time, Wil.”

  Emotion clogged my throat. I swallowed, afraid if I tried to speak I’d cry.

  “I’m not going to lie and say that your relationship with Laveaux doesn’t bother me, because it does. Knowing that you have a connection to him tears me up inside. It’s not something I can compete with, nor do I want to. Not anymore, anyway.”

  “You don’t—”

  He held up his hand. “Let me finish. I was a fool. I never should’ve let any of them, Allcot or the Void, dictate my relationship with you. The truth is, if I hadn’t let my pride get in the way, I never would’ve in the first place. Being without you the past few months, it’s been hell on earth. I know we weren’t together for very long, but I’ve known for years you’re the one I want to be with. And once I finally let myself believe it was possible, all my defenses were blown apart. I want you. I need you. And whatever I have to do to convince you that we’re meant to be, that’s what I’ll do.”

  I stood there, staring at him, all his defenses stripped away. He’d bared everything to me. I didn’t know what to say. Didn’t know what I should say. Was that a question? Was he asking me to be with him? My hand shook as I reached up to brush a lock of hair off his forehead. At my touch, his eyes closed and he took in a shuddering breath.

  Trailing my fingers down to his jaw, I leaned in, stopping just before my lips touched his. “Tal?”

  His eyes opened. His intense gaze seared through me. “Yeah?”

  “I’ve loved you since I was sixteen years old.”

  His expression softened with something I couldn’t quite put my finger on. Then his other hand came up and he pr
essed his thumb lightly to my parted lips. “I’ve missed you.”

  I closed my eyes and gently kissed his thumb, reveling in the tender moment. He was mine again.

  He slid his fingers down my neck as he closed the distance. Then his lips were on mine.

  My heart nearly exploded in my chest. Mine, I thought as he gentled the kiss, taking care to be sure I wanted him as much as he wanted me. But he shouldn’t have. I wanted this more than he knew.

  Fisting my hand into his shirt, I pulled him closer and opened my mouth, welcoming him. Our tongues met and more electricity sizzled straight to my toes. I was lost in his embrace, needing to feel him against me. To know he was real. That we were real.

  “Willow,” he murmured, pulling my hand from his chest. His fingers slid between mine, holding on tight. His kisses moved along my jawline to my neck until I felt his heated breath just below my ear. “I love you, too,” he whispered.

  There was no stopping the tears then. They welled and rolled unchecked down my cheeks.

  “Ah, babe. I’m so sorry.” He pulled back, releasing my hand. Both arms went around me and I pressed my face into his shoulder, happy to just be held.

  We stood there in my kitchen as he stroked his hand through my thick mane of hair while I held on to him. He was my lifeline, the one who understood me like no one else.

  I needed him. “I can’t do this without you.”

  “You can. We both know that. But you don’t have to anymore.”

  I shook my head. He couldn’t know that. The Void owned both of us. Neither one of us had full control over our lives anymore.

  He took a step back, holding my shoulders with both hands. “I’m not leaving you this time.”

  “How can you say that? You have a contract with the Void. If they make you go back to Eureka, you go.”

  He sighed. “But that doesn’t mean I’ll leave you. Even if I have to physically be somewhere else, I’ll still be here with you.” He touched my chest just over my heart. “I won’t shut you out again. Ever. Got it?”

  I nodded, knowing I was being overly dramatic. But dammit, now that I had him back, I didn’t want to let him go for anything. “What about your undercover mission?”

  “I don’t know. I suspect that’s what the director wants to talk about.” His hands slid down to my wrists. “It’s probable that since I was seen with you, my cover has been blown. I guess we’ll find out tonight what my next assignment is.”

  A pit of unease coiled in my stomach. I didn’t like the sound of that. If his cover was blown, then there was nothing stopping Asher’s people from coming after him. And they would. There was no doubt about that.

  He smoothed my brow. “Stop worrying. We’re safe for now.”

  “For now,” I echoed.

  Smiling, he pulled me to him and kissed me again, leaving me completely breathless when he finally released me. “Food. Then more kissing.”

  “You’re…” I searched for what I wanted to say.

  “What? Gorgeous? A genius? Making you want to rip my clothes off?”

  I laughed and shook my head. Then I threaded my fingers through his again and kissed the back of his hand. “Mine.”

  All of the humor left his face. He gazed down at me, his eyes serious. “That’s right. I am.”


  The fridge was shockingly empty. I considered ordering takeout, but the idea of even letting a delivery driver into our private little world was too much. In the end, I made spaghetti and opened a bottle of wine. Due to our dinner choice, we skipped the bedroom picnic and ate at the table. Link lay at our feet, content with the meatballs I’d dished into his dinner bowl.

  “This is good,” Tal said after inhaling two forkfuls of pasta.

  “It’s okay.” It wasn’t anything special. Just noodles, jarred sauce, and some garlic meatballs. It was one step above bachelor food.

  “It’s good,” he stressed and refilled my wineglass.

  I could take a hint. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. Now pass me the bowl. I need another helping.”

  I didn’t touch the second glass of wine as I watched him shovel in enough food for three people. Instead, I switched to the Mocha in Motion for an energy boost. “When is the last time you ate a real meal?” I asked when he finally pushed the plate away.

  “No idea.” He reached down and scratched Link’s belly, who was lying at his feet, his paws in the air.


  He looked up. “Yeah?”

  “Are you going to fill me in on exactly what you’ve been doing with Asher’s people these last few months?”

  He nodded. “Later tonight I’ll tell you anything you want to know. But right now I have to get to the Void office. They’re getting antsy.” He held his phone up to me, displaying three texts from none other than the director herself.

  “Jeez. Impatient much?”

  “They probably just want to make sure I didn’t sell their secrets to the other side.” He stood. “Mind if I borrow your car?”

  “I’ll drive you.” After clearing the dishes, I darted to my room to grab my keys and a car charger. My phone had died a long time ago. There was no doubt people had been trying to reach me. David and Phoebe for sure. And there was no way I was lucky enough that the Void wouldn’t want to see me if they had any idea of what had gone down in California.

  I met Tal and Link at the front door. “Ready?”

  Tal shook his head.

  “Forget something?”

  “Yeah. This.” Without warning, he bent and kissed me, one arm going around my back. His lips claimed mine, possessing me with his heated intensity. Every inch of me tingled from his touch, and the rest of the world around us faded away into nothing. When we finally parted, we were both breathless.

  “Wow,” I said softly.

  His lips curved up into a self-satisfied smile. “There’s more where that came from.”

  “I hope so.”

  We both chuckled, but then as our laughter died, a foreboding settled over me from out of nowhere.

  Tal studied me. “What’s wrong?”

  I met his worried expression with one of my own. “Why do I feel like once we leave this house, everything is going to change again?”

  Chapter 19

  “You worry too much,” Tal said as he opened the passenger door for me.

  “And you’re a typical male who doesn’t worry enough.” I gave him a small smile to let him know I was joking. He was anything but typical.

  “Maybe. But the only thing I’m worrying about is how long it will be before I can get you back to your house and into that magical bed of yours.”

  There was that mischief in his eyes, again. I knew he was trying to tease me out of my downer mood. I just couldn’t help it. There was something inside me telling me that whatever happened tonight at the Void would be a game changer. I shook off the sense of doom and gave him a sly smile. “I’m not sure we need my bed for our time together to be magical.”

  His expression turned serious as he clasped my hand in his. “No truer words have ever been spoken.”

  Our gazes met and held for a moment before he kissed the back of my hand and then let go to make his way to the driver’s seat.

  I busied myself plugging in the car charger for my phone while Link curled up in the back seat of my Jeep.

  A few moments later, Tal put the car in gear and took off down the street. I was watching the text and phone call notifications pop up on my phone when Tal said, “So… K.C.’s vision was interesting, don’t you think?”

  I glanced up, startled by the comment. We hadn’t talked about what we’d seen while working our magic on the guards. “Uh… yeah.”

  “We should probably warn Allcot… or Laveaux… that they have a guard with such high ambition.”

  I scrolled through my texts, grimacing when I saw three of them were from the director. I’d been summoned as well. Good thing we were on our way. The director was going to
be pissed I hadn’t answered her. I turned to Tal. “You think those visions are actual ambitions?”

  He nodded. “Sure seemed like it to me. Or desires.”

  Heat crawled up my neck as I remembered the way I’d felt seeing my own vision. “So you’re saying Harrison’s biggest desire is to be a filmmaker?”

  “That’s my guess. The emotions were too strong to just be daydreams. Wouldn’t you say?”

  “Yeah,” I said almost to myself. Tal had said both Link and I were in his vision. But he hadn’t said what we were doing. What if he was saying good-bye to me? My heart stuttered. Shaking my head, I focused on K.C. If Tal was right, and I had a feeling he was, that meant K.C. was a live wire, one that needed to be watched. “It’s odd K.C. knew who David and Allcot were while the others didn’t. You think that’s because his deepest desire is to be Allcot?”

  “That’s a solid theory. He was pretty confused about everything else, so I think you’re on to something there.”

  “I’ll tell David to watch out for K.C.”

  Tal made a right and pulled into the parking garage attached to the Void building. I sat there in my seat, frozen. Every instinct told me not to go into that building.

  “Wil?” Tal’s voice was full of concern. “What’s wrong?”

  My breathing became shallow and my hands got clammy. I squeezed my eyes shut and pictured the redwoods with the sound of the ocean breaking against the coastline. It was my happy place. The place Beau and I had escaped to as kids when life was too overwhelming.

  Talisen’s light touch trailed over my wrist and a faint trace of calm followed. “Just relax, Wil. It’s only a little PTSD. You can do this.”

  I recognized what he was saying. Knew he was right. I’d spent three months in this building being tested, or tortured more like it, while the Void studied how I reacted to a vampire’s touch and what happened when I turned them into daywalkers. It had been hell on earth. And ever since the day the testing stopped, I hadn’t been back, opting to take any orders over the phone or by courier.

  “I can do this,” I said, willing myself to calm down. I was with Tal. Only going to meet with the director. Nothing to be afraid of.


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