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Intoxicating Magic

Page 20

by Deanna Chase

  I stirred in Tal’s arms. All I wanted was for him to take me to my house and my tree.

  “I would, but I don’t know.” He shrugged. “I got it from the vampire, Lady Victoria. Her companion made it.”

  “Fuck.” Phoebe whipped her phone out and started texting someone, probably the Void agent who’d been questioning the fae and Victoria. So far, neither had answered any questions of significance. It was possible they’d even already been written off, eliminated by the Void. It happened when supernaturals went way out of bounds and were classified unredeemable.

  “Let’s go,” Tal said and started to lead me toward the front of the house. I could barely feel my foot and the motion made me stumble. I automatically clutched at Tal, accidentally dropping the stone he’d put in my hand.

  “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” Tal’s hands clutched at my waist, keeping me stable. I watched the crystal roll across the floor and land at Rox’s feet.

  He stared at it, too.

  Then, as if on cue, our eyes met and I saw in his expression the moment realization dawned.

  “No!” I cried and pitched forward, ripping myself from Tal’s grip. But Rox was faster. His hand closed around the crystal as I dove to the floor, the impact not affecting me at all. I was too wired to feel anything. Scrambling to my knees, I frantically lunged for him. He stepped back, clutching the crystal to his chest.

  Dammit! The crystal was full of the mixed energy I’d taken from Grace. I couldn’t be sure, but I had a gut feeling that if he managed to absorb its contents, he’d turn into a daywalker.

  “Willow!” Tal grabbed my hand and pulled me back up.

  I let him, but couldn’t tear my eyes from Rox. The crystal was glowing brilliant orange and pulsing with energy I could feel deep in my core. “We need that crystal,” I said, much more controlled than I felt.

  Phoebe moved in, her sun agate raised, ready to dust him.

  “Phoebs,” I said in a low tone as to not startle her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  I was connected to that crystal, and whatever was happening with Rox, I could feel it deep in my bones. The numbness had vanished, replaced by tingling pressure. The more the orange light pulsed, the more intense the pressure got. I felt as if my magic was trying to burst from my cells, and suddenly my heart sped up as I imagined myself exploding into a million pieces.

  “What’s happening?” Tal asked, running his hands up and down my arms. There was no doubt he could feel my physical response.

  “It’s… the… crystal,” I gasped out. “My… magic. He’s connected to it.”

  Rox’s eyes went huge and then he let out a gasp of his own as he stumbled backward into the next room.

  Tal glanced between the two of us, debating what to do. It was obvious he didn’t want to leave me, but he couldn’t let Rox use the crystal. He spun, propping me up against the wall, and then vaulted after Rox. Through the doorway, I watched Tal tackle him, trying to pry the crystal from Rox’s grip, but Rox was too strong.

  Phoebe paced. “I could spell him unconscious, but other than that I don’t know what to do.”

  I shook my head. “No. Not yet.” All of her spells would have an impact on the vampire’s consciousness, but they were entirely too strong for a fae to survive. Given the fact I was somehow magically connected to him, I couldn’t be sure the spell wouldn’t transfer to me.

  “Dammit!” Phoebe glanced between Rox and me.

  I stood there frozen as the magic spread out over Rox, engulfing him. Then my energy shifted and my insides went cold. My magic was no longer my own. It was flowing into him freely with no help from me. I doubled over, curling into myself.

  He was stealing my magic and I had no way to stop it.

  Clarity hit me hard. He could kill me without even trying.

  I straightened my spine and with one thrust of my wings, I leaped and was beside Tal, my hands joining his over the crystal.

  A small burst of my magic rushed from me to the crystal. I let out a cry of frustration and tugged forcefully on the stream, forcing it back in my direction.

  What I got was a mix of Talisen’s, Rox’s, Grace’s, and my own energy. It was a live wire of magic that made my back bow from the force. There was no pain. Only a heady sensation of sweet power. I craved it. Needed it. And for once in my life, I wasn’t at the mercy of anyone.

  The life energy flowed into me easily, without effort, fortifying me. It was euphoric. Intoxicating. Addictive. Until disjointed scenes started to flash through my head.

  Tal and me on a beach near the redwoods, walking hand in hand. A small redheaded fae ran in front of us, giggling as she splashed through the shallow surf.

  The scene flashed to Rox standing in Allcot’s office. He was on the phone barking orders when Harrison and his crew walked in. The three of them bowed, indicating their loyalty. Pride and self-satisfaction along with insatiable greed overwhelmed me.

  Then Carrie walked in with Beau Jr. Her eyes were wide with fear as he ordered her to kneel as well.

  “Come here, BJ,” Rox ordered my nephew.

  Carrie clutched Beau’s hand tighter and whispered for him to stay put. Beau Jr. stood tall, an air of importance radiating around him. He glanced at his mother with irritation and then ran to Rox’s side.

  “Good little fae. Now tell your mother what I told you earlier.”

  Beau stared at Carrie with dispassionate eyes. Then he blurted, “I’m Master Rox’s son now. You’ve been replaced.”

  “No!” I cried and scrambled back, horror consuming me. Tal had said the scenes were the soul’s deepest desires. If that was true, Rox was a power-hungry manipulator with no compassion. To take Beau, to use him and turn him against Carrie, turned my heart to stone. If Rox was turned into a daywalker, he’d do everything in his power to challenge Allcot.

  And while the chances of his taking Allcot down were slim, if Asher did it first, a daywalker would have a significant advantage in the power struggle that would follow.

  I stood on shaky legs and held my hand out to help Tal up. He was white as a ghost and appeared just as shaken as I was, but he got to his feet without any trouble.

  “Willow?” Phoebe asked, tension clear in her tone.

  I stared at Rox, who was lying motionless on the ground. I’d taken enough of his life energy that he wasn’t going to be moving anytime soon. But he was alert. His eyes were open and he was watching me, waiting for my next move. He didn’t have to wait long. Without breaking eye contact, I said to Phoebe, “Knock him out.”

  She didn’t hesitate. Artificial sunlight lit up the dark room like a bolt of lightning. And in the next moment, Rox lay on the floor, staring up at nothing, his eyes empty.

  I couldn’t help myself. The image I’d seen with Beau Jr. was still too fresh in my mind. I took two steps and with a herculean effort, I kicked him as hard as I could in the ribs. Then his knee and then his crotch. It was petty. He wasn’t even conscious to feel it, but it made me feel better.

  “Uh, Wil?” Phoebe asked. “You okay?”

  I met her concerned eyes and shook my head. “Just get these three into custody, will you?”

  She nodded, looking troubled.

  I reached out and squeezed her shoulder, knowing how much she must’ve hated standing on the sidelines as I struggled with Rox. “I’ll see you at home.”


  I almost laughed at the question. There wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to be. I gave her a short nod, then turned to Tal. “Take me home?”

  “You got it.” He held up his hand in a wait motion and then disappeared back into the kitchen. A second later he reappeared with Link in his arms. My wolf had at some point shifted back into Shih Tzu form and was now pressing his little body to Tal’s chest. I knew exactly how my dog felt.

  My heart swelled.

  “Let’s go.” With Link in one arm and the other wrapped around me, Tal led us out into the night.

  I limped along, hol
ding on to him with everything I had left. And when he tugged me closer, I let out a little sigh of relief.

  When we got to my Jeep, he helped me into the passenger’s seat and handed me Link. I clutched the pup to my chest and looked up at him.

  His eyes softened as he brushed my hair out of my eyes.

  “Thank you,” I said softly.

  “You never need to thank me for loving you.”

  A lump formed in my throat. Instead of answering, I clutched his hand, pulling him closer. Our lips met in the softest kiss. The tenderness filled up every part of me, invading all my empty spaces. Tal’s hand cupped my cheek as we breathed in each other, time standing still.

  Love. It’s the only word for what passed between us.

  “I’m never leaving you again,” he said on a whisper.

  In response, I clutched at his shirt, unable to wrap my mind around the enormity of the emotions claiming me.

  He’d come for me and had fought with me as an equal. Now he was going to walk with me through all the complications and trials. Deep inside, I felt the commitment solidify, and right there on the street on the edge of vampire territory, we became one.

  Chapter 26

  My bed called to me. The magical pull was almost too strong to resist, but instead of crawling in, I forced myself to shower.

  It wasn’t pretty. I stood in front of the full-length mirror dispassionately taking inventory. My left side was bruised from shoulder to hip. My leg just above the ankle was red and swollen. And my left arm was still weak and aching. It was likely I still had a fracture after Tal’s hasty healing.

  I took my time under the hot stream of water, reveling in the temporary oblivion. Then everything crashed down around me and I slumped against the wall, unexplained tears streaming down my face, my body wracked with sobs as the enormity of the day’s events hit me hard.

  I don’t know how long I sat there, but the water started to chill and still I didn’t move. Eventually I heard the shower door open. The water stopped. I glanced up, finding Talisen with a bath sheet open for me.

  He kneeled, draping the soft cotton over me. “Come on, love. I’ve got you.”

  I let him pull me to my feet and dry me off in his gentle, unassuming way. I was bared to him in every way and had never felt safer. He was mine. And I was his. It was all that mattered to me in that one moment. I watched the deep emerald green of his intense, wise eyes as his healing hands inspected every bruise, scratch, and injury marring my body. I didn’t care about the damage. I was alive and so was he. We’d get through everything else.

  “Stop,” he said lightly.

  “Stop what?”

  “Staring at me like that.” He took a moment to cast his gaze down the length of my body once more, but this time he wasn’t cataloging my injuries. This was a look of pure appreciation. “You’re making me want to do more than just tuck you into bed.”

  His slow, playful grin coaxed a soft chuckle from my lips. “That’s the Talisen I’ve always loved.”

  At the word love, he stilled. Pleasure lit his eyes as he threaded his fingers through mine and then brought my hand up to lightly kiss my knuckles. “I like the sound of that.”

  I’d meant to say that’s the Talisen I know and love in an offhand, playful way, but it hadn’t quite come out like I’d planned. In addition to mixing up the words, my tone had been too throaty, too low, and entirely too serious.

  I glanced away, trying to regain some composure. It didn’t help that I was standing in the middle of my bathroom, wrapped in only a towel. Talk about being at a disadvantage.

  “Wait here,” Tal said and planted a kiss on my temple. “I’ll be right back.”

  I heard the creak of my armoire door opening, followed by the slide of one of my drawers. The very normal sounds of domesticity brought me back to myself, and I turned to the vanity to finish my nightly ritual. When I was done brushing my teeth, Tal was there, holding a very skimpy camisole and matching bikini panties.

  I raised my eyebrows in surprise. “Uh…?”

  A faint blush dusted his face as he cleared his throat. “Sorry. I’m going to need to reach all your injuries if you want me to heal you. Bare skin is easier.”


  If I’d been thinking, I would’ve realized that. Instead, here I was being an idiot. Tal wasn’t going to try anything. Not tonight. Not yet.

  I took the clothes from him and nodded to the door. “I’ve got it from here. Thank you.”

  He gave me a wry smile and looked vaguely disappointed that he wasn’t going to dress me.

  Once again, I chuckled. “Check Link once more, will you? I just need a few minutes.”

  “Of course.” He turned without hesitation and clicked the door shut, giving me the privacy I craved.

  I pulled the panties on without too much trouble, but when I got to the camisole, I winced when I had to lift my arm over my head. Damn, that shoulder hurt. Gritting my teeth, I somehow struggled into the top, but not before I knocked my arm on the vanity, nearly making myself pass out from the sharp pain. By the time I was dressed, I was breathing hard.

  I waited for my heart rate to slow and then walked into my room. The scene nearly gutted me from the adorableness. There on my bed, high in the magical tree, was Talisen lying on his back with Link draped over him. Tal had his hand resting over the healed wound on Link’s neck. Both were breathing deeply, appearing to be fast asleep.

  It was almost a shame to disturb them. Almost.

  Instead of flying like I normally would, I climbed the stairs at the end of the bed and then gingerly took a place beside Tal.

  As soon as he felt the bed shift from my weight, he repositioned himself, making a space for me next to him.

  I grinned at Link, the ragdoll pup who hadn’t moved a muscle. I crawled in, suppressing a groan in response to my entire aching left side. “I should’ve eaten a Hibiscus Healing bar. It would’ve helped. But now that I’m in bed, too late.”

  Tal popped up and Link woke, scrambling to the foot of the bed. “You want it, trust me. Otherwise you’re going to be incredibly achy tomorrow.”

  I shrugged and closed my eyes, to blissed out on my oak tree’s restorative magic to care.

  “I’ll get it, then,” Tal said and disappeared, leaving Link to keep his spot warm.

  I snuggled up to him and gave him a few kisses, letting him know what a good wolf he’d been. It wasn’t his fault the vampires were batshit crazy.

  “Here.” Tal stood at the side of the bed holding out two cookies from an experiment I’d tried not long before I’d left for Eureka.

  “How’d you know those have hibiscus in them?” I asked him.

  “I can smell it,” he said matter-of-factly, as if smelling ground seeds in cookies was a totally normal thing. That just anyone could do it. In fact, they couldn’t. Not even me, and I’d made the darn things. It had to be because of his healing abilities.

  I nibbled on one of the cookies as Tal climbed up and sat on the edge of my bed. Across the room on my desk something white caught my eye. “Is that my phone?”

  “Huh?” Tal turned to follow my gaze. “Oh, yeah. Phoebs found it on the ground after the vamps abducted you.”

  “Thanks. I thought I’d lost it.”

  He nodded and then silence fell between us. Nervousness I’d never felt around him rose up and grabbed me. I averted my eyes, fingering Link’s soft fur.

  “Wil?” Tal said softly.


  His lips were quirked up in a half smile as his easygoing nature returned. “Relax, huh?”

  I shook my head but returned his smile. “I don’t think I can.”

  “Sure you can. Lie down and I’ll go to work on those bruises.”

  We’d been here before, me in my bed while he healed me. Only now everything was much more intimate. I took a deep breath, set the half-eaten cookie aside, and snuggled down into my bed. I sighed in relief as I rolled onto my stomach and closed my eyes. />
  After a few moments, I turned my head in Tal’s direction, finding him gazing down at me intently. “Everything okay?”

  “Just thinking.”

  “About what?” That coil of unease tightened in my gut.

  “The first time I kissed you.” His eyes turned even more brilliant green.

  “Oh.” My mouth went dry and the unease turned into butterflies.

  He reached out and touched my jaw, his thumb grazing over my lips.

  Peace settled over me, and I felt a real, natural smile spread over my face as I rolled to my side. “I thought you were supposed to be healing me.”

  He nodded. “I am. But I’m having trouble focusing when all I can think about is this.” Leaning down, he cupped my cheek and stopped just before our lips met.

  My heart thudded in my chest as I breathed in his clean scent of soap and a faint trace of redwood. I vaguely wondered when he’d had a chance to shower, but the thought flew out of my head when he closed the distance and brushed his lips lightly over mine.

  My entire body sighed in pleasure. I shifted closer, wanting to feel his warmth over my barely dressed body. And then he gently pulled me up onto my knees, careful to not jostle my arm, and wrapped his arms around me as he captured my lower lip between his teeth.

  I clutched at his shirt with my good arm, my fingers curling into the cotton, and flicked my tongue, tasting him.

  A faint moan escaped from deep in his throat as his tongue met mine. Everything faded away except for the warmth of Tal’s skin and the tingling sensations of his touch. He made all my aches and pains fade into the background. My world narrowed to him.

  All too soon he pulled back slightly, winded, but he didn’t let go. It took me a moment to realize we were both trembling. And when I did, I pressed my hand to his heart and said, “This is all I need.”

  His hand moved to cover mine, squeezing my fingers. “It’s always been yours.”

  I kissed him, tenderly at first. Then I wrapped my good arm around him and sank into him, surrendering myself to all the pent-up passion of the past eight years.

  He matched my fervor with his own, his hands tangling in my hair as he deepened the kiss, claiming me with just his mouth.


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