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Breaking Little Emily (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 4)

Page 3

by Becca Little

  I could feel my pussy burning with desire for him and there was a slight tingle which started to engulf my whole body. He moved closer and closer to pussy with each kiss and then his tongue finally drifted to the clitoris and started to roll around the outside. It appeared that he was an expert at yet another element of lovemaking. His tender, teasing touch cause me to lightly grind my pussy against his lips.

  “Oh God…” I moaned as his tongue rolled around my clitoris again. I realized it had been so long since I had even uttered a word. Maybe part of me just didn’t want to say anything in case my words would betray me and stop it. I bit down on my lip as he moved his tongue down to my vaginal cavity.

  His tongue moved around and then plunged inside until I could feel my bottom covered in the combination of my own juices and his saliva which was dripping down onto the bed. He pulled his body up against mine and then I felt his cock against my pussy. It was the final barrier he had to cross, and I wanted him more than ever. I pushed my hips forward and allowed him to slide inside.

  Even though he was well-endowed, I was so wet and filled with desire that he could slip inside without hurting me. His cock spread me wider and went deeper than any had before. I moaned and groaned as he started to rise and lower against my body. After he was all the way in with his balls pressed against my pussy, he let them sit there for a moment while I stretched, sighed, and adjusted to him. When it was a comfortable motion for him, he began to pick up the moment and started to really drive his cock into my pussy.

  “You feel so good…” I moaned.

  “You’re mine now, Emily.” He gripped my hips and started to move at a pace faster than I even thought possible.

  He leaned down and kissed my neck while squeezing my breasts as he moved up and down on top of me. I felt my inhibitions completely slip away as he pounded away at my burning pussy. I had so much desire for him, yet I still felt trapped inside my own confusion. I decided that the moment was happening, I had begged for it, and all I could do was enjoy it.

  I let him move in and out as fast as he could while I pushed my body up to greet each amazing thrust. I certainly wasn’t going to be disappointed. I could already feel the building tension inside of my body and I knew I would orgasm soon. The teasing, touching, licking and hard cock was simply too much for me to withstand without a powerful orgasm. My body seemed to build up on edge and he could sense it. Right before he pushed me over the edge, he started to slow down. He held me there on the edge of my orgasm for what felt like an eternity before he finally leaned into my ear and kissed it.

  “I want you to cum with me.” He said as he started to pound.

  “I’m close…” I squeezed my body to try and hold it in.

  He picked up the pace and I did everything I could to stop myself from going over the edge. Eventually, I started to feel his cock pulsating and throbbing inside of me. I started to release the tension as he let out a gasp. I felt the first spew of his cum inside of me and then I completely lost it. My body let go of every bit of teetering build-up and the pleasure resonated from deep within me. He started to pick up the momentum with each thrust and every time he went deep, he dumped another hard knot of cum.

  My pussy vibrated and squeezed against his cock as he throbbed and pulsated again causing more cum to spew. I don’t know how many orgasms I had in a row while he fucked my hungry pussy, but it felt like at least a half dozen before he was done. His breathing started to slow down and he slipped away from me. He dropped to the side of me and pulled me close to him. I felt completely safe in his arms.

  “You know I can’t let you go after that…” He said casually.

  “I don’t want to go. I want to stay here in your arms all night.” I whispered as I snuggled in close.

  Chapter 3

  The afterglow of our passion was enough to exhaust us both. I lay there on his chest with all the concerns of the world wiped away for an instant. I woke the next morning to find the bed empty except for me. At first, I thought he had deserted me, but a short while later he appeared at the door with a tray. He placed it in bed and I wrapped the sheet around my naked body.

  When he pulled back the lid on the tray, it was full of fresh fruit, bread and bacon. I couldn’t believe how hungry I was after the huge meal I had the night before, but I had certainly done a lot to work the calories off. The meal certainly hit the spot.

  After he was done with breakfast, he took the tray away and disappeared for a little bit. When he returned, he had fully dressed and it appeared he had gotten a shower. I was a little disappointed because I could have certainly gone for another round of what we experienced the night before. I looked around for my clothes and I found the room empty of them. I looked up at him and he smiled.

  “I’m the kind of man that doesn’t take what we did lightly. You are mine now Emily, and I’m going to keep here with me as long as you live.” He sat down in a chair and stared at me. “I won’t let anything happen to you. I will keep you safe from harm.”

  “Stark, I really enjoyed last night, but that is a little too much for me. I really like you, I do.” I shook my head. “Where are my clothes?”

  “You’re going to submit to me, and you’re going to enjoy every moment of it.” He stood up and pulled the sheet off my naked body. “You are going to be reborn, and I am going to mold you into the woman I need you to be.” He pulled my legs towards the end of the bed and then lifted one. I looked at him in confusion and then I realized the top portion of the bed had leather straps.

  “Stark…” I pulled my leg away, but he grabbed it again.

  “Do you trust me?” He asked.

  “I do…” I nodded.

  “Then show me that you do.” He brought one of them down and locked it around my left leg, then moved to the other side of the bed and did the same with my right. He pulled against them and my body was lifted. My bottom was raised up off the bed slightly and dangling in the air.

  “What are you going to do to me?” I swallowed a lump in my throat. I wanted to trust him, but I was confused.

  “I’m going to punish you for making me wait when you always knew you would be mine.” He pulled one of the canes off the wall. It was the thinnest of them, but it still looked quite menacing.

  “Stark, come on…” As much as he joked, this didn’t seem like one of his escapades.

  “Count them. Count to ten and it will be over. If you miss one, we’ll have to start over.” He placed the cane against my bottom and swung it.

  “Ow!” I said as it connected with my exposed flesh and left a streak of pain. “Stark, please!”

  “You didn’t count. We will have to start over.” The cane came down again.

  “Ouch! Stark, this isn’t what I had in mind…” I pulled my legs against the leather, but they were bound tightly.

  “You missed another count, Emily. Do you or do you not want to please me?” He placed the cane against my bottom again.

  “I do…” I whimpered, and it came down again. I gritted my teeth and nodded. “One…”

  I don’t know why I submitted to his cane. I don’t know why I didn’t just demand that he freed me and scream until he let me go, but I kept those words to myself. There was a certain part of me that wanted to please him, and I was mesmerized by the idea of what he offered. My life with him would be so easy—well, other than the obvious caning I was receiving.

  He was the kind of man women would salivate for, and I knew there were hundreds of women that would submit to him in any way that he wanted just to have more of what I had the night before. I counted alongside the punishing strokes of the cane until all ten had been delivered. My bottom was streaked with pain and fire by the time he was done. He placed the cane on the wall alongside all the others and then caressed my bottom. Even in the punished, pain streaked state, it still felt good underneath his touch. I had tears in my eyes, but I wiped them away.

  “Are you ready to be reborn?” He asked as he rubbed my leg.

; “Yes…” I nodded. I had come so far, and my doubts were slowly being pushed away, replaced by fear and confusion. Perhaps I could have a life with him, but I still didn’t know what it would mean to be reborn.

  “It starts in infancy.” He opened one of the drawers and returned with a diaper.

  “Wait, you can’t be serious!” I said, but after being caned, I was learning that he was serious about a lot of things I never thought possible.

  He used the leather straps to lower me into it and fitted it around my body. Once it was cinched in place, he lowered me completely to the bed and removed the leather straps from my feet. He helped me up and hugged me, then took me to the closet.

  He helped me pick out a dress that honestly looked like it was created for a child, or at least large enough for a woman, but designed in the same patterns. He held it out and I got it on after some initial struggling.

  I wasn’t used to the style and it was clumsy until he had it on completely. It barely hung low enough to cover the diaper, but when I looked in the mirror, I was surprised by how well it fit me. He took a silver brush and ran it through my hair until all the previous night’s endeavors were moved from the tangled me. He slipped two pink ribbons into my hair that matched the dress and tied my hair up.

  “One more thing…” He said with a smile. I felt the iron around my ankle before I realized what was happening. He clicked it closed and then attached a small lock to it. The key was solid and on a chain, which he slipped around his neck and tucked into his shirt.

  “You don’t have to chain me to the floor, I’m not going to leave…” I pulled against it, but found it quite sturdy.

  “I don’t intend to take any chances of that. You are mine, Emily. I am claiming you as my future wife. You will stay here in this room, and I will take care of you, but you will submit to me. Anything I want, is mine, whether it is your body or your spirit. If I am not satisfied with you, I will punish you. Is that understood?” He had a clear air of confidence surrounding him

  “Yes…” I nodded as I stared at the chains—all I could really do was agree.

  “Good. Today is the beginning of your rebirth.” He pulled me close and hugged me.

  He left the room after the hug and I sat down in the chair. I looked at my dress as I felt the diaper against my punished flesh. I tugged at the chain, but felt it locked securely in place. I felt fear, concern, and everything that happened overwhelmed me. It was so casual to him, so normal to take me to his dungeon of a bedroom, have sex with me, and then claim me.

  I knew there was no way my sister submitted to that kind of treatment. She was too headstrong to ever be locked in chains. She certainly wouldn’t have stayed with him if he did that to her. I stood up and tugged on the chain again, rubbing my bottom which still stung where the cane had landed. The mirror on the wall reflected the face of a person I didn’t recognize. I truly had been claimed.

  Chapter 4

  It is hard to imagine settling into a routine when that routine involves being dressed in a diaper and chained to a floor, but as the days went on; I began to appreciate the life I had. Stark was determined to turn me into the wife he wanted, the wife he was robbed of by my sister’s untimely death. I struggled with the arrangement every day.

  Even when Stark told me that it was customary, at certain times, for a man to take the younger sister as his bride if something happened to the eldest daughter, I still had a hard time with it. I wasn’t raised in those times and neither was he, but it seemed his family had adopted their beliefs. It was nice to be taken care of by the older man, but it was still scary at times.

  Stark got what he wanted when he wanted it, and if I wasn’t ready to submit, I was punished. As much as I hated to admit it to myself—and I would certainly never admit it to him—I found myself enjoying the punishment at times. There was something so basic about it. There was no gray area with him. I either obeyed or I suffered. Stark took care of me in every way, but I was his property—his and only his.

  “Good morning, Emily.” He walked into the room with a tray of food.

  “Good morning…” I replied.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up.” He motioned for me to stand.

  He filled a metal pan with water and undressed me, removing the diaper I had been wearing since the night before. He cleaned me with soap and water and then allowed me to eat my breakfast. After breakfast was done, he removed my chain and took me to the bathroom that connected to my room so he could give me a proper bath. He used a brush and scrubbed me until I was almost raw, making sure no dirt remained on my skin.

  “You don’t have to chain me up anymore…” I said as he carried me back to the bedroom and placed me on the bed.

  “I’m not ready to trust you in that way, yet.” He stated as he pulled me close and began unfastening his pants.

  “Do you really think I’m going to run away? Where would I go? You know where I live.” I said as he pulled my legs apart and stepped out of his pants.

  “You know why I can’t risk that.” He pressed his cock against my pussy.

  He entered me with a hard thrust, before I was ready, but my pussy was wet from being so close to him. Despite the things he had done to me, I struggled not to find myself extremely aroused anytime he was nearby. Something about being his property and being claimed by him, knowing he never intended to let me go, got me incredibly turned on.

  Our morning ritual was usually quick. He was seeking the release and I was more than happy to provide it. I loved the way his body moved against mine and I loved the way he felt when he stretched me so wide my g-spot was constantly rubbed during the entire encounter. He put his thumb on my clitoris and started rolling around it in a circle as he continued to thrust his cock in vigorously.

  “Stark…” I moaned. “It’s too much.”

  The pleasure coated me in bliss to the point that I could barely draw a breath. He circled my clitoris with his thumb, stretched my g-spot out, and pounded me so deep that it was like every button of pleasure I had below the waist was being bent to his will. I felt his cock start throbbing and I knew he was about to cum, but I could hold back. My body shuddered with pleasure and my pussy spasmed, tightening on his cock.

  “That’s what I like.” He said as he pushed through the tightness with rapid thrusts.

  Once I started orgasming, he erupted inside of me. His cum surged through his shaft and filled me with his warm manhood. I moaned in pleasure, feeling another orgasm coming as he caressed my clitoris. He continued to unload as another orgasm was forced from me. Soon it was over and he stayed there inside of me for a few minutes, just trying to regain his strength.

  “I never thought I would love again.” He said as his hands moved to my thighs and he slowly withdrew his cock. “Now I see that I can, but it has to be on my terms.”

  “Do you really love me?” I asked.

  “I do.” He said.

  Chapter 5

  As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks turned into a month, I found myself comforted by the arrangement. I was certain that I would love him in time, just as all claimed brides eventually found some sort of affection in the men who made them their prize. Every time I had doubts, I reminded myself that I had been chosen by Stark Bradford, a wealthy man who could have had anyone in the world.

  There were plenty of women who would have let him chain them to the floor to be a kept woman. I wasn’t a special flower at all, but I was his flower, and he told me every day how much he cared for me. I knew he cared for me whether the words crossed his lips or not. I loved being with him, I enjoyed everything we did together, but my emotions were still partially detached from it all. I felt like I had some sort of barrier preventing me from giving him my heart.

  Each morning began with the same ritual. Stark woke me up with breakfast, but before I was allowed to eat, he removed my diaper and cleaned me up. After breakfast, I was allowed to have the chain removed to take a bath. After that, he would fuck me so hard I thought
the bed would break before he put the diaper back on. The number of beautiful dresses available was almost endless. It seemed like I never wore the same one twice. My hair was always styled in pigtails with some sort of ribbons to keep them in place—he always tied the ribbons tight.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you, today.” He said after he had gotten me dressed for the day.

  “What kind of surprise?” I asked.

  “I got you a governess.” He smiled. “I don’t like the idea of you not going to school, so I’ve hired a wonderful woman names Ms. Hattie Davenport to come and make sure you get back on track.”

  “What is she going to do? I’m a little past the point where one person can teach me everything, much less help me get a degree.” I raised my eyebrows.

  “My family donates a lot of money to a number of colleges. One of them has agreed to install cameras in their classrooms so you can attend classes here in your room.” He smiled. “Ms. Hattie will be here to facilitate any tests you need to take or collect any assignments you can’t do on your laptop. She used to be a professor before she retired and she’s well respected in the educational community. She’s even written a few books.”

  “The college agreed to that? I mean, I could still cheat, right?” I asked.

  “All I had to do was tell them they wouldn’t be getting a check at the end of the year if they didn’t agree to it…” He shrugged. “All of their concerns instantly went away.”

  “Money will do that I suppose.” I nodded.

  “As for cheating, I don’t think you’ll risk the cane for a good grade.” He walked over and pointed at one in the middle that was only a bit larger than the one he had previously used. “That one is for bad grades.” His finger lifted to the largest one that was bigger than my only slightly smaller than my thumb. “That one is for cheating. Understand?”


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