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Breaking Little Emily (Dark Age Play Romance) (My Little World Book 4)

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by Becca Little

  “Would you like to sleep in my bed tonight, like a big girl?” He asked as he continued to rub.

  “Yes!” I nodded as a smile crossed my face.

  “You’ll have to do whatever I say—while we are in my bedroom, you are there only to serve me.” He rubbed a little harder.

  “Yes sir…” I moaned against his touch.

  He continued rubbing for a little while as she drank his whiskey and we watched television. Mostly he watched it, because I lost interest quickly as my body was engulfed in pleasure. When the bottle was finished, I was really feeling the effects of the alcohol. The combination of his touch, the light feeling in my head, and the warmth that engulfed my body, I felt like I could stay in that moment forever. I was happy to be his little girl, and I so enjoyed the moments of pleasure he brought me.

  The diaper provided a barrier that made it impossible to cum, but it sure kept me on the edge of an orgasm for so long. His finger was like magic. He knew exactly where to touch me and what made me feel overwhelmed with unbridled pleasure. I nestled against him as his finger rolled around my hardened clitoris and then probed my vaginal cavity through the plastic. My moans started as gentle coos and then got louder as he continued to rub. After several minutes, he pulled his hand away.

  “Emily, you have to stay quiet so I can enjoy my television program.” He pulled his hand around my upper torso and started to fondle my breasts.

  “I’m sorry, I’ll do better.” I was ready to beg for his touch again as he squeezed my breasts through the dress.

  My breasts were squeezed and fondled for several minutes before his fingers drifted back down to the diaper. He hooked a finger in the nylon strap which held it to my body and pushed it away. With the diaper open slightly, his hand slipped underneath it and I felt his finger on my wet, bare pussy. Being teased for so long had made it practically burn with desire for his touch.

  I started to moan, but when he cleared his throat, I remembered that I was supposed to be quiet. I pressed my bottom lip into my teeth and clamped down so I could avoid making much noise. It was still a difficult endeavor because his finger was pushing me to the point of no return, but I maintained my composure like the good little girl he wanted me to be.

  I had never been able to bring myself the kind of pleasure on my own that he brought me with such a tender touch. He took my clitoris in his thumb and forefinger, rubbing it around slightly while it got even harder in his touch. After several minutes of teasing and stimulating it, he moved down the drenched slit of my cunt and started to push a finger into my vaginal cavity. His fingers were so large and meaty they rivaled some of the smaller cocks I had felt. The middle finger was the thickest and my favorite, but he started with his pinkie, pushing it in and out while his thumb rubbed my clitoris.

  “I love how nice and tight you are, Emily.” He said casually as he continued to push his pinkie in and out of my aching pussy.

  I wanted to thank him for the compliment, but I didn’t want to make any noise at all. I lay against him as he fingered me with his pinkie for several minutes and then he moved on to his ring finger. It was slightly bigger, and since my pussy had adjusted to the size of his pinkie, it felt like a whole different experience altogether. It almost touched my g-spot, but it wasn’t quite long enough to pleasure it easily.

  I pushed my body down against it, just trying to get it deeper, but it just teased me by falling just short of what I needed. After several minutes with it, he started with his index finger. His index finger was thick, which allowed it to spread me even more and create another sense of pleasure, but it also fell short of my g-spot.

  I was certain he could have extended it and gotten there if he wanted, but he didn’t give me the pleasure I was begging for. I really had to chew my lip to avoid screaming as the pleasure engulfed my body, but I was able to contain it. There were several hard thrusts with his index finger that almost pushed me over the edge, but I couldn’t get there.

  “Don’t worry.” He said. “I know what you really want.”

  He finally pulled his index finger free and pressed his middle finger to the outside of my clitoris. It was what I needed and what I craved. He balled his hand it into a fist with the middle finger extended and pushed it all the way in until his knuckles were pressing against my pussy. He flexed his middle finger into a hook and it was directly on my g-spot. After moving it in and out several times, he hooked into my g-spot again and started to stimulate it.

  “Are you going to cum for me?” He asked as he rubbed my clitoris with his thumb and my g-spot with his middle finger.

  “Mmm hmm.” My face wrenched into an expression of absolute pleasure.

  “Do it quietly. I still want to finish my show.” He picked up his glass and took a drink as I used every bit of my self-control to avoid screaming.

  As amazing as it felt, being forced to enjoy it perpetual silence was torture. I thought I was going to bite a hole clean through my lip as he continued to stimulate me. I quickly got the point of no return and I felt my body reacting to his touch. My pussy started to tense and tighten around his finger, and my legs were nearly cramping from the tightness I was forcing on them just to avoid making noise. My toes curled to the point they were almost touching the soles of my feet and both hands gripped the couch so tight I was afraid I would put a hole in it.

  After several minutes of intense pleasure, my body reacted like a rocket. It erupted with an orgasm so powerful I thought my bones could shatter if I didn’t get a chance to release the energy through a scream, but I held on and internalized it all. His finger was like magic inside of me and his thumb kept my clitoris hard and tight against the orgasm.

  After the first one settled down, my body started to erupt once again. Each one he brought me was slightly less intense than the one before it, but they all took a toll on me. By the time I had orgasmed four times, my body was weak and shaking. He finally felt me relax and then his finger was removed. The diaper was secured back in place and he continued watching his program for another thirty minutes while I lay in absolute bliss.

  “Are you ready for bed?” He asked finally as the television was turned off.

  “Yes sir.” I nodded and tried to stand. My legs were like jelly.

  “Okay, let’s get you ready bed then.” He took my hand as he stood and led me to the bathroom.

  Chapter 8

  Getting ready for bed was always the same. He took me to the bathroom and helped me brush my teeth before removing the diaper. If I had soiled myself I was normally cleaned up. The diaper was sticky and messy from my orgasm so he took me to the bath and cleaned my pussy. The feeling stimulated me more, but I thought I my body was too exhausted to do anything else.

  He brought over my least favorite part of bedtime—the enema. He believed that a good girl had to be clean on the inside and the outside. The first few times I got it, I was in absolute agony, but I learned to tolerate it. I was willing to do whatever it took to please him. I positioned myself so he could push the nozzle into my anus and once it was inside, the liquid started to flood into me.

  He used a mixture of saline, warm water, and some ingredients I wasn’t sure about, but he said it was one of the best enemas on the planet. I had come to understand that he only believed in the finest things, especially where I was concerned. The liquid flooded inside and I was required to hold it for twenty minutes.

  He went about his nighttime routine while I sat there on the edge of the tub and clenched my stomach. It cramped sometimes, but over time, the cramping had gotten much less intense. I couldn’t deny the intense feeling of cleanliness it left me with. After the twenty minutes were up, he allowed me to empty the contents and then he took me by the hand.

  “Let’s go to bed.” He said as we walked.

  It felt strange to be allowed in his room. I had only seen it in passing. The Victorian era room he kept me in was a lot smaller than his. There was a similar furniture motif, but it was clear that his was a lot fancier
than mine. The best part was the large king-sized bed in the middle of the room. It looked like a clouded piece of heaven compared to bed I had been sleeping in.

  I was already naked, and he motioned for me to help him undress. I unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time and smiled when I got to see his muscled physique. There was no denying how incredibly attractive he was. Once the shirt was removed and placed neatly on a chair, I sat him down and started to remove his shoes.

  The first one came off, followed by the second. I peeled the socks off and started to massage his feet. It wasn’t something he came up with on his own, but he seemed to enjoy it the first time, so I made it a ritual when I was allowed to undress him. His feet were always so tight and rigid but with a simple massage, I could pull all that tension out.

  “You’re learning how to be my perfect little submissive girl very quickly.” He smiled as I massaged his feet.

  After I finished with the foot massage, I pulled his pants open and he stood up so I could slip them down. His cock was still a little damp from the earlier endeavor, so I used his boxers to clean it up, rolling it around in my palm for a moment, and then depositing them on the floor. Standing in front of me completely naked, he looked like a deity straight out of a movie. It was hard to believe a man such as him existed, and that he wanted me.

  He drew me close to his body and hugged me. I could feel myself starting to surge with sexual energy again, and his cock started to rise up against my torso. He pushed my hair off my neck and let his finger linger there for a second before he kissed me. The first time he ever kissed me, I felt fireworks go off in my head, and it seemed like that was a feeling which never went away.

  His lips were gentle when they needed to be and rough when they had to be. It was another layer of Stark, and just another element of what made him so amazing. I understood why I had my doubts in the beginning, but he had found a way to wash those away and draw my soul to his. A life with him was all I wanted.

  “Do you remember what I told you about the bedroom?” His fingers traced the length of my body.

  “I have to do whatever you say.” I let out a gasp. “I have to serve you…”

  “Your training is designed to teach you to be the perfect woman for me—the little bride who will serve me for the rest of my life. That doesn’t come easily, and there will be stumbles along the way. You can stumble, but you always have to stand up straight and accept the punishment that comes with it.” He kissed me again before pulling away. “I can’t have you any other way.”

  “I understand.” I nodded and sighed against his kiss.

  “Until your training is complete, you will receive a daily reminder of this. It is the price of evolving from the woman I took to the little girl who is subservient to me in every way, and eventually into a better woman who will stand at my side as my bride.” He took my hand in his and pulled it up to his heart. “If you can do that, you will have my love forever and I will be loyal to you until the day we leave this earth and through eternity in the afterlife. Do you want that?” He asked as I felt his heart beating and thumping against his chest.

  “I do…” I nodded and closed my eyes. The truth was, I wanted it more than anything I had ever wanted before. He had sculpted me, changed me, and I was clay in his hands until he found a mold he liked.

  “Now that you have earned some of my trust, you will not wear the diapers or feel the chain, but every night you will receive a bedtime spanking as a reminder of how far you’ve come, and how far you still have to go.” He ran his fingers down my back and squeezed my bottom.

  My heart began to race. I had learned to like some of the pain, but I was still a little frightened at the idea of a daily spanking—especially if I ended up on the receiving end of the cane at some point during the day. I nodded to him and confirmed that I understood what he said. He took me to the edge of the bed and sat down, pulling me across his knee.

  He had never spanked me with his hand. The only thing I had been punished with was the various canes he kept in my room. His hand caressed my bare bottom several times and I felt myself tingling. Without warning, his hand came down with a hard smack on the right side of my bottom, followed by a hard smack on the left side of my bottom, and then three directly in the center. It hurt, but it wasn’t the agony I was accustomed to from the cane. It was a widespread stinging sensation, mostly concentrated in the center where his large hand overlapped part of the area on the right and left side. He lifted and brought his hand down in a methodical fashion as I squirmed underneath it for what felt like an eternity.

  “Ow! Stark, it hurts! Ouch!” I felt a sob building in my throat and my eyes were wet with tears.

  “Allow your body to submit to me. I want you to think about all of the things you have here with me, and how much more you will have when you become my bride.” His hand started to fall again.

  Even underneath the stinging palm raining down on my unprotected bottom, there was certain sensuality to his spanking. The reverberation of his hand striking my bare bottom sent sensations down into my pussy and each one seemed to bring a little more stimulation. There was no doubt that I had completely submitted to him, but it was more than that.

  He was taking me beyond submission into a realm where he absolutely dominated me in every way. The tingling sensation refused to let up as his hand collided with my bottom and the mixture of pain and pleasure awakened something strange inside of me. The cane was impersonal and used for punishment, but the spanking was different. It was needed—it was desired. I did as he asked and went limp over his lap, allowing my body to submit to him completely.

  I was there for as long as he wanted me there, and I was not going to fight. The tears came out and soaked the bed as I sobbed, but I let him have my flesh. It was his until he was done with me, and I didn’t need a chain to remain in his embrace. My bottom was burning like a raging inferno by the time he finally slowed down and stopped.

  “Okay, Emily. You did very well. I’m extremely proud of you.” He took me in his arms and held me there. I let more tears fall onto his shoulder as he stroked my hair.

  “Thank you. I belong to you, and I will always do what you want. My body is yours.” I said with a cautious kiss.

  He took me to the bed and placed me face down with my bottom in the air. He climbed behind me and positioned his hardening cock against my pussy. He had never taken me from behind before, and the thought of behind held down while he fucked me was a little exhilarating. The spanking had left me wet and messy again; his cock slipped in with little effort. When his thighs pressed against my punished bottom, it felt warm against his cool flesh.

  It was almost like my bottom radiated and glowed with an expression of the pain I endured. The reward was clear as his cock swelled inside of me and he started to pick up momentum. His hand moved to the back of my neck and gripped my hair. He pulled me towards him and started to drive his cock in hard. It went deeper than he did when he was on top of me and was pushing against my g-spot in a way that I had never felt before. The pain and dominance of having him pulled my head back by my hair caused waves of new pleasure mixed with a difference sense of pain. I thought I liked it—but I quickly found that I loved it.

  “Since your body is mine, I will use it how I see fit.” He hammered my pussy and held my hair tight. “You understand that nothing is off limits and everything belongs to me?” He pulled my hair harder to emphasize the last statement.

  “Yes…” I moaned.

  His finger pushed against my anus. “Even this, when I want it…”

  No man had ever fucked me there before. I felt nervousness in my stomach. “Yes sir… You can be the first to take it.”

  “Is that so?” He pushed his thumb in slightly. “Then I will save it for a special occasion.” He pulled his thumb out and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  He bounced against my punished ass with every thrust as he drove his cock into me. His right hand wrapped completely underneath me and stimulated my
clitoris while his left one pulled my hair. So many emotions and pleasure points went off at once. It was sensory overload to the maximum as he continued to fuck me.

  There was no doubt that I wanted every single second of it, but my body was so exhausted from the multiple orgasms that I found difficulty in finding the next one. I could feel his cock thrusting inside and pulsating against the walls of my pussy and it felt amazing. The angle and position was letting him fill me like never before, and I was strapped to the edge of an orgasm with my whole body twisting and tense underneath his raging cock.

  I wanted the orgasm so bad. My body was crying out for it, and my lips were forming near screams. I was so glad he wasn’t forcing me to be quiet because I wasn’t certain that I could have controlled myself in that moment.

  “You will cum for me, Emily.” He said calmly as he gasped with pleasure. “You will cum for me now.”

  I fell forward on the bed, suspended in the grip he had on my hair. I pushed my bottom up as he slammed into the punished flesh. The slapping of his skin on mine felt like a spanking all over again because of the tenderness left behind by his palm. I closed my eyes and let my body completely lose itself in the moment and the intense feeling of pleasure. It was almost like my body was waiting on permission, because as soon as he ordered me to cum, I felt myself tingling and tightening.

  My pussy clenched hard on his cock and I started to feel the orgasm coming. I pushed against him and he went deep. I felt the first spurt of his cum and that pushed me completely over the edge. I felt like I was speaking tongue as I let out expressions of pleasure and passion while my body reacted to his intense fucking. He continued to release cum inside me until I felt his cock start to slowly fade from the heavily engorged state it was trapped in. He pulled himself free, wiped his cock against my punished flesh and then released his grip on me.


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