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The Legacy of Darkness

Page 3

by YuMao311


  “Misaki?” “Hmm?” I looked up distracted from the file I was skimming. Robyn handed me the review from yesterday’s attack, an updated autopsy. “Thanks. I was looking for this,” I examined the photos in the folder, carefully eyeing it so I didn’t miss any details. “Did Daniel’s crew find any clues or evidence?” I glanced at Robyn. “No. Just a lot of blood and signs of struggle,” she replied, shaking her head. I sighed. Lately, Jane had been targeting individual families and people – which was highly odd, as Jane liked making big commotion when on one of her random rampages. Now, it seemed as if she was searching for something … But the question is, what? “Were there any signs of who Jane sent?” I questioned. Robyn shook her head. “No. It could’ve been anyone. Even the thugs she creates.” Did I mention? Jane makes her own minions. With her own powers. It just proves she’s a loner. Robyn was the best tracker we had – she’d sent Daniel (head of investigations) to the scene. Nothing in particular was found. “Misaki …” Robyn hesitated. I nodded my permission for her to continue. “Did something happen between you and Kaito?” I jerked my head in surprise. “So you noticed?” I said sheepishly. She laughed. “Most of us did,” she told me. I winced. “If you don’t mind me asking …” Oh no. I knew what was coming. “Yes?” “What happened?”I shifted uncomfortably. “Um … nothing of importance at the moment. Right now, our top priority is to do everything in our power to stop Jane,” I went into Alpha leader-mode. I couldn’t afford to be weak. Not now, not ever (sadly). I had to be strong (and by that I mean internally. Seriously, I’m a 16-year-old. Don’t expect me to grow muscles over night and turn into the Hulk. Like I said, I’m still human.). For everyone. Robyn was taken aback by my commanding tone, but nevertheless agreed. “Send Kaito to my office please,” I said expressionlessly. She nodded quickly and left, closing the door behind her. She looked slightly offended. I couldn’t blame her. I would be too. But I couldn’t help it. Sure, we treat each other as equals, no matter the length of our powers or the league we stand in, but poking into each other’s business? Sorry, but that’s not part of the job resume. I sighed tiredly and rubbed my temples. I felt like an old lady who broke her back in attempt to pick up a newspaper on the front lawn. “You wanted me?” My head snapped up at the sound of a familiar, masculine voice. “No, I didn’t,” I said sharply. “You didn’t?” Kaito leaned against the door frame. My eyes widened slightly at my mistake. “Actually, yes, I did,” I was surprised at how steady my voice was, given the circumstances. Kaito stepped into the office and perched at the edge of my desk. “There’s something called a chair, you know,” I retorted irritably. He simply shrugged and stared at me intently. What an infuriating person. “What?” my eyes darted away from his. “What did you call me for?” “Oh yeah. I need you to go and check the Joyce household for clues. Apparently, Daniel’s team couldn’t find anything,” this time, I held his gaze firmly. Kaito raised an eyebrow. “Really? And I thought Daniel was ‘the best of the best’.” “He is.” I left no room for argument. “Let’s go,” I grabbed my car keys and pushed back my seat, standing in the progress. “You’re coming too?” he said it like he couldn’t believe it. I looked at him like he was crazy. “I can handle it alone,” he said calmly. “No,” I shot him a look. “I’m going.” Ugh. Boys and their over-inflated egos. “Fine,” he rolled his eyes and stood up as well. “Karina, give me an analysis,” I called as we passed through the Decoding Quarters. She tossed me a green folder marked Joyce. “Thanks.” We piled into my sleek new Porsche. “I’m driving,” Kaito snatched my keys and grinned (whoaaa I think the world just exploded. Since when did Kaito smile, much less grin? OMG maybe an alien impersonation! What? Don’t look at me like that. Hey, if I can make a building explode with a wave of my hand, anything’s possible) lopsidedly. “What? Why? It’s my car!” I said indignantly. “I owe you, remember?” he smirked. How can I not?! He owed me for trashing my former Ferrari (now a pile of melted metal at the junkyard) during the last life-threatening mission. But seriously? “You’re paying me back by driving for me in my own car?” I asked in disbelief. Kaito shrugged. “That and something else.” “Like what –?” He cut me off by kissing me full on the lips. “I – Wha –?” I spluttered when he pulled away. “Alright, I paid you back, now can we get on with the mission already?” Kaito interrupted, opening the doors and settling in. I stood there, half-frozen, speechless. “Misaki?” Wordlessly, I did the same, buckling in my seatbelt as we sped off to the death scene.


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