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The Cull of Lions

Page 14

by Mark Iles

  Selena spoke up. “If that’s the case what made the Federation attack us in the first place? Why didn’t they just talk to us? We fought besides them, we’re their own people and yet they attacked us when we least expected it. Yes, we’re one race and originally there was no bad feeling between us. So why did they do it? We lost a lot of people and surely, if anyone, you’d know what that feels like.”

  Arthur leant back in his chair and burst out laughing. “Just think about it, you’re just a bunch of criminals trained as fighting machines, much like the gladiators of your Ancient Rome. Yes, of course we’ve studied your history. You’re ravening beasts, twisted by war. The FOM knew that one day you’d be turned loose on society and they were afraid, and who can blame them? So all it needed was a little push from us to decide your fate. Let’s face it, we all know what to do when there are dangerous animals around. You cull them, pure and simple. They were simply protecting themselves. And just so you know, we will have Loreen back,” he leant forward, glaring intently, “no matter what you think. It’s only a matter of time.”

  “I’m afraid you’re sadly disillusioned,” Magki replied. “There’s no way you’ll get Loreen, nor Capulet. Vast numbers of reinforcements have begun arriving and we’ve started building the battle stations to help defend this world. When the Federation and your people come back here, and I’m sure they will, they’re going to get one hell of a shock. On a different tack, I have a little theory you might be interested in.”

  Arthur sat back and raised a smug eyebrow. “Something that might interest me? Oh, I sincerely doubt it.”

  The general ignored him and continued. “Let’s for arguments sake say we believe you, that the Manta sterilised your entire race, and your advanced medical knowledge enabled you to eventually make yourselves relatively immortal. After all, you can even replace your skeletal structure, so God knows what else you can do. But even so, your numbers are still falling. Let’s face it accidents happen and then there’s battle attrition, and so forth. Then lo and behold, far from being alone out here, you find a race of descendants you didn’t know about before. Now I’m not into gambling but I’d bet a fortune you hope you can breed with humanity and reverse the damage the Manta inflicted on you.

  “Then there’s the fact you suddenly have millions of people to fight your war, in return for certain technology of course. That’s quite an incentive to side with the Federation against us, and certainly for them to side with you. Any thoughts?”

  Arthur’s face was inscrutable, as he replied, “I’d say you have a vivid imagination, General. If what you say is true what do you think the Manta would do if they found about such a medical possibility? They’d destroy every human world they could, including your so-called Assembly of Worlds. They won’t trust any human no matter what they say, and so your fragile peace won’t hold. Surely even you can see that? Your people are stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place, with us on one side and the Manta and their friends on the other.”

  “So if you were in our shoes what would you do?” Magki asked, at length.

  Arthur made a show of inspecting his fingernails. “Why I’d make peace with the ForeRunners and the Federation, of course. Like you said, we’re all the same people. It’s just that we’re far more advanced than you humans are. We should all work together and rid the universe of the Manta, and of course it goes without saying our demands about Loreen stand. Even with our ships, which are so much more advanced than yours, it takes a long time to reach many of our worlds by such conventional methods. As much as I hate to admit it the Sken ships are faster than ours. Loreen has our instantaneous transportation technology and that gives us an advantage. When we have it back we’ll be able to rally our forces and defend any of our outposts more easily.”

  “Surely,” Selena interrupted, “if we were allies then you wouldn’t mind us staying on Loreen, now would you? Particularly if, as you say, we’re all part of the same race.

  Perhaps there’s a way we can work out a settlement and even make peace with the Manta and the Sken.”

  “What part of this don’t you understand?” Arthur snapped, his eyes blazing furiously. “Loreen is not negotiable! You either leave that planet immediately or we’ll sterilise the whole world with weapons you can’t even begin to imagine. Believe me when I say their use will haunt you to the end of your days, and then we’ll take Loreen anyway.”

  Selena raised her right middle finger. “Do you know what this means? No? Well let me enlighten you, it means ‘fuck you and your whole goddamn race’.”


  “The battle stations are up and running but it’ll take a couple more months before they’re completely operational,” General Magki said to the senior officers seated around the dark, wooden conference table. Along the light-tangerine wall were pictures of spacecraft, with their names in little tabs at the bottom. “In the meantime we now have a battle group of over a hundred ships from all over the AOW in this system. You’ve all heard what the ForeRunners have said about Loreen. We’ve warned them and the other worlds to expect an attack, and we’ve beefed up defences everywhere as much as we can. We stand a good chance against the Federation ships on their own; it’s the ForeRunners that really worry me. In the meantime, the Queen has something to say.”

  Standing up the Queen looked at each of them in turn, before saying in a clear piping voice, “I’ve approved the building of five new bases here on Capulet, one at each of the North and South Poles, and the remainder equidistant around the equator in line with our city. They’ll be fitted with major weapons to provide backup to the orbital platforms when they’re operational, and as these bases are completed others will follow.

  “Until now we’ve deliberately kept our population to a minimum, rather than risk the starvation which affected so many other worlds, when population explosions caused havoc. Now we need people to man these new installations and to build our cities. Consequently, I’ve enhanced benefits to families with multiple offspring, in the hope this will lead to a growth in population, which in time will fill those new facilities and the cities around them. I’ve also released more land for farming. It’s hoped we can recruit workers from other worlds within our new Assembly and they’ll bring their families with them. I’ve no doubt many will remain here when the cities are completed. They’ll certainly be plenty of employment for them. We need to build and protect our planet, and I’m asking for your help in this. Capulet is a strategic world, and I’m offering it to the Assembly of Worlds as a major military base.”

  Selena pushed her chair back and stood, looking calmly at the monarch as she sat back down at the end of the table. “What of the citizens, Majesty? Where do they stand in all of this? Our people’s lives are going to change dramatically and not all of them are going to like it.”

  “They’ll appreciate being alive, and they are not our people they’re mine!” the Queen snapped. “This is about the survival of Capulet and I think when it’s put in context they’ll realise this is the right thing to do. Whatever you think of me, bear this in mind, I only want the citizens of this world, and humanity as a whole, to survive this war. If that’s wrong then history will judge me, not you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Selena strode back to her tent in the arena. She’d been offered one of the rooms available in the new accommodation blocks springing up nearby, with the city’s walls being pushed out even further. The tent smelt damp and it could get cold at night, so she’d quickly accepted and would be glad to move. At this rate of expansion she knew the city would soon be infringing on the forest and was worried what that meant to their relationship with the lenars. Shadow stirred in the darkness at the end of her bed as she undressed and she felt suddenly suffused by warmth, which meant they understood the importance of what was happening to the city. It would be okay. Naked she reached down and gently stroked Shadow’s short, tufty fur.

  “Thank you,” she murmured and planted a kiss on the top of his velvety
head. Just then a light flicked into life on the small screen on the table she used as a desk. A quick look told her it was Kes, so she keyed the accept button.

  “Wow, Selena. You sure know how to answer a call.”

  “I thought you’d have seen enough of my breasts, Staff Sergeant. What do you want?”

  “It’s Lieutenant now and, hey, no disrespect Ma’am but I have to say your chest is magnificent. I just rang to see how you were. Heard you had some trouble and I was worried about you and the others.”

  Selena burst out laughing. “You, worried? Ha, ha, give me a break. You just wanted a perve.”

  Kes grinned from ear to ear. “I certainly did.” He grew more sombre. “I miss you, Selena. I know how much you loved Bryn, but...well, never mind. It’s just kinda hard not being around you.”

  Selena fell silent for a moment. “Let’s get something straight Kes, a shag is a shag, you could have been anybody. Just because I fucked you doesn’t mean I’m falling for you. As far as I’m concerned you and I are just friends, it’ll never be any different and I thought you’d have realised that. Looks like I made a mistake, sorry but that’s the way it is.”

  Kes looked hurt for a moment but then covered it up. “I know commitment’s hard for you Selena but you need to understand all of us love you, some more than others.” He paused and looked more closely at her. “Hang on, I know you...something’s up. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “It’s Arthur. Believe it or not he’s a bloody ForeRunner. Our Arthur really did die. This one just has his memories.”

  He sucked in his breath. “Damn, I hadn’t heard but I guess it’s been kept under wraps. Look, I’ve got to go. You take care and remember I’m thinking of you...and the others.”

  “Don’t go all soft on me, Kes. You’ll only get hurt and you know it, and neither of us wants that. Before you disappear, how’s the course going?”

  “I’ve finished it, flying colours by all accounts. They’re sending me to Loreen next. Anyhow, give my regards to the guys and let’s chat again soon.”

  “Aye, congrats anyway, Lieutenant. I knew you’d make it. Take care.” Selena’s felt her eyes sparkling with pride as she cut the connection.

  Braxis burst into the tent. “Captain,” he blurted, ignoring her nakedness. “Arthur’s escaped!”

  “ did that happen?” She quickly climbed back into her uniform and followed him out of the tent flap.

  “Nobody knows. I’m afraid the guards are missing, presumed dead. Shit...”

  The both automatically ducked as around them the defence batteries burst into action, firing brilliant beams into the heavens. Amidst the stars the barely operational battle-stations opened up too. Selena and Braxis ran to the control room, where Singh confronted them.

  “It’s the Federation and ForeRunners. A large combined fleet arrived in the system a few moments ago. They took one look at what we had waiting for them and fired salvos of planet busters at us. Luckily, the defence stations managed to take the missiles out. If those stations hadn’t been in place we’d all be dead now, or facing another invasion.”

  “What of the enemy, where are they now?”

  “They’ve gone, Captain. They fired and left the system. Something odd happened though, a small transport lifted from the space port just before they arrived and rendezvoused with the enemy. Whoever it was left with them.”

  “Arthur,” Selena said, her lips thinning. “It has to be.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Singh gasped. “We had him all locked up safe and secure. It doesn’t make sense, how could he get away?”

  “That, Lieutenant Commander, is a damn good question. His guards are gone too. They’re either dead or they were in on it. Arthur’s out there somewhere, and he’s no longer one of the good guys.”

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” Singh asked, his face torn by anxiety.

  “Oh yes,” Selena replied sadly. “I’ve already ordered Hope’s arrest and that of her parents, or at least until we can prove their humanity. After all, they were alone in Arcadia too.”


  Explosions rocked the city, causing blossoms of light to flare through the side of the tent. Selena threw herself out of her bunk, rolled and grabbed her weapons. Luckily, she’d remained dressed and so was out of the tent within moments. She stopped short as Braxis ran towards her.

  “What’s happening?” she demanded.

  “General Magki’s dead, Captain. Several of the defence platforms have been disabled and the Queen is demanding to speak to you. Looks like sabotage.”

  “I’ve better things to do than speak to that old hag.”

  “With respect Ma’am no, you haven’t. We need to keep her sweet and you’re now the senior officer on this whole blasted planet. You’ve no choice, you have to see her.”

  “Damn!” Selena was piqued by the truth of the matter. Together they ran to the Command Room, where everyone stood to attention as she entered.

  Selena bit down on her frustration. “Lieutenant Roberts, put me through to the Queen.” As the screen lit up to show the monarch, Selena said, “You wanted me?”

  “Thank God you’re alive, Captain,” the Queen replied. “I thought for a moment they’d gotten you too. You’re the senior officer now. I want you to take command.”

  “Pardon me but I understand Admiral Anderson is in orbit, he’s the most senior officer present and if anyone needs to take command it should be him.”

  “Anderson’s good but he’s a fleet man and he’s in charge of our assets up there. You know this planet, the people and a whole lot more. You will take command Captain, that’s an order.”

  The Queen had her over a barrel and Selena knew it. She hadn’t specialised for either the army or navy yet, and wouldn’t need to until her next promotion. Then after further training she’d become either a Commodore or Brigadier, if she lived long enough.

  Selena leant forward and glared into the screen, well aware of the people behind her. “With respect, Ma’am, let’s get something straight. You have no rank in our military, so I don’t have to take orders from you. Of course I’ll comply with the orders of Admiral’s Anderson, and Van Pluy. They are my direct commander’s. If they order this then so be it. I’m not trying to be difficult, Your Majesty, but there’s a chain of command to follow.”

  The Queen relaxed. “Thank you for being candid, as always, and I understand. However, I’m not concerned with our past problems. It’s the safety of the people and this whole planet that’s important. I’ll await Van Pluy’s decision, although I can guarantee he’ll agree with my suggestion. Good day, Captain.” Then the screen went dark.

  Selena felt the palpable silence behind her and turned around to face her crew. “Haven’t you lot got anything to do? If not I can soon find you something. Braxis?”

  “Yes, Captain?”

  “Arrange for my belongings to be moved into the new accommodation blocks. Speak to the Quarter Master. He’ll let you know which room I’ve been allocated. Then tell him I want the rest of our team billeted near me. If he has any problem, send him to me.”

  “Captain, you have a call from Admiral Van Pluy. You may wish to take it in the General’s office,” Roberts said.

  “On my way.” In a few moments Selena was sat in the general’s chair, watching as the screen lit up. “Admiral, what can I do for you?”

  “I think you already know the answer to that. The Queen called me and has requested you take command of Capulet, says you’re unhappy about it. Personally I can’t see that, but you’re in charge now. Do I make myself clear?”

  “You certainly do Sir, although I can think of several others far more suitable.”

  “Well, I can’t, Selena, and to be honest I don’t give a toss what you think. You’re it, end of story. The Queen made salient points, and I happen to completely agree with her. We can’t afford to lose Capulet. If we do it’ll send a bad message to the Assembly, so you need to do whate
ver it takes. By the way, the enemy fleet that visited you did a fly by here too, no doubt scoping us out. They were in and out as quickly as possible, so I guess they realised they’ve no chance of capturing Loreen.”

  “Well that has to be good, particularly after what Arthur said. Don’t worry, Admiral. I won’t let you or the people here down.”

  “I know you won’t,” he replied, a half smile on his craggy face. “There’s one more thing before I go. As you suggested I’ve had Hope arrested. She’s under armed guard in the citadel itself and her parents are staying with her voluntarily. They both checked out, we already knew they didn’t have that skeletal structure. As you can imagine they’re not happy.”

  “I imagine you’ve explained about Arthur, Sir. The ForeRunners have the ability to recreate their bodies in another’s image, including all of their memories.”

  “Yes, I told them and thankfully they understood. The main issue is how to tell if Hope really is their daughter. We just don’t know enough about the enemy cloning process.”

  Selena said her goodbyes and turned off the screen. She cursed lightly, unsure what she could do about Hope. As for taking military command of Capulet...well, there was nothing else in the pipeline and they were correct, she was the right person for the job. She just hoped she could avoid killing the Queen in the meantime.


  The first thing Selena did in the morning, after having settled into what had been the general’s office and accommodation, was to speak to Admiral Anderson and request the workers building the battle-stations be put onto double shifts. Thankfully he agreed and work went ahead at a much faster rate. Already the deflectors and most of the weapons were operational, it was just the cosmetics that were taking the time.


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