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The Cull of Lions

Page 19

by Mark Iles

  “Our Monarchs decided early on that because they were the only rulers on this world then their titles would serve as their name; until they eventually died of course, and they got their old names back. It’s a timeless constant that marks us apart from other worlds, Earth in particular.”

  Selena picked up the small, delicate cup and blew at the steam before taking a sip. “Well, Earth’s practically a wasteland now but you’re changing the subject.”

  Aunt May huffed. “Very well…Miranda and Raynor were very close from an early age and eventually became lovers. That’s right,” she said, forestalling Selena by holding up a pale liver-spotted hand in which thick blue veins stood out. “You may not like it but they were together a long time, long before your mother. Then one day the King saw Miranda and claimed her for his own, as is their want. God knows what he saw in her, or what your father did either come to that. Miranda once had a nice personality and there was something about her that drew people to her, but only the blind could have thought she was attractive.

  “Of course your father was devastated. One moment Miranda was there with him and the next she was gone. There was no warning, no saying of goodbyes. Everyone knew what had happened, naturally. Let’s face it, the royalty and their minions have been doing this sort of thing since the foundation. Her disappearance bore the hallmark of the nobility and so all her family could do was pray they’d eventually let her go.

  “Some time later Miranda’s parents received a letter, telling them she was the ‘King’s guest’ for a while.” May snorted. “Such things never change. If the victims are lucky they might be eventually released, but many disappear forever. As do any relatives or friends who create waves.”

  “I know all this,” Selena growled, “but what I don’t understand why the people haven’t stood up for themselves, apart from when they rebelled after Ma died.”

  There was a silence for a moment and Selena glanced around. The white-framed reflective windows were still there, although they looked somewhat old and tired now. Those surprisingly strong panes darkened or lightened depending on the sunlight and you could only see outwards. The combination of both was a strong defence against the lenars, who’d often leapt through the glass windows of early settlements.

  “They have paid informants everywhere. They’ll report you for the smallest transgression and be well paid for it: although many did so to gain favour because they were afraid for their families,” Aunt May said bitterly. “Look at what happened when your mother was killed. Thousands died in the uprising. Our royalty have never understood compassion or mercy, only killing and self-interest.”

  May got up and walked over to the fridge, fussing about with her back turned to Selena, who waited patiently for her to gather her thoughts and continue. When May faced her again it was with two plates of golden-crusted apple pie and thick yellow fresh cream.

  “I expect you’re hungry, dig in. You used to love this as a child. It’s a very old family recipe. We add nutmeg to the apple,” she added with a conspiratorial wink, “and that spice is very hard to come by in these trying times.”

  “Do you mind carrying on with the story?” Selena asked. She picked up the spoon from the red rose decorated plate and took a spoonful of pure heaven.

  May huffed again. “Your mother always liked Raynor, and it was only natural she tried to comfort him when Miranda disappeared. But, as the months passed, things changed. Her love for your father was obvious to anyone who looked, and gradually he fell for her too. Within a few years they were married. Naturally Miranda found out and was furious, as you can imagine. I think when people become royalty they take their brain out and put a stupidity chip in, because when the King died all hell broke loose.”

  “In what way?”

  “Eat your pie and drink your tea, Selena, there’s more in the pot. Let me tell the tale in my own time.”

  Doing as she was bid Selena relished the sweetness of the desert, the bitterness of the tea and the many memories the two bought back. She used to sit in this chair as a girl, swinging her legs back and forth while she did her homework, because her feet didn’t reach down to the copper-toned tiles.

  “Miranda’s spies told her all about your parents of course, but there was nothing she could do about it while the King was alive. As is tradition she inherited the throne when he passed away. He hadn’t been dead very long when she began to take a string of lovers, one after another, acting as if she didn’t care.” May laughed and wiped a tear from her eye. “She was desperate for a child and of course needed an heir, but not one of those poor souls made her pregnant. Finding out about you only added fuel to the fire. Then a hand-delivered summons arrived at your parents’ home, demanding your father attend the Queen. He declined of course and wrote her a reply, giving it to the liverymen to take back.”

  “So what happened?” Selena asked, intrigued.

  “They came for him that very night. Your mother tried to stop them but was beaten black and blue. I visited her in the hospital. Shortly afterwards your parents were divorced by royal decree and, of course, they had no say in the matter. Queen Miranda then forced your father to marry her and your mother never saw him alive again, although she did receive a few smuggled letters.”

  “I was told the Queen had him killed,” Selena said, watching her aunt closely.

  “Actually we were told he took his own life, and that was from a number of sources but your mother refused to believe it. She was convinced the Queen had him murdered because in his letters Raynor said he’d refused to pleasure her, and more than anything the Queen wanted a child by him. Selena, this may be hard for you to understand but I know how much Miranda loved your father and I’m convinced she didn’t have him murdered. She cared far too much for him, do you see? I believe your father killed himself, because he knew Miranda was besotted and would never let him go.”

  Selena jumped to her feet and slammed her cup onto the table, the dark-green contents spilling onto the brown wooden surface as the handle came off in her hand. “That’s rubbish and you know it!”

  “Actually it’s true, so calm down and take a seat.” When Selena did so, her aunt continued. “When your mother found out about Raynor’s death she was inconsolable.” May paused for a moment or two, and then added, “It’s ironic really, because I always thought your mother would end up with Miranda’s older brother, he thought the world of her.”

  “I didn’t know the Queen had a brother.”

  “Oh yes, Simon was a good man but when the King kidnapped Miranda, Simon got in trouble for speaking out against him. Then a ‘plot’ was discovered about Simon intending to rescue her. All utter nonsense of course, it was just a way to get rid of him. He was sentenced to the Penal Regiments, just as you were. There was a recruitment surge then, too.”

  “Really? Why?” Selena asked with a puzzled frown.

  “The old colonies were filled to bursting and they needed troops to protect the new ones and to stop rebellions. It’s been the same throughout history, as colonies expand and grow stronger they want to split off and go out on their own. Of course the Federation of Man couldn’t afford to let that happen. Consequently there was lots of danger and the Regular Forces, often made up of gentry who bought rank, didn’t want to take the risks, so they drafted in the criminals and miscreants as a form of restorative justice for their crimes. Their valuables were confiscated and given to their victims or their families, and the consequent military service was viewed as payback to the community of mankind as a whole. It saves the expense of gaols and they’re given the option of working in the mines instead.”

  “The mines are just legalised slavery,” Selena snorted, “and a death sentence in itself. So Simon got arrested and sentenced for trying to save his sister?”

  “That’s right, and he was your father’s best friend. Like I said, we all played together as children.”

  “Simon and Miranda: ha, they even sound like royalty. So what was their family name?”
r />   Aunt May took a sip of her tea and sat back in her chair. “Van Pluy. Apparently he’s an Admiral now.”

  Selena’s breath froze. For once she was unable to utter a word.

  “Are you all right, girl?”



  “Sorry, but I need to go.”

  May stared at her for a moment. “I’m not sure what’s wrong but there’s something you need to take into account.”

  “Really, what might that be?”

  May put down her cup; her eyes boring intently into Selena’s. “For heaven’s sake, you’re not listening at all are you? I just told you Queen Miranda married your father, which means he became King. If you can get your head around that then you’ll realise it makes Miranda your stepmother. What’s more, because the Queen never had any children of her own it means you’re next in line to the throne, and I’m pretty sure she’s not fond of the idea at all.”

  Selena chest felt tight and she grabbed the table to stop herself falling. “I’m going to wake up in a moment and find all of this is a nightmare. Like I said, I need to go. There’s lot I have to think about.”

  “Yes, I’ve no doubt there is. Well, do come back when you’re all done and we’ll chat some more. Perhaps next time you could stay for some dinner?”

  “Yeah, thanks, that would be nice.” For the first time since she was a child Selena hugged her aunt and kissed her lightly on the cheek, marring the white make-up she’d not noticed before. May smiled and that twinkle glinted in her eye once more. “Ah, there you are, my girl. I thought I’d lost you.”

  “See you soon, Aunt May. I’ll think about what you said, but I want you to know it doesn’t make the slightest bit of difference. The Queen is directly responsible for the death of my parents and sooner or later she’s going to pay for it. The fact she’s my stepmother won’t come into it at all.”

  “Well you take care, child.”

  Selena left May sipping her tea and shut the door behind her, thoughts in turmoil. Van Pluy had to know who she was. The big question was, had he taken her under his wing for the sake of her father’s friendship, or because the Queen wanted him to keep an eye on her? If she was indeed next in line for the throne then it was an opportunity to bring law and order to Capulet. That, and the thirst for revenge, was more than enough reason for her to do what she longed to.

  Walking down the lane back towards the city proper, Selena’s lips curled into a smile and she gave a half laugh. Then she froze in mid step, the hair on the back of her neck stood straight up. Something was wrong and she knew it. She eyed the waist high grass on either side of the dirt road. That’s where she’d be, if she was them. Knowing there was no chance of making it Selena tried anyway. She dived to her left, rolled and dived again.

  That’s when they shot her.

  The stun beam took her in the midst of the second roll, swatting aside her like an insect. The pain was unbearable and she laid quivering and jerking in the dirt, hand close to her side arm but unable to pull it. Blood flowed down her face where she’d landed and taken the skin off. Selena had made it far too easy for them. She’d become complacent more fool her, and now she’d pay the consequences.

  Laying there unable to move she watched as ten men in the uniform of the royal guard rose out of the grass and sauntered towards her, taking their time. Four of them picked her up and threw her into the back of a skimmer that appeared out of nowhere. The next thing Selena knew she was waking up in what felt like a ship’s darkened hold. She was still in her uniform but chained to a metal bulkhead. A door opened, light filtered in and to her dismay the Queen strode in, the smile on her face saying it all.

  “Hello again, Selena,” she purred. “I have to say I’m sorry to find you like this. I’d so hoped we could become friends, but when you threatened me in front of my staff…well I couldn’t let it slide, now could I? Having said that, I did at least wait until the emergency was over.

  “The fact you saved Capulet means I won’t have you killed, step daughter. But, rest assured, if you ever return to this world you and your kin will be executed immediately. Your threats on my life were made long after the pardon given to the Penal Corps, which means those crimes are punishable.”

  The Queen squatted down in her all-in-one silver trouser outfit, with a black pistol belt at her waist. She grasped Selena’s face with one hand, squeezing her cheeks between fingers and thumb. The agony as the Queen dug her fingers into the ripped and torn flesh focused Selena, and she relished the feeling of the fresh blood pouring down her face.

  “Despite the fact you once tried to kill me you’re the last link I have to Raynor, and I really do care for you. Many of the inner royal-circle wanted you dead a long time ago, but I saved you from the death penalty. It was me who spoke to the off-world judge all those years ago and suggested the penal squads as an alternative. How could I possibly have you killed? You look so much like him.”

  Queen Miranda’s gaze was one of icy triumph, as she tore her hands away and stood, wiping the blood away down the side of her trousers, staining them. “I came to realise I was wrong in trying to reclaim your father all those years ago. I was too late. He’d already fallen in love with your mother by then. He took his own life and I can’t forgive myself for that. But no matter what you believe, I didn’t kill him.

  “Here’s something else for you to consider. Your Aunt May left this world once because she thought I’d have her assassinated. I could have quite easily, of course. I knew exactly where she was but I left her alone. To catch a rat you need a piece of cheese, and she was my key to you. I knew if you came back she’d return too, all I had to do was get a message to her. That’s right, the friend who told your aunt you were here was one of my people. May won’t escape me a second time. She will be watched very closely from now on, and that means you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  Miranda’s smile was cold and chilling. “So, dear step daughter, bear in mind that if anything at all happens to me then the assassins I’ve paid will know exactly where to find your aunt, and will follow the instructions I’ve left for them.”

  “What do you get out of this?” Selena asked. “Why not just kill me and be done with it?”

  “Because your father made me promise that I’d never hurt you. Whatever else you think of me I loved your father and he knew I’d never break my word to him.”

  Selena spat at her as the blood continued to drip from the side of her face. Then came the cold touch of metal against her cheek and she heard the hiss of compressed gas. As she collapsed the chains kept her face from hitting the floor, and her arms above her head.


  A few hours after she awoke Selena was dragged out of the ship and into the spaceport on Loreen. Thrown into the back of a skimmer she was transported a short distance before being dragged straight to the corridor outside of Van Pluy’s office, where she was made to stand and wait. When Selena was finally marched in he was sat at a long table on the right of two other senior officers, Admiral Anderson and someone in the middle that she didn’t know. The sergeant-at-arms kept her at attention.

  “The Queen of Capulet testifies,” Anderson began, “that in front of witnesses you threatened to cut off her eyelids and kill her. We have affidavits from those same witnesses here, in addition to additional evidence. What do you have to say in your defence, Captain?”

  Selena kept silent, knowing for her to speak would do no good at all. Then they played the recordings of her threatening the Queen over Van Pluy’s wall screen followed by the sworn testimonials of her guards. She should have seen that coming. It had been stupid of her to forget that the royal chambers and passageways were monitored by cams. Selena avoided Van Pluy’s eyes as the officer in the middle spoke again.

  “Captain Dillon, the court finds you are guilty of the charges against you. Your promotion to captain was subject to trial and approval, therefore you’re reduced to the rank of commander with immediate effect. You’re als
o sentenced to five year’s additional servitude along with ten lashes. Take her away.”

  Two soldiers dragged her out into the morning sun. The entire garrison had been mustered and stood to attention in long silent black silent ranks. They chained her wrists and ankles to the metal frame and stripped her to the skin, as she knew they would. All of them stared straight ahead, not one attempted eye contact or even a glimpse of her naked body. Then she saw Roberts look her way, and give a slow but perceptible nod. Besides her, Kes remained immobile.

  The pain, when it came, was indescribable but Selena bit back her cries as the leather slashed through her tender skin. They loudly counted seven strikes across her naked back and buttocks, the last three across her bare breasts, stomach and thighs. Not once did she cry out. Selena was in a different place now, where she could shut herself away from the agony and disgrace. A place where Bryn, Samantha and so many dead friends held her hand, whispered in her ears, consoled her and told her there would be a day of reckoning.

  When they finally threw the buckets of saline solution across her raw and bleeding wounds Selena almost passed out. Released from the chains she staggered, still naked to the sickbay. None of the soldiers standing to attention in the parade ground made a sound as she left.

  The sickbay door creaked as it was held open for her and she walked silently, doubled up past the queue of soldiers and civilians waiting to register their complaints. Another held-open door led to where the doctors waited. None of them spoke as they sprayed her wounds with anaesthetic before laying her down on a gurney. There was a sharp hiss of compressed gas and she knew they would heal her wounds and the cosmetic surgeons disguise the scars, making her look whole once again.

  But even as she dropped off to sleep Selena smiled savagely and began to make plans once more.


  My special thanks go to the following for their feedback and input:

  Jason Kurt Easter – Beta Reader


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