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Reverend Cash: Let Us Prey

Page 7

by Sa'id Salaam

  Greg didn’t like it but was content with his fade to black. Not Earl, however. The sissy plotted and planned to get rid of Billy; especially once Pastor Paul started to openly cater to him.

  The preacher saw that Billy had a stronger will than the others. He was a leader so following didn’t come easy. It was obvious to him that Billy enjoyed the oral favors but the boy never initiated them. Earl, on the other hand, threw himself at the pastor, like the woman that he wished he was. The first time he got rebuffed he decided that Billy had to go.

  The Junior Pastor Team met at least once a week at the pastor’s house. And once a week Earl would steal a small trinket or knick-knack from the pastor’s house. Nothing major, just a little something to raise suspicions. He figured since things didn’t start to go missing until after the arrival of the new guy that the suspicions would fall his way. It should’ve but it didn’t.

  “I gotta pee!” Earl raised his hand and announced as he wiggled in his chair like a young girl.

  “So, go ‘head,” Pastor said and frowned up at the unnecessary request for permission. Mrs. Paul made herself scarce most weekends, so the boys had the run of the house. Therefore, they didn’t need permission to use the bathroom. Pastor Paul, being Pastor Paul, still took a look at his ass as he left the room.

  Earl walked loudly down the hallway then quietly tip-toed into Pastor’s room. Once inside he rushed over to the dresser and swiped a pair of the Mrs.’ Panties for his personal use and one of Pastor’s watches as part of his plan. It might have worked had Pastor not snuck down and saw him. Without a sound he snuck back out and acted as if he hadn’t seen the theft.

  “Whew! I had to pee bad!” Earl said, still playing it off like he’d gone to the bathroom.

  “That’s it for the day. Now, let’s say we hit the backyard and fire the grill up!” Pastor Paul suggested.

  “Yassir!” Billy cheered along with the other boys. They all popped up to rush outside for burgers and hotdogs. Both Pastor and Earl lagged behind the others, but for different reasons. Earl wanted to slip the watch into Billy’s bag while Pastor had a call to make.

  “What’s the matter boy?” Pastor Paul asked when Earl stayed behind. Assuming he wanted the usual he whipped out his dick.

  “Pastor, I… oh! Earl paused upon seeing his favorite snack. He rushed over and quickly went down on the man.

  “Hurr’ up,” the preacher said thrusting his hips so he would. Hurry up Earl did and so it was over minutes after it started. Earl wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and stood.

  “I’ll be right out,” he said, hoping for a chance to hide the watch, but it was not to be.

  “No, gon’ on out. I’ll be right out,” Pastor corrected so he could make his call.

  “I… um… I… um…” Earl stammered in confusion at the changed of plans. He thought quickly and came up with a new one. He then dug in his pocket and produced the watch. “Look!”

  “My watch! Where did you get that from boy?” Pastor boomed.

  “From Billy! He stole it! He always be stealing. I saw him put it in his bag and I got it out for you. Here.”

  “You know what… put it in your pocket and hold on to it,” Pastor Paul said and shooed him on outside so that he could make his call before joining the party.

  Billy frowned curiously at the smug looks the sissy kept shooting his way. Earl just knew that today would be the last day that he had to deal with the intruder and boy was he right. Right after the food was served and they’d all lowered their heads in prayer two police officers entered the yard. Earl giggled, like a little girl, at what he thought was to come.

  “Which one of these boys been stealing?” the no nonsense white officer demanded. He hoped in his black heart that the pastor would say all of them so he could lock all of their black asses up.

  “Mm hm,” Earl chided at Billy. “Bye-bye.”

  “I can’t say for sure. You better check their pockets,” Pastor Paul replied.

  “Mm hm,” Earl teased once more until the words processed in his head.

  The white cop ordered the boys to their feet and then he and his black partner got to work. Billy came up clean, as did Dwight. The two stood to the side and watched as Greg and Earl got frisked.

  “What in the world?” the black cop asked when he pulled a pair of Mrs. Paul’s panties from Earl’s pocket.

  “I can explain!” Earl said and looked at Pastor.

  “While you at it explain this too!” the cop demanded as he held up Pastor’s watch.

  “My watch! Boy, what you doing with my watch?” Pastor asked, showing off his acting skills.

  “Huh? You… I… I… thought we…” Earl whined as he was cuffed and carted off to jail. Luckily for him he was still a juvenile so he only went to kiddie jail.

  “Can I have his burger?” Billy asked once the commotion died down.

  “But of course! Y’all dig in,” Pastor ordered. The party went on as if the incident never happened. All the boys knew that Pastor had been fucking that boy and they all hoped that they wouldn’t be next.


  “Billy, why don’t you wait here while I drop Greg and Dwight off at home,” Pastor Paul suggested once the meal was wrapped up. Both the other boys breathed a sigh of relief that they weren’t chosen.

  “I… uh… I… um… gotta get home. Gotta go take care of my mama!” he begged off and held up Earl’s burger as proof.

  “Shol’ do,” the preacher recalled. “You a good boy!”

  Dwight raised his brows like ‘whew’ and pretended to wipe sweat from his face while Billy shook his head in agreement at having dodged a bullet. He would take the money, clothes, driving lessons, he would even take the blow jobs but he wasn’t getting fucked.

  When Pastor drove to Greg’s out of the way house first Billy knew he was being saved for last. He and Dwight shot each other knowing looks and shook their heads. In truth they could only blame themselves for the abuse. They’d traded their dignity in exchange for material things. Pastor Paul was the only one winning.

  “See you at the revival,” Dwight said when he got out at his house. He waved and went inside.

  “I think you ‘bout ready to…” Pastor began but got cut off.

  “No, I ain’t ready! I doubt I’ll ever be ready! I…”

  “Boy, I’m tryna let you drive and you acting scurred! Don’t let me find out you scurred!” Pastor dared.

  “Fo’ real! I mean, really? I can drive?” Billy asked changing his tone.

  “Sure you can!” Pastor replied changing his tone as well. He was about to crack for some booty but saw that the boy wasn’t ready. That he wasn’t quite ripe yet so he’d slow it down, for now. He figured he might have to buy him a car before he got the ass.

  Billy cheesed from ear to ear as he pulled off in the shiny new car. Just like with sex and drugs he had become instantly addicted. He wished he could push past the pool hall so he could be seen. All of the pimps pushed Caddies but none as new as this. Even big shot Leroy drove last year’s model. Proof that there’s more money in selling dreams than nuts.

  “First Corinthians…” Billy said and began to quote scripture. He had saw Pastor looking him up and down and hoped to take his mind off of whatever it was on.

  “Mm hm,” he said and reached into Billy’s lap. He fiddled with the zipper until he got it down. Once it was open he went inside.

  “I’m tryna drive!” he protested in a whiny voice.

  “You gotta learn to drive while getting yo’ dick sucked too. That shit is an art!” he explained. At least that much was true, it was an art.

  The car swerved slightly when Billy felt Pastor’s tonsils tickle his dick head. He got it straight and tried to focus as he deep throated him. An orgasm caused him to stomp on the gas, but he eased off before running a light. He’d managed to master the art in only a couple of miles.

  Lady was on the porch rocking in the same rocker he’d left her in hours before. The full pick
le jar next to her meant she hadn’t been inside. She didn’t even register the car pulling to a stop. Billy skipped the goodbyes and rushed up to his mother.

  “Hey Mama. Did you eat?” he asked softly. The sound of his voice snapped her from her incoherent thoughts that had frozen her in place for hours.

  “Chile, I’m starved! Yo’ sister still ain’t made it in yet!” she announced.

  “I know, Mama. Come on. Let’s go inside,” he urged and helped her up. Pastor stared at his ass as he walked her inside.

  “You got some reefer?” Lady asked hopefully.

  “Yeah, Mama. I got some reefer.”

  Chapter 18

  “So… what y’all be doing over there at Pastor’s house?” Byron asked. It seemed like he snatched the question out of nowhere but really he’d just revived the conversation he and Leroy were having before Billy arrived.

  “Huh?” he replied since getting head was the first thing that popped in his head. He certainly wouldn’t admit to that so he pretended not to hear the question instead.

  “I said, what y’all be doing with Pastor Paul?” he repeated.

  “I hear he like boy pussy,” Leroy said cutting through to the chase. “You ain’t over there fuckin’ ‘round is you boy?”

  “Huh? Nah! Hell nah! I don’t know what he be doing with them other boys but not me. No sir! All I do is learn to preach. He’s been teaching us how to talk proper, drive cars, uh…” Billy rambled on. As he did it became clear to Leroy that he’d done something. He didn’t know what, but he knew it was something and that’s why the boy was still explaining. “Teach us how to dress…”

  “Oh okay,” Leroy cut in. “I hear that lil sissy got sent to reform school for stealing out Pastor’s house.”

  “Who?” Billy asked. He was still shook up about from the first question to remember about Earl.

  “That faggot from over on the Westside! The one stay by my grandma ‘ndem,” Byron reminded.

  “Oh yeah. He did?” he asked sincerely since he hadn’t heard what the outcome had been.

  Earl actually didn’t have to go to reform school. The judge had given him the option of two years community service or one year in the reformatory. Once Earl heard about being in a dorm with thirty other boys he chose jail. This is where the adage ‘happy as a faggot in jail’ began.

  “Anyway,” Leroy tossed in, indicating a change of subjects, “I may pull that sissy into my stable once he get home. I got a couple of white men who love black boy pussy.”

  “Leroy say he gone let us get us a stable too!” Byron cheered.

  “Sho’nuff,” Billy replied with a lack of enthusiasm that pissed Leroy off.

  “What, you still slangin’ dick boy? You still a hoe?” the pimp taunted.

  “You mean am I still having sex with women all over town and getting paid to do it? Yes! Hell yes!” Billy shot back.

  “Look boy, I’m tryna get you straight! Gonna start you off with a couple used whores and…”

  “I’m good. I just need some reefer fo’ me and my mama. I gotta go make my rounds,” Billy quipped. It amused him to piss the pimp off. It shouldn’t have though because Leroy was a very, very dangerous man.


  “Woooo-weee!” Bernice shouted as Billy pounded her to yet another orgasm. A glance at the wind up clock on the dresser revealed that she still had six minutes left so she pulled her legs back in search of another one.

  “Mm hm,” Billy hummed as he gave her the business. He too kept an eye on the clock on the dresser. When her paid half hour eclipsed he stopped abruptly mid-stroke.

  “Un uh! Please! I’m right there,” she pleaded. She threw her hips up stealing a few more strokes until Billy snatched out of her.

  “You wanna ‘nother half hour?” he asked getting out of the bed. Bernice quickly scrambled over to get her purse in reply.

  Once the ten dollar bill was in hand he pushed back inside. His customer service skills may have been fucked up but he always got the job done. Bernice came so hard the next time that she moved the bed six inches. When the time elapsed again she went back into her purse once more but it was not to be.

  “I cain’t,” Billy said in sorrow as he mourned the money he’d just turned down. “I gotta go get some sleep. I gotta preach in the morning.”


  “You fo’ real?” Lady asked for the tenth time as she dressed for church. The news of her child preaching in the church had snapped her out of her funk — literally since she’d even bathed herself that morning. Lady was back!

  “Yes, Mama. Sho’ nuff. Pastor said I’m ready!” he repeated, even though he’d missed the double entendre of the words. “If I do good, I mean, well, Pastor say he gon’ buy us a car!”

  “Chile, you cain’t get no license yet!” Lady squealed in delight at the good news. She was hoping he would overcome that hurdle and he did.

  “My birthday ain’t too far off, remember,” he reminded.

  “Of course, I remember my baby’s birthday!” she exclaimed. Her mood darkened as quickly as a southern storm rolling in when she also remembered that her daughter’s birthday was just days away.

  “Don’t start, Mama!” Billy pleaded. It took too much out of them both when the depression set in. Luckily for both of them a horn honked out front signaling it was time to go. “Pastor sent Deacon Hunter to give us a ride.”

  “Ooh, my son is a big shot!” Lady cheered as she slipped into her church shoes and hat and hit the door.


  The perfidious preacher viewed the pulpit as a stage, and he knew for a fact that his protégé would put on a good show. And since there was no business like show business he really showed out. Even his hype-man worked up a sweat trying to keep up with him. Every man needs a hype-man — again if you don’t have one then you just might be one.

  The collection plate stayed in motion the whole four hours that Pastor Paul hooped and hollered. He was trying to get all the twenties, tens, and fives before he passed the mic. After all it was still big bank take little bank. Final-fucking-ly, Pastor announced young Billy.

  “Young Reverend Cash, are you ready to send ‘em home?” he asked Billy, who sat, next to The First Lady, waiting. Billy nodded that he was and took to his feet. It still took Pastor Paul another twenty minutes to give up the stage. He almost sent the plate around once more but decided to at least let the youngster get some ones.

  Billy took to the pulpit and closed his eyes as tightly as he did his mouth. When a full minute had passed people assumed he was praying, but he wasn’t. Prayer required faith and the boy had none. No, he was just being dramatic, like Leroy did with his whores. Anytime one of them fucked up the pimp would shut his eyes and not say a word. Then when he finally did speak it would be even more dramatic.

  “Take your time,” you know who called out. Lady whipped her head around and smiled at her friend. He winked and she winked back and a tacit date was set. Lady was back to being a tramp.

  “I’m ‘bout to take my time!” Billy shot back sounding almost defiant. “Gon’ take my time and tell you about the Glory of God!”

  The congregation went wild at the oxymoron. God is far too glorious to be defined in a lifetime, let alone the hour he had. Still, he made a good show quoting scripture to fit his needs. Dwight ‘Amened’ and ‘yes Lawded’ behind him as he spoke.

  Pastor Paul smiled despite being jealous of his performance. Even the collection plates came back full as people went into their other pocket to spend some of the money they put aside to spend. Lady got caught up in his rapture as well. She threw her hands in the air and waved them side to side like she just didn’t care.

  “Great job!” the preacher congratulated once they’d finished making small talk with the parishioners on their way out. “Come on to my office so I can take care of bizness.”

  “Um… I… um… gotta go with my mama. We…” Billy stammered for a way out.

  “Go on head.” Lady urged. “My friend a
nd I gonna grab a bite.”

  “Okay Mama,” he sighed and followed the pastor into his office. He felt somewhat safe in the office since it was in the church.

  Pastor Paul flipped through Billy’s collection plate with the dexterity of a cash machine. Billy frowned at the three way split knowing good and well the Lawd wasn’t getting his cut. Still, it was a pocket full of cash and that’s all that mattered.

  Billy let out a sigh when Pastor kneeled before him. He just closed his eyes while he did his business below his belt. Once it was over he went home to change into his street clothes and hit the streets.

  Chapter 19

  Weak minded people equate money with power. That’s why a clownish billionaire would eventually run for president in 2015. That’s why Leroy played chess with real people. Moving whores like pawns, sacrificed for the king. That’s why Billy started feeling himself at sixteen.

  His pockets stayed full of money and his system stayed full of reefer and wine. Between preaching, drug runs, and dick slinging you couldn’t tell him nothing. In fact, he got to the point where he thought he could call the shots.

  “Not today!” Billy barked and swatted Pastor Paul’s hand away from his zipper. The preacher frowned up as if perplexed by a tough question.

  “What you mean, not today?” he asked. His money had tricked him into thinking he was powerful as well.

  “I mean not today! You cain’t suck my meat today! I may… LET you tomorrow, but NOT today,” he said smugly.

  “Sho’ nuff,” the preacher nodded as it all came together in his mind. He laughed out loud upon realizing that the boy was feeling himself.

  And why wouldn’t he when the weekend revivals were now called The Reverend Cash Revivals, and the congregation loved him so much that he now got an entire service to himself once a month. Those were big days for them both since they split the take 50/50. The Lawd didn’t get a cut on those days.

  “Sho’ nuff. Now take me home!” Billy demanded.

  “Pride comes before the fall,” Pastor quoted.


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