Nobody Can Love You Like Them Roughnecks Do 3
Page 7
“I fucked an escort bitch one time when I was out of town for a fight. I wasn’t big then, but my name was just starting to make a few waves in this boxing shit. She let me fuck no charge though. I wasn’t making that much, and I damn sure wasn’t about to pay for pussy when I get that for free.”
“I guess I’m weird then. I like to pay.”
“Fuck out of here.” Belly shook his head, disagreeing, as I pulled up into the dirty parking lot, where we both got out of the car.
The attendant gave me a ticket, so I pocketed it before we hit the corner to go inside.
“Them shoes are fresh as fuck. Hermès?” I inquired just as we walked into the loud and dark ass club. Belly nodded.
We made our way up to where Shaun’s section was, and as soon as she saw me, she rushed up to give me a hug.
“I’m so happy you came! Do you see your work? I look so bomb!” Shaun squealed.
“Well I didn’t have to do much for that to happen.” I half smiled as she grinned up at me.
“Wow. Cortez Khalil, nice to meet you.” She stuck her hand out, so he shook it. “I already have my money on you against Mason. My brother switched sides once he saw you got shot, but I believe you’ll still win.”
“Yo’ brother sounds like a little bitch, but thank you.”
“Aight, maybe we should get a drink.” I interjected before she said anything else to this nigga and got her feelings hurt. Her face already said she was baffled by his response.
“Yeah, there is plenty. We have servers as well, if you’d like to get something in particular from the bar. All drinks are free tonight for everyone up here in my area.”
“Great. Enjoy ya party.”
“I will.” She looked to Belly then said, “Remember, I’m rooting for you.”
He ignored her as he went to see what bottles were up here. I kissed her cheek, then followed after him. I popped open one of the Hennessy bottles, then filled my glass as Belly took a water bottle to the head.
“Just a few more weeks until you can get twisted again.” I laughed, knowing he wanted a drink.
He just shook his head before bobbing it to the music. We’d only been chilling for about ten minutes before a group of niggas showed up, entering the area.
I saw Rafi leading the pack, and when we made eye contact, he stared for a minute. After greeting Shaun with a hug, he appeared to excuse himself from his homies before walking over and sitting across from Belly and me. I wasn’t sure if he knew about Priscilla and me, but I doubted it.
“Will Dade, right?” Rafi pointed, making himself a glass of Hennessy with no ice. Belly was occupied with his phone, surely texting his beloved Blaise.
“Yeah, that’s me. You know me?”
“Well I wouldn’t say I know you, but I’ve heard of you in the business.” He took a sip. “I also know you took some pictures of Priscilla; a few videos and shit at her request too.”
“That’s all fine, but I’ve seen your name pop up on her phone at inappropriate times, so I wanted to get at you about that.”
“What does me messaging her at any time of the day have to do with you?”
“That’s my girl, and another nigga hitting her up at all times of the night ain’t gon’ fly with me. So I’m coming to you right now to let yo’ ass know to kill that shit off. You wanna take her photos, do that, but all this other shit is a no-go.”
I was caught off guard at him mentioning that Priscilla was his girl. She told me they’d broken up, but this nigga was acting like that wasn’t the case.
“Ain’t Yesenia yo’ bitch?”
“Nah, that was some rebound shit. Prissy and I made up. Now layup off her.”
“Maybe you should step yo’ shit up, and yo’ bitch wouldn’t be trying to get fucked by other niggas.” Belly tossed one of the fries from the fresh plate that had just been delivered into his mouth.
“Nigga, what?” Rafi frowned.
“You heard what the fuck I said.” Belly looked him dead in the eyes, calm as fuck.
“You need to worry about yo’ own girl and what she be out here doing.”
“She don’t be out doing shit. You the one rolling up in the club, pressing other muthafuckas about what’s yours like a bitch.” He ate some more fries after shoving them in ketchup. “All that fucking money yo’ ass got, and you ’round here sporting the same gut as a gas station attendant. That’s why yo’ girl talking to other niggas.”
“Nigga, you—”
Rafi hopped up, but so did Belly at the same time.
“You better sit yo’ stupid ass down ’fore I embarrass the fuck out of you and ruin yo’ fake ass hood rap rep. You tough on them songs, but you’ll get knocked the fuck out in real life, nigga. Don’t confuse the two.”
After having a glare contest with Belly for a little bit, Rafi looked down at me and said, “Stay out my girl’s phone.”
Once he pressed on, Belly and I finished our drinks and fries, then bounced. This was some crazy shit.
The next evening…
I was in my living room, waiting for Priscilla. I hadn’t mentioned shit about what happened between Rafi and I, because I wanted to talk with her in person. Also, I wanted to see her. I hadn’t spent time with her ass in days, which was at Belly’s party, and I was bugging. Before all this, we saw each other every day pretty much.
When I heard my doorbell ring, I hopped up, dusting my jeans off even though I knew they were clean. I went all out knowing I was gon’ see Priscilla.
“Hi.” She smiled widely, wearing a long coat.
“What you got on under there?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” She glided in, wrapping her arms around my body. When she tilted her head back, I kissed her lips. “Ready, Mister?”
“Yeah, come on.”
Taking her hand in mine, I led her to my whip, opening the passenger side door for her. I rounded the car to get in on my side, then started the engine before peeling off.
We ended up at this Italian restaurant named Rao’s, where I’d booked us a reservation. It was pretty upscale, but I ain’t mind blowing a little money on Priscilla.
It’d been a minute since I’d taken a woman out to a place like this, despite having a girlfriend in Dionne for the longest. Being here made me realize just how horrible of a nigga I was to her, so I honestly couldn’t stay mad at her actions.
“Wine for the table is fine,” I let the waiter know. She nodded then went to get the one I’d pointed to on the menu. “So I’ve missed you, Priscilla.”
“I’ve missed you too. I’ve just been so busy with dancing and everything. It’s really becoming more lucrative than before.”
“I know. I’ve been seeing you post all the opportunities you get. It’d be better if I heard about them from you though.”
“I know, and I’m sorry. I will do better with my time, I promise.”
I didn’t respond since the waiter had returned with some glasses and our wine of choice. She filled them, then took our appetizer and food orders. It seemed like a damn hour had passed before she finally left us alone.
“You know, Priscilla, just recently, we both agreed that we were together. I haven’t changed my mind on that.”
“Me either.” She shook her head. “I know it seems like it, Will, but I swear I will improve.” She touched my hand with her free one, while using the other to down the wine.
“Last night, I was in the club, and Rafi showed up trying to press me about you. He told me he and Yesenia were no longer, and that y’all have rekindled. What the fuck is he talking about?”
“Thank you.” She smiled at the waiter when she set the baked clams down. Sighing as the waiter left, she added, “We did make up; he’s not lying. Will, I’m sorry. I do want to be with you, but I’m not sure if I don’t want to be with Rafi.” She teared up. “I love being with you, but I don’t know if I’m actually out of love with Rafi or just angry with him.”
“So what t
he fuck you doing with me then? Why not say that shit from the beginning and let me do me?”
“Because I don’t want that! I don’t want you with other girls. Nichole and these streetwalkers have been enough!”
“You expect me to sit and wait for you? Like I’m some side nigga?”
“Kind of,” she whimpered. “Just hold out for a little bit, and give me some time to think.”
“And if I hold out, then you decide you want Rafi, where the fuck does that leave me? Huh, Priscilla?” Her ass was on mute, so I nodded. “Look, we can finish dinner, but after this, I can’t fuck with you.”
“Priscilla, stop. Go be with that nigga, giving you diseases and embarrassing in you in public. If that’s what you like, I’m not the man for you anyway.”
She said nothing, which for some reason upset me. It was like she was accepting what I’d said and planning to do just that. I’d never been the type to have a woman stressing me, even before my addiction, but Priscilla had me on one.
We ate our food in silence, which was weird, but I wasn’t about to make nice with her. The ride home was the same, only I played some music, so it wasn’t as bad. I did hear her sniffling a little bit, but I gave myself an internal talk so I wouldn’t cave.
When I pulled up to her car outside of my spot, she looked to me and said, “Will, I’m sorry.”
Slowly, she turned away from me and got out of the car. I just needed to stick to hoes, and that’s what I would do.
Alivia Farms
One week later… Thursday morning…
“Where you going?” Manny kissed down the nape of my neck and upper back as he held me from behind.
“I’m going to meet Blaise. She finally got a day where she doesn’t have to work while the sun is out.” I began laughing as he caressed my naked body, still raining kisses on me. “Manny, I have to go.”
“Give me one round.” He turned me onto my back and wedged himself between my legs.
I started to say no, but the feeling of his dick hardening quickly changed my mind. Not to mention, he was so sexy with his caramel skin and that long beard that I loved.
After a round of sweaty sex with Manny, he passed back out while I got up to take a shower. I brushed my teeth once I was done, then changed into a simple tube dress and some Gucci slides. I was growing my hair out of its bob style, so I let it be free before applying a little eye concealer and some highlighter. By the time I was leaving, Manny was up brushing his teeth, so I waited until he was done before planting one on his lips.
I left out of his place smiling so hard I could barely contain it. Manny and I had gotten so close that I left things at his place. I hadn’t been this happy in a very long time, and I was thankful every day that I’d chosen to leave that prison of my parents’ house. Well, I guess I mean I was thankful that they’d kicked me out.
Now I had a man that I couldn’t get enough of, and friends that didn’t bore me to death, talking about their wack ass husbands.
Blaise and I agreed to meet at this place named Paley off of Sunset. It was a cute little bright spot, with great food.
“Oh good, you’re already here.” I walked up to the table, placing my YSL purse in the bright yellow chair.
“Hey, sexy.” Blaise got up to hug me. “You are like a ray of sunshine.”
“I am?” I grinned, sitting across from her as she sipped her juice of some kind. “I hadn’t noticed.”
“Yeah, it’s very apparent. I haven’t seen you in almost two weeks, so what’s been up?”
“I know. I hate that. I’m deejaying a gig this weekend, and I want you and Priscilla to come. You’ll be in VIP, and everything will be free.”
“I’ll be there. You seem to be doing okay despite what happened with Manny.”
I smiled only since the waiter was at the table, but once I told her what I wanted to drink, I replied, “Well, we got back together.”
“Damn, I’m all for forgiveness, but that quickly? What the hell did he say to you for that to happen?” She straightened up.
“The girl was lying, Blaise. And you know me. I’m not used to this type of ghetto mess, so when a woman tells me something, I believe it. I should have learned from that stripper and Yono.”
“We still don’t know if that stripper’s baby is Yono’s or not. Alivia, I don’t want to be the one to tell you this, but she’s not lying.”
“How would you know?” I frowned. My heart was beating rather quickly, making me feel like I was going to have a heart attack. This always happened when I was about to get either really mad or really sad.
“His brother is my boyfriend, and we talk. I don’t usually divulge what Belly says to me, but he told me that the boy was Manny’s after I explained to him that the baby mama popped up on you.”
“Maybe Belly thinks it is.”
“Could be, but you should make him take a DNA test to be sure. That way you will know the truth, and also it could stop the girl from spreading lies.”
“Yeah. Do you know the girl?”
“I don’t. But a lot of people around Belly’s old neighborhood do.”
“You think we could go over there so I could find her? I wanna talk to her myself before I ask him anything.”
“You sure you want me with you?” Blaise’s brows dipped.
“I do. I want you to hear her out as well, and tell me if you think she’s bullshitting. You can read people well; me, not so much.”
“Okay. Just let me know when.”
“After we finish up here. I wanna do this as soon as possible.”
Blaise nodded.
We finished our lunch, and even though I didn’t feel well, I was still able to eat. I appreciated Blaise for keeping my mind off of Manny’s alleged baby mama drama while we ate.
By the time we were done, it was a little after 1:30 p.m., so we paid then left out. We went to drop her car off at her condo building, then rode together in mine to Inglewood.
I didn’t frequent these areas, especially in my nice car, because something criminal was always happening. However, today’s deed needed to be done, so I couldn’t be afraid.
“Pull over right here, and we can ask them niggas in the park,” Blaise suggested.
I did as she asked, despite me feeling leery of the gangbanger looking men. I shut the engine off, so we got out simultaneously before entering through the dirty dusty gate.
“Oh shit,” a couple of them mumbled once we were in their view.
“Hi, fellas.” Blaise grinned.
“Baby, I will do whatever it is that you want me to.” The cute light-skinned guy sized Blaise up. Her short dress didn’t help. Per usual, she wore black to camouflage her growing belly. That nigga probably saw and didn’t care anyway.
“Good.” She tousled her hair. She looked like she had this in the bag, so I stayed quiet. “Do you guys know a girl named Jasmine?”
“Jawsmine you mean?” One corrected Blaise, before they all burst into laughter.
“Maybe. She has a little son named Jasiel.”
“Oh yeah, same person. What you need her for?” The light-skinned one frowned.
“Aye, you Belly’s girl?” another chimed in, standing up and scaring me a bit.
“I’m his wife, if any of these bitches around here wanna know,” Blaise retorted, making the men grin and comment while nodding, showing they appreciated her aggressiveness. “But I just want to talk to her. It’s not anything bad.”
“Oh, aight, beautiful. She lives right across that way. Just drive straight from over here, make a left on the first open street, and she’s the third house.”
“Thank you,” we replied in unison before walking away. We both giggled at the men’s comments on our bodies.
Getting back in the car, I repeated the guy’s directions in my head until I was in front of the house. I parked across the street, and just as I turned my car off, I saw a truck swoop int
o her driveway. Blaise and I watched as she got out and then pulled her sleeping son from the back seat to head inside. We gave her a few minutes, thinking she needed to lie him down or something, then made our way across the street to ring her doorbell.
“Who is it?” Jasmine yelled out.
“And Blaise!” We heard her taking off the locks and then push open the screen door slowly. When Blaise saw her, she looked surprised. “I just saw you at Siggy’s party. He’s your boyfriend?”
“Yes, just recently. Is there something I can do for you…?” She stopped when she saw me. “Look, I don’t want any drama. It was fucked up of me to pop up on you and Manny that way, but I was frustrated that night. I have my baby here sleeping, and I’m not about to be getting jumped.”
“Oh no, I don’t fight!” I quickly nipped her thoughts in the bud, making Blaise chuckle. “I know you don’t know me and have no reason to trust me, but I was wondering if I could come in and talk to you?”
“About what?”
“She wants to know the truth because she really wants to be with Manny, that’s all.” Blaise took over for me, thankfully.
“Umm, okay. But I have to start dinner in a little bit since my son will be up soon, and Siggy’s coming over.”
“We won’t be long,” I assured her.
She stepped back to allow us both in, so we walked up the steps to go inside. Her place was pretty nice, well the furniture, because the outside was a mess. I did notice she had some boxes out with the words U-Haul on them.
“You moving soon?” Blaise inquired, obviously peeping the same thing I had. We took a seat on the couch after Jasmine gestured for us to.
“Yes. My boyfriend got me a condo in a nicer area. It’s right by my son’s kindergarten he’ll be going to next year.” Jasmine sat down. She had on skinny jeans and a tube top, nothing special, but she was a pretty girl. I was looking her over, trying to understand why Manny would have to lie, if he was lying.
“That’s good. This area is not the place to be if you don’t have to.” Blaise smiled, and she gave her one back.