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Pandora by Holly Hollander

Page 19

by Gene Wolfe

  Muddy said, “Tomorrow I’m gonna stew some with bread crumbs and green peppers.”

  That about winds it up; you don’t have to read this last part if you don’t want to. Bullets from the gun in my father’s desk matched the bullet they took out of Uncle Herbert, and the police found a nurse’s aide who’d seen him and Elaine leaving together, so that was the one they tried her on. About once a month I hitch downstate to visit her, but I haven’t used any of the stuff she’s told me in the visiting room when I put together this book, because it’s different almost every time. My father still has his place on the Gold Coast, only now there’s a woman named Marcie living with him; she’s maybe five years older than I am. I haven’t seen him for a couple of months, but yesterday I got him a birthday card at Ozco’s, and when I send this off to the first publisher on my list I’m going to mail his card to him. Maybe it’ll remind him my own birthday’s coming up pretty quick now. You never know.

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