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Warlords Saga

Page 44

by Brian K. Larson


  “Fine!” Race snapped, not wanting to hear the Eridonian’s explanation, “You can call me Race, or you can call me Colonel. Just don’t call me Colonel Race Jennings, already!”

  “...or late for dinner,” Race’s XO giggled. He held the back of his hand to his lips, “Sorry, Sir. I couldn’t resist.”

  “Well, it’s a good thing I’m so good natured now isn’t it, Commander?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Rollins cleared his throat into his closed fist.

  “Alright then,” Race impatiently pointed forward once more, “Do ya mind?”

  “Right,” Artemis nodded, “My apologies, Colonel,” and then she placed two long spindly fingers on each of her temples and closed her almond-shaped eyes.

  A few moments of the radio crackling put the CSC on edge, and then radio silence broke with Captain Wallace’s voice, “Colonel, you’re not going to believe this, Sir.”

  “Spill it Corey.”

  “Well, Sir. The nuggets have secured the missile platform.”

  Artemis peeked through one of her eyes and smiled at Race and then returned to her concentration.

  “Excellent work, Captain. Double check the moorings and we’ll bring the test software online.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Corey acknowledged.

  Artemis once again opened her eyes to address Race, “Colonel Jennings, I know you are rushed to advance to the planets Mars and Venus to begin setting up the defense grid there. However, you are not being exactly truthful in your motivations, this I can sense. Are you planning your own rogue rescue mission?”

  “No...yes...I mean...damn wait just one cotton pickin’ minute! You’ve been trying to poke around inside my head again, haven’t you?”

  “I apologize, Colonel Jennings,” Artemis motioned ostentatiously. “However, though I do support your intentions, do you not agree that it would be best to inform your top officers of your intentions?”

  Race’s face turned beet-red, crossed his arms, yet remained as calm as possible, “I would like to have a private word with you, if I may?”

  It is certainly alright for you to feel the need to speak with me, so we can meet privately within your mind, Colonel Jennings.

  Race stepped back and sat in his restraint seat behind him and closed his eyes, now you’re hijacking my mind. I meant that I wanted to privately have a word with you in my ready room, and not in front of my bridge crew!

  There is no need for us to leave the bridge. This is much more efficient and you will see that since time seems to be of the essence...

  We don’t like you poking around inside our heads. That’s the reason for moving to my ready room, capeesh?

  Very well, Colonel Jennings, even though I already know that you are upset with me for calling you out in front of your bridge crew.

  Yes, I’m not the least happy. My plans are mine! No one else’s until ‘I’ choose!

  Artemis took a step back, hostility towards me is unwarranted and unnecessary, Colonel Jennings. I truly meant no harm. Please accept my deepest apologies for my clumsy communications.

  My thoughts are my thoughts! It just so happens that I’ve been thinking about how to rescue Danielle. Doesn’t mean I’m going to act on it. Humans do something that’s called fantasize, maybe you’ve heard about it? We like to run things though our minds that way. It’s how we come up on new and interesting ideas.

  Yes, Colonel Jennings, we do understand some of the human ways. Again, my apologies for my impropriety, Artemis nodded. In a moment you will understand why this was the most prudent method of communication.

  I’m all ears...or is that all mind. I can’t figure this stuff out.

  You see, Colonel Jennings, this mind transference was instantaneous. To you it seems several minutes, in actuality, a fraction of a second. I have also erased the memories of the others that are on the bridge. They will not remember me calling you out as you say. Rather, they will continue with their duties.

  What? I-I’m afraid I don’t understand.

  Do not be concerned, Colonel Jennings. You will

  “Sir?” Race heard over the comm system.


  “Your orders, Sir?”

  “What’s your status?”

  “The platform, Sir? The nuggets have secured the missile platform?”

  Artemis peeked through one of her eyes toward Race, only winking this time, and then returned to her concentration.

  “Right, right, uh, Captain, double check the moorings, we’re bringing the test software online now. Tactical, confirm?”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Bradley reported, “Initiating missile platform diagnostics...comm link established...diagnostics underway. Station will be online in an hour.”

  Race shot Artemis a glance, and whispered, “How’d you do that?”

  Artemis smiled with her eyes closed shhh, do not be concerned. Merely accept it, Colonel Jennings.

  “Navigation,” Race began

  “NAV station ready, Sir,” Lieutenant April Hopper answered, snapping to the ready.

  “Relax, April,” Race smiled at the young Lieutenant, “You don’t have to worry about impressing me. You already have. That’s why you’re sittin’ where you are today.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Lieutenant; set course for Venus. Lieutenant Fulton; send word to the Jannali to pack it up and set course for Mars. We’re buggin’ out in an hour.”

  “Aye, Aye Sir,” Lieutenants Hopper and Fulton replied in unison.

  “Message sent, Sir. Captain Martin acknowledges and will jump to Mars in one hour.”

  “Course set for Venus,” Lieutenant Hopper acknowledged, “Jump drives are prepping, Sir.”

  “Chief Hunter,” Commander Rollins ordered over the ship’s comm link, “Recall all ships and secure the flight deck. Prepare for jump.”

  “Aye, Aye, Commander. I’ll report all clear when the decks are ready.”

  Artemis shot her eyes open and stood from her reclined position.

  “What’s the matter?” Race asked.

  “I have received a message from Malcom from the Sigma Draconis system.”


  “Oh dear.”

  Race slapped his forehead, “I hate it when you do that! What already?”

  “Malcom has lost all contact with Danielle.”

  “I thought you already determined we lost communication through some kind of blood ritual or something? Malcom said he had a telepathic link to Darnash?”

  “Yes, yes...he was regaining his telepathic link to Danielle. We began to realize that the force within the Antarian’s blood she partook of was diminishing its effect on her.”

  “What does this mean then?”

  “It means their blood spirit has renewed her powers.”

  “Or she’s dead,” Race added.

  “We do not believe she is dead as we can still feel her presence. Her strength is strong...yes...I can feel it too...through Malcom.”

  “Well, that’s a relief...sort of.”

  “Yes. However, we have also lost our telepathic link to Darnash.”

  “What do you suppose that could mean?”

  “It is unclear...”

  “Is he alive?”

  “I am sorry, Colonel Jennings. It is difficult to fully understand.”

  “You don’t know then?”

  “No, we cannot clearly know what is happening. It is most unsettling. There is a great amount of emotion being released...fear...anger...revenge...there is a great battle being waged on Serintin...that is what we can feel...civil war rages...unrest...this is the best time for us to implement our plan...we need to act quickly while we still have time.”

  “Time? Time for what? Can you sense that they’re going to attack? Time to mount a rescue?”

  “To prepare for the Antarian attack force if Danielle wins this battle.”

  “How will you know?”

�We will know, Colonel Jennings, because she will be dead if she does not win this battle.”

  “You can see that she’s battling, but you can’t see with who or what?”

  “Not entirely. Malcom’s mind and mine are linked uniquely. This allows us to refine a clearer picture. Not in the sense you will understand. Images. Flashes of faces...expressions, and the feeling of a great desire to kill.”

  “From her opponent?”

  “No, Colonel Jennings, from Danielle.”

  “Danielle? She must be pretty mad about somethin’ to want to kill.”

  “It is the Antarian Blood Song. It runs through her once again. She is much more powerful with this second dose, and we are afraid that with each dose she takes, it will take her farther from us.”

  “Are you saying we might not be able to reverse the effect that blood has on her?”

  “With every dose that is consumed, the further her original DNA will be altered. Unless you understand gene therapy and DNA manipulation, she will be lost to the Antarian blood spirit forever.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t let that happen to her.”

  Are you still planning on a rescue mission, Colonel Jennings?

  “You bet I am!”

  His XO leaned over, “Sir?”

  “Just as soon as we’ve completed our defense grid set up as promised. I plan on forming a rescue party for Danielle.”

  “Colonel Jennings,” Artemis smiled, “I am glad you are being forthcoming with these plans to rescue Danielle. However, I must remind you that these actions would be against the Admiral’s orders.”

  “Well, sometimes it’s better to ask forgiveness than permission.” Race smirked, “I’m sure I can persuade my ol’ buddy Jed, as long as I’ve fulfilled my sworn obligation.”

  “Very well, Colonel Jennings, we shall look forward to assisting you in your efforts should the Admiral agree.”

  “Thanks for the support, Artemis.”

  “You are quite welcome, Colonel Jennings.”

  “When we arrive in orbit around Venus, we’ll construct our defenses and get them online as planned. However, if we have any downtime, I will be looking for volunteers that wish to help me plan a rescue so we have something to present to the Admiral.”

  “Might I make a suggestion regarding said plans, Colonel Jennings?”

  “Oh, please do. I’d love to hear it, Artemis. Go for it. You sure you don’t want to just plug it in up here while you’re at it?” Race pointed at his temple.

  “I am sorry Colonel Jennings, but you recently reminded us that humans do not like Eridonians ‘poking around’ inside your heads?”

  “Just kidding! Jeez, I wish you understood a little more about humans and their humor. Now that would be nice.”

  “Yes, we find humor to be curious.”

  “Okay, okay, what about the plan?”

  “You should consider alternate plans of action, including scenarios if she were to come to you, rather than you going to Antares.”

  “Ahhh, I see. Why didn’t you just tell me in the first place?”

  “I would have, but you would have only telepathically rejected my that enough sufficient humor, Colonel Jennings?”

  “You need to work on it a tad.”

  “Sir,” the comm officer interjected, “Chief Hunter reports all ships have returned and the flight deck is secure.”

  “Discontinue system diagnostics and bring all missile bases in this sector online.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Bradley nodded. His fingers flew into action as he manipulated his controls.

  “Lieutenant Hopper, adjust your NAV computer to jump in five minutes. We’re stepping things up.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Hopper nodded, “Course correcting now.”

  “Lieutenant Fulton; send word to the Jannali to bug out now. Get their bases online and to Mars as soon as possible.”

  “Aye, Sir...message sent...the Jannali has acknowledged. They’ll be ready in fifteen.”

  “Excellent. Tell Captain Martin I’m looking forward to receiving his bottle of whiskey for beating him back to Earth.”

  “Yes, Sir, but the reply message from Captain Martin says he’s looking forward to tasting your fine bottle of Scotch.”

  Race chuckled under his breath, “He’s always a kidder, that Captain Martin. Helm, ready jump drive. Start the clock.”

  “You heard the man,” Commander Rollins said, jumping to action. “All stations stand ready to report jump status!”




  Storm Keep


  The blowing snow subsided, relieving some of the stress on the two fighting opponents. But the harsh cold wind continued to punish Danielle and Dumakas. The wind intensified as it blew through the narrowing canyon to Storm Keep, the constant beating against her face was almost too much for Danielle to endure.

  Holding the high ground mattered little facing this unrelenting and frigid wind. Danielle, fatigued, slowed her attacks on Dumakas.

  Dumakas used her withdrawal to catch his wind. He leaned against his sword, “What is the matter, madam? If you require rest, I would be more than happy to arrange a permanent rest for you…”

  Danielle anticipated Dumakas jerking his sword in an upward arc. Stepping into his swing, she deflected his sword with hers, sending the blade swooshing past her stomach. She darted backward, his blade barely missing her jaw as it flew past her head. Her howler coat tore from Dumakas’ swing and flapped behind her in the wind.

  “You will not win this, Dumakas!”

  The two swords rang out across the Storm Keep canyon as the two continued to battle, four and five swings each before taking a step back to rest.

  The relentless wind tore at Danielle’s Howler fur coat, rendering it into strips of cloth useless for warmth. She released its leather lanyard securing the coat and threw it to the ground. The wind picked it up, carrying it high into the mountain cliffs. She shivered at the bitter wind, her skin no longer protected by the thick fur.

  “Madam,” Dumakas took a step in retreat to rest and gain strength, “You will freeze to death. Not an honorable way to die!”

  Danielle held her sword with both hands, tip down, “The blood boiling in my veins is all I need to sustain me!”

  Danielle charged. Her sword sliced up at Dumakas, who raised his to protect from the attack. He deflected and blocked her blows, one after the other, but she was incessant in her attacks. She pounded at Dumakas, reigning down blow after blow, the blood song singing through her body fortifying her strength.

  Dumakas stumbled, driven backward, reeling from the newly invigorated Empress’ attacks. Taking advantage of his retreat, Danielle leaped off the high ground. Spinning in the air, she round house kicked the giant Antarian, her foot hammering his jaw. The constant wind at Dumakas’ back was the only thing keeping him from falling over the edge of the cliff. Danielle, no longer eye to eye with Dumakas, continued to slash at him with superhuman power provided to her through her new blood song.

  “You cannot resist my hold over Antares any longer, Dumakas!”

  Dumakas was barely able to counter her blows.

  She stopped with her sword in front of her, and yelled, “You will bow down before me, Dumakas! I am your Empress!”

  Dumakas resisted the powerful effect he was feeling and swung his sword at Danielle once more, “NEVER!”

  A swift movement and Danielle’s sword slammed into his. The powerful blow ripped Dumakas’ sword from his hands and flung it over the cliff, clanking and rattling down the escarpment until the howling wind drowned out the sound.

  Danielle seethed through her clenched teeth, “You have lost, Dumakas! Give it up and bow before your Empress!”

  The tip of her sword threatened Dumakas’ neck. He lifted his hands in submission to Danielle as the beating wings of a Boreshog was heard from behind the Empress.r />
  The creature screamed as an Antarian riding on its back tossed a large boulder with both hands over his head at Dumakas.

  Danielle glanced behind her seeing Darnash. She turned back to Dumakas who was kneeling on one knee. The giant rock hit Dumakas in the head, causing him to fall backward toward the cliff.

  Danielle shrieked, “Dumakas!”

  She reached out a desperate hand to catch him, but his hand was out of reach. The former Emperor fell off the mountain precipice, his cry fading until the blowing wind was all that was left.

  The Boreshog landed on the Storm Keep ledge. Danielle sheathed her sword and raced back to Darnash as he was hopping down from the creature’s back. Blood dripped from the arrow lodged in the creature’s side.

  She fell into the large Antarian’s arms, his hair protecting her from the elements of the hostile environment, “Darnash! I thought I had lost you!”

  “Yes, my Lady!” Darnash yelled over the wind, “I thought I was dead too!” him...I have...for you... Empress of Antares... Rising Star... Antares, the female creature communicated to Danielle.

  “He was about to bow down, Darnash. My blood song spoke to him. I believe he was turning.”

  “It is too late for Dumakas. He is no longer a threat to you and your reign, my Empress.”

  Danielle shivered in Darnash’s arms, her Antarian blood song no longer warming her from the bitter cold.

  “My Lady,” Darnash urged. “We must seek shelter. You will last but a few minutes in these conditions.”

  Danielle nodded her agreement and moved to the Storm Keep entrance where the Magnesium Stone continued to burn. The warmth inside the grotto comforted her. She warmed her hands as Darnash held her in his arms. She looked into his eyes, “Is it over, Darnash?”

  “Yes, my Lady. Dumakas has fallen from the cliff.”

  “The beast!”

  “Yes, my Lady. The female creature saved my life. The beast is injured by someone’s arrow.”

  Danielle smiled, “I know. That was my fault...”

  “No, my Lady! You were aiming for Dumakas. Shotzgren’s rock deflected your aim.”


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