Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 46

by Brian K. Larson

  “We’re only a few minutes from the Palace, my Lady. I should carry you to the ship.”

  “No, no, I-I can make it; just give me a couple of minutes.”

  She took the armor from Darnash and inspected the device, “Look,” she pointed to the inside cover, “It looks like a compartment.”

  Darnash took the armor and opened the hidden pouch. He removed a folded piece of parchment paper and opened it.

  “What does it say?”

  “It is from one of our founding fathers, my Lady.”

  “Tell me, I’m dying to hear...oh, maybe not the best metaphor.”

  Darnash glanced at Danielle and gave her a smile, “It says that the Blood Scroll was removed from the ancient books to preserve what it is they had to do.”

  “I don’t understand, Darnash? What did they do?”

  “The writing says that they disagreed with the thinning of the Boreshog herd. That they were here on this moon first, and we came and began wiping them out...some of the writing is badly worn, my Lady. It will make deciphering a challenge.”

  “Can you make anything else out?”

  “It says that a group of Antarians from the House of the Emperor left our Rising Star. They took the Blood Scroll with them. They traveled to a distant star to a primitive planet where they would live and hide in the woods.”

  “Did they tell of the planets' location?”

  “Yes, my Lady, and I do not think you will like the answer.”

  “What is it, Darnash?”

  “It appears that there are ties to your home planet Earth.”


  “Yes, my Lady. Their plans were to remain hidden and never be found by Antarians until the stranger from an unknown house appeared. This new warrior was their only hope to change the ways of the Antarians.”

  “There is folklore all across our home world about large half-man, and half-ape creatures that reside, hidden deep within the forests. They call them Sasquatches. No one has ever found one, or proved they exist. Only sightings and eye witness accounts. Could they hold the Blood Scrolls?”

  “At least one of them will know about it, if they are one and the same, my Lady.”

  “It has to be,” Danielle cringed and held her stomach, “Oh that hurts!”

  “Come, we must take you to the Palace, quickly.”

  “Okay, okay. Let’s go.”

  “What about the female creature?”

  “She will be fine, and will be entering hibernation; this is her home.”

  Darnash nodded and carried Danielle back to the shuttle.



  ~ Three Days Later ~

  Sigma Draconis

  The Rock


  Commander Jameson rapped on Admiral Fitz’ door, followed by Jed’s order to enter. The door slid open and Jameson stepped inside. He studied the room and quickly discovered Jed sitting on his sofa.

  “Sir, Commander Jameson reporting,” he said with a salute.

  “At ease, Commander,” Jed lifted an empty shot glass, “Here, have a toast with me.”


  “Relax. I know you’re here to tell me that the rest of the fleet has assembled and we’re ready to start our jump sequence. Am I right?”

  “Uh, yes, Sir,” Commander Jameson answered, remaining at attention.

  “Come on Tom, might be the last shot we get to take for a while.”

  “Are we on a first name basis, Admiral?”

  “Will you just shut it and sit down already, or do I have to order you to have a seat?”

  “Sorry, Sir,” Commander Jameson eased into the sofa next to Jed, “and yes. That was my reason for coming to you.”

  Jed lifted a half empty whiskey bottle and filled Jameson’s glass, and then he poured not bothering to stop as he moved to his glass.

  “Are you sure, everything’s alright, Sir?”

  “Yes, yes it is, Tom.”

  “You don’t look like you’re in any condition to command at the minute, Sir.”

  “Eh, I’ve only had two shots...three including this one,” Jed dumped the filled glass down his throat and set the empty shot glass on the table, “That’ll do quite nicely. Not drunk, just relaxed. Come, drink up. You’ve got some catching up to do.”

  Tom lifted the glass and inhaled the pungent odor and then tossed it back.

  Jed began to lift the whiskey bottle to refill his glass, “Oh, no thank you, Sir. One will do fine for me.”

  “You sure?” Jed insisted, holding the whiskey at the lip of his glass.

  “Well, okay,” Tom smiled, “Maybe just one more.”

  Jed poured the liquor, overflowing the glass before stopping.

  His XO smiled and lifted his glass in the air to toast and then downed the drink.

  Tom sighed and set the glass on the table, “That’s some fine whiskey, Sir.”

  “You can thank Race. This is the bottle he delivered to me when we first left Earth.”

  “That seems like a long time ago, Sir.”

  “Yes it does, Tom.”

  “Why the first name basis all of a sudden, Sir?”

  “Jed, you can call me Jed when we’re in my quarters, Tom.”

  “Jed it is, then,” the XO smiled, drooling at the bottle.

  “Oh, Sorry, Tom, you want another?”

  “No, I better not, Jed.”

  “Oh, come on! Live a little.”

  “No thank you, Sir. I have to get back to the CSC and get our fleet ready.”

  “Okay, have it your way, Tom.”

  “Yes, Sir... err, Jed,” Commander Jameson said, standing to his feet.

  “Oh, you don’t have to go just yet. Come on, sit a spell.”

  Jameson lowered himself into the soft leather sofa, “Okay, but only for a few minutes.”

  “Sure, whatever you want, Tom. So tell me,” Jed said raising his hand to chin, “Are there really seven hundred and sixty some odd ships in the fleet?”

  “Seven hundred and sixty-three, including the Rock, Sir,” Jameson nodded.

  “That’s an awful lot of responsibility, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir, it certainly is. Is this what this is all about, Sir, err, Jed?”

  “That, and the fact that we’re about to enter the lion's den.”

  “We’ve done it before, Jed, and we can do it again. Only this time we’ll be prepared for the turbulence.”

  “I sure hope that turbulence will be all we have to worry about.”

  “Yes, Sir, err, Jed, Sir.”

  The Admiral’s phone buzzed gaining his attention. He stood, walked to his desk and answered the call, “Admiral Fitz.”

  “Commander Jameson’s here with me, yes. I’ll put it on speaker...go ahead.”

  “Lieutenant Henderson, Sirs,” the Rock’s comm officer reported, “The fleet’s ready to depart on your orders.”

  “We’ll be right there, Lieutenant,” Commander Jameson answered.

  “Very good, Sir.”

  Jed hung up his phone and stood upright, looked in his mirror and straightened his coat. Then he turned to his XO and motioned with his hands, “How do I look?”

  “You look like you’re ready to give the fleet an order, Sir,” Jameson smiled.

  “Very well, Commander,” Jed motioned for the door, “Lead the way.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Jameson nodded, “It’ll be my honor, Sir.”

  The two made their way to the CSC within a minute. Jameson led Admiral Fitz and called the room to attention as he crossed the threshold.

  “Admiral on deck!”

  The noisy CSC quieted with everyone coming to attention, the clicking of electronics and computer equipment was all that they could hear. Fitz stood at the CSC entrance and admired the view.

  “At ease, men,” Admiral Fitz ordered, but before he could finish the CSC erupted in applause as they welcomed their fleet Admiral to the bridge.<
br />
  Fitz smiled and raised his hand to his crew. He wiped his eyes before any tears could fall, “Thank you, thank you all. Really...I truly thank you for your hard work.”

  The cheering subsided as Fitz addressed his crew, “You have all shown exemplary performance the entire time I’ve been on board. Without you and your service to this ship, this cause, I am nothing. You have proven you are the best of the best!”

  The CSC crew let out a mighty “HOORAH!”

  “Who’s the best Admiral in the fleet?” someone from the crew shouted.

  “Navy Admiral Jedidiah Fitz!” the entire CSC replied.

  “What’s the best ship in the fleet?” Another crewman yelled.

  “The Rocinante! HOOORAH! The Rock, Rocks!” the crew cheered, followed by more applause.

  “Commander Jameson!” Fitz shouted as he fastened himself to his restraint.

  “Aye, Sir, standing ready!”

  “All stations begin jump sequence check!”

  Lieutenant Payne began sequencing her console, “Spooling FTL drives, jump clock running.”

  “Stations report!” Jameson ordered, securing himself to his harness.

  The engine drowned out their voices as the crew shouted their reports from the various stations, “Sub light is go!” ... “NAV station ready!” ... “Tactical is a go!” ... “Checking jump resolution, and we’re a go, Commander!”

  Jed leaned over to Malcom, “Any updates on our friends at Sol?”

  “According to my counterpart, Artemis, she has indicated the first position defense grid is online, and they have nearly completed their setup on the interior planets. In the next few hours, Colonel Race Jennings and Captain Martin of the Jannali will rendezvous at Earth with their respective fleets.”

  “Excellent, Jed smiled.”

  “Admiral,” Jameson reported, “The Centaurian and Draconian fleet leaders are reporting ready, Sir. All systems reporting jump ready, Sir.”

  “Commence jump!”

  One by one, each of the seven hundred and sixty three ships jumped to the Betelgeuse corridor.

  “Status report!” Jed ordered.

  “Scanning sector,” Lieutenant Collins reported, “Sector clear, Sir. No hostiles.”

  “Commander, can you verify that everyone made it?”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson nodded, “Scanning for all transponder codes...confirmed, Sir. All ships are in formation!”

  Another resounding applause thundered the CSC as the crew shook each other’s hands in congratulations.

  “Well done, men!” Fitz clapped, “Our first mass jump was a success. Tactical, launch the CAP and begin sector patrols until we’re ready to head to Lebencha.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins smiled, “I’ll coordinate with our counter parts and fly multiple CAPs to cover more area.”

  “Henderson, send a message to the Draconian fleet commander. Tell them to prepare to enter the corridor to Sol.”

  “Aye, Sir, sending instructions now, Sir.”

  Malcom leaned toward Jed, “The Eridonian ships are standing ready, Admiral Fitz.”

  “Admiral is good enough, Malcom. Feel free to interrupt me at any time if you have important information.”

  “You can be assured that I will, Admiral.”

  “I’ll bet you will,” Jed whispered.


  “I know, never mind Malcom. I know you heard me telepathically.”

  “Yes, Admiral.”

  “I keep forgetting. Please relay to Artemis that the Draconian fleet is about to travel the corridor.”

  “Certainly, Admiral,” Malcom closed his eyes and relayed the message.

  “Sir, Chancellor Relegon requests our status,” Lieutenant Henderson reported.

  “Good,” Fitz smiled, “Please ask the Chancellor if he’s ready to split his fleet?”

  “Aye, Sir, one moment.”

  Fitz stood from his seat restrains, “Two hundred and fifty Centaurian ships will remain here,” Jed pointed to the map overlay on the console, “The second half of the Centaurian fleet will jump with the thirteen Earth ships to our secondary jump coordinates. Once the secondary jump sector is clear, they will remain in position.” Jed drew with his index finger the rest of his plan, “The thirteen ships will jump with the Rock to our tertiary jump position. Yamato and Bristol will be in command of that sector. The Rock will jump from the tertiary position to Lebencha and set the drones. When we leave, we’ll try to get the attention of a few Antarian ships to follow us where they will be met with the Earth fleet.”

  “And if they send too many, that’s when we’ll jump to our secondary, where the Centaurian fleet will spring into action,” Commander Jameson added.

  “Precisely,” Jed nodded, “And the remaining Centaurian fleet at Betelgeuse will jump to our secondary coordinate at a designated time.”

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, “The Chancellor replied that they are ready to engage.”

  “Transfer the CAP to the Centaurian command and recall all ships.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Henderson acknowledged. “All Earth ships return to your base, I repeat, all Earth ships return to your base. Secure all stations and prepare to jump to secondary coordinates.”

  “Set the jump clock, and sync with all fleet ships coming along for the ride; we jump in twenty minutes.”


  Serintin Palace


  Darnash was pacing the Palace infirmary when he was approached by the head physician, “She’s beginning to awaken, my Lord.”

  “How’s she doing? Is she going to be alright?”

  “Yes, my Lord, she has been sleeping for three days and her fever has finally broke.”

  “It was a close one,” Darnash sighed.

  “Yes, if you hadn’t brought her back here when you did, she might have died. She is deathly allergic to the bite of the Erontos. Keep her away from those in the future.”

  “Very good advice. When can I see her?”

  “She’s more alert, so you can go in now, my Lord.”

  Darnash pushed his girth past the Antarian Physician, “My Lady? Are you awake?” he softly asked.

  Danielle looked up from the bed to a distraught Darnash, “Hey, there you are.”

  “They would not let me see you until you were awake!”

  “It’s alright, Darnash. I wouldn’t have been good company anyway.”

  “That is not the point, my Lady.”

  “I know, it’s okay. Don’t be too hard on them; they’re only looking out for my best interest.”

  “Yes, my Lady.”

  “What have I missed?”

  “The first two fleets have assembled at the House of the Rising Star Antares, my Lady.”

  “When do you expect the remaining fleet to arrive?”

  “They are still nearly two weeks out, my Lady.”

  Danielle propped on her elbows, “I must lead the charge to Earth,”

  “Yes, my Lady, when you have fully recovered.”

  “I am recovered.”

  “The Palace Physician will not release you as yet, my Lady.”

  “My ass!”

  “My Lady?”

  Danielle tossed off the covers and swung her feet to the floor, “I’m leaving now!”

  “But, my Lady...”

  “I’ll be fine. Once we get to my flagship, we will set out for Earth.”

  “My Lady, such an endeavor will require the coordination and timing of all involved personnel.”

  “We will plan the strike once I am on board the flagship. I’ll give you three days to coordinate before we depart.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash bowed.

  Danielle collapsed again into Darnash’s arms.

  “My Lady, you are still too weak.”

  “It will be alright. Just give me a boost of that Adolescent Blood.”

  “You only took as much as you will ne
ed for two cycles, my Lady. If we run out before you are able to obtain more...”

  “Trust me, Darnash. You don’t have to tell me. Just give me a small dose and save the rest for battle.”

  “Yes, my Lady, as you wish.”




  The Excalibur


  “Jump complete, Sir,” Lieutenant Russell reported.

  “Tactical?” Race asked.

  “Sir, the Jannali and her five ships are in orbit,” Lieutenant Bradley answered.

  “Open a channel to the Jannali.”

  “Channel open, Sir,” Lieutenant Fulton acknowledged, “Go ahead, Sir.”

  “Captain Martin?” Race smiled over the comm link.

  “Jannali actual here, Sir.”

  “Please give my condolences to your liver.”

  “My liver, Sir?”

  “Yeah,” Race said with a wide grin, “because this bottle of Scotch I’m sending over will be the death of it.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “For killing your liver?”

  “For the Scotch, Sir.”

  “Well, you did beat us back to Earth. How long you been here?”

  “About an hour, Sir.”

  “Very well, Captain, your prize will be on the next transport. Oh, and by the way, excellent work on getting our Mars setup completed and online.”

  “...and I should say the same to you, Sir.”

  “Thanks Captain. You should take your ships to the Earth side of the moon and fall into position.”

  “Aye, Sir. We’re setting course for the moon shortly. Apparently the team that’s been on the Earth side has been building a refueling station and a base of operations. Those facilities will be ready to go live in a couple more days.”

  “Sounds interesting and I’m looking forward to seeing what our Eridonian-enhanced engineers have done with the place.”

  “From what they’re telling us, it’s pretty nice.”

  “What about planet-side?”

  “Efforts have been underway to reduce major city area populations. All across the globe, our largest cities have been preparing for the attack. We know there will be losses, but moving the population around to less populated areas is the best plan.”


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