Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 47

by Brian K. Larson

  “What about the ones who refuse to leave?”

  “They’ve been told by the Eridonians that if they stay in those large area targets, they will be hit.”

  “And they accept that they very well may die if they stay?”

  “Everyone who’s staying said it’s a matter of principle. They’d rather die fighting than give up and run.”

  “Won’t be much of a fight if the Warlords launch nukes at those cities.”

  “Understood, Sir...I’m receiving word from the moon’s base of operations. They’ve given us the clearance to approach the base.”

  “Excellent, Captain. The Excalibur and fleet will remain on a high Earth side orbit. We’ll take over watch and begin running CAP. You’re clear to depart orbit.”

  “Thanks again, Sir. I’ll have you over for a shot of Scotch soon.”

  “That’s just great, Captain.”

  “What’s that, Sir?”

  “You’re going to serve me back my own Scotch.”

  “It’s the least I can do, Sir.”

  “Just the same, as soon as we can get together, I’ll expect more than one shot.”

  “Very well, Sir. You got it.”

  “Carry on, Captain.”

  “Aye, Sir. We’re departing orbit now. I’ll report back once we’re in position. Jannali out.”

  “Take care, Captain. Excalibur out. Lieutenant Fulton; switch channels and connect me with the flight deck.”

  “Aye, Sir, switching channel now.”

  “Chief Hunter here, Sir.”

  “Leo, prepare the flight deck for launching. We’re running CAP. Coordinate your efforts with the remaining fleet and run the squadrons in three-hour shifts.”

  “Aye, Sir. We’re ready to go down here. The first fighters will launch within a minute, Sir. We’ll rotate squads as per orders. I’m coordinating with the other fleet ships and will be reporting every three hours.”

  “Sooner if there’s any activity of any kind.”

  “Aye, Sir. You can count on us, Sir; Chief Hunter out.”



  Empress’ Flagship


  Darnash escorted Danielle to the Antarian ship’s bridge. The sleek arrow-shaped ship glistened from the bright Antarian sun as it floated in high orbit over Serintin.

  Danielle looked around as they walked, “This design is very different than the other ship’s I’ve been on.”

  “Yes, my Lady, the flagship is a one of a kind. Do not be disappointed...”

  “...disappointed? On the contrary, I’m very impressed.”

  “Thank you, my Lady. We have designed many defenses and weapons to keep this ship as protected as possible.”

  She stopped to look out one of the port windows. Standing on her tiptoes she peered over the ledge the best she could, “Not to mention the five destroyer escorts.”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash nodded with a smile, “Our ship’s operation center is just up ahead,” Darnash pointed.

  “Are you in any particular rush, Darnash?” Danielle said, noticing the vacant corridor. “Wouldn’t you prefer to be alone for a short time?”

  “Yes, my Lady, I would indeed prefer to spend a lot of time alone with you. However, I feel that my duties are beginning to falter. I must request that I partake of your blood song before my feelings for you conflict with my responsibilities further.”

  “Are you certain you wish to do this, Darnash?”

  “Yes, my Lady,” Darnash bowed to one knee.


  “Right here, my Lady. Before it is too late.”

  “Too late for what?”

  “Too late for the blood spirit to take effect on me, my Lady.”

  “That’s never been an issue in the past, has it?”

  “No, my Lady. However, I never experienced the illness that removed the blood lust.”

  “Well, Dumakas suffered from the same ailment from my blood, and he was able to obtain the blood lust once more.”

  “Yes, my Lady. However, he partook of a much stronger supply of blood, one of an adolescent.”

  “Do you not think that my blood song will speak with you?”

  “I feel the longer that I wait, the harder it will be for me to accept your blood spirit.”

  “Very well, Darnash. I am not sure if you will ever be able to return to this point again.”

  “It is a risk I must take, my Lady. It is a painful decision at best.”

  “I shall give you my blood song,” Danielle said, withdrawing her dagger she held it to the palm of her hand. “One last chance, Darnash, are you sure this is what you want?”

  Darnash lowered his head and then looked deep into Danielle’s eyes, “I-I do not know what I want, my Lady. I wish to serve you, but I fear that my feelings will be the cause of your demise.”

  “Decide Darnash!” she pressed the sharp blade against her skin.

  “I-I must do this, my Lady.” Darnash held his head high, fighting back tears, “I do not understand these feelings, my Lady. You must give me your blood spirit!”

  Danielle winced as she scored the palm of her hand with the dagger. Blood pooled from the wound. Offering her palm to Darnash, he glanced between the blood and Danielle. Taking her hand in his, he lifted the precious blood to his lips and drank all he could before the wound closed.

  Darnash wiped tears forming at the corners of his eyes, and then he wrapped his giant arms around Danielle giving her a hug, “I may forget these feelings for you, my Lady, but I assure you that I will seek them again when the time is right.”

  “I know you will, Darnash. I shall never forget the feelings I have for you.”

  Darnash stood to his feet and looked to the ceiling, “You are human. I know you will always have these feelings for me; you cannot forget.”

  “It will be alright, Darnash; I promise.”

  “Yes, my Lady, I believe you.”

  “How are you feeling now?”

  “I can tell that your blood spirit is present. You are my Empress. I shall bow to your commands and will perform my duties to the best of my abilities; the blood lust has returned.”

  “Yes, Darnash, I know. You have been loyal to me since I became Empress. Even before I took the adolescent’s blood.”

  “You forget that I am of the House of Delema. I believe in the sacred scrolls. There is too much evidence to deny that you are the one the writings speak of.”

  Danielle pulled on Darnash’s arm, “Come, we must get underway.”

  “Yes, my Empress. We should attend our duties on the bridge.”

  “After you, Darnash,” Danielle motioned with her hand.

  The two entered the bridge. Her crew stopped to lower their heads before their Empress.

  Danielle stood at the entrance, gazing at the sight. Darnash leaned down and whispered, “I think they are waiting for you, my Empress.”

  “Waiting for what?”

  “Tell them to carry on, my Empress.”

  “Oh, right. Sorry,” she whispered in return.

  “It’s alright, my Empress.”

  Danielle cleared her throat before speaking, “As you were...continue with your duties.”

  The Antarian crew immediately resumed their work. Darnash led Danielle to her command station, “This is where you will command the fleet, my Lady.”

  Danielle smiled in return, and then nodded her approval, “Everything is so large to me on this ship. I will require your assistance.”

  “Yes, my Empress, I shall remain at your side at all times.”

  Danielle stepped onto the center control station. A smaller chair with steps awaited her, “You thought of everything, Darnash.”

  “Yes, my Empress, we engineered a special command chair to accommodate you.”

  After climbing the three steps, she plunked herself in the soft leather seat. She squeezed her hands on the leather arms looking at Darnash, “Very high class,

  “Thank you, my Empress.”

  Danielle leaned forward and whispered, “Why are you addressing me differently than before? Is it from the blood song?”

  “My Empress?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean. Why my Empress instead of my Lady?”

  “It is protocol while on the bridge of your ship, not the blood song, my Empress.”

  “I see...well...it sounds too formal to me.”

  “As you wish, my Empress, how would you like to be addressed?”

  “I have a name. You can call me by it.”

  “Yes, my Danielle.”

  “No, no...you can drop the my thing; just Danielle.”

  “Yes, Danielle.”

  “See? That wasn’t so bad, now was it?”

  “No, my... err, Danielle. I am sorry; it will take time to adjust.”

  “Inform the crew that they can refer to me by my first name from now on.”

  Darnash took his seat on the right of Danielle. With Danielle elevated, they were at the same level. He looked over to one of the Antarian officers and gave him a nod and then relayed Danielle’s order to the crew.

  “Tell me what our fleet status is, Darnash.”

  “We have two complete fleets of five-hundred, plus a few extras. We will be ready to depart for your system on schedule.”

  “It is nice to see that everyone is getting along again.”

  “Yes, my Empress... err, Danielle, it is due to your renewed blood song. The civil war between the houses has been resolved.”


  “There are a few rogue ships throughout the fleet. However, they will not pose any threat.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “They know it would be a foolish move. However, once you come in closer contact with those Antarians, they too will feel the power of your blood spirit and will be turned.”

  “Do we know who they are?”

  “Yes, Danielle...”

  “Hey, look at that!”

  “Look at what?”

  “You did it right,” Danielle said with a smile.

  “Yes, I did indeed.”

  “I think there’s hope for you after all, Darnash,” she winked.

  “Thank you...Danielle. As I was saying, our intelligence indicates it may be a few of the ships patrolling the energy collector stations.”

  “Very well then, Darnash, in that case, I wish to tour those ships closest to Lebencha and the House of Gornash. I feel those are the hot spots.”

  “I would agree, Danielle.”

  Darnash instructed the ship’s helm, “Plot course to Lebencha and the Gornash energy collector network.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” the helmsman acknowledged. “Course plotted. Time to first station is twenty minutes.”

  “Engage!” Danielle ordered.


  Tertiary Jump Coordinates

  The Rock


  “Sector is clear, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported.

  “Very good, Lieutenant, recall our CAP,” Captain Fitz ordered, “Lieutenant Henderson; contact the Bristol and Yamato; get Captain’s McCartney and Shin on the line.”

  The two lieutenants acknowledged their orders and busily carried them out.

  “Sir, I have an open comm link to the Bristol and Yamato.”

  “Captain McCartney, Captain Shin, status report.”

  “Sir, this is Captain McCartney. We’re taking over CAP and are ready for your departure.”

  “Captain Shin reporting, Sir,” Jed listened to the overhead speakers. “The Yamato and fleet are ready for action.”

  “Very well, men. I know you will both be ready for our return. Stay alert and keep those birds in the air. There’s no telling how many Antarians we’ll bring back to our party.”

  “Understood, Sir,” Captain McCartney said, “We’ll be ready for them, Sir.”

  “You both have shown exemplary performance. I’m proud to be serving as your Admiral.”

  “Thank you, Sir,” Captain Shin answered, “But it is us that carry all the honor to serve under you, Sir.”

  “Captain Shin speaks for all of us, Sir.” Captain McCartney added, “We wish you the best on your mission, Sir.”

  “Thank you, Captains. We’re ready on this side,” Jed said, “Rocinante out. Henderson, cut the channel.”

  “Channel cut, Sir. Our ships are landing and we’re securing the launch bay,” Collins reported.

  “Start the clock, we’re jumping to Lebencha in two minutes,” Jed ordered.

  “The clock is running,” Commander Jameson reported, “All hands stand by for jump. I repeat, we jump in two minutes. Prepare for major turbulence,” Jameson turned to Jed, “All stations reporting jump ready, Sir.”




  The Rock

  High Atmospheric Orbit


  “Set inertial dampeners to full power!” Commander Jameson shouted.

  The Rocinante shuddered and shook as the turbulent upper atmosphere of Lebencha punished the crew.

  “Stabilize the engine outputs...keep those emergency thrusters at the ready, but do not fire them. We don’t want to make a fire trail behind us!” Jed ordered.

  Hydrogen gas pockets ignited all around them as they navigated through the hostile environment.

  Jameson shouted to the Admiral from his restraint, “I thought you said this would be easier than the energy stream?”

  “That’s what I said all right...doesn’t mean I was being completely honest!”

  “I figured as much, Sir!”

  “Our drone launch sequence is ready, Sir!” Lieutenant Collins reported, holding on to his console the best he could.

  “Open the launch ports and get those drones seeking targets,” Jed ordered, “Before we’re shaken to pieces!”

  “Aye, Sir,” Collins acknowledged, “drones are launching...we’re still undetected...more drones away...twenty...thirty...wait...stand by...”

  “Tactical; report!” Commander Jameson ordered.

  “We only got thirty-two drones away, Sir.”

  “Explain!” Jed ordered.

  “It’s the launch tubes, Sir. They overheated with all these hydrogen explosions. We’re jammed up, Sir!”

  Jameson viewed his computer console, “Port and aft shields are weakening, Sir! We can’t stay too much longer.”

  “Lieutenant Foster,” Jed ordered, “Plot our course out of this storm; bring us into low orbit!”

  “Aye, Sir,” the navigation officer nodded.

  “Admiral Fitz,” Malcom began, “Are you sure that it’s a good idea to expose our position to the Antarians?”

  “I’m hoping they won’t notice right away!” Jed shouted. “We just need a few minutes to stabilize so we can get the rest of those drones launched!”

  The rock bounced hard as the helm engaged the course set by Lieutenant Foster, “Sorry Sir, it’s this gravity; it’s holding our ship back!”

  “Increase power to your engines!” Jameson ordered.

  Lieutenant Payne’s voice vibrated as she spoke, “I’m already at full output, Sir!”

  “They will surely detect us if we fire thrusters, Admiral Fitz.”

  “Can’t you do one of your mind tricks on them?”

  Malcom closed his eyes focusing on hiding the ship from the Antarians. “This sector is filled with telepathic inhibitors. However, I shall continue to make an attempt, Admiral Fitz,”

  “That’s all I can ask, Malcom. Helm, fire thrusters; get us out of here!”

  “Aye, aye, Admiral,” Lieutenant Payne gladly replied.

  “The hydrogen has ignited like a contrail behind us, Sir!”

  “Is it working?” Jameson asked.

  “I think so, Sir,” Erica answered, “Yes, we’re making headway now...thirty more second

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Collins yelled, “I’m starting to receive data from some of the drones!”

  “Report!” Jameson barked.

  “Only five drones attached to ships, Sir. I’m getting telemetry for over a thousand fleet ships in this sector.”

  “Yes,” Malcom confirmed, “They have over two full fleets here. I was able to detect the presence of your Danielle and the one called Darnash. However, I was only able to detect life forms; no more. They are assembling these ships with the intention of attacking Earth.”

  “We’re in low orbit, Sir. The turbulence is dissipating now,” Lieutenant Payne reported.

  “Decrease power to inertial dampeners. Maintain present course and speed,” Jameson ordered.

  “Spin up the jump drives and make ready in case they spot us,” Jed ordered.

  “Aye, Sir. Tertiary coordinates locked.”

  “How far out is their energy collector station?”

  “The planet-side array is approximately one-hundred and sixty kilometers from our present location. We’re heading right for it.”

  “What’s the status on the remaining drones?” Jameson asked.

  “Five attached drones, ten more are disabled, seventeen destroyed in the planet’s atmosphere.”

  “Can we launch more drones yet?” Jed asked.

  “The crew is working to repair the damage, five more minutes.”

  “We might not have five minutes,” Jed said, wiping the sweat from his brow.

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson interjected, “I’ve got Thelix on the comm link.”

  “Put him through,” Jed said with a pointing finger, “Thelix, talk to me, buddy.”

  “Yes, Admiral, I have received the ship codes from the five locked drones. I’m working on breaking though their last firewall and then I’ll have access to their NAV computers.”

  “You sure you can activate their jump drives and bring them with us to our jump coordinates?”

  “Yes, Admiral, I do believe I can.”

  “Keep working on it, bridge out,” Jed ordered.

  Lieutenant Collins looked over to Jed in a panic, “They’ve spotted us, Sir!”

  “Status report!” Jed demanded.

  “Six ships are on an intercept course; ETA is three minutes.”


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