“Launch fighters to intercept!” Jameson ordered.
“Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson relayed the orders to the flight deck.
Major Phillips flew his fighter from the launch bay, “Rotating weapons to tracker rounds!”
He turned the fighter plotting a course to the first nuclear weapon, “Black Widow; take the one heading to Moscow. Red Neck; target the one heading to the UK. Jazzer; you’re on the one to Japan. Mixer; target the one heading to the Eastern seaboard. I’ll tag the one heading to the West Coast!”
Each pilot confirmed positive lock and then fired their target weapons, each hitting the nuke missile casing.
“Rocinante, Major Phillips; confirmed target lock on all nuclear devices!”
Jed turned a worried look toward Thelix, now sitting at a console at the CSC, “Can you gain control?”
“...a few more seconds, Admiral,” Thelix pressed commands from his console.
“Collins, what’s the ETA of those nukes hitting their targets?”
“Twelve seconds, Admiral!”
“I’ve gained control of their guidance systems,” Thelix grinned, “Re-programing target locations now!”
The five nuclear missiles suddenly turned from their intended targets and flew back into Earth’s orbit.
“Target those weapons and destroy ‘em,” Jameson barked.
“Positive target lock, Sir. Firing intercept missiles...confirmed, Sir! All nuclear devices have been destroyed!”
Resounding cheers erupted from the CSC, interrupting the tense quiet.
“What’s the status of that Antarian ship?”
“Sir,” Collins reported, “The ship is falling from orbit and is breaking up upon entry. That ship poses no further threat.”
“How many escape pods made it out?” Commander Jameson asked.
“Only fifteen, Sir.”
“Track their position and capture them all!”
“Aye, Sir, dispatching ships now.”
“Stand down from General Quarters! Set condition two throughout the fleet,” Jed smiled, “Great job everyone! You guys Rock!”
“Admiral,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, “The Aga has jumped into orbit with us, Sir.”
“The Aga is back already? Open a channel.”
“Aye, Sir, channel open...Rocinante, Agamemnon, Admiral Fitz requesting actual.”
“Actual here,” Admiral Gilmore’s voice echoed over the comm link, “Admiral Fitz...I do have to admit, that does have a nice ring to it.”
“Thank you, Sir. What’s the status at Betelgeuse?”
“With the added help of our new friends from Alpha Aquila and Tau Ceti they backed off. Then as their flagship entered the corridor, it’s like they lost interest in the fight and jumped away. We sent a reconnaissance mission to Antares. We’ve confirmed all their fleet ships returned home.”
“Admiral, if I may?” Thelix added.
“By all means,” Jed motioned.
“I would surmise that once they were separated from the Empress’ blood song, they were no longer under her power. Without a leader, they had no choice but to return home to regroup.”
“Humph,” Jed shrugged, “Kind of like a beehive losing its queen?”
“Yes, Admiral,” Thelix nodded.
Jed turned his attention back to the comm link, “Admiral, what about the ships that followed them through?”
“Your fleet made quick work of them. They were totally outnumbered. It appears the Antarian threat is over.”
Malcom approached Jed, “Admiral Fitz, Admiral Gilmore, do not think the Warlords will stop here. As soon as they recover from their losses and have a new leader, they will return to Earth.”
“Do you have any idea how long we have?” Jed asked.
“Admiral Fitz,” Malcom motioned with his long spindly arms, “there is no way to know. We must continue making preparations for their return.”
“Don’t you worry about a thing, Admiral,” Race said breaking in over the comm link, “We’ll be ready!”
“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Colonel, but I’m afraid I don’t share your resolve; we have a long way to go before we can safely say they will pose no threat.”
“Colonel Jennings,” Malcom began, “Admiral Fitz is correct; as long as there are Antarians breathing, they are a threat to your very existence.”
“Admiral, we picked up the transponder codes of my old ACE support ship, Calypso. Have you been able to track its location? We lost it with all the excitement going on over here.”
Jed turned to Lieutenant Collins.
“Yes, Sir. We tracked that ship to the surface. It appears it went down in the Olympic Peninsula, near the coast.”
“I’ll send a rescue team,” Race said.
“Very well, Colonel. Good luck, I hope you find her.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll be heading up the search myself.”
“If she’s alive, I’m sure you’ll be the one to find her.”
“Thank you, Sir. I’ll keep you posted. Excalibur out.”
“Admiral Gilmore,” Jed began, “What are your orders, Sir?”
“My orders, Admiral?”
“Yes, Sir. Since you’re alive, I yield my command to you, Sir.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s necessary, Admiral.”
“Seems to me you’ve, done an outstanding job of commanding the fleet.”
“Well, thank you, Sir.”
“I’m putting you in charge of monitoring the Betelgeuse wormhole.”
“Aye, aye, Sir. I won’t let you down.”
“You haven’t yet, Admiral.”
“Sir, what are your plans?”
“My plans? I plan on taking a vacation.”
The crew laughed at Gilmore’s response.
“Well, Sir, after dying and then returning from the grave, I suppose you do deserve a rest.”
“After I take a few days, I’ll be heading up Earth’s defenses.”
“Apparently,” Jed smiled, “We have a new moon base that’s recently been commissioned.”
“Very well, I shall oversee that complex as well.”
“We should extend our hand of thanks to the Draconians and Centaurians for their help.”
“I agree, Admiral. They’re all welcome to stay here at Earth and help us.”
“I’m sure Chancellor Relegon will be more willing to assist with our support efforts at the wormhole.”
“Yes, I suppose you’re right about that.”
“I’ll send word to all, requesting their preferred assignments.”
“Very well, Admiral. You should take your ship and head back to Betelgeuse.”
“We’ll head out as soon as we finish with our resupply. Rocinante out.”
Somewhere in the
Pacific Northwest
Flames danced under the crashed Calypso. The hatch sprung open during the crash, as the cabin filled with smoke. A one thousand foot path of destruction scarred the dense forest behind the Calypso. The ship precariously teetered as it hung over the edge of a several hundred foot drop.
Two hairy creatures cautiously approached the crashed ship; each one over eight foot tall. The two cautiously sniffed into the air. Moving closer, one of them grabbed the hatch coaming and peered inside, and then turned to the other, “My Brother, it’s an Antarian and one human creature.”
“Are they alive?”
“They have not traveled to Revein’sev as yet.”
“We must help our Brethren.”
“What about the human?”
“She is traveling with him in an Earth ship. Something about this female human is strange.”
“Yes, I agree. The spirit within her blood speaks to me as well, my Brother.”
“Hurry, we must take them to our cave and tend to their injuries, lest they fall to the great beyond of Revein’sev
“Yes, my Brother. Once their health returns, we shall discover who they are, and what it is they are doing here.”
The two creatures quickly removed the ship’s occupants. The Calypso teetered, up and down over the ledge as they delivered them to safety. The weight displacement caused the creaking Calypso to topple into the ravine. The sudden impact at the bottom of the rocky canyon caused the remaining fuel cells to explode, leaving nothing left of the ship as it burst into a large fireball.
Storm Keep
Tumaleka warmed herself on a fresh magnesium stone, her shuttle sat on the Storm Keep’s precipice, outside the entrance.
She laid Dumakas’ broken and beaten body on the cavern floor. His eyes swollen shut and his face bruised after the pounding he took from the fall. Tumaleka took a pouch, opened the drawstring, and poured a quantity of Dimeatarian dust in a circle surrounding the two.
The old Antarian mumbled words under her breath and then took a vial of blood she had collected from the Adolescent creature now in full hibernation.
“I sure hope the blood still sings within this sample,” she opened the vial and dribbled the blood into the dust on the ground and then turned to her grandson.
Holding the vial to his lips, she emptied the rest of the contents into this mouth causing Dumakas to stir, “From the depths of Revein’sev I bring you back. You will not die, my grandson, yet you shall live to reclaim your throne, says the ancient hidden Blood Scroll,” and then she mumbled more words under her breath.
Dumakas licked his lips, collecting the last drops from his crooked fangs. His swollen eyes fluttered as he fidgeted.
“Shhh, my grandson; you must rest and recover.”
“My Grandmother,” Dumakas struggled to utter and move.
“No, you must not speak as yet,” Tumaleka pressed his body back down, “You must let your body heal, Dumakas.”
He managed a crooked smile and voiced the Antarian word, “Morgesh...”
“Yes, my grandson,” Tumaleka whispered, and then stood to her feet. Raising her hands in the air, she shouted the sacred word, “Bea’goth! Revein’sev does not hold you!”
# # #
Blood Scroll
Antares Star System
Serintin - Storm Keep
“You will bow down before me, Dumakas! I am your Empress!” Danielle said, holding her sword crossways in front of her.
Dumakas resisted the powerful effect he was feeling and swung his sword at Danielle once more, “NEVER!”
Her sword caught his. In his weakened state she pulled his sword from his death grip and flung it over the side of the cliff. The deposed Emperor’s sword clanked and rattled until the blowing wind drowned out the sound.
Danielle hissed through clenched teeth, “You have lost, Dumakas! Give it up and bow before your Empress!”
Danielle held the tip of her sword at Dumakas’ neck. He lifted his hands in submission.
The sound of the female Boreshog’s wings rose behind Danielle.
The creature screamed as the Antarian on its back tossed a large stone at Dumakas.
Danielle glanced behind her. It was Darnash on the Boreshog. She turned back to see the he giant rock hit Dumakas in the head. He reeled back toward the precipice.
Danielle shrieked, “Dumakas!”
She reached out a desperate hand to catch him, but could not reach him. The former Emperor fell over the edge.
Dumakas plummeted down the side of the mountain, landing on a narrow outcropping. The impact knocked the wind out of his four lungs. He managed to scramble onto his stomach, futilely clawing at the crumbling cliff face. The ledge beneath gave way and he slid down the jagged rocks another six meters.
Another bone crushing impact submersed the deposed Emperor under massive waves of pain. With a blood-curdling growl he fought to stop his death slide, only to fall another ten meters along the unyielding rocks.
Dumakas slid in and out of consciousness as he bounced to the bottom of the mountain.
In a moment of awareness he tried to lift his head, hoping this ordeal was over. He found the effort useless, as his eyes were swollen shut.
Lying face down on the frozen, snow covered rocks, and knowing that if he did not succumb to his injuries, he would likely freeze to death, Dumakas spat out what would surely be his last words, “Take me...to...Revein’sev... I... am... finished.”
His awareness faded once more.
Tumaleka landed her shuttle near Dumakas’ battered and broken body. With great haste she opened the hatch, “I through they’d never leave this place!” she said to herself.
She kneeled next to her grandson and stroked his head with the back of her hand and then felt for a pulse.
“Good, at least one of your hearts still beats! Come on,” she said, as if he was listening, “Let’s get you back to the Keep and tend to your wounds, warm you with their magnesium stone. I’ve got just the cure for you, and it’s right inside that cave.”
Tumaleka heaved her limp grandson on her back and carried him to the ship. She sped to the Keep entrance.
“There, my Grandson, warm yourself by the stone. I shall fetch your cure from the adolescent creature.”
Upon her return, Tumaleka warmed herself on a fresh magnesium stone. She looked at Dumakas’ broken and beaten body. His eyes swollen shut and his face bruised after the pounding he took from the fall. Tumaleka took a pouch and opened the drawstring. Carefully she poured a quantity of Dimeatarian dust in a circle surrounding Dumakas.
The old Antarian mumbled words under her breath and then took a vial of blood she had collected from the adolescent creature, now in full hibernation.
“I sure hope the blood still sings within this sample,” she opened the vial and dribbled the blood into the dust on the ground and then turned to her grandson.
Holding the vial to his lips, she emptied the rest of the contents into his mouth causing Dumakas to stir, “From the depths of Revein’sev I bring you back. You will not die, my grandson. You shall yet live to reclaim your throne, as written in the ancient hidden Blood Scroll,” and then she mumbled more words under her breath.
Dumakas licked his lips, collecting the last drops from his crooked fangs. His swollen eyes fluttered as he fidgeted.
“Shhh, my grandson; you must rest and recover.”
“My Grandmother,” Dumakas struggled to utter as he tried to move.
“No, do not try to speak,” Tumaleka pressed his body back down, “You must heal, Dumakas.”
He managed a crooked smile and voiced the Antarian word, “Morgesh...”
“Yes, my grandson,” Tumaleka whispered, and then stood to her feet. Raising her hands in the air, she shouted the sacred word, “Bea’goth! Revein’sev does not hold you!”
“I was ready, my Grandmother. I was ready to travel to Revein’sev.”
“Did you see anything, my grandson? Did anyone speak to you from beyond?”
Dumakas concentrated on her words, “I do not know, my Grandmother.”
“Think hard, Dumakas. Did you see the other side?”
“Yes...yes, I remember seeing someone.”
Tumaleka leaned close to his ear and whispered, “What did they say?”
“Scroll...they told me she’s looking for the scroll.”
“Where is it, Dumakas? Did they tell you where it is?”
“Earth...long ago...must stop her...”
“That’s where she went!” Tumaleka shouted, “She is going to Earth!”
“That must be it, my Grandmother. We must stop her...”
“No, don’t you see? Now that she’s gone from the Rising Star of Antares, you can reclaim your rightful place.”
“Very broken...must heal...must heal...” Darnash sq
ueezed his eyes shut in pain.
“Why are not your Nanites repairing your body?”
“I do not know, my Grandmother. Take me to Glavin. They can reprogram my Nanites. Send word to Baelak, he is there already.”
“You must rest for a time before I risk moving you again.”
“What about Shotzgren? Does he live?”
“I am afraid not, Dumakas. His wounds were too severe.”
“Reclaim the throne. I must...”
“Yes, my Grandson, you shall...”
“...then revenge I shall take.”
Calypso Escape Shuttle
Danielle strapped into the pilot seat and reached for the control stick. The flagship fell apart around them, debris striking the Calypso as it left the disintegrating launch bay. Darnash instructed her as they flew into the upper atmosphere.
“I can’t hold her, we took on damage as we left our ship!”
“Hold on, my Empress, we’re going down!”
Danielle steered the ship the best she could with Darnash coaching her.
“Where are you taking us?”
“It’s called the Olympic Peninsula...supposed to be numerous sasquatch sightings there. That’s our best chance to find one!”
“That is if we survive your landing,” Darnash exclaimed.
The damaged craft hit the tops of Evergreen trees and then slammed hard into the ground carving a deep line in the landscape. The ship skidded to a stop, dirt and debris riddled the small ship.
Danielle hit her head and a ship brace fell on Darnash, knocking the two unconscious.
Somewhere in the
Pacific Northwest
Flames danced under the crashed Calypso. The hatch sprung open during the crash, but the cabin filled with smoke. A one thousand foot path of destruction scarred the dense forest behind the Calypso. The ship precariously teetered as it hung over the edge of a several hundred foot drop.
Warlords Saga Page 51