Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 53

by Brian K. Larson

  Akua held up a vial of blood in front of Darnash, “Are you looking for this perhaps?”

  The pain from his injuries halted Darnash’s charge at Akua. “You are thieves if you took that from me. If you are Antarian, you have no honor, nothing more than a gorech!”

  “Easy, Lord Darnash,” Akua assured, “I took it from you because it is forbidden to possess. That is, if it is what I presume it is.”

  “It is the last dose of Blood Spirit from an adolescent Boreshog.”

  “That does confirm to me that you are indeed off-worlders.”

  “Give it to me! Do you not understand who this female is?”

  “Father, you know the ancient legends speak of this happening one day.”

  “She has made some remarkable claims as her delirium speaks through her fever,” Akua spat.

  “What she has said to you is true.”

  “How do you know that what she said is truthful, you were still unconscious?”

  “She is Danielle of the House of Cooper; Empress of Serintin of the Rising Star Antares.”

  Ruki’ gasped, “Could it be true, my Father?”

  Akua pondered his question and then closed his eyes, “No, Ruki’. It is improbable that she is. Do not get raised hopes.”

  Naryah returned with the salve prepared, “What makes you think Lord Darnash speaks in error, my Husband?” Using her hand, she spread the creamy yellow salve over the wound on Danielle’s ankle, “do you have a more reasonable explanation as to who they are?”

  Akua closed his eyes and slowly sighed. He turned to Naryah, “Woman, hold your tongue. You of all people know it is forbidden to speak of such things!”

  “Forbidden to speak of such things only if they are untrue, my Husband. You cannot deny that this female human holds a power over us. We are compelled to help her.”

  “This proves nothing, Naryah.”

  “Akua, you know full well that she would not have been pulled out of that crash if she was not…special.”

  Akua’s eyes narrowed as he stared at the vial in his hand, then at Danielle, and then at Darnash. His concentration was only broken when Felvek’s voice echoed through the cave, “my Brother!”

  The Antarian leader turned his attention to his young brother, “What is it? Where is Davan?”

  “The humans have landed another ship at the crash site. They are investigating the scene.”

  “Were you spotted?”

  “Yes, my Brother. We followed standard protocol. We split up. They followed Davan, so I split off to return.”

  “How close are they?” Akua asked with urgency.

  “They are not far, my Brother. We need to move to our alternate cave.”

  “The female cannot leave until the fever breaks, Akua,” Naryah shook her head as she held the back of her hand to Danielle’s forehead.

  “There is no time, my Brother.”

  “My Husband, I know it is forbidden, but we must trust what this off-worlder speaks. The salve and tea will take hours.”

  “We may only have minutes, my Brother.”

  “Very well,” Akua sighed, “Only because we must move and we also must question the female human further,” he tossed the vial to Darnash who snatched it from the air.

  “Once she takes of this last Blood Song,” Darnash warned, “We have hours before its effects once again wear off. How far is this other cave you speak of?”

  “It is just over eight kilometers. But we will have to disguise our route by heading to the south, so more like ten.”

  Darnash attempted to stand but quickly fell back down with a grunt, “Her Blood Song weakens. My strength will return once she has the new song,” he held out the vial to the young Antarian, “Ruki’, give this to her.”

  Ruki’ hesitantly approached Darnash, waiting for her father’s approval. When he gave her a slight nod, she returned to Danielle’s side, uncapped the vial and poured the blood into Danielle’s mouth.

  Danielle’s eyes shot open. She cried out in pain. Naryah cupped her large hairy hand over her mouth to dampen her screams. Her eyes pleaded to Darnash, “Is she alright? What’s happening?”

  Darnash sat upright and looked into Danielle’s eyes, “My Empress. We do not have much time. How are you feeling?”

  “Gathering more strength, Lord Darnash.”

  “I am afraid to say that the Erontos bite infection has taken your Blood Song. We gave you the last dose just now.”

  “It was not the Erontos bite that took my Blood Song.”

  “Then what, my Empress?”

  “It is the properties of my blood, Darnash. It is taking it away each time faster than before.”

  “Akua, how can you ignore this?” Naryah motioned.

  “It is difficult to believe any of this is real.”

  “Akua?” Darnash asked.

  “This blood has been forbidden to us for a hundred generations. We must make haste. Felvek, you must send word to the under-land Ma’Getch Clan. Then send our relief from the Ra’Gice Clan. We need to take this female human to the under-lands.”

  “The under-lands?” Danielle asked.

  “Yes, through the main catacombs of under-lands. There you will find what you seek.”

  “Do you have the Blood Scroll?”

  “There is no time to explain. If what you have said is a truth, we will know soon enough.”

  “Ruki’,” Naryah instructed, “Now you must go to above-lands and fetch your brothers. Tell them to meet us there, go with them. Do not risk returning.”

  “Yes, my Mother, and thank you for trusting that I am old enough to go to above-lands.”

  “Do not thank me as yet, my Daughter. There is much danger at above-lands when the humans are about.”

  “I will stay safe, my Mother.”

  “Come on,” Danielle urged, “We must go now.”




  Calypso Crash Site


  The two Eridonians stood together, their eyes closed as they concentrated on the creatures' location in the forest, “The one creature is heading east,” Artemis and Malcom said in unison.

  “I will pursue this one,” Thelix volunteered, trudging off in the direction the Eridonians instructed.

  Race tapped his headset, “Admiral, we’ve got one in chase.”

  “This is Admiral Fitz. What’s your situation?”

  “Mister Thelix is giving chase to a... Sasquatch ...Sir.”

  “Can you repeat that, Colonel? I thought I heard you say Squash Patch!?”

  “No, Sir. Sasquatch, Sir, as in Big Foot...Sir.”

  “Quit clowning around, Colonel...”

  “Well, Sir, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it myself.”

  Malcom and Artemis changed focus on Race and Jed, Humans are so inquisitive. Yes, I must warn you that these creatures in your mythic legends hold a special key to your survival.

  That’s just great, Race thought, Admiral; they’ve hijacked our minds again. Guys, how many times have I said I don’t like you pokin’ around inside my head?

  Relax Race, Jed answered, I trust that when the Eridonians demand our attention, we’d better listen. Malcom, please explain what you said, eh, thought about the Sasquatch.

  Very well, Admiral Fitz. The Sasquatch are Antarians. They have been on Earth for centuries.

  ...and you’re just telling us this now? Race protested.

  Our apologies, but we thought it best to hold this information until it was required...

  Race interrupted with his thoughts, you’ve known all along that Sasquatch sightings were really Antarian sightings?

  Antarians? Jed added.

  Oh yeah, Admiral, I got a good look at one of them. They look just like Thelix without clothing. Now we find out the Eridonians weren’t forthcoming in critical information about our enemy. I have to question what else they have withheld from us?

sp; Race has a valid point, Malcom. What about it? What else have you withheld?

  I apologize, Admiral Fitz, there simply is no time to explain. We have no time to waste.

  I thought you could freeze time when we conversed this way? Race asked.

  It does not always work like that. The perception of time can manifest itself in different ways.

  Huh? Race begged.

  If you want to find the one you seek named Danielle Cooper, we must not waste any time.

  Danielle’s alive?

  Perhaps...for a moment we felt her awaken. We have lost her now...but we believe she is alive.

  How many Sasquatch did you see, Race?

  There were two, Malcom answered, one went east, and we lost track of the other one. If Mister Thelix is fortunate, he will capture this one, which could lead us to Danielle...losing fix...I will have to terminate this session if we’re to aid in his pursuit.

  Fine by me, Race said, shaking his head to break the Eridonian hold.

  “Admiral, is this channel still open?”

  “I read you, Race, go ahead.”

  “Can you adjust your sensors? Maybe a fly over to help us pin point our targets?”

  “Yes, my tactical officer indicates we can do that. Give us five minutes.”

  “This’ll be over in five, Sir.”


  Thelix ran through the forest, leaping over logs and flying through foliage in pursuit of the fleeing Sasquatch. Convinced he was close, he stopped to listen in a small clearing. Raising his head high, he sniffed.

  “I know you are here. I can smell you. Why do you run from your own kind?” Darnash said in his native tongue.

  Thelix listened intently...he heard nothing. Suddenly a Sasquatch tackled him from behind.

  The two rolled head over heels along the underbrush. Thelix broke away, leaped to his feet and charged his less experienced foe. His charge hit the Sasquatch square in the chest, knocking both to the ground. Thelix pinned his opponent’s shoulders to the forest floor, “Who are you?”

  “My name is Davan, what Clan are you from?”

  A female Sasquatch burst from the foliage armed with a large branch, “Do not tell him anything more, my Uncle!”

  Thelix looked up just in time to see the thick branch speeding at his head.

  “Ruki’!? What are you doing here?” Davan exclaimed.

  “Saving your lame ass, my Uncle,” Ruki’ grunted as she swung the branch.

  Thelix fell limp next to Daven.

  “Come, my Uncle,” Ruki’ extended her hand, “We must find my Brothers. We are to meet at the other cave-lands.”

  “The cave west by the waters-land?”

  “Yes, my Uncle.”

  “Kuhar and Rehor are two kilometers to the west already.”

  “We can catch up to them,” Ruki’ pointed at Thelix. “Now let’s go before more of them come.”


  “Wake up,” Race pleaded as he shook Thelix. “Come on, big guy,” Race shook him harder, “You okay?”

  Thelix rolled away from Race and shook his head with a moan, “Always the kidder, Race Jennings.”

  “That’s Colonel Race Jennings, Mister Thelix,” Race offered a hand. Thelix snorted and got to his feet on his own.

  “Where’d they go? I thought you had him?”

  “I miscalculated their ability to hide in this forest.”

  “In other words, you let him get the jump on you.”

  “No, I had him.”

  “Then what happened, Big Fella?”

  “I walked into a branch,” Thelix rubbed his cheek. “Swung by a feisty Antarian,” he added under his breath.

  Malcom came to a stop and rested his hands on his spindly knees.

  “Finally caught up, eh? Looks like you need to go the “Y” a little more often. Thelix let ‘em get away,” Race nodded at Thelix and grinned, “Apparently they were too feisty for him. You got anything on ‘em?”

  “I am sorry, Colonel Jennings, we have lost their link.”

  “Now, how in the hell, do two large hairy Sasquatches slip through our grasp?”

  “We are uncertain why we lost our mind link with the creatures; we will have to analyze more data.”

  “Figures,” Race tapped his headset once more, “We lost ‘em Admiral. Didja ever get a fix on our targets?”

  “Negative, Colonel. They just vanished. We had them tagged on scanner and then they were gone.”

  “Just like that, Sir? Gone?”

  “I kid you not, Colonel.”

  “Sounds like this’ll make for one fun report to Admiral Gilmore.”

  “Yeah, wanna help?”

  “No thank you, Sir. I appreciate the offer, but I’ve got my own ton of work down here. Rain Check, Sir?”

  “Yeah, you do, Race. Keep looking.”

  “The good news is the Eridonians say she is alive, so we’re runnin’ on hope down here.”

  “Keep up the good work, Colonel. Fitz out.”

  Race tapped his headset and looked at the Eridonian.

  “Our apologies, Colonel, we do not have an answer why we’ve lost their link.”

  “Seems to me, all you’ve been doin’ lately is a lot of apologizing...and I get the feeling it certainly won’t be the last.”

  Malcom turned away from Race and headed back to the shuttle crash site, “We shall continue searching for them. We’ll let you know once we have reestablished a link.”

  “Come, on, Mister Thelix, let’s get back to camp, shall we?”

  Thelix grunted and led the path back to the site.

  “Did you get a good look?”

  “Yes, I tackled one. They spoke Antarian. There is no question that they are decedents of Antares.”

  “These Sasquatches, or Antarians, or whatever the hell we’re talkin’ about, what’re they doing here, and how long have they been here?”

  “All good questions, Race Jennings.”

  “Questions for our Eridonian friends can answer, this I’m sure.”

  “All in due time, Colonel Jennings,” Malcom answered.

  “Now would be a real good; I’ve got time, so how’s about it?”


  “This way, my Uncle,” Ruki’ led Davan through the underground passage.

  “How do you know the branches of the catacombs so well, Ruki’?”

  “I have had lots of practice, my Uncle.”

  Although they were in complete darkness, Ruki’ shot through the corridor without error. “We’re almost there, my Uncle. We should go above-lands and call for my Brothers.”

  “Yes, they should be close to our exit,” Davan nodded.

  “The opening is near...here. Climb up. You will exit a dead timber. From the top you can make your call.”

  Davan climbed the old roots to the top. He peered over the edge of the stump, ten feet above the ground.

  Cupping his hands like a cone over his mouth, he inhaled and let out a loud lingering cry.


  Race, Thelix, and Malcom looked for clues at the crash site. Their concentration was broken by a faint call to the west.

  “Did you hear that?” Race asked, holding his hand in the air. “What was that, anyway?”

  Thelix answered, cupping his hand around one of his ears, “That is an Antarian call. I’d recognize it anywhere.”

  Malcom pointed to the west, “We have reestablished our link. It is coming from that direction.”

  “Yes,” Thelix agreed, “The Eridonian is correct, it comes one point two-four miles west of this location.”

  “Listen, there’s another,” Race added. Tapping his headset, “Admiral, you getting anything on scanners?”

  “Affirmative,” Jed answered, “Picking up three blips about two kilometers due west.”

  Thelix raised his hands to his mouth and returned the call. He sounded his call for several seconds and then listened for a response.

  “I’m reading one of them,” Malcom nodded. Artemis joined
his side, and the two concentrated. “Yes, they are heading west to the coast...They’re gone again.”

  “We confirm,” Jed responded, “They vanished from our scanners again.”

  “All this technology! This is getting ridiculous,” Race grumbled, “Admiral, give us their last coordinates. We’ll take a shuttle and find out what the hell’s going on.”

  “Sending coordinates to your ship. Have someone stay behind to keep the crash site secured.”

  “Roger that, Admiral, we’re heading there now.”

  Race tapped his headset off, “Thelix, you’re with me. Artemis, I think I’d prefer your company, no offence, Malcom.”

  “Do not be concerned, Colonel Jennings, I have no ego to bruise.”

  “Is that so!” Race said, returning a glare. “The rest of you stay here and go over the site again.”

  Race and his team headed to his shuttle. Thelix was the last to enter and shut the hatch. The engines fired up, they lifted off and headed to the coordinates Jed sent.


  Kuhar and Rehor answered their Uncle’s call and ran to their exit point. Davan offered his hand as the two climbed into the hollow log and down inside the catacombs.

  Ruki’ hugged her two brothers and then led them in a westerly direction, “Do you think they heard your call, my Uncle?”

  “There is no doubt they heard me, but they will not find us once we enter our under-lands.”

  “We must make haste, my Brothers. We have to take the female human to the Clan of Ma’Getch.”

  “What female human?” Rehor protested.

  “Curious,” Davan began, “Why are these strange Antarians in the company of humans?”

  “My Uncle,” Ruki’ explained, “the two you brought to Father hold a special meaning.”

  “This is why we go early to the under-lands?”

  “Yes, my Uncle. The female is to be tested.”

  “Do you think she is the one?”

  “If she lives after the test, yes, that will confirm she is the one foretold in the scroll.”

  “My, my, little Ruki’,” Rehor teased, “You have been busy with your studies, haven’t you.”


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