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Warlords Saga

Page 60

by Brian K. Larson

  “Yes, my Lord,” Tira nodded.


  Betelgeuse Sector

  The Primrose


  Trygg shot a glance over to his comm officer, “Open a damn channel, now!”

  “Yes, Sir, channel open to the Bristol, Sir.”

  “This is Captain Rothgarson of the Primrose, the Agamemnon has been stolen! Did you get a fix on their last jump coordinates?”

  “Negative, Primrose, Captain McCartney, here. What the hell happened? Who was piloting that ship?”

  “A band of escaping Antarians. Apparently from their Antarian flagship.”

  “The Empress’ flagship?”

  “Yes, you heard me correctly, Captain. Admiral Gilmore’s ship was docked with the Moon Base operations for repair. They took us by surprise too, Just before we entered the corridor after them, an ACE support ship jumped in and transmitted what happened. Apparently they recovered fifteen escape pods from the Antarian flagship. They were being held at the Moon Base when they escaped. The Aga’s crew had been dismissed for shore leave, so it was an easy mark.”

  “Wow, Captain,” McCartney answered, “I would never thought Antarians could have stolen one of our ships.”

  “You humans need stronger security protocols.”

  “I think we should take lessons from our Draconian friends.”

  “We will be glad to assist you in anyway, Captain McCartney.”

  “You can bet our security protocols will be beefed up soon enough. Where do you think they were headed, anyway, Captain Rothgarson?”

  “It is most certain they returned to Antares.”

  “Where they can dismantle our ship and learn our weaknesses? That’s not good.”

  “I will cross through the corridor and head to Earth. We need to get your ship builders to implement system-wide changes across the board.”

  “Agreed, Captain Rothgarson. I’ll hold the fleet here at Betelgeuse. You can be sure we’ll do our best to keep this entrance secure.”

  “I would start by rotating shield frequencies on your Earth ships. Changing battle strategies might prove wise as well.”

  “We’ll get started on those shield frequency rotations immediately, Captain. Thank you for your advice.”

  “Captain Rothgarson, of the Primrose, signing out. See you real soon, Captain.”

  Rothgarson turned to his helmsmen, “Bring us about and set course for the Event Horizon.”

  “Aye, Sir. Two minutes until we cross, Sir.”



  Empress’ Palace


  Laboolaron led Ma’har to Dumakas’ chambers. The two stood before the former Emperor, Laboolaron made the introduction, “Lord Dumakas, I present to you Lord Ma’har of the House of Gornash.”

  “Yes, Laboolaron,” Ma’har nodded, “Thank you for granting me an audience, Lord Dumakas.”

  Dumakas remained seated in a laid back posture, “Ma’har, House of Gornash, eh? Tell me, Ma’har, what is it that you feel is so important that I must grant you an audience?”

  “My Lord,” Ma’har bowed before approaching the former Emperor, “I bring to you a Humanoid vessel from the Sol system. Though they’re technologically inferior to us, they are a threat to the Rising Star Antares.”

  “What happened to Empress Danielle?”

  “My Lord, it is no secret that our Empress was on a quest to find the missing Antarian Scroll.”

  “Where is she, if she is not with you?”

  “She and Lord Darnash left for the Earth’s surface. Only fifteen Warlords escaped the burning flagship.”

  “The flagship went down, did it? Did you see this for yourself before you were captured like a gorech?”

  “My Lord, we used our escape pods, however, they intercepted us before we could enter the planet’s atmosphere.”

  “You allowed yourselves to be captured by enemy forces?”

  “My Lord, we have delivered to you the prize of the alien ship. We also have intelligence regarding their alliance’s strengths and weaknesses.”

  “Do you still follow Empress Danielle?”

  “Her blood spirit continues to sing to my heart, my Lord.”

  “Yet you fled the Sol system, leaving your precious Empress behind and with your tails between your legs? Do you really think that impresses me, Ma’har?”

  “My apologies, my Lord, but there is useful information held within that ship.”

  “Perhaps I shall give you and your crew some latitude in this matter, seeing you were beguiled by her blood song. What about my blood song? Does not my blood have any effect upon you, Lord Ma’har?”

  “As we speak, my Lord, Empress Danielle’s blood song wanes and grows cold within my heart.”

  “Tell me you will serve me and my administration, Lord Ma’har. That may very well be the only way to keep you from attending the games yourself.”

  Ma’har kneeled before Dumakas, “My, Lord, we have chosen to follow this path. We serve the House of Serintin of the Rising Star Antares,” Ma’har made a fist and pounded his chest before extending an arm of allegiance to Dumakas.

  “Very good, my Lord Ma’har, see to it that the rest of your crew shows the same amount of respect that you have.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I shall ensure that they do. Now, about the intelligence...”

  “You mean the intelligence within the computer banks of that alien ship?”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har answered, returning to his feet.

  “The strategic and logistical data will be changed. Is that not what you would do if one of your ships were stolen?”

  “Yes, my Lord. However, we can learn their ship’s vulnerabilities and capitalize on those at our next encounter.”

  “Perhaps, Lord Ma’har,” Dumakas said, leaning forward, “Once we have analyzed the data, what you have done here could prove worthy of recognition.”

  “Thank you, my Lord,”

  Dumakas waved his hand at Laboolaron, “Take him away and release them all.”



  Earth Orbit

  The Rock


  “Admiral,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, “It is Admiral Gilmore, Sir. He says it’s urgent.”

  “I’m sure every thought that Admiral Gilmore has is of extreme importance. Put it through.”

  “Sir, he says you might want to take this one in your quarters.”

  “All right, tell him I’m on my way.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Jed stepped over to the stairs to exit the CSC when his XO stopped him as he was entering.

  “Commander,” Jed said pacing through.

  “Sir?” Commander Jameson said, causing Jed to pivot around.

  “I can’t talk now, Jameson, Admiral Gilmore wants to have a private conversation. You have the con,” Jed answered walking backwards.

  “Thank you, Sir,” Jameson saluted, “Have you heard anything yet sir?”

  “No,” Jed answered, pivoting back toward the exit, “nothing yet, and I’m sure that’s what Gilmore wants to chat about...don’t want to keep the Admiral waiting now, do we?”

  “No, Sir, we wouldn’t want to do that now, would we?”

  “Carry on, Commander. Feel free to interrupt if you hear anything.”

  “Yes, Sir, you can count on it, Sir.”





  “We are here,” Mor’relock motioned.

  “Where exactly is here, anyway?” Race asked. “Looks like a hallowed out cave with all kinds of fancy electronics built into the walls. Not to mention the dark passage that leads to nowhere.”

  Mor’relock chuckled, “My above-land friend, you do not understand all that we are.”

l, I’m pretty amazed at all this tech.”

  “You have seen nothing yet, my curious friend.”

  “I fail to see where this is going,” Race protested, “Did you lead us to a dead-end?”

  Mor’relock manipulated the computer panels along the wall, “You do not believe beings such as ourselves are capable of advanced technology?”

  “The thought crossed my mind.”

  “We do possess such technology.”

  “Apparently. So why live underground in caves and all?”

  “It is a way of life, Race Jennings.”

  “Well, I think you could make things easier on yourselves if you embraced your technology.”

  “We decided this is the way we want to live.”

  “And every one of you agrees?” Race fixed his eyes on Ruki’, “There isn’t anyone that thinks this life might be a bit…harsh?”

  “Race Jennings has a point,” Ruki’ smiled, “I sometimes question why we continue to neglect the technology left by our forefathers.”

  Akua turned to his daughter with lifted finger, “...and you shall be mindful of your place, young Ruki’.”

  “I am sorry, my Father, I mean no disrespect. The technology was not evil...”

  “Ruki’!” Akua scolded.

  Race held his hands in the air, “I didn’t mean to cause a family rift or anything. I was just tryin’ to figure this all out.”

  “This shall be a discussion for another time, my Daughter. Silence your point of view until that time.”

  Mor’relock held his hand on Akua’s shoulder, “Do not be so harsh with so bright a child, even if she is younger than she feels, my Brother. She is right. Maybe it is time we embrace our real heritage instead of hiding in the dark shadows of our ancestors.”

  “Yeah, that’s it!” Race exclaimed, “Reveal yourselves to mankind for real. Let them know.”

  Akua lowered a somber and shaking head, “It is too late for that Race Jennings.”

  “It’s never too late, Akua. Listen, you’re a pretty bright kind of fella. You shouldn’t be so resistive to change. Maybe your daughter could teach you a thing or disrespect you know...”

  “Humans would not understand.”

  “How do we know if we never try, my Father?”

  Akua only growled in reply.

  “There,” Mor’relock smiled, “we are ready.”

  “Ready for what? You still haven’t told me why you led us to this dead-end...”

  Mor’relock pressed a final command and the dark wall at the end of the cave shimmered.

  Race stood gazing speechless at the strange phenomenon.

  “This is not a dead-end, Race Jennings,” Mor’relock explained, “It’s a crosswise.”

  “A what-wise?”

  “You will see...”

  “What? You want me to walk through the wall or something? I don’t think ‘Stargate’ really exists.”

  “This will lead you to across-lands. Not all of us can cross.”

  “Can I go, my Father?”


  “Let her go, my Brother. She has come of age, Akua. You have raised a wonderful daughter. She will go in my stead. This will be an excellent learning experience.”


  Akua took Ruki’ by her shoulders, “I suppose I have been hard on you, my Daughter.”

  “I can do this, my Father...”

  Akua cut Ruki’ off, “...nonetheless, as Mor’relock has said; you have come of age.”

  “I have been of age for some time now, my Father.”

  “I know it is time to let you take your own path.”

  “Thank you, my Father.”

  “You are my bravest and brightest child. I am afraid I cannot stop you, my head strong and high spirited Daughter.”

  “Only six may cross, my Empress,” Mor’relock cautioned.

  “Why only six?” Danielle asked.

  “The power grid will not handle more than six crossings before another twelve hour recharge.”

  “So you’re really tellin’ us this is a one way trip?” Race added.

  “Yes, we will return to our normal activities,” Mor’relock motioned to the others.

  Mister Thelix scratched his head, “I have never seen such technology. Where did you acquire this?”

  “It is really part of our technology and parts of other species technology that we…borrowed.”

  “I’ll bet you borrowed it,” Race gave a smirk.

  Mor’relock glanced at Race, and then continued with his explanation, “A combination of two technologies plus the Carnelian Crystals rich in this ground.”

  “Ah,” Darnash exclaimed, before Race could interrupt, “Carnelian Crystals are also found on Delema. They have unusual properties. I commend your people for discovering one of its many uses.”

  “Yes, Lord Darnash,” Mor’relock nodded, “This, and the many healing properties of the refined and polished stones.”

  “I’m eager to get moving again,” Race said, raising his hand, “Who’s first?”

  “Why not you, Race Jennings?” Mor’relock grinned.

  “Wow, I’d be honored.”

  “Do not worry, Mor’relock,” Ruki’ smiled, “I shall deliver them to the Crimson Guild.”

  “I have sent word for Gor’con of the Carnelian Clan. He shall take you to the scroll and decide if we should allow Humans to help in this matter,” Mor’relock nodded.

  “So what do I do?” Race asked.

  “Hold your nose and close your eyes. Do not breathe while you cross.”

  “Why not, is there something you’re not telling me?”

  “It is perfectly long as you do those things.”

  “Well...okay.” Race took a deep breath, pinched his nose, and closed his eyes.

  Mor’relock guided him to the edge of the shimmering opening. A gentle push and Race vanished.

  Darnash turned to Mor’relock, smirking through his crooked teeth, “You really do not have to do that, do you?”

  “No, not at all,” Mor’relock mused, “I just wanted to see what it would look like.”

  The rest of the Antarians roared with laughter.

  “I shall go next, Mor’relock,” Ruki’ said, stepping up to the glimmering rock face.

  She quickly faded through and met Race on the other side.

  “Holly...Molly!” Race exclaimed.

  Ruki’ found Race amazed by the red crystal laden cavern.

  “This is simply amazing,” Race placed his hands on his hips and turned to Ruki’, “Hey! How come you weren’t holding your breath?”

  “Do not be concerned, Race. Mor’relock was playing a trick on you.”

  “I see. Ha-ha-ha...very funny.”

  “What’s the matter, Race?” Ruki’ asked, watching the rest of their group come through the portal. “You cannot take what you dish out?”

  “Hey, now wait a minute,” Race said, pointing his index finger.

  The last one to exit the shimmering crystals was Mister Thelix, “This is quite impressive technology. I must see the schematics!”

  A vary old and tall Sasquatch approached them. Ruki’ trotted over to him and took his hand and put it under her arm, “It is good to see you again, Gor’con. How are you doing these days?”

  Ruki’ followed the old creature, who supported his weight on a long staff. She introduced them, “Gor’con of the Carnelian Clan, leader of the Crimson Guild. I present to you, Empress Danielle of the House of Cooper of the Rising Star of Antares.”

  The old Antarian’s eyes were but slits. Upon Ruki’s introduction, his eyes widened. Within one eye could be seen a very large grey-colored cataract. He knelt down on one knee, “My Empress, I am Gor’con of the Earth Clan Carnelian. On behalf of the Crimson Guild, I welcome you to across-lands.”

  Artemis’ eyes widened as she looked over at the entire super-cave of gems and crystals, “Oh my, my.”

  “You brought an Eridonian, my

  “...and a couple of Antarians and a human.”

  “It is wonderful,” Artemis smiled, “I can almost make contact with the others...”

  Gor’con stretched out an old hand, “You will not make contact. It is too dangerous.”

  “I merely wish to relay to my counterpart that we are alright. I understand your desire to keep this realm hidden from the other Earthlings.”

  “Do not make contact until I say it is alright.”

  “As you wish, Gor’con,” Artemis bowed, “I am here as a servant to the humans. Please trust me when I say we do not wish to reveal this place. That will be your decision.”

  “You risk much, my Empress, bringing outsiders and off-worlders to this place.”

  “It is of extreme urgency that you take me to the ancient Blood Scroll of Antares.”

  “Yes, yes...the Blood Scroll...indeed. Mor’relock has provided me with the details.

  “Come, it is not far. Follow me and we will unlock the hidden secrets yet to be discovered.”

  “Rise, Gor’con. They all travel with me. We must discover the secret of the scroll in order for me to fulfill my destiny.”

  Gor’con stood before Danielle, “Do you understand the destiny of which you speak?”

  “From what I have been told, and evidenced by all the events that are taking place, I know it is within me to heal the Kron’Shulooka.”

  Gor’con waved a hand, “Follow me, my Empress and your entourage.”

  “I couldn’t agree with you more, Mister Gor’con,” Race nodded.

  “Please tell your human to remain silent,” Gor’con advised.

  “Why is it always me?”

  Gor’con stopped and turned. Towering over Race, he smiled through his dripping fangs, “Do not irritate me.”

  “Yes, Sir, Mister Gor’con. You can count on ol’ Race Jennings to keep you all nice and calm, and irritation free.”

  “See to it,” and then Gor’con turned, resuming his pace. “I take you to the hall of records where the ancient scroll has been kept and preserved by the Crimson Stones.”

  “This is the original scroll?” Danielle asked.

  “Yes, my Empress, it is over fifteen thousand years old. It is very fragile.”


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