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Warlords Saga

Page 62

by Brian K. Larson

  “Admiral, if you’re planning on firing on our target site, it is my concern, Sir. You agreed to wait three hours!”

  “A couple more hours makes no difference at this point, Jed. Relax; you’re more than welcome to join us.”

  “Admiral, I’ve still got men on the ground down there! You can’t fire on them; they’ll never survive those ordnances!”

  “Then I suggest you bug your men out, Admiral. We’ll be in position in ten minutes.”

  Admiral Fitz’s face grew a look of horror with Gilmore’s words. He snapped his neck toward his comm officer and barked orders, “Henderson! Get our teams off the ground! Payne! Break orbit and fly an intercept course. I want you to put the Rock between the Excalibur’s ship and the ground. Tactical! Bring all weapons online.”

  “Sir, the Excalibur has charged weapons. They’re targeting the ground, Sir!”

  “I’ve sent word to the ground teams, Sir. They’re buggin’ out, but they won’t all get out in ten minutes, Sir!”

  “Open that channel to the Excalibur again!”

  “They’re hailing us, Admiral.”

  “Admiral Fitz? Why are you setting a course to put your ship off our PDA?”

  “Admiral, you can’t fire on our ground teams!”

  “They need to evac...”

  “...There’s not enough time, Admiral. It’s going to take us twenty plus to get all our support ships off the ground.”

  “Admiral, you need to get your teams to double-time it, because I’m not turning back. I plan on opening up that ground and expose as many of those underground passages as possible!”

  “I’m sorry, Admiral, but I can’t allow you to fire upon our own teams!”

  “The Excalibur is increasing speed, Sir.”

  “Lieutenant Collins, target the Excalibur. Henderson, patch me through to the President.”

  “Yes, Sir, I’m on it.”

  “Admiral Gilmore, I’ll give you one more chance to stand down! I will not let you fire upon our ground support teams!”

  Jed’s comm officer cut in, “I’ve got the President, Sir.”

  Jed put on a wireless headset and tapped the earpiece, “Put him through here...Mr. President...I need a favor, Sir... It’s Admiral Gilmore, he’s gone rouge. He’s about to fire on friendly ground troops...ETA is five minutes... yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.” Jed snapped the headset and slammed it on the console table, “DAMN!”

  “What’s the matter, Sir?” Commander Jameson asked.

  “He said he’ll try to get them to stand down.”

  “That’s it, Sir?”

  “I’m afraid so, but he also said to use any means necessary to stop him from firing.”

  “We’re in atmospheric flight, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported, “We could launch fighters and have them target any missiles strikes.”

  Jed pointed, “Do it!”




  Crimson Guild Hall


  Gor’con led the Empress and her company into a great hall. The ceilings inside the hall were nearly as high as the cavern itself.

  Danielle and Race both looked at all the ornate carvings that seemed to tell a story as they walked. They finally came to the end of the long hall, which opened to a large inner chamber. The structure within the chamber resembled a Mayan Pyramid with stairs on all four sides that lead from the ground to its apex.

  Race started at the base and slowly worked his eyes to the top, “It’s up there, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Race Jennings, the Blood Scroll is held at the top, sealed behind glass,” Gor’con pointed.

  “For real?” Race protested. “There must be sixty, seventy, stairs on this thing.”

  “There are ninety-one steps to be exact, plus one extra at the top, to be exact, Race Jennings.”

  “You ever been to Latin America to see the Pyramids? ‘Cause these sure do look similar to what we see in some regions.”

  Gor’con grinned as he joined Race in gazing at the Pyramids’ top, “Where do you think they got the design?”

  “There is a step for every day of Earth’s year,” Ruki’ added.

  “Yes, young Ruki’ of Grey-con, you are correct.”

  “Well, we might as well get started on our climb,” Race said, resting his hands on his hips.

  Artemis pointed at Ruki’, “I shall require assistance to the top. These steps are too large for me to climb.”

  “Yes, Darnash and Thelix,” Gor’con ordered, “you should each carry a human as well. The climb will go much faster.”

  Race sized Gor’con up and down, “You’re going to make this climb? Don’t get me wrong, Mister Gor’con, but you don’t look as if you’re fit to climb this thing.”

  “I am only seven-hundred years old. I can make the climb.”

  “Seven-hundred? What was I thinking? You’re just a spring chicken, ain’t ya.”

  “Ruki’, please remind the human to remain silent.”

  “Sorry, big guy,” Race answered with raised hands, “but ya got ta understand we’re all newbie’s at all this.”

  Gor’con sneered at Race. He smiled through his snarled teeth as he began his ascent.



  The Excalibur


  “Admiral, Lieutenant Ed Casey reported, “I’m getting a message, Sir.”

  “If it’s Fitz, I’m busy!”

  “No, Sir, it’s the President. He is ordering us to stand down, Sir.”

  Admiral Gilmore placed his headset on and tapped its side, “Patch it through, Lieutenant. Helm, maintain course and speed... Mr. President, it’s good to hear your voice... yes, Sir, everything’s good, Sir. We’re about to open up the lower passages to expose the hidden Antarian Threat, Sir. The entire planet’s at stake, Sir. We have to find them... yes, Sir. I understand our forces are on the ground... Yes, Sir, I’ve given Admiral Fitz plenty of time to evacuate his men... Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir.”

  Gilmore tapped his headset off and turned to his tactical officer, “Lieutenant Hudson, weapons hold. Helm, stay on course. Lieutenant Casey, open a channel to Admiral Fitz.”

  “Sir, the Rock has launched fighters.”

  “They’re hailing us, Sir.”

  “Put it on, Lieutenant...Admiral Fitz, nice of you to follow along for the ride, eh? I wouldn’t get your fighters that are running training exercises too close to our PDS. We might decide to test those systems. They are on a training mission, right Admiral? Because I’d hate to think you launched them for any other reason!”

  “Admiral Gilmore, I’m here to prevent you from unloading weapons fire until all our teams have properly evacuated the perimeter.”

  “Yes, yes,” Gilmore glibly replied, “I spoke with the President. He’s ordered me to allow you twenty more minutes. That’s all the more time you get. Fire any weapons on us and we will take you down, Admiral!”

  “Fire any weapons before our teams have reported safe, and I’ll take you down...Sir!”

  “You wouldn’t!”

  “I certainly would. I would also instruct Commander Rollins to relieve you of your command!”

  “Under what grounds, Admiral?”

  “The President has authorized me to use any force required to keep you from committing this act!”

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Russell reported to Admiral Gilmore, “I’ve reached the target coordinates.”

  Admiral Gilmore looked over to his tactician, “Open fire on target!”

  “Sir?” Lieutenant Hudson questioned, “There’s still teams on the ground.”

  “I said FIRE!”

  “But Sir...”

  Gilmore’s face turned red before ordering, “Sargent of the Guard!”

  Five husky and well-armed marines entered the CSC, each locked and loaded their weapons, “Sir, what are your orders, Sir?” the lead marine ask

  “I gave Lieutenant Hudson an order. See to it he carries it out!”

  The radio crackled Admiral Fitz’ voice, “Commander Rollins, I am relieving Admiral Gilmore of his command in violation of a direct order from the President.”

  Commander Rollins stepped forward in acknowledgement, “Sergeant of the Guard! Take Admiral Gilmore into custody!”

  “Delay that order!” Admiral Gilmore’s red face screamed. “Admiral Fitz doesn’t out-rank me!” Gilmore reached for the weapons console and pressed the firing sequence before the marines could react.

  Three missiles left the Excalibur, accelerating towards the calypso’s crash site nine-thousand meters below.

  The marines jumped into action and pulled Gilmore from the weapon’s console. Gilmore, now pinned to the bulkhead behind him, held his hands in the air. The lead marine took charge and stepped over to Gilmore, who was now at gun point by three of the marines, “I’ll take your side arm, Sir.” The Marine carefully unclipped the weapon and slowly removed the Admiral’s gun.

  The three missiles struck the crash site in seconds. The ground quailed as each sent a five-hundred foot tall fireball into the air, incinerating the surrounding foliage. Two escaping ACE ships flew as quickly as the ships could travel. One of them hit by the blast and crashed back down into the ground. The other ship farther ahead, managed to make it past the blast zone.

  The Marine tugged on the Admiral’s collar, “Now if you will come with me, Sir?”

  “Admiral Fitz,” Commander Rollins reported, “Admiral Gilmore is in custody. I’m reinstating my crew and relieving his. We’ll be returning the Excalibur to high orbit, Sir.”

  “Very good work, Commander,” the crew of the Excalibur crew heard, “We’re recalling fighters and joining you in orbit, Rocinante out.”

  Gilmore stopped his escort briefly, “Admiral Fitz, this isn’t over yet. You’ve just made the biggest career mistake of your life.”

  “No, Admiral, I think you have,” the radio crackled its reply.

  “Come, Sir,” the Marine urged as he pressed his arm into Gilmore’s back.

  Commander Rollins turned to his tactical officer, “Lieutenant Bradley, what’s the damage from those missiles?”

  “We lost ten men aboard an ACE Support that was caught in the explosion. The site was compromised and any additional evidence has been destroyed.”

  Rollins gave Commander Bridges a glare and then stood chest to chest with the man, “You are relieved, Commander.” Rollins moved his clenched jaws even closer to Bridges, “You and these…officers get off of my bridge! Marine!”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” the remaining Marine nodded.

  “Secure him and his crew below decks!”

  The Marine guard herded Admiral Gilmore’s remaining crew off of the bridge.

  “Helm, get us back in orbit.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Russell replied. “Sorry Sir.”

  “For what?”

  “For taking the ship this far, Sir.”

  “You were following orders from a commanding officer, Russell.”

  “Yes, Sir, but I shouldn’t have...”

  “...that’s enough, Lieutenant. I was here too.”

  “Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir.”

  “That goes for everyone,” Commander Rollins nodded. “It’s best we put this little incident behind us and focus on our real mission.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Russell smiled, “returning to Earth orbit on the 47th parallel: ETA ten minutes.”

  “The Rock has departed and is returning to orbit as well, Sir,” Lieutenant Bradley reported.

  “Very well. Don’t worry, crew, we’ll make contact with Colonel Jennings soon enough. I’m sure he’s fine and having a great time of it down below.”





  Crimson Guild Hall


  Race climbed down from Thelix’s back, sliding onto the top and final step. The giant feet he saw made him pause, “Gor’con, you are in better shape than I gave you credit for.”

  Gor’con held his staff with one hand and extended his other to Race, “It is alright, my above-land friend.”

  Danielle was next to land on the apex, from the back of Darnash. Danielle reached for Artemis and helped her from Ruki’s back. She wavered slightly backward before Danielle caught her sleeve and steadied the Eridonian.

  Artemis looked over her shoulder with her wide almond-shaped eyes, “Thank you, Ms. Danielle. That certainly is a long way to fall.”

  Gor’con gave a sigh and turned to the last step, “We should waste no more time, my Empress. The scroll is inside the apex chamber.” He lifted his left foot onto the last step and braced himself with his staff.

  The rest of the group followed him into the center apex chamber at the top of the pyramid. A red glow shimmered on the jewel-inlaid walls.

  “Welcome to the Crimson Guild, my Empress.” Gor’con indicated a clear, sealed case with a flourish of his free hand.

  Danielle placed her hands on the slanted cover. She pressed her face against the glass, gazing at the ten foot length of the ancient scroll beneath.

  “I present to you the Blood Scroll of the Rising Star of Antares.”

  “It’s beautiful!” Danielle smiled and ran her hands across the glass, focusing on some of the ancient words. “I’m afraid I cannot read this. My Nanites are having trouble interpreting for some reason.”

  Darnash stood behind Danielle and placed his large hands on her shoulders. He peered over her shoulder at the ancient text, “It was written in a vernacular much different than what your Nanites can decipher, my Empress.”

  Danielle looked up at Darnash, and then back to the scroll, “Can you read it?”

  “No, my Empress, this dialect ceased usage many, many cycles ago.”

  “Thelix? Ruki’?” Danielle asked.

  “No, my Empress,” Mister Thelix answered, “As with my Brother Darnash, I do not understand in detail what is reads.”

  “I am only starting to learn this dialect,” Ruki’ said, shaking her head.

  “Then, Gor’con,” Danielle turned to their host, “We must defer to you. Will you tell us what the scroll reads?”

  “Yes, my Empress. This section of the scroll that has been given the name Blood Scroll is not the ending of the ancient writings, rather it is the beginning.”

  “The beginning? I fail to understand.”

  “You above-landers on this continent read books left to right.”

  “...and Antarian writings are right to left, I understand now, Gor’con.”

  “Yes, my Empress. You see, the seers of our very oldest ancestors knew of you and of your arrival. They foresaw the arrival in one-hundred Antarian generations. They even knew your name. Danielle Cooper was inscribed in the first pages. They saw you and your people coming to heal Antares. Earth’s coordinates and relative position to Antares was recorded within this scroll as well. Leaving any information as to this location meant the final destruction of our people. They would forever become enslaved by the Kron’Shulooka.”

  “The Blood Spirit, right?”

  “You will remove the Kron’Shulooka from all Antarians. Your blood holds the Bron vis’Ka.”

  Race scratched the back of his head, “The what?”

  “Bron vis’Ka is what is within the female warrior of the unknown house...”

  “Huh,” Race shrugged.

  “...or should I say the female warrior of the House of Cooper. My ancestors knew you would hold the Bron vis’Ka, but they could not see if you won the battle...or if losing the battle is what activates the Bron vis’Ka. Nor did the seers fully understand the text that says an adolescent will lead the way after the prophecy comes to pass.”

  “So if these are the first writings, am I to understand that we are working our way backwards through the scroll and the fir
st words written is what our outcome will be?”

  “You are correct, more or less,” Gor’con grunted.

  “You must tell us what the scroll says, Gor’con. How do we return to Serintin?”

  “As with all of our ancient writings, much of what is written is open to a variety of interpretations.”

  “Which one is the right one?”

  “A great battle you must win, my Empress.”

  “I imagine with the new seated leader. They won’t take forever replacing me now that I’m missing.”

  “There are many clouds, my Empress. Even within the Blood Scroll, the ancient seers never completely understood some of the things they saw.”

  “Do the above-landers take us back?”

  Before Gor’con could answer, Race interjected, “...and we need to know pretty darn quick too.”

  “Why do you say that, my human friend?”

  “Because if we’re going to take the Empress back to fight this battle she’s supposed to fight, then I need to open communications to my superiors before they put upon this place.”

  Gor’con pointed a crooked finger at Race, “What are you saying? You are bringing more above-land dwellers to take our home by force?”

  “Well, it’s not quite like that...”


  “’s just that if I don’t report in soon, they’ll consider me missing and they will come looking for me.”

  “They will be killed in the process of trying,” Gor’con said with pride.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure of that, Mister Gor’con. There are quite a lot of them, and they have some pretty high powered weapons. If they can’t reach here, they will take out your above-land passages and expose those living in them.”

  “This above-land human is wearing thin on my patience, my Empress. What good is he to keep?” Gor’con, with a swift motion, withdrew his dagger and placed it at Race’s neck, “If you will allow me to send this one to Revein’sev...”

  “STOP!” Danielle exclaimed.

  Race froze with the blade pressing against his skin. He gulped, causing the blade to bounce, “Excuse me...but when did this become an issue? I thought you were going to at least let me tell them I’m alright, Mister Gor’con.”


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