Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 65

by Brian K. Larson

  Shin looked forward out the front of the Yamato’s bow only to see five more missiles inbound at their hull, “Brace for impact!”


  Betelgeuse Sector

  Warlord Flagship


  “Another volley!” Dumakas ordered. His face turned another half grin as five more missiles left his ship’s launch tubes. He gleefully watched as the missiles struck their target. The Earth ship glowed brightly for an instant, and then the fire was snuffed by the vacuum of space.

  “They’re still on a collision course, my Lord,” Ker reported.

  “Helm, change course one-five-zero mark two-five-five.”

  Yes, my Lord,” Tira obeyed, turning the ship from the approaching Earth vessel.

  “How many Earth and Eridonian ships are left to destroy?”

  “Most of the ships we targeted have crossed through the corridor, my Lord,” Ker reported.

  “My Lord, our second wave is jumping away now.”

  “Send word to hold our third wave. We’ve done all the damage we can for the moment.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I have transmitted our orders.”

  “Prepare to jump the ships back to Antares.”

  “Yes, my Lord, by your command. We are recalling all fighters now.”

  “No, let our fighters remain here. Have them take out as many of their resources as they can. They will travel to Revein’sev honorably with the taste of blood on their palates.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har shared an evil smile with Dumakas, “Your orders have been conveyed.”

  “What about the Earth ship?”

  “Heavily damaged, my Lord.”

  “Finished them off and then jump when ready.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har gleefully nodded.

  “Today is a great day for all Antares! We return to filling our blood lust as it has always been meant to be!”

  “Yes, my Lord,” the ship’s crew acknowledged in unison.

  “Ma’har, for your unwavering actions and support to your Emperor, you will receive accommodation.”

  Ma’har turned to his console, smiled through his snarled fangs and pressed his launch button once more, sending two more rounds of missiles. They exited the Antarian Flagship and sped to their target, hitting them dead center down the starboard side of the Yamato. Large sections of the crippled ship vanished at every impact site. The last missile detonated the reactor, sending sections of the Yamato flying out in all directions.

  The Antarian Flagship vanished from the Betelgeuse sector, leaving their fighters behind to fight gloriously to the end.



  Earth Orbit

  The Rock


  Admiral Fitz hustled to his ship’s sickbay. Rounding the corner he reached for the door and pulled it open. After stepping in, his eyes were met with a very familiar face.


  Race jumped off the end of the exam table and approached his Admiral with a wide smile, “Admiral? Good to see you too, Sir.”

  The two embraced and Jed held him out at arm’s length, “Well, you don’t look too worse for the wear.”

  “No Sir, we’re all fine. Had a couple close ones, though.”

  Jed’s eyes drifted around the room and saw Danielle being examined by Doctor Lambert. Only then did he notice the four Antarians. Being as large as these creatures were, Jed only now acknowledged their presence.

  “Ah, Sir?” Race began, extending his arm, “let me introduce to you Gor’con, and this is Ruki’.”

  Gor’con tipped his tall staff at the Admiral, and squinted through milky eyes, “Gor’con of the clan of Ma’Getch, Leader and keeper of the Crimson Guild and Blood Scroll of Antares.”

  Jed’s raised eyebrows were all the expression needed for everyone in the room to understand what he was thinking.

  Ruki’ stepped forward, nearly an inch taller than Jed, and extended a hair covered hand in a standard earth greeting the Admiral was all to familiar with, “I am Ruki’ of the clan of Grey-con, youngest of the one-hundredth Earth born Antarian Generation.”

  Admiral Fitz shook the young Antarian’s hand, his eyebrows still raised, “Do not be dismayed, Admiral, we are from Antares. My ancestors came here one hundred Antarian generations ago, to keep safe the Blood Scroll.”

  Jed continued shaking hands, glancing between Darnash, Mister Thelix, Gor’con and Ruki’ as he searched for words.

  “You don’t look quite the same as the Antarians I’ve come to know.”

  “Quite right,” Gor’con answered, “We evolved slightly differently than we would have at our home star. We have adapted to our environment here on your world.”

  “Jed, these are the ones we have come to know as Sasquatch,” Race smiled.

  Jed, finally releasing Ruki’s hand, turned to Gor’con and offered his hand to the nine foot tall Sasquatch, “Pleased to meet you, Gor’con of the House of Ma’Getch.”

  Gor’con gently shook Jed’s hand and quickly corrected his address, “Not House, Admiral Fitz, Clan.”

  “Pardon me,” Jed smiled, “Pleased to meet you, Gor’con of the Clan of Ma’Getch.” He cautiously approached Danielle, “and how are you doing, Private Cooper, or should I address you as Empress Danielle?”

  Doctor Lambert ignored the Admiral, continuing his full examination. Poking her abdomen and feeling her lymph nodes under her jaw. Moving behind her, he pressed his stethoscope to her back, attempting to listen to her heart and lungs as Danielle answered, “...as to such a time that I am officially removed from Antarian appointment, you may address me as Empress Danielle.”

  “Shhhh,” Doctor Lambert insisted in his gravelly voice, “I’m trying to have a listen, d’ya mind?”

  Danielle furrowed her brow, but Darnash laid a calming hand on her shoulder, “It is alight, my Empress. Please allow your physician to finish his exam.”

  Doctor Lambert gave a glance to Darnash, “Thank you,” and returned to his poking and prodding.

  Malcom entered the room shortly after Jed and made a beeline to Artemis. The two pressed their foreheads together and embraced each other’s forearms, “It is agreeable to see you, Artemis.”

  “Likewise, Malcom...”

  Race rolled his eyes at the two, “Will you two just get a room already?”

  Malcom and Artemis stood side by side and addressed Race.

  “Colonel Jennings,” Malcom began, “You confuse the pleasure of seeing one’s mate and actions of sexual motivation.”

  “Yes, Colonel Jennings, there is no sexual tension or attraction between each of our species. As we have explained in the past, we are androgynous and only choose which of the sexes we are at the time we decide to bear offspring.

  “Yes,” Artemis agreed, “As opposed to Danielle and yourself. In that case, it is very evident that you are sexually attracted to Danielle.”

  “Now wait one minute,” Race protested, raising a finger in the air.

  “Oh, it is very clear, Artemis,” Malcom smiled.

  Artemis giggled at the fidgeting Colonel Jennings.

  “No, no,” Race shot a glance at the smiling Danielle, “It’s not like that at all!”

  “You see, Colonel,” Malcom continued, “even now your body language indicates your desire for the young Empress Danielle...”

  “Oh for cryin’ out loud!” Race threw his hands up, then slapped them down to his sides, “Can we get on with the business at hand, please?”

  Doctor Lambert winked at Admiral Fitz, “He’s right, Sir.”

  “Doctor?” Jed grinned.

  “There is something pretty remarkable happening to, em, Empress Danielle.”

  “Such as, Doc?” Race asked, scratching his head.

  Race paid little attention to Doctor Lambert, “...and besides, it’s perfectly normal for a human male to be attracted to a human female, e
specially an attractive one.”

  “Colonel,” Jed said with a raised palm, “Stay on track. Go ahead Doctor.”

  “Oh, I’m staying on track, Sir.”

  Doctor Lambert glanced at Race and then turned his attention back to Danielle, “Such as, Danielle’s physiology is changing.”

  Race turned his attention to Doctor Lambert. Jed and Race both exclaimed in unison, “Changing?”

  “Yes, changing,” Doctor Lambert repeated. “Her DNA is being altered, her blood make up is strange, and I’m hearing two additional lungs. I’d love to get an internal scan and see what else in your anatomy has changed.”

  Danielle looked into the doctor’s eyes, “We don’t have time for this. I have to get back to Antares!”

  “My Empress,” Darnash began, “I’m sure the good doctor has many reasons for needing to complete this exam. A few more hours will not make a difference.”

  Malcom and Artemis suddenly froze. Their eyes widened and they gasped, getting the attention of Admiral Fitz, “I’ve learned to take notice when you make that expression. Is something wrong?”

  “Yes, yes, something is very wrong,” Artemis answered.

  “Man, I hope you don’t start with the telepathy thing again,” Race complained.

  “No, Colonel Jennings,” Malcom answered, “not this time.”

  Artemis continued, “We have lost connection to several Eridonian in the Betelgeuse sector...”

  “Including Hiram on the Yamato, and all the Earth controlled ships,” Malcom finished.

  “Admiral,” Artemis said, turning to Jed, “I believe you will be receiving a communication from the Bristol very shortly.”

  “Yes, Admiral Fitz,” Malcom nodded, “Bertram has said we’ve been attacked at Betelgeuse.”

  Race’s eyebrows rose, “Attacked!?”

  “How bad is it,” Jed asked.

  His communications officer broke in over his commanding officer, “Sir, I’m picking up a distress signal from the Bristol.”

  “Are we in range for live communications?”

  “No Sir. The message is about thirty minutes old now, Sir,” Henderson reported.

  “Put it on, Lieutenant.”

  “Aye, Sir, patching through now.”

  The overhead speakers crackled and then Captain McCartney’s voice broke through, “Mayday, mayday, mayday! This is HMS Bristol. We are in need of immediate assistance! The Antarians have attacked at Betelgeuse sector...” the recording crackled, making it difficult to hear his every word. “... heavy casualties... ... need assistance ... power down ... environmental support is down ... ... ... three hours of air remain ... ... Mayday, mayday, mayday!”

  Jed briskly tapped the side of his headset, “All hands, prepare for battle stations!”

  Blaring alarms began ringing aloud immediately after the Admiral’s order.

  “Lieutenant Henderson; send word to the Mars, Venus, and Jupiter fleets to make ready.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir,” hissed though is earpiece.

  “What ships do we have at the corridor exit?”

  “None at the moment, Sir, we’ve been redistributing the fleet strengths at our interior. For now, we have only the automated tracking stations.”

  “Henderson, relay my orders to prepare for jump. Have Lieutenant, Foster plot an intercept course to the Bristol!”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson acknowledged.

  “Doc, I think your exam will have to wait. Set up for emergency triage and prepare to receive casualties. Everyone to the CSC, we’re jumping to the corridor.”

  “You’re da boss, Admiral,” Doctor Lambert said, his white eyebrows raised, his shoulders shrugging. “We’re always ready down here.”

  Jed nodded to the Doctor and then made his way to the CSC, accompanied by all.

  As they entered the Rock’s command center, the hustle was present with every crewmember attending his duty passing each other with a look of urgency present on every face.

  Lieutenant Collins looked up from his console, “The ship will be jump ready in one minute, Sir.”

  Jed found his place at his restraint seat and chose the standing position. The handles rose for him to hold on while the remaining restraints fastened him securely in place, “Helm, take us out of orbit and set course beyond the moon.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Lieutenant Payne nodded, “Pulling out of orbit, we’ll be past the moon in thirty seconds, Sir.”

  Commander Jameson finished with securing himself to his station as he called to the flight deck, “Chief Kelly, report jump status.”

  “Aye, Sir,” the Chief answered, sounding out of breath, “All ships have returned and are accounted for. Closing bay doors and we’re ready for jump.”

  All the various stations shouted their ready status one by one when Commander Jameson ordered, “Generate negative energy densities!”

  Lieutenant Payne quickly acknowledged as she manipulated her console, “Aye, Sir! We are green and go for jump.”

  “Helm, give me a count,” Jed asked.

  “Ten seconds, Sir... five, four, three, two...”

  “Initiate jump!” Jed exclaimed.

  The stars bled the familiar streaked star patterns as the Rock sped instantly to its target coordinates before the bleeding stars resumed their normal appearance.

  Alarms began ringing over the ship’s claxon. Lieutenant Collins shouted a nervous report, “Proximity alert!”

  Jed looked forward out the ship’s front view screen. The flying debris caused a look of horror to grow across his face, “Emergency evasive!”

  Lieutenant Payne instinctively pitched the ship’s nose down thirty degrees to avoid a direct impact to the larger hull fragments, “Aye, Sir, copy that!”

  The Rock flew below several sections of various ship parts while smaller, less critical pieces struck the ships exterior. Continuous clanking noises ringing off the hull made it clear of the devastation that befell the fleet.

  “Tactical,” Commander Jameson begged, “Hostile report!”

  “Negative on hostiles, Sir!” Collins reported.

  Erica continued to maneuver the Rock clear of the debris field that the corridor continued to purge through its exit.

  “These fragments are ours, and some Eridonian signatures, Sir.”

  “Any sign of the Bristol?” Jed asked.

  “Yes, Sir,” Collins reported, “She’s clear of the event horizon at a safe distance from the corridor.”

  “Lieutenant Foster, plot a course to the Bristol. Lieutenant Henderson, see if you can establish communication with her. Lieutenant Collins, are there any additional ships that are still in one piece out here?”

  The navigation officer acknowledged, “Aye, Sir, plotting course to the Bristol and sending coordinates to helm control.”

  Lieutenant Payne nodded, “Course set, engines to full speed, ETA five minutes, Sir.”

  “I’m having trouble getting through all the static in this sector, Sir. It’s some kind of residual interference pattern; it’ll take a couple more minutes to establish a comm link, Sir.”

  “Do the best you can, Lieutenant.”

  “I’m only reading life signs from the Bristol, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported, “faint readings at best; there are no other surviving ships.”

  Jed looked over to his XO with a grim expression, “Launch the CAP. Let’s get more eyes out here.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Commander Jameson nodded before sending his orders to the flight deck.

  Erica continued to report their position now flying completely clear of the debris field, “Four minutes, Sir.”

  “Secure from General Quarters and set condition two throughout the ship,” Jed ordered, “Stay alert, people.”

  “Sir,” Commander Jameson reported, “the Chief has confirmed Major Phillips and his first responders have launched.”

  Jed continued looking out the CSC view screens, watching the CAP fly past the bridge in perfect formation and out of sight. He wa
ited peevishly for the Bristol to come into visual range.

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, “I have ACE support one. They’re flying ahead to see if they can help establish our comm link.”

  “Very good, Lieutenant, make sure the Major, and his team, gives them plenty of cover just in case.”

  “Three minutes to visual range, Sir.”

  Lieutenant Henderson briefly looked up from his console and then focused back once more, “Sir, it’s working. The ACE support is relaying a live link. It’s very faint, Sir.”

  “Put it on overhead, Lieutenant.”

  “Aye, Sir, signal is live.”

  “Mayday, mayday, mayday,” the radio crackled, “This is the HMS Bristol, does anyone read us?”

  “Captain McCartney, Admiral Fitz, We’re a couple minutes out. What’s your status?”

  “All systems are off-line, Admiral. We are on backup power packs over here. They are the only thing that works and were powered off at the time of the attack.”

  “Understood, Captain, we’re sending transports and medical teams.”



  Serintin Orbit

  Dumakas’ Flagship


  Dumakas smiled through his dripping fangs as Tira flew the flagship into orbit around Serintin. He licked his tongue across his upper lip, savoring every drop of blood he had let from his own palm. His tongue continued to tickle the surface of his mouth all the way down his lower lip. He held his bloodstained dagger up and licked both sides before sheathing his weapon.

  Offering his open palm out to his crew, each of them bowed on one knee and slurped the pool of blood. Dumakas came to one after the other of his bridge crew, finally returning to Tumaleka, who initially turned her head with distain.

  “You will partake of my blood spirit, old woman, lest I have Ma’har finish the job he started earlier.”

  “I cannot...will not...celebrate in your blood lust, Dumakas!”

  “Why is that, old woman?” Dumakas asked, pausing with hand in air. “Is my blood that distasteful that you cannot not stomach it?”


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