Warlords Saga

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Warlords Saga Page 66

by Brian K. Larson

  “I do not need to partake of your blood, my Grandson. I know we shared in a great Antarian victory for all; that is not in question.”

  “Then what of it, old woman,” Dumakas leaned closer to his grandmother. “Tell me now or I shall pierce your two hearts myself!”

  “It is just as you have already said, my Grandson. You desire to kill the one who returned you from Revein’sev; you choose to send me in your stead!”

  Frustrated, Dumakas wiped the palm of his bleeding hand across her lips, smearing what little blood remained after the Nanites closed the wound. “How long will you continue to toss that fact in my face, old woman?”

  Tumaleka wiped her lips clean with her sleeve, “As often as I must to remain alive, my Grandson.”

  “No matter,” Dumakas snorted, “You took enough to satisfy the blood lust; that too is no longer in question.”

  “My Lord,” Getera interrupted, “The remaining fleet have returned and are forming up.”

  “Excellent,” Dumakas said, turning to his communications officer, and then turned to the tactical station, “Ma’har, report fleet casualties.”

  “My Lord,” Ma’har began with an obedient nod, “We lost no battleships. Our only casualties we suffered were the left behind fighters.”

  “Excellent work everyone. Ma’har you will receive accommodation for your successful campaign.”

  Ma’har nodded once more, “Thank you, my Lord.”

  “We shall celebrate our victories over the uncooked and savory juices of the heart of a Boreshog, after which will be an arena game.”

  The flagship crew nodded in agreement, all licking their lips of leftover shared blood lust with their leader.

  “Ma’har, send a scout to Betelgeuse and report the impact of this campaign. Then instruct the fleet to reconfigure their weapons and prepare for more skirmishes. We shall take Betelgeuse and then Earth.”

  “My Grandson,” Tumaleka began, cowering slightly from Dumakas, careful to tempt him with her words, “With such a positive report from Betelgeuse, the Delemian council may vote to reinstate you as Emperor.”

  “Yes, old woman, you speak a truth indeed,” Dumakas pondered with his hand on chin, “No longer will I be considered Clokchek’ of the Rising Star Antares.”

  “Declare Empress Danielle’s death, Lord Dumakas,” Tumaleka begged. “Tell them she was sent to Revein’sev during this campaign.”

  “Deliver them a body we must, in order to satisfy the ruling,” Dumakas said, returning to reality, “No, they will reinstate me as Emperor...they must!”

  “That’s right my Grandson, show them your resolve. Give them no choice in the matter.”

  “Yes,” Dumakas smiled in return, “You may have proven your usefulness after all, old woman.”

  “Lady Tira, take us to Delema at once!”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “Inform the fleet that we will be breaking formation.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har nodded, “Will you still attend the games, my Lord?”

  “Yes, of course, Ma’har. It is but a quick matter. We shall return from Delema soon enough, at which time I shall be seated as Emperor Dumakas before the next games begin. You and the rest of my crew will have to wait for your Boreshog heart.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har boldly answered, “My blood lust has already been filled today. I am proud to serve, my Lord and Emperor Dumakas.”

  “Very good, Lord Ma’har,” Dumakas turned to the comm station, “Getera, inform the Delemian council to assemble and wait for my arrival.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Getera nodded as he manipulated his console.

  “Then, get me council leader of Gornash. I shall take his call on my secure channel within my quarters.”

  “I shall accompany you, my Grandson,” Tumaleka added, beginning to rise from her seat.

  Dumakas placed his large hand on her shoulder, forcing her back down, “No, old woman, you will remain here.”

  “Dumakas, I must have audience with you. Especially before you meet with the council on Delema.”

  “We have a short travel time to Delema. I shall call for you when I am ready, old woman.”


  “Do not wear further on my patience,” he spat, holding a foreboding finger in her face. Then he exited his command center, “Ma’har, you are in charge. Alert me once Lord Revkon returns from Betelgeuse.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har nodded.

  Dumakas paused partway through the exit and turned back to Ma’har, “If the old woman speaks, kill her.”

  Tumaleka began to open her mouth when Dumakas cut her off, “Do not tempt me. You may be my Grandmother, but your usefulness as my advisor is waning. Ma’har, you have your orders.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har answered, staring at Tumaleka with a smile, “My only pleasure is to fulfill my Emperor’s wishes.”

  Tumaleka folded her arms and remained silent as she watched Dumakas stride from the bridge.


  Sol Sector - Corridor Exit

  The Rock


  “Coming up on visual range, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported.

  “Helm, bring us around and keep us within four-hundred meters of the Bristol.”

  “Aye, Sir, four-hundred meters and at station keeping,” Lieutenant Payne reported.

  “Get the Chief on the line,” Jed demanded, “I want an ETA on when our transports will dock.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Commander Jameson turned to make his call.

  “Stand by, Captain McCartney, we should be docking soon.”

  Jameson looked up from his console, “Confirmed, Sir, our transports will arrive in two minutes.”

  The radio crackled more static before Captain McCartney’s voice broke through, “Standing by and oh, Admiral, you might want to know the gravity plating is somewhat intermittent. There are whole sections down, as well as intermittent reactivation. Instruct your teams that they should activate mag-boots. Coming in contact with one of those can be a bitch if you’re in zero gravity. Several injuries have occurred as my crew face-planted off the magnetized plating.”

  “Understood, Captain,” Jed answered.

  With the point of Jed’s finger Lieutenant Henderson nodded, “Aye, Sir, relaying instructions to all teams.”

  “Captain McCartney, what exactly happened to cause you to lose most, if not all, power, and what of the Yamato and the rest?”

  “I had just finished rotating CAP with Captain Shin. We needed to take some systems off-line for some overdue maintenance. I think now, that’s the only reason we weren’t destroyed like the others.”

  “Are you certain the Yamato was destroyed?”

  “Yes, Admiral, I’m sorry to report that is the case. Just before the systems that were active went down, we lost attitude control and fell back into the corridor. Before we crossed the event horizon, we watched this massive ship obliterate them. Fortunately, my helmsman was able to right us into the corridor or our ship wouldn’t have survived the hull stresses.”

  “Do you know exactly what we’re dealing with, Captain? What was the source of your power failures?”

  “We don’t know, Sir...”

  Mister Thelix stood forward, “I believe I may be able to answer that question.”

  Jed turned to his Antarian ally, “Please.”

  “If I may address the Captain directly?”

  “By all means.”

  “Captain McCartney, you say your shields failed and the fleet jumped away?”

  “Yes, that’s correct. Then the second wave of ships came in at a new position. They cut off the fighters from the Yamato’s point defense guns and turrets. Then the second power flux hit and any systems that were online were fried. Only our emergency backup power units that were completely powered off, we were able to use to right the ship and keep environmentals active.”

  Mister Thelix turned to Darnash and the
two nodded, “Scalar technology.”

  “Scalar?” Race quizzed, “I’ve heard a little bit about that, but it’s only theory at this point.”

  “I am afraid it is more than a theory for Antarians.”

  “You knew about this weapon?” Race again asked.

  “We have scalar technology. However, this technology became obsolete decades ago as our adversaries developed shielding technology that our EM pulses can’t penetrate. So we continued to use a more conventional approach.”

  “Such as?” Jed asked.

  “Such as missiles and plasma weapons.”

  “Admiral,” Captain McCartney interjected, “Your teams have docked and established their hard seals. I need to cut this short and assist our evacuation.”

  “Yes, Captain,” Jed acknowledged, “We need to know more, so come to me when you’re onboard and your men have been attended to.”

  “Yes, Admiral. Captain McCartney out.”


  House of Delema

  Council of Elders


  The seven Delemian councilmen sat at the semi-circular stone table, all impatiently waiting for Dumakas’ arrival.

  “How long are we to wait for this gorech who only seeks more power?” the seventh councilmen shouted.

  “The Seventh seat will remain silent in this matter,” the first chair calmly intoned, “we are not to debate this matter until after we have met with Lord Dumakas. Is this clear?”

  “We already know what it is he seeks,” the sixth chair added.

  “Yes, First Chair,” the fifth chair continued, “Why do we not have a decision ready for Lord Dumakas when he arrives?”

  “I’m with the Fifth chair,” the third chair nodded, “We need to reinstate Lord Dumakas as Emperor. You all must see now, that appointing this stranger as Empress was in error.”

  “An error,” the second chair said, rising to his feet, “that all would be willing to overlook if we indeed do the right thing.”

  “I said ENOUGH!” the first chair demanded. “Dumakas never said what it is he wished to discuss with us. For all you know, he is merely asking the Delemian council to agree to the next military target to increase our store houses.”

  “Huh, I think not!” the sixth chair scoffed. Then he stood to face off with his friend of the second chair, “You hold no faith in the ancient scrolls!”

  Dumakas burst into the large hall, the creaking complaints of the two tall wooden doors announcing his arrival.

  “What is it the Delemian council discusses?” Dumakas roared. “You should listen to yourselves,” he spat through his dripping fangs, “If I had not heard it for myself, I would not have believed this council is so split. It is remarkable that any of your efforts on this forsaken moon are ever completed! Do you ever agree on anything?”

  “Lord Dumakas,” the first chair said, now standing behind the half-moon table, “On behalf of all Delema, we welcome you to the Chamber of Elders.”

  “Save your insincere pleasantries!”

  “Lord Dumakas,” the first chair protested, “You shall not address this body in a disrespectful manner.”

  “My apologies for my demeanor, first chair, however, you will forgive me if any remaining patience wanes as the many ordeals that have befallen as of late, test my Antarian roots.”

  “Tell us what it is you seek, Lord Dumakas.”

  “Humph! The second, third, and fifth chairs already know what it is I seek. Perhaps you should ask them?”

  “Lord Dumakas, if you insist on wasting our time, we will ask you to leave and wait yet another session for our audience.”

  “I am here to be reinstated as Emperor. My role as Clokchek’ has been properly filled.”

  “Lord Dumakas, do you have a body to satisfy the law?”

  “No, there is no body. This insults me to my very bone to think that I am not your Emperor and only Clokchek’! You are all mad if you believe these ancient writings. Perhaps Delemians have been away from the games far too many cycles, because that is the only reason that would make sense to me!”

  “We hold the ancient scrolls as sacred, Lord Dumakas. Being from the House of Gornash, it is not surprising that you do not hold them as sacred as we do.”

  “Will you reinstate my appointment or not? That is all we need to discuss here!”

  “We deliberated this very issue on your last visit; and might I remind you that using force to sway this council will not be sanctioned again!”

  “So, I was right!”


  “That you will not grant me my rightful position: reinstatement as Emperor of the Rising Star Antares!”

  “The council will need to deliberate for a time.”

  “How much time will this useless body require?

  “That, Lord Dumakas, is not known at this time. We will get back to you.”

  “It is as I had said to Tumaleka. You will continue to uphold your original appointment.”

  “Lord Dumakas, that fact remains to be seen.”

  “Very well, that is your decision. I shall take my leave of you.” Dumakas swiftly turned an about face and left the council chambers. Leaving the doors open, he hastily made his way to his support shuttle. After climbing in and ordering his pilot to take off, he turned on his ship’s comm link, “Getera, patch me through to the Gornash chancellor.”

  “Yes, my Lord. He is standing by...patching through now.”

  “Lord Dumakas, how was your reception at Delema?”

  “It is as I have said. Is it agreed then?”

  “Yes, Lord Dumakas, you have the House of Gornash’s full support as we have agreed.”

  “Very well, I shall proceed.”

  “We are docking with the flagship now,” the pilot reported.

  Dumakas removed his restraints and moved to the shuttle’s exit. The whooshing air signaled the pressure had equalized as he opened the hatch and made his way to the bridge.

  His gaze met with Tumaleka as she sat and steamed a silent protest, “Ma’har, has this old woman been behaving herself?”

  “Yes, my Lord, quiet as a mouse.”

  “Good, good,” he turned to his tactical officer, “arm missiles, target the Delemian Council Hall, and FIRE!”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ma’har grinned.

  “Dumakas, you can’t do this!” Several missiles exited the ship’s launch tubes as Tumaleka gasped in horror, “The council! You can’t...”

  “I can, and I did.”

  “Target hit, my Lord...there are no survivors. The council hall has been destroyed.”

  “Very good, Ma’har,” turning to his grandmother, “Now, old woman, if you wish to continue advising this new administration, you can start by finding a new set of council members...perhaps members who would be more in favor of this administration. Do this, and your usefulness will not have completely waned.”

  Tumaleka stood with her hands over her mouth, “What have you done, my Grandson?”

  “That would be Emperor Dumakas now. I have the full support of the House of Garnish and now with a new Delemian council that you shall appoint, I have retaken my rightful place as Emperor!”

  “Y-yes, my Grandson,” Tumaleka replied in shock, “Prepare a shuttle and I will do as you say. I will appoint a new council body.”

  “Very good, old woman. Ma’har, please escort my grandmother to the shuttle and see her off. Ker, plot our return trip to Serintin at once. Getera, inform the fleet that I have been reinstated as Emperor Dumakas!” His roaring laughter was heard throughout the entire command center and across each deck of Dumakas’ flagship.



  Earth Orbit

  The Rock


  Jed sat at the head of his conference table in full uniform. Captain McCartney sat on his left while Commander Jameson on the right, followed by Doctor Lambert. Race and Dan
ielle sat next to each other with Darnash on her other side, while Mister Thelix, Ruki’, and Gor’con sat against the back wall on the floor..

  “Captain McCartney,” Jed began, “How many casualties are we estimating?”

  “The Bristol had only thirty-six casualties and fifty injuries, five of those are life threatening.”

  “Doctor, what is their status?”

  “The five critically injured personnel are in my intensive care wing of sickbay; they’re receiving the very finest of care. Two of them may not make it, and we’re making them as comfortable as possible. Three are looking promising, but aren’t out of the woods yet, so to speak.”

  “We are all out of the woods,” Gor’con added.

  Race leaned forward and whispered, “It’s a figure of speech, Mister Gor’con.”

  Gor’con raised his eyebrows and nodded, “Ah, I see.”

  Doctor Lambert gave Race a glance and then continued, “Aside from that, most everyone on the Bristol made it off the transport.”

  “Yes,” Captain McCartney added, “and the Bristol is currently in tow back to port. That’ll take three weeks. Then the electronic refit can begin. Other than most of the ship’s electronics being destroyed, the hull is intact and will be fit for battle in a couple of months. If, in fact, we lost all our Earth ships at Betelgeuse, we lost a dozen ships and nearly twenty-five thousand personnel, not to mention the fifty Eridonian ships lost.”

  Jed somberly looked at all in the room, “Unfortunately Captain, I don’t think we have a couple of months. It’s clear that the Antarian threat is increasing. It won’t be long before they strike again. We need to understand this weapon and make defenses against it soon.”

  Thelix chimed in, cutting the Admiral off, “There is no need to make a defense with the Scalar weapon, Admiral Fitz. They will not use this weapon in a second strike. This weapon is useless against the Draconian and Centaurian shielding technologies. They’re main objective was to eliminate the earthen and Eridonian vessels.”

  “A mission which apparently,” Captain McCartney slapped his hands on the table, “was successful.”

  “Indeed it was,” Jed nodded. “With the debris scanned that fell into the corridor, it appears that every Eridonian and Earth ship was in fact eliminated.”


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