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Warlords Saga

Page 73

by Brian K. Larson

  “NAV: set jump coordinates and spool FTL!” Race barked.

  “Jump coordinates are programmed, and the jump drives are spooling. ETA to jump is one minute, forty-five seconds.”

  Skatie turned to Danielle, “The flag is hailing us. Should we answer?”

  “Open a channel,” Danielle ordered.

  “I don’ know if that’s a good idea...” Race began.

  Danielle cut Race off, “...Antarian Flagship, this is Empress Danielle. Stand down your weapons and recall all your ships!”

  “No response as yet, my Empress,” Skatie reported.

  Danielle unbuckled from her seat and stood forward toward the communications monitors, “I know you feel my Blood Song! You will respond to your Empress! Now!”

  The crackling radio was interrupted by the voice of her once trusted tactical officer, “My Empress?! What are you... how... you are alive!”

  “Lord Ma’har,” Danielle said, “I know you cannot refuse my command. Stand down your fleet...”

  Ma’har interrupted Danielle mid-sentence, “I have vowed to serve Emperor Dumakas. I can no longer serve by your song, my Lady.”

  Danielle closed her eyes and concentrated on swaying Ma’har, “You swore a blood oath to serve me... you cannot have two masters. My blood spirit is near to you, Lord Ma’har...”

  “ETA to jump is one minute,” Mister Thelix counted.

  “ cannot resist me. Serve my song... I command you!”

  “I-I cannot serve your blood spirit, my Lady. Emperor Dumakas’ blood sings loudly to my heart.”

  “Do you refuse to serve your Empress?”

  “... forty-five seconds to jump, my Empress,” Thelix continued to count.

  “I must not defy the Emperor, my Lady, I cannot serve you.”

  “Then you shall pay with your blood oath you have taken. I call you to Revein’sev, in a dishonorable death! Fire all weapons at the flag, NOW!”

  “Firing solution in ten seconds,” Darnash reported.

  “...jump in twenty seconds!”

  “They’re firing missiles at us, my Empress,” Thelix reported.

  “Change course, 1-5-8 mark 3-5-0,” Race commanded.

  “Changing course,” Darnash confirmed, “Missiles are following!”

  “...ten seconds to jump!”

  “Launch countermeasures!” Race again ordered.

  Skatie depressed several commands at her console, releasing several canisters to attract the missiles.

  “One still inbound...”

  “Five seconds...”

  “Jump the SHIP!” Danielle ordered.

  The ship vanished from the Betelgeuse sector in a flash, the missile detonated in their absence.

  Ma’har staggered back into his command seat and grabbed his chest with both his hairy hands. The grimace on his face made it apparent the pain he was experiencing.

  Ker quickly moved to Ma’har’s side, “My Lord, what ails you?”

  Gasping for breath, he looked up into Ker’s eyes, “It is my blood oath! I swore two oaths not believing the Empress was alive. I had to serve the Emperor, and Empress...” Ma’har reached up grabbing Ker’s arm, “Did... did you swear a blood oath to the E-Empress?”

  “No, my Lord,” Ker said, holding Ma’har by the shoulders, “I have only given my blood oath to the Emperor.”

  Ma’har gasped and coughed a few times before taking in a large breath, “Take the ship, you are in command now. Lead us to v-victory... you must secure... this... sector...”

  Ma’har’s opened eyes glazed over and his head fell limp. Ker laid him down on his back and closed his eyes, “Today you have lead us into battle... today your death will hold honor and meaning. I will take this command and lead our people in securing this sector.”

  “Morgesh,” the bridge crew somberly said in unison, “Morgesh.”

  “Bea’goth,” Ker said, shooting his arms into the air. “Today your blood lust has been fulfilled, we commit your song to Revein’sev.”

  “Mae’sheen,” the crew said again in unison.

  Ker stood to his feet after a few seconds, and took the command chair, “I now take command as betrothed by Captain Ma’har. Get this body removed. Helm, bring us about, we’re heading to the main battle field.”

  “Yes, my Lord, by your command,” Tira nodded.

  “Getera, have the navigation replacement report to the bridge, and inform the rest of the fleet of the command change.”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Getera acknowledged.

  “My Lord,” Tira reported, “We have two Earth vessels on an intercept course, they came from the corridor after the Empress’ ship.”

  “Change course to intercept, but keep us out of their firing solution. Begin target lock and prepare to fire on my order!”

  “Yes, my Lord,” Ka’roth, the new navigation officer said, taking Ker’s position. “By your command.”



  Betelgeuse Sector

  The Rock


  “We’re coming out of the corridor, Sir,” Lieutenant Foster reported.

  Lieutenant Collins blurted over Foster, “Multiple contacts!”

  Commander Jameson began barking orders, “Position Report ... Helm; keep us near the Liberator. Flight deck, Chief Kelly this is the XO! Scramble all fighters!”

  “Aye-aye, Commander,” Lieutenant Erica Payne acknowledged with multiple keypad presses, “Increasing speed and in pursuit.”

  “I’m picking up three distinct battles, Admiral, “In five minute increments, the farthest one being fifteen minutes out,” Collins reported.

  “Admiral, I’m picking up a communication between the large warship directly ahead and the Liberator.”

  “Sir!” Collins cut in, “The large warship is targeting the Liberator!”

  “What’s their jump time?”

  “Thirty seconds, Sir!”


  “Open, Sir.”

  “Sync your targeting systems with ours; we’re hitting the big boy!”

  “Aye-aye, Admiral,” Captain Rollins answered over the comm link. “We’ll flank the warship and open fire with PDS.”

  “Acknowledged, Rollins, we’re coming straight down her throat with all forward turrets!”

  “Understood, Sir!” Lieutenant Collins said with a grin, “Turrets armed and in firing range in ten seconds!”

  “Steady, people, steady...” Commander Jameson warned.

  “They’re firing missiles at the Liberator!”

  “Fire interceptors!” Jameson barked.

  Three missiles left the forward launch tubes, the missiles each taking out six of the inbound.

  “Liberator has launched countermeasures... one got away, Sir!”

  “She jumped, Sir,” Jameson nodded, “The Liberator jumped away! The last one missed.”

  “Open fire on that ship!”

  “Aye, Sir. Target has turned to the center battle field,” the NAV officer reported.

  “Foster, plot a jump coordinate to the other side of that warship... and I mean put us up close and personal with that thing.”

  “Aye-aye, Admiral, point blank range.” Foster nodded, and then went to work on his assignment.

  “Collins; arm PDS. Chief; report fighter launch.”

  “All fighters away, Sir.”

  Jameson leaned close to Jed, “We jump, we’re gonna leave those fighters on their own.”

  “They can take care of themselves, I know Major Phillips will lead them well. Besides, they’ll provide a decent distraction for our maneuver.”

  “This is Major Phillips, Admiral,” Major Phillips’ voice crackled over the comm link. “We understand, Sir, Duce is ready!”

  “This is Captain Rene Simon; the Black Widow is on your six, Major.”

  Major Phillips guided his fighter squadron away from the large Antarian Warship, “We’re drawing out their figh
ters, Sir.”

  “Roger that, Major,” Major Phillips heard through the wireless, Commander Jameson acknowledging, “Good hunting, Major!”

  “Aye-aye, Commander.” Major Phillips turned his channel indicator for his pilots, “Skinner; you and Felix; take Jax and Joker on ahead. Provide us some cover on our runs. Red Neck, Jerk Turk, Hoth, and Roach Coach; arm grav-gel loads and target their turrets. Black Widow, Jammer, Sketcher and Jazzer, you’re with me; Target tracers on the incoming fighters.”

  “You got it, Duce,” Rene smiled.

  “Okay, let’s not get cocky out here, okay? This is just like last time; tracer lock, gravity-gel and boom.


  “Sir,” Lieutenant Foster reported from his CSC station above the pit, “The war ship is changing course and heading this way, Sir.”

  “Compensate,” Jameson ordered, “Prep the ship for emergency jump.”

  “Fire all forward guns, and hold one second at jump, then open fire with PDS.”

  “Aye, Admiral.”

  “Pretty gutsy move, Sir. Don’t think this has ever been done,” Jameson whispered.

  “Then if we’re successful, we’ll call it the Fitz Blitz.”

  “...and it we don’t?”

  “...Call it the Fitz Fizzle,” Jed smirked, “Time to jump?”

  “Thirty seconds, Sir.”

  “Make sure our fighters are clear,” Jameson ordered.

  “This could get bumpy, old friend,” Jed said, glancing over at his XO, syncing down his own restraints.

  “Could, Sir?” Jameson returned a smirk.

  Lieutenant Foster counted the ship’s clock, “Time to jump in five, four, three...”

  “Weapons hold!” Jameson ordered.

  “... two... one... JUMP!”

  A split second passed and the Rock appeared on the opposite side of the Antarian Warship.

  “Position report!” Jamison barked.

  “Jump complete, Sir,” Foster reported.

  “Helm; hard port ninety degrees. Tactical; activate PDS.”

  “Aye-aye, Commander,” Erica nodded, moving the Rock parallel to the warship.

  “They’re in our firing solution, Sir!” Collins shouted, “PDS is online!”

  The darkness of space lit up with brilliant flashes from hundreds of exploding rounds fired at point-blank range at the Antarian warship.

  “Stay with her, Payne, keep us in tight.”

  “Aye, Admiral, matching course and speed.”

  “They’re confused, Sir,” Lieutenant Collins reported. “Seems they’re still firing on the Excalibur, and our fighters have engaged theirs.”

  “Are we making any dents in their shields?” Jed asked.

  “Very little, Sir, their shield strength is holding at eighty percent.”

  “Sir,” Lieutenant Henderson reported, one hand held up to his earpiece, “We’re being hailed by Captain McCartney, Sir.”

  “Patch him through,” Jed said with a wave of his hand, “Captain, what’s your status?”

  “Admiral, good to hear your voice, Sir, I was just about to ask you the same? You need any help over there?”

  The Rock began to quake as several rounds from the warship pounded them.

  “Sir,” Collins shouted over the thundering noise, “Our shields are holding for the moment. Theirs are down to seventy-five percent.”

  “Captain McCartney, we’re holding our own, but if Captain Zetaal could spare another ship or two...”

  “Say no more, Admiral,” McCartney replied, “We’ve engaged the enemy on all three fronts, Sir, we’ve taken some losses, but it hasn’t been one-sided, Sir. They’ve had losses as well. For the time being, we’re keeping enough distance from their weapons. We can spare a couple ships from each front.”

  “Sounds like you’ve got your hands full over there, Captain.”

  The radio crackled static, cutting McCartney’s voice out for a moment, “Damn, Sir, we’ve just lost a couple more ships from battle front two.”

  The static made it difficult to hear every word, “That... close call. ... ... dispatching ships... ... pretty busy... ... keeping link open.”

  “You’re breaking up, Captain, but I think I read you. Stay focused and keep this channel open. Henderson, continue to monitor this channel. Report any changes.”

  “Aye-aye, Sir,” Henderson said, as he transferred the comm link back to his station.

  The Rocinante shook and rattled from the barrage of weapons fire as the two ships continued to exchange rounds.

  “Our shields are down to sixty percent, Admiral,” Commander Jameson shouted, “we should pull back at fifty and let them recharge!”

  “Helm; hold course. TAC; report when shields are down to fifty-one. Lieutenant Foster; plot us a safe positon and prep for jump.”

  Commander Jameson glanced over at Jed and then back to his console, “We’ll only get one more jump until cooldown, Sir. Suggest we get teams ready to swap out the Energy Density Gens.”

  “Make it so, Commander.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Collins looked down in the CSC pit with a slight look of panic, “We don’t have another two minutes for jump prep, Sir. I estimate forty-five percent in one.”

  “Henderson, ask Captain McCartney when those reinforcements will arrive.”

  “Aye, Sir,” Henderson responded, “He says three minutes, Sir.”

  “NAV, how much more time?”

  Lieutenant Foster studied his monitor and shot Jed a quick glance, “one minute, fifteen.”

  “Shields at fifty percent, Sir,” Collins counted.

  “How’s the Excalibur doing?”

  “She’s turning point and coming back to the warship’s rear. They’ve already backed away once, Sir.”

  “Enemy shields are holding at seventy percent, Sir! We’re hardly making a dent at all,” Collins shouted.

  “The Excalibur is in firing range again, Sir.”

  “Good! Maybe they can take some of this heat!” Jameson shouted. “Come on people, keep it together, we’re almost there now!”

  “Thirty more seconds, Sir!”

  “Our shielding is at forty percent, they’ll buckle at thirty-five, Sir!”

  “Keep it steady, Helm!” Jed shouted, grabbing his restraint handles.

  “Twenty seconds, Sir!”

  “Down to thirty-seven percent, and they’re beginning to flux!”

  “We need to get out of here, now!”

  “Ten seconds, Sir, can’t jump any sooner!”

  “Shields down, Sir, armor is holding...”

  “Five... four... three...”

  “Weapons hold! Helm; turn ninety degrees starboard, fire main thrusters as we jump!”

  “...two... one...”

  “Aye, ninety degrees. Firing full thrusters at the warship!”


  “Report!” Jameson ordered.

  “We’re clear of the warship, Sir. The Excalibur has fully engaged. The six approaching ships are being intercepted by more Antarians. They won’t make it to them in time.”

  “In time for what?”

  “In time to save the Excalibur, Sir, they’re shields are already taking a beating and are already down to fifty percent.”

  “Excalibur, get out of there, now!”

  “Sir, that did something...”

  Jed shot a stare at his tactical officer, “Explain!”

  “Sir, when we jumped away at that close proximity, we tore off some of their hull plating. Their ship has a vulnerability there.”

  “Excalibur, do you copy that?” Jed asked.

  “This is Captain Rollins, yes Sir, we copy that. We’re almost spooled up and moving into your last position.”

  “Excellent! Rollins; after you fire, fall back through the corridor alert the rest of the fleet on the Sol side.”

  “Sir, Captain McCartney is sending a distress call,” Henderson quickly reported.

  “Join the channels, Excalibur, jump when ready. McCa
rtney, go ahead!”

  “We’re taking serious losses now, Sir. We can’t hold them much longer. They’re punching a hole to the corridor. We’re going to lose Betelgeuse!”

  “How much time do we have, Captain?”

  “We need to fall back now, Sir!”

  Jed listened to the explosions through the comm link and the static over taking the radio, “Foster, time to spool?”

  “Jump drive is fully spooled, Sir. We have one jump left; the teams are working on bridging the two systems together to overcome the cool down equation. Five minutes, Sir.”



  Serintin Orbit

  The Liberator


  The Liberator jumped into a low orbit around the third moon, Serintin. The Antarian crew, Danielle, Race, and Skatie busily checked their readouts.

  Race looked over to Mister Thelix, “Position report?”

  “Jump successful. We are in orbit, Colonel.”

  “What is our status, are you reading any ships?”

  “Affirmative, Colonel,” Thelix acknowledged, “However, they are not changing course. After all, we’re one big happy family.”

  Danielle walked toward the front viewing glass of the mighty warship. She took in a deep breath and exhaled with closed eyes, “It is so beautiful.”

  “It does look pretty nice,” Race commented, “But I still prefer the nice blue ball of our own world.”

  “No, no this is different,” a tear fell from her cheek, “serene, yet powerful...”

  “Now, let’s not get all choked up sightseeing,” Race stepped over to Danielle and took her by the hand, “we’ve got a job ahead of us.”

  “Yes, I-I know, Race,” she embraced his waist, giving him a hug.

  Darnash looked on at his controls, “Excuse me, my Empress.”

  Danielle broke her hold on Race and turned to Darnash, “Yes, Lord Darnash? What is your report?”

  “We are being scanned.”

  “They’ve noticed our presence,” Danielle said, turning back toward the breathtaking red hue of this moon.

  “What’s our plan again?” Race shrugged.

  “No plan, Race,” Danielle said, glancing into his eyes, “We’re playing it by ear.”


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