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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 14

by Meredith O'Reilly

  When the movie started, I sat back and enjoyed the show.

  * * *

  “That was the best movie ever! My favorite part was when Ana ended up saving Elsa. Didn’t you like that part too, Daddy?” I asked him when he had just finished getting me ready for bed.

  “You know I did, sweetie. I told you that over two dozen times since we came home. Now, get under the covers. We both need to go to sleep because we both have work tomorrow.”

  That made me groan. “I don’t want to go to work. I hate that we pretty much missed this entire weekend of playing together because I had to work on that stupid project.”

  “I know, baby girl. But don’t worry. We will have many more weekends and vacations to play together. Now, it’s sleepy time and I expect you to go to sleep,” he said as he joined me underneath the covers.

  I sighed, admitting my defeat. “Alright, Daddy. Sweet Dreams. I love you.”

  He pulled me close and give me a kiss on the top of my head. “I love you too, baby. Sweet dreams.”

  Within minutes, we were both fast asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  It had been three weeks since the weekend that my Daddy and I could not role play together. Thankfully, ever since then we had not had a scheduling problem. It was 6:30 p.m. on a Friday night again, and I had just finished a small project that my boss had handed to me right before I was supposed to leave work for the day. Finally, I shut everything off in my office for the night, picked up my briefcase and purse, and walked towards the elevator.

  I was the last person in the office. Figures, I thought. It’s a Friday night and everyone has plans. All I wanted to do was to get home and let my daddy take care of everything.

  I stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the underground garage. I hoped that my daddy had something fun planned for this weekend. This week had been a rather busy one for me, and I was ready to put my feet up and not have to do or think about anything until Monday morning. The elevator pinged and I stepped out of it and walked towards my car. Only a little longer until I am home, I kept telling myself.

  I had just unlocked my car with my key fob when a pair of strong arms wrapped around me, someone’s hand covering my mouth so I couldn’t scream. I tried to move, but the way the person was holding me, I was immobile.

  “Shhhh… relax for me, darling. I’m not here to harm you.”

  I immediately went limp when I recognized that voice. My first reaction was that I wanted to kill Jackson for giving me the scare of a lifetime. But my second reaction was happiness. He’s going to fulfill one of my fantasies tonight!

  “That’s a good girl. I’ve been watching you for a while now, imagining what it will feel like to have your luscious breasts in my hands and how sweet it will feel when I sink my aching cock into your silky depths. You know what? I’m going to find out tonight.”

  I felt my breasts swell and my nipples turn into two sharp little points as my pussy began to get extremely wet.

  “There’s a slight problem, though. I don’t want you to see my face and have me arrested. So, I’m going to have to blindfold you. I’m also going to need to remove my hand from your mouth. Can I trust you not to scream if I remove my hand from your mouth?

  I slowly nodded.

  “Good. But before I do, I want to make a promise to you. If you disobey me at all tonight, you will be getting a spanking on that beautiful bottom of yours,” he said, as the hand that was holding me trailed down and squeezed my butt.

  I couldn’t help the moan that escaped my lips. My nipples were rubbing against my shirt and the more that he talked, the more wet my pussy got.

  He fastened the blindfold around my eyes. I couldn’t see a single thing.

  I took a deep breath. I wanted to play along with my fantasy so I said, “You won’t get away with this!”

  “I disagree. There is no one here to stop me. You’re all mine. Does that get you turned on? Do you like the idea of being my prisoner?” he seductively whispered in my ear. I felt one of his hands slip through my top and he found my hardened nipples. The other hand slipped into my skirt and he began to play with my erect clit.

  I let out another moan as my head fell back against his chest. He was starting to pull and twist my nipples as he also began to rub circles on my clit. I felt myself begin to pant as I built towards an orgasm. He kept rubbing me and I got closer and closer to my release. But just as I was about to fall over the edge, he pulled his hands away. “It seems that someone really likes being my captive. We should get going now,” he said as he grabbed onto my elbow and led me through the parking lot.

  I was ready to blow a gasket. I hated when he brought me to the edge and then pulled back. He was such a tease!

  “Get in.”

  With his help, I managed to get in the car fairly quickly. I felt him buckle me in and then close the door.

  Within seconds, he was in the driver’s seat and turning the car on. Then we were driving away from my work, going to who knows where.

  * * *

  “Wake up, darling,” I heard, as I felt myself being picked up.

  “What?” I asked, not sure where I was. Then I realized that I couldn’t see and thought, oh duh, I’m being kidnapped right now. I also realized at that moment that I was being carried.

  “I brought you to a very fancy hotel. A beauty such as yours deserves only the best.”

  I was still waking up when I heard the ping of an elevator and then felt the elevator going up.

  “Wh-what are you g-going to do w-with me?” I asked, deciding to get back into my fantasy.

  “I couldn’t tell you that, now could I? Don’t want to give away the surprises.”

  “You aren’t going to get away with this. You could go to prison for it!”

  Just then the elevator stopped and pinged again, announcing we were at our destination.

  I felt my captor take a few steps and then he said, “I’m not worried about going to prison, darling. I’m going to put you down. No trying to run away from me.”

  I was carefully placed on my feet, and he kept one arm around me as I heard the click of a door being opened. He ushered me inside and it felt warmer in that room.

  An idea flashed through my head, and I don’t know what came over me, but I decided to do it. I stepped on my captor’s foot and as I felt his arm loosen around me, I started to run away from him. Once I started running, however, I realized that it wasn’t the smartest thing to do because I was blindfold.

  Before I had time to try and take the blindfold off, my captor’s arm was around me and he whispered in my ear, “I thought I told you not to run away from me.”

  I couldn’t help the shiver that went through my body at the tone of his voice. It sounded so seductive, and at the same time it let me know who was in charge. Once again, I was lifted off my feet again and carried through what I was guessing was our hotel room.

  After a few minutes, I felt my feet being placed down on soft, plush carpeting. My captor had his hands on my hips, and I couldn’t move even if I wanted to.

  “You tried to run away from me, darling. Remember what I told you?”

  “You can’t spank me! I’m a grown woman!”

  “So what? When grown woman don’t behave, they deserve to be spanked too. Now, let’s get this over with before the real fun starts.”

  He pulled my arm so I fell right over his lap. He had one of his elbows on my back, which kept me from moving, and his other hand was softly caressing my butt.

  “You have a beautiful ass, darling. Any man would love to redden it. Which is what I plan to do right now.”

  Smack! “You will obey me when I give you a command!”

  I felt the heat of the spanks spread around my bottom like they always did when I was punished, but this spanking was completely different than the ones I was used to. Normally, the heat stayed in my bottom, but this time, I felt the heat start to travel to my pussy, and to my horror, my pussy started to get even
more wet.

  Smack! “You will not—ever run away—from me—again!”

  With each spank my pussy got increasingly wetter, until it was finally soaked. I was sure that it was dripping onto his pant leg and that he would find out just how turned on I was. I was a little afraid to see how he would react to that.

  He continued to spank me and then I felt myself lift up so my butt and his hand met that much quicker. I couldn’t help myself—with each spank, I felt myself building toward an orgasm. But just as I was about to come, he stopped.

  He sat there for a moment, just rubbing my bottom, and I thought that maybe he wouldn’t mention how wet I was from my spanking. I was wrong.

  “What do we have here?” he asked, as I felt his wandering fingers go down and plunge themselves into my pussy. “You’re very wet right now. Is my little prisoner turned on by her spanking?”

  My face was scarlet. This had never happened to me before, and I didn’t know what to do.

  “I asked you a question!” he said, giving my butt another spank.

  “Y-yes,” I whispered.

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, I am turned on f-from the s-spanking.” I was so embarrassed. I didn’t know what to say and due to my embarrassment, I felt my arousal start to diminish.

  “Thank you for telling me the truth. As a reward, I’m going to let you come.”

  I perked up at those words and felt an orgasm start to build again as Jackson moved his fingers in and out of me slowly. I thought that the hands that were in my pussy would go up to my clit, but I was wrong again.

  He pulled his fingers out of me and began to spank me again. I could feel the heat once again travel from my butt to my pussy.

  “Come whenever you want, darling,” he said as he continued to spank me.

  I let out a scream as my orgasm consumed me. I thrashed all over his lap, unable to control my movements. After I came down from the high, my body felt as if it were vibrating

  I was amazed that I had managed to come through a spanking. Now if only all of my spankings could be like this, I thought to myself.

  “That’s my good little prisoner. You liked that, didn’t you? You should see your butt right now, darling. It is an exquisite shade of red. It looks very lovely. Now, I hope that you like what I have planned for you next,” he said as he picked me up and placed me on the bed.

  I lay on the bed for less than a minute, catching my breath, and then he grabbed my right wrist and tied something around it and pulled at the binding, which made me unable to move my arm. In quick order, my wrists and ankles were bound and I could not move an inch. I was spread eagle.

  “Now, this is a pretty sight, if I do say so myself. How do you feel?”

  “Fine?” I squeaked out.

  “Fine? I guess I’ll have to work harder to make you feel better then. I’ll be right back, darling.”

  I tried to listen to where he was going, but I couldn’t hear anything. I still could not believe that he had done this. When we had talked about it at the Cheesecake Factory, I thought that he was interested, but I didn’t think that he would actually give me my fantasy. I couldn’t wait to see what he had planned for me next.

  I let out a yelp as a large hand caressed my stomach.

  “Easy darling. I didn’t mean to frighten you.”

  “I-it’s o-okay,” I said, still trying to control my breath.

  “Were you thinking of me when I was away?” he asked as he began to run his hand up and down my stomach.


  “That makes me very happy. Aww… look at what we have here.”

  I felt him run his fingers over my bare mound, and I couldn’t hold back a moan as my pussy let out another gush of my juices.

  “Someone sure is wet. Tell me, do you like being spread eagle like this? Spread open for me to do with as I please?”

  “Yes,” I moaned as his fingers started to trace my outer labia.

  “Hmmm… how does this feel?” he asked as he pushed one of his fingers inside of me.

  “Ahhh!” I cried out as I felt my vaginal walls clench around his finger.

  “It sounds like you like that. I have something that I’m sure that you will like even more.”

  I felt him move his finger away and I let out a whine of protest at the loss of stimulation.

  I heard him chuckle. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll be right back.”

  He was gone for a second and then I felt him insert something into my channel. I was about to ask what it was, when it started to slowly vibrate.

  “Oh!” I was not expecting that. The vibrations grew stronger and my arousal grew stronger with it. My pussy clenched onto the bullet as my clit grew erect.

  Then as quickly as the vibrations began, they stopped. I mewled out my frustration.

  My captor had the nerve to laugh. “It sounds like you liked that. I have another present for you,” he said, and I felt him take my left breast into his mouth. He sucked on it for a minute and then pulled it out of his mouth. I thought that was it, but then I felt a pinch on my nipple.

  “W-what is that?”

  “That, my darling, is a nipple clamp,” he said, as he gave the same treatment to my right breast. “You look absolutely perfect, darling. How do these feel?” he asked, as he tugged at the chain between the two nipple clamps.

  “Oh gosh!” I gasped. I started to pant as he continued to pull on the chain. The chain felt like it was directly connected to my core and with each tug my pussy released another burst of my juices.

  “Do you like that?” he asked, as the vibrations started in my pussy again.

  “Oh! I… I… I…” I couldn’t articulate words. The vibrations coming from my pussy and the constant tug on my nipples had me reduced to whimpers.

  “I want you to come! Now! Come now!”

  My orgasm ripped through me as I screamed out my release. Wave after wave washed over me and all I could do was lie still and just let it consume me.

  When my orgasm was almost finished, Jackson took the nipple clamps off of me, which sent another orgasm through my body. By the time I was finished, I could barely talk as my throat was sore from screaming so hard.

  “Easy, darling. Here, have some water.”

  I turned my head in the direction of his voice, still not able to see. I felt a straw at my mouth as I began to drink cool, refreshing water.

  When I had drunk my fill, I turned my head.

  “Turn your head back, darling. I have another surprise for you.”

  I did as I was told and I felt something touch my lips.

  “Open your mouth, darling.”

  I did and I tasted something sweet at my lips.

  “Bite it, darling.”

  I did and realized that I was being fed chocolate covered strawberries—one of my favorite treats. They must have just been made because the chocolate was hard, but when bitten, it still was warm.

  When I ate four more he said, “You like these, I see. I know a better way to eat them, though.”

  I was curious as to how he thought these could taste better when I felt him climb on the bed and position himself over me. Then I felt him trace something around my pussy. He continued to trace around my pussy until he was at my bundle of nerves that were still begging for his attention.

  “We don’t need this anymore,” he said, as I felt him pull the vibrator out of my channel. “I think that I’m ready to eat now.”

  I didn’t understand what he meant until I felt his mouth on my pussy and I jumped as far as I could while being restrained. My husband’s knowing tongue alternated between diving in and out of my channel and licking my clit.

  “Ahhh!” I cried out. It felt like my pussy had a pulse of its own and with every lick of my clit, it got stronger. Having a shaved pussy definitely did make me way more sensitive.

  Just as quickly as Jackson started to lick my pussy, he stopped and I sighed when the sweet torture ended.

  “Mmmm… chocolate c
overed pussy. I think that this is my new favorite treat. It tastes so good,” he said, as he nibbled on my clit again. “You know what? This tastes so good, I think that you should try some.”

  I felt the bed shift as he got off it. I tried to listen to what he might be doing, but I couldn’t figure out anything.

  “Turn your head.”

  I did as I was told and I felt something hard touch my mouth.

  “Suck, baby. Taste me.”

  I opened my mouth to let his cock enter and I realized after one lick of my tongue over the head of his shaft that he had put chocolate all over his cock. I had to say that the taste of his pre-cum and chocolate mixed together were pretty tasty. As I sucked on his cock, wanting to give my husband pleasure, I felt him place his hand in my hair. I tried to take as much of his length into my mouth as possible, but I did it too quickly and started to gag.

  “Easy, easy. There’s no rush. Take your time,” he said, slowly pulling himself out of my mouth so I would stop gagging.

  When I did, I went slower, twirling my tongue around his hard shaft while sucking on him. I took more of his length, which made him growl and pull my hair tighter. I sucked on his shaft harder as I began to taste more and more of his seed. I pulled my mouth back, licking the tip of his cock. That must have been a sensitive area for him because I felt his hands shake a little in my hair. I took more of his length into my mouth and continued to suck and swirl my tongue around him.

  “I’m going to come, darling,” he said finally, moments before he shot his load into my mouth.

  I swallowed every bit of his seed, and I felt extremely pleased that I could bring my husband as much pleasure as he brought me.

  After a few moments, his grip in my hair loosened and he said, “You are an outstanding prisoner. I think that you deserve a reward.”

  His grip in my hair disappeared and I felt the bed shift again. Without any notice, he settled between my thighs and was sucking on my clit, going at it full force. I wanted to be able to move, to be able to run my fingers through his hair, but I couldn’t because I was spread out, open for him.


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