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Little Samantha's Choice

Page 16

by Meredith O'Reilly

  Jackson and I had the time of our lives on our vacation at Disney World. On the first morning of our vacation, Jackson surprised me by taking me to the Disney castle to eat breakfast. And that wasn’t even the best part! That morning, I got to take a picture with at least five different princesses and the princesses all signed the pictures! During the rest of our vacation, we spent a day at the different theme parks, and we went on pretty much all the rides. It was an absolute blast for both of us.

  I knew that I surprised Jackson with how much I was letting my little personality come out. At first, I had a little bit of a hard time with it. However, as time went on it, was easier and easier to get into my little headspace because I knew that my daddy was the only one who could tell that I was acting like a little girl.

  At first when I started acting that way, a voice inside my head kept telling me I was a freak for acting like a little girl when I was an adult. But, the other part of me didn’t care. I saw how happy my husband was about my behavior, and Disney World really was more enjoyable to experience through the eyes of my inner little girl.

  One day, we rented a car, drove all the way to the ocean and stuck our feet in the water. The only unfortunate thing that happened that day was when I got pinched by a crab.

  I was digging in the sand and somehow, without realizing it, I found a small crab and the crab—thinking that it was under attack—clamped onto my hand! I cried, trying to shake the crab off, but my daddy told me to stay still and relax. I stopped moving and within minutes the crab let go and wandered off.

  I burst out crying again and flung myself into my daddy’s arms. He took me back to the car and cuddled me in private, telling me over and over how brave a little girl I had been. I soon stopped crying, and we left the beach after that.

  On our last day at Disney World, we were going to ride the scariest ride in the park, in my opinion—The Tower of Terror. Jackson and I were in our hotel room getting ready. I was brushing my hair when I saw him walk into the bathroom, holding something.

  “Little girl, I know how nervous you are about going on this ride, so I want you to wear your pull-ups when we go on the ride today.”

  I had just finished brushing my teeth and whirled around to my daddy. “What! No! Daddy, please! Everyone will notice that I’m wearing those!” I said, pointing at the training pants in his hands.

  He crossed his arms. “No they won’t, sweetie. I promise.”

  “Daddy! No, please!”

  “Samantha, I am not going to change my mind.”

  “No! I won’t!” I shouted and stomped my foot on the ground and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Young lady! I’ve had enough of your attitude today. I want you to go stand over there in the corner for three minutes!” Daddy said in a stern tone, pointing to a corner next to the flat screen TV.

  I knew that tone of voice. I was going to get a spanking after corner time.

  I slowly walked over to the corner and stood there quietly. I put my head against the wall and tried counting to sixty three times. When I finished counting and my daddy still hadn’t called me back, I thought, I’m going to be stuck facing this stupid wall forever. I might die here from boredom!

  I waited for what felt like a few more minutes, and when my daddy still hadn’t called me over, I thought, maybe this is just my punishment. That’s why he is making me stay here extra-long. Wait, what happens if Daddy left and forgot about me? I could be stuck here forever. Maybe I should check and see if Daddy is still here. I started fidgeting, my nervous thoughts starting to get to me.

  I jumped slightly when my daddy’s voice broke the silence. “Samantha, please take your underwear and shorts off, then come over here and lie over my lap.”

  I did as I was told, knowing what was coming. At least he didn’t forget me, I thought as I pulled down my pants and underwear. I positioned myself over my daddy’s lap, waiting for the first set of spanks. I thought the first set of spanks were the worst because they stung the most.

  Smack! “You will listen—to your—Daddy!

  “Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!” I cried. After every word, my daddy rained a few spanks onto my bottom. This spanking had just started and it was already stinging my bottom badly.

  Smack! “I am only—trying to take—care of you!”

  “No more spanks, D-Daddy! I-I’ll wear p-pull-ups!” I begged, just wanting the spanking to be done with. My butt felt like it had been split open and fire was coming out of it.

  Smack! “I also—don’t want to hear any more—attitude from you today!”

  “I’m s-s-sorry, Daddy!” I sobbed. Then he stopped spanking and began caressing my sore bottom with his hand. My bottom hurt terribly! It still felt like it was on fire, and I was sure that it looked as red as a fire truck.

  After a few seconds, I started to calm down and my sobbing turned into a soft little cry.

  “Young lady, I want you to go stand in that corner again and no touching your sore bottom.”

  I went over to the corner and put my head against the wall. My bottom really hurt. All I wanted to do was rub it to try and take the sting out. I softly cried to myself, thinking that maybe Daddy did have a point. Little girls did have accidents sometimes when they got scared. I would rather wear a pull-up that was hidden, than pee my pants for everyone to see. But, I still felt embarrassed. What happens if someone sees me wearing a pull-up? I’ll be made fun of! I don’t want that.

  “Samantha, please come over here.”

  When I got close enough, he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped his arms around me.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy,” I whimpered.

  “It’s okay, little girl, you’re forgiven.”

  We sat in silence for about ten minutes before I decided to voice my fear. “D-daddy. What happens if someone sees me wearing the p-pull-up? They’ll l-laugh at me,” I said, hiding my face in his neck.

  I felt him kiss the top of my head. “First off, I promise no one will be able to tell that you are wearing a pull-up. Secondly, if someone did see you wearing a pull-up and laughed at you, I would make them regret it. No one laughs at my little girl.”

  I laughed. “You’re my super Daddy.”

  “Yes, I am,” he said, looking down at me.

  I lifted my head and then wrapped my arms around my daddy’s neck and gave him a big, loud, wet kiss right on his cheek. I giggled as he wiped the spit off of his cheek.

  Once I stopped laughing, Daddy asked, “You ready to try getting dressed again?”

  I nodded and he helped me into my training pants and then into shorts and shoes. I was wearing jean shorts that stopped just above my knees and a light pink T-shirt that covered my bottom halfway. No one would be able to tell I was wearing the pull-ups.

  * * *

  We had just gotten buckled into the Tower of Terror seats. I was really scared, but I wanted to say that I had overcome my fear. That was the only reason why I had decided to ride that ride.

  As if sensing my fear, my daddy grabbed my hand, saying, “You’ll be okay, baby girl. Remember, I am right here.”

  I closed my eyes as the ride began to start. Pretty soon, I was scared out of my mind. It was really dark and the ride kept feeling like it was free falling and twisting and turning everywhere. I screamed so hard! I grabbed onto one of my daddy’s arms and put my head into it, closing my eyes, praying that the ride would be over soon.

  As the ride finally slowed down, I could barely move a muscle. My heart felt like it was beating so fast. Just as the cart we were seated in pulled up for the riders to get off, I moved my legs and I felt that familiar wet warmth between them. To my horror, I realized that I had peed my pants a little. The part that embarrassed me the most was I hadn’t felt myself go at all. I had been screaming too hard and wishing that the ride was over to feel anything else.

  All the other riders were leaving the cart, but I couldn’t move. I was petrified that there would be a wet spot on my pants, showing the world what I had just done.
Tears formed in my eyes. I tried to rub them away, but they just kept coming.

  Of course, my daddy quickly realized something was wrong with me. “What’s the matter, baby girl?”

  I couldn’t say anything; I only looked down at my shorts, tears starting to fall more rapidly down my face.

  “Did you have an accident?” he whispered.

  I nodded.

  “Okay, sweetie. Daddy will take care of everything. I’ll take you back to the hotel room and get you cleaned up.”

  I didn’t want to move for fear that my training pants hadn’t worked this time and people would notice that I had lost control of such a basic human function. As Daddy tugged at my hand and forced me to get up, I turned my head, checking if there was a wet spot on the seat. Thankfully, there was none.

  “There is no wet spot on your shorts. You’re all good,” my daddy whispered to me.

  I nodded and took his hand as he led me out of the ride area and back to our hotel room. As I was walking, I could tell that my shorts felt a little tighter on me than they had before the ride. As embarrassed as I was at what I had just done, I was more relieved that no one besides my daddy knew what happened. I kept picturing what would have happened if I hadn’t been wearing my training pants. I would have had a huge wet spot on my shorts and where I had been sitting. That would have been ten times worse than having to walk back to our hotel room with wet training pants.

  But during the walk home, another part of me felt that I was most definitely turning into a freak. I kept thinking, how could this happen to a twenty-five year old woman? Women have control of their bladder functions. Only babies don’t know how to control their bladder functions. This thought got me angry.

  Then my thoughts turned toward my husband. If we had never started role playing, then I would have full control of my bladder and I wouldn’t have wet my pants on some stupid ride. This is all his fault, I decided. Until a small voice in my head said, if it weren’t for him and you hadn’t been wearing these training pants, you could have wet your pants as a twenty-five-year-old woman. That would have been ten times more humiliating than this.

  I stopped walking and grabbed my head with my hands. I had so many thoughts running through my head and I couldn’t decide which ones were correct and which ones were wrong. I was ready to start crying again.

  “Sweetie, are you okay?”

  I opened my eyes and looked up at my husband and just nodded. I didn’t feel like I could tell him about this. I started role playing because I wanted to please my husband, but I never expected that we would take it this far. I saw how happy it made him, and I wanted to make him happy. If I told him how I felt, then he wouldn’t be happy. So I kept my mouth shut and didn’t say anything.

  “Samantha, what’s wrong?” he asked, bending down so we were at eye level.

  “N-nothing. I’m just still upset about what I’m wearing. Can we please go back to the hotel?”

  I didn’t think that he bought what I said, but I just didn’t have the energy to care at the moment. My emotions were so mixed up and I really wanted to get out of my wet training pants. Thankfully, my husband didn’t question what I said; instead he took my hand and led us back to our hotel room.

  When we got back to our hotel, Daddy took off my shorts and sure enough, my training pants were dark purple in the front, a sure sign that I had peed myself. I began to cry again when I saw the physical evidence of what I had done.

  Daddy pulled me into his arms. “Samantha, listen to me. This was an accident. I knew how scary that ride would be and that is precisely why I wanted you to wear these.”

  I just nodded, not saying a word.

  “Now, let’s get you out of these and into a shower with me. We both could use one.”

  I nodded again and I started to get undressed. We both got in the shower and started to wash each other.

  “No more role playing right now?” I asked, looking up at my husband.

  “No more role playing right now,” he said as he kissed me. We stole kisses frequently until he finally put a condom on and pinned me up against the wall.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” he asked, putting two fingers into my pussy.

  “Yes!” I cried out as he began to pump his fingers in and out of me.

  Both of us began breathing faster.

  “Get ready, baby. This is going to be hard and fast,” he said, right before he pulled his fingers out of my pussy and slammed his cock into it.

  “Ahhhh!” I cried in pleasure.

  He kept slamming his cock in and out of my pussy, and before long, we were both coming, screaming each other’s name. We sank to the bathroom floor, tangled together, trying to catch our breath.

  “That… was the perfect end… to this vacation,” he panted.

  “You’re right. I just wish that we could stay here forever,” I said.

  He smiled. “We can always come back. We should get up now, though. We have to pack and get ready for our flight.”

  I groaned. “Do we have to?”

  He chuckled. “Yes. Come on. Up you go.”

  He got up, turned off the shower, and easily swooped me off my feet and carried me out of the shower. We dried off, got dressed, and began packing for our trip home.

  * * *

  We got back home Saturday night and decided to spend the next day, Sunday, in comfy clothes, preparing for the week ahead. That morning when we got up, we ate breakfast together and then began to check the emails and voicemails we had missed while we were gone.

  At around 12:30 p.m., I walked into the kitchen to make some lunch for myself, and I was surprised to see that Jackson was already in the kitchen, making some sandwiches.

  “Hey, kiddo. You hungry for lunch?”


  “Good. Then sit down and we can eat together.”

  I did as I was told and sat down at the table. He brought over the plate of sandwiches and two soft drinks.

  “These look delicious,” I said, grabbing a sandwich.

  We ate together in silence for a while, but then a question crossed my mind.

  “Hey, Jackson. Can I ask you a question about your history?”

  “My history?” he asked, putting down his half-eaten sandwich. I could tell by his facial expression that my question had caught him off guard.

  “I mean your history with past girlfriends.”

  “Oh, sure.”

  “How many girlfriends did you have before me?”

  “I had two.”

  “Did you role play with them too?”

  “One of them, yes,” he said, as he took another bite of his sandwich.

  I mulled that over. I didn’t like the thought of Jackson having any girlfriends before he met me—period. But, I especially did not like the fact that he’d had a past girlfriend that he had role played with.

  “Why didn’t they stay with you?”

  “Well, as I told you before, the girlfriend before you broke up with me when I told her I was interested in age play. The girlfriend before the one who broke up with me was willing to try to play with me once. It worked well the first time we played together, but when I spanked her the second time that we role played, she told me that she didn’t like it.”

  “Oh, okay,” I said, taking a sip of my soft drink. That made me feel better. At least he really didn’t get into extensive role playing with his other girlfriends, like he has with me, I told myself. No reason to be jealous.

  “Why did you want to know?”

  “This might sound crazy, but it makes me feel special—that I am the only real little girl that you have ever had.”

  Jackson grabbed my hand. “Yes. You don’t have to worry about that. Going back to my past girlfriends, they are the reason why when we first started to role play, I thought you might leave me. After being dumped twice because of my fetish, I was so scared you would leave me too if you knew.”

  I squeezed his hand. “Don’t worry, honey. You’re stuck with me un
til death do us part.”

  He smiled. “That is a fact that I am thankful for every day. Now, do you have any more questions for me?”

  “Nope,” I said, shaking my head.

  “Good. Then finish your lunch, little girl,” he said with a smirk.

  “Yes, Daddy,” I said, smirking right back at him before I took another bite of my sandwich.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I had just gotten out of a meeting a few moments ago and had sat down at my office desk when my phone rang. I sighed. It was only 3:00 p.m. and I already felt exhausted. Since I had been gone the past week on my vacation, from the moment I had walked into work today I had been bombarded with meetings, paperwork, and people asking me to look over projects.

  But in a way I was thankful for how busy I was because it didn’t allow me to think about what had happened during my vacation—something I knew I would have to think about soon and decide whether or not I wanted to tell my husband how I was feeling.

  I answered my phone, not checking to see who was calling. “Hello.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Briggs. Your sister is on line one for you,” said my assistant, Kaylee.

  “Thanks, Kaylee,” I said as I pressed the button on the phone for line one.

  “Hey, Cassie. What’s up?”

  “Samantha, thank gosh that I got a hold of you. Dad had a heart attack this morning. Mom is with him at the hospital. I’m leaving to go there now.”

  I felt like a twenty pound weight had just been dropped into my stomach. Tears rolled down my eyes as I said, “I’ll leave my work right now. Be there soon. Bye.”


  I hung up the phone and quickly picked it up again to call my boss. I let him know about my father, and he had told me to have the rest of the week off to be with my family. I hung up and then made a second call.

  “Hey, babe,” Jackson said as he answered his phone.

  “Jackson. My father had a heart attack this morning. He’s at the hospital right now. Can you please come with me to see him?” I could not hide the shakiness in my voice. I was trying so hard not to panic and cry at the thought of potentially losing my father, and I held my composure together by a thread.


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