Lugano; Swiss intelligence in
Luther, Martin
Machiavelli, Niccolò; balance of power and; foreign policy and; statesmanship and; Swiss military tradition and; Swiss people and
Maginot Line
The Making of a Jew (Bronfman)
Mannerheim Line
Manzoni, Alessandro
Marilyn Manson
Markorivikova et al. v. Swiss Bank Corporation et al.
Masson, Roger
Mediterranean Sea
Melmer account
Middle East
Military Department
military deterrence: balance of power and; cost of invasion and; economics and; Swiss army and; Swiss independence and; Switzerland and
Milosevic, Slobodan
Minger, Rudolph
Ministry of Armaments
money: interest-group politics and; power and
Monte Rosa
Montesquieu, Baron de
Morgenthau, Henry
Morgenthau Plan
Motta, Giuseppe
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Muschg, Adolf
Mussolini, Benito
National Frontists
National Geographic
National Resistance Movement (Aktion Nationaler Widerstand)
National Zeitung
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Nazi Germany. See Germany
Nazi Gold (Rings)
Nazi subversion
Neue Basler Zeitung
Neue Berner Zeitung
Neue Zurcher Zeitung
neutrality; of America; armed; balance of power and; economics and; economic warfare and; equidistance and; freedom of the press and; of Sweden; of Switzerland
neutrals: Allied powers and; Germany and; gold and; Swiss franc and
New Europe
New European Order
New World Order
New York
New York City
New York Federal Reserve Bank
New York Times
New York Times Magazine
Nicole, Leon
Nine Inch Nails
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea
North Vietnam
Nouvelle Histoire de la Suisse et des Suisses (Jost)
Oberkommando Des Heeres
Obrecht, Hermann
Oeri, Albert
Office of Strategic Services (OSS)
official preference
Oprecht, Max
“Order Preliminarily Approving Material Terms of the Proposed Class Action Settlement Agreement and Provisionally Certifying the Proposed Settlement Classes,”
Ottoman empire
Peace in the Workplace
Peloponnesian War
Peloponnesian War (Thucydides)
Petain regime
Peter, Saint
Petitpierre, Max
Pilet Golaz, Marcel; accommodation and; Alpine redoubt; freedom of the press and; German control of Switzerland and; lack of trust of; political concessions of; Swiss Foreign Ministry and; Swiss politics and
Plaintiff Bar
Pochon, Fritz
Pohl, Emil
political ambivalence
Political Department
political parties
political prudence
“political refugee,”
politics: balance of power and; interest-group
Portugal: claims on German assets of; economic relationship between Germany and; Jewish refugees and; neutrality of
Postal and Railroads Department
Potsdam Conference
Powell, Colin
power: central; military; money and; soft
The Prince (Machiavelli)
Prisi, Fritz
Pro Helvetia
property rights
pseudo events
Public Economy Department
Public Law 6761
Rado, Sandor
Red Orchestra
refugees. See immigration; Jewish refugees
Reichsbank, gold trade and
resistance: accommodation vs.; Guisan and; tactical
Revue Militaire Suisse
Rhine valley
Rhone valley
Rings, Werner
Rittmayer, Albert
Roessler, Rudolf
Rohm purge
Roman Empire
Roman Republic
Roosevelt, Franklin
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roosevelt administration
Rosenberg v. Swiss National Bank
Rossy, Paul
Rothmund, Heinrich
Russia. See Soviet Union
Russian uprisings of 1905,
Salomon, Berthold Jacob
Sarine River
Sauckel, Fritz
Schellenberg, Walter
Schlesinger, James
Schroeder, Gerhard
Schumer, Charles
Schurch, Mr.
Schuschnigg, Kurt von
Seagram Company
security, universal
Senate Banking Committee
Senate Bill
separation of powers
settlement agreement: absolution and; categories of beneficiaries and; Clinton administration and; distribution of proceeds from; Eizenstat and; Federal Council and; Hevesi and;
settlement agreement (cont.) Korman and; plaintiffs’ allegations and; proper treatment and; Singer and; Swiss banks and; WJC and. See also anti-Swiss campaign; Swiss banks
Seyss-Inquart, Artur von
Shakur, Tupac
Simon Wiesenthal Center
Simplon tunnel
Sinai campaign (1973)
Singer, Israel: Eizenstat report and; publication of names and; settlement agreement and; Switzerland’s neutrality and
Slany, William
slave labor
Snoop Doggy Dogg
Socialist Party; consensus and; Federal Council and; Swiss immigration policy and
soft power
South Africa
Soviet Union; anti-Americanism and; attack of Finland by; economic relationships of; as enemy; German attack of; German invasion of; gold trade and; intelligence in; Jews in; Napoleon’s retreat from; Nazi invasion of; resistance of Nazi Germany and; slave labor in
Spain; economic relationship between Germany and; Jewish refugees and; neutrality of
Sprecher, Theophil von
St. Gotthard Massif
St. Maurice fortress
St. Moritz
Stalin, Joseph
Stalin-Hitler Pact
Stampfli, Walter
State Department
Stefani (Italian agency)
Steiger, Eduard von
Stettinius, Jr., E. R.
Stone, Oliver
subversion; military power and; Nazi; Swiss Confederation and
Sulzer, Hans
Sweden; economic relationship between Germany and; German counterblockade and; neutrality of
Swiss Bank Corporation
Swiss Bankers’ Association
Swiss banks: assets of Nazis and; Europe’s wealth in; Jewish assets and; Jewish money deposited in; Nazi profits in; settlement agreement and; suit against; unclaimed accounts in. See also anti-Swiss campaign; settlement agreement
Swiss Confederation
Swiss franc: Allied powers and; Axis powers and; demand for; German counterblockade and; Germans and; gold trade and; Swiss economy and value of
Swiss intelligence: counterespionage and; failures of; Federal Council and; Germany and; Guisan and; High Command and; reputation of; structure of; World War II and
Swiss National Bank; gold market and
Swiss People’s Party
Switzerland: accommodation and; Allies and; Alpine redoubt of; American image of; Axis powers and; blockades and; claims on German assets of; Clinton administration and; Communists in; democracy in; diversity in; economic deterrence and; economic policy of; economic relationship between Germany and; as economic safe haven; economy of; Eizenstat report and; financial market of; foreign policy of; France and; freedom of the press and; German assets and; German counterblockade and; German invasion of; German use for; Germany and; gold trade and; Holocaust and; immigration in; independence of; industry in; intelligence in; Israel and; Jewish refugees in; Joint Statement and; leadership in; merchandise trade and; military deterrence and; military of; military planning of; Nazi Party of; Nazi subversion and; Nazi subversion in; neutrality of; patriotism in; political parties in; soldiers of; tactical resistance by; terrain of; U.S. economic sanctions of; WJC settlement with; in World War I. See also anti-Swiss campaign
Switzerland’s Humiliation
Switzerland Faced by the American Empire
Third Punic War
Ticino valley
Tocqueville, Alexis de
Treasury Department
treaty of October
Trepper, Leopold
Truman, Harry
Truman administration
Trump, Georg
tunnel treaty of 1909
U.S. Export-Import Bank
U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation
U.S.-Swiss agreement (1946)
U.S. Treasury
Une Suisse Sans Armée
Union Bank of Switzerland: settlement agreement and; UBS and
United Nations
United States. See America
universal security
Vance-Owen plan
Versailles Treaty
Vietnam War
Viking Line
Volcker, Paul: auditing of accounts and; settlement agreement and
Volcker commission
Wahlen, Friedrich Traugott
Waldheim, Kurt
Wall Street Journal
war: democracy and; economic relationships and; enemies and; foreign policy in; materials essential to; property rights and; realities of
War of 1812
War Trade Agreement
Washington, George
Weber, Eugen
Weibel, Max
Weiss, Melvyn I.
Weisshaus, Gizella
Weisshaus et al. v. Union Bank of Switzerland et al.
Wille, Ulrich
willingness to die
Wilson, Woodrow
World Jewish Congress (WJC): anti-Swiss campaign and; Bronfman and; campaign against Germany and; class action lawsuits and; Clinton and; distribution of settlement proceeds and; Eisenhower administration and; Holocaust reports and; power of; reparations from Swiss government and; settlement agreement and; Singer and; suit against Swiss banks of; Swiss public opinion of; Swiss reparations and; Swiss settlement with
World Jewish Restitution Organization
World War I: economic warfare and; France and; freedom of the press and; Germans in; Germany and; Switzerland in; Überfremdung and
World War II: balance of power in; context of; critical period of; economics and; financial settlements following; hard currency and; lessons from; neutrals in
Zurich; Swiss intelligence in
Zurich Lake
Zurich National Exposition of 1939
Zymanska, Halina
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eISBN : 978-1-621-57128-5
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Between the Alps and a Hard Place Page 24