Book Read Free


Page 2

by Sam Crescent


  OMG!!! My pants are off. My boss’s head is between my legs.

  This is incredible.

  He’s going to lick my pussy.

  This is … wow!

  Emily cried out as his tongue stroked across her clit. A virgin she may be, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t researched or hunted down some dirty scenes on the internet. She was curious after all, and had needs.

  The way his tongue teased down her slit, then back up to circle her clit before sucking her into his mouth, she didn’t know if she was ever going to survive the pleasure. It was intense.

  Whenever she closed her eyes, he gave her thigh a little pinch. Not enough to cause pain, but enough to have her look at him.

  “Eyes on me at all times,” he said.

  She had no intention of looking away again. Her gaze focused on him. Intent.

  It felt so good.

  She was so close to coming as well.

  As his tongue flicked back and forth, the building of her orgasm seemed to spiral, getting harder and harder for her to deny or ignore. It was intense, more than she could have ever dreamed, and when he pushed her over the edge, she screamed his name, the sound echoing off the walls, consuming her.

  She expected James to be finished.

  Only, he kept on licking her pussy.

  The pleasure was too much. Her orgasm pushed forward, and before she even knew what was happening, he’d sent her into a second orgasm within a matter of seconds.

  His name was a constant out of her mouth, and she screamed it loudly, wanting more, hungry for more.

  The office door opened, and James stood up, covering her. “Get the fuck out of my office, right now.”

  The pleasure ebbed away, making way for sheer panic.

  Someone had stepped into the office and had seen her. How could she ever leave James’s office or do her job again?

  The door closed, and James looked down at her. His face still glistened from her pussy.

  “Sorry about that. I will make sure it never happens again,” he said, stroking her face.

  “It’s fine.”

  “No, only I get to see you.”

  “I’m going to have to get used to this,” she said, smiling. “It seems a little crazy to think of us together like this.”

  “You’ll need to get used to it. It’s going to be happening a whole lot of the time.”

  “What does this even mean?” She felt stupid for asking.

  “It means after I’m done here, I’m going to be stopping by your apartment this evening. I’d take you there myself right now, but I’ve got to be here to collect deliveries and make sure tonight is smooth.”

  “I know. You like to be completely in control. I get it, I do.”

  “Good.” He pressed a kiss to her head. “Wait for me. Don’t touch yourself until I’m with you.”

  “I can’t make those kinds of promises.” She bent down to grab her panties, but James took them from her, putting them in his pocket. “You’re not going to display them as some kind of trophy, are you?”

  “No, they’re all mine, but these are my favorite. I do love to see you in red.”

  Her cheeks heated.

  “You’ve got nothing to be embarrassed about.”

  “I know. I know, it’s just that this is all so new for me, you know,” she said.

  He kissed her again, this time a little harder, and she tasted herself on his tongue.

  “That’s okay,” he said. “That’s okay. We’ll take our time.”

  He helped her back into her jeans, and as they left the office, he didn’t allow her a chance to see who’d walked in on them.

  James escorted her right out of the bar toward her waiting car. He held the door open for her, and she climbed inside. The window was open as it was still hot outside.

  The summer would be drawing to a close soon.

  “What time can I expect you?” she asked.


  “I can make you dinner.”

  “I’d love that.” He leaned in, kissed her again, and slapped the car. “Get on out of here before you turn me into a bad boss and I follow you.”

  She started up her car, gave him a wave and headed back toward town. Just as she got to the grocery store, she turned off her car, and she paused.

  Son of a bitch! She’d been angry with him, and he’d completely distracted her.

  Gripping the steering wheel, Emily didn’t know what to think. No one else would hire her because he’d staked his claim? She now belonged to him? She wasn’t a thing, but a human being.

  Climbing out of her car, she headed into the supermarket still determined to shop. She’d cook for him, and then when he thought she’d forgotten, she’d make sure he was very much aware of how pissed she was.

  As she walked around the supermarket, she wondered if people knew what she and James had done in his office. Pushing those thoughts to the back of her mind, she tried to focus on shopping. When she saw a gift basket with wine and chocolates, she immediately picked it up. Before she went home, she had every intention of stopping by Nancy’s. She grabbed a couple of snacks for her kids, and would make sure she apologized for James’s behavior. What he did was so out of line, and just because he’d given her an orgasm, she wasn’t going to let him get away with it.

  Chapter Three

  All of his life, all he’d ever wanted to do was to run a bar. This building had once been a rundown gas station. It had long since stopped supplying gas, and James got the necessary permits and licenses to rebuild the place into the bar it was now.

  He’d pushed every dime he earned into making it one of the best bars within several states. It was why people traveled to visit him. His chef was one of the best and came highly recommended; James organized live bands, and of course helped in several charity events to help raise money. He knew how to keep his bar thriving, but right now, he was pissed off.

  A couple of out-of-town jocks had decided to crash into his bar just as an MC was passing through. This wasn’t good, as the kids who thought they could hide behind their money were going to be getting some real pain soon, and it wasn’t even at his hand.

  One of the boys, clearly the leader, had a death wish as he kept on calling, asking if he sucked guys’ dicks to be tough.

  James knew the reason the President was not killing the bastard, was only out of respect for him. This kid though, he needed to be taught a lesson. He’d already felt up several of the waitresses, and asked which one of them wanted a hundred bucks to suck and swallow.

  James hated people like this, entitled assholes who believed they were above the law.

  What pissed him off even more, this was on his watch, which meant he couldn’t walk away.

  He had a date to get to, and if these kids and MC started to fight, not that it would be a long fight, he was going to have to stick around for the cops, which now pissed him off.

  Glancing at the President, he knew that face, and well, James had had enough.

  Grabbing his bat from around the counter, he stepped up to the jock boys.

  “You need to leave,” he said.

  “Excuse me?” the leader said, standing up.

  Clearly, the kid was used to being the tallest in the room, but James towered over him.

  The leader looked a little shocked. “Erm.”

  “Yeah, continue what you were going to say. I’m all for hearing what shit you want to start and tell me about. Come on, I’m all ears.”

  “I … was having a joke.”

  “Yeah, well I’m not laughing. This is my bar, and you’re going to leave, now.”

  His friends turned to him, and the big guy nodded.

  “Yeah, yeah, come on. We are totally out of here.” The leaders saw the bat, and James marched him out of the bar, into the waiting night.

  “You’re not allowed back here,” James said.

  “You’re going to let him talk to us like that?” one of the guys said.
r />   “Why don’t you come and tell me what you think you’re going to do,” James said. “We can resolve this matter, right fucking now!”

  “No, no, he didn’t mean anything by it. We’re heading out. So sorry, sir.”

  James stepped back.

  “David, what the fuck? You don’t cower away.”

  “Do you even know who that is?” David, the leader, asked.

  “No. He’s just some barman with a bat.”

  James didn’t need to hear the rest. The leader had heard of him and his reputation. When he headed back inside, there was a round of applause. He put the bat back into place, grabbed a bottle of whiskey, and handed it to the President. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t mention it, but I was going to tear off his dick and feed it to him.”

  “I wouldn’t have had any complaints but I’ve got to go and see my girl tonight, and I won’t be late.”

  For another hour, he wound everything down so no one tried to linger, or stay behind.

  He helped people into their rides, or organized a taxi for them, which was usually a family member.

  Once the last of his staff was gone, he closed up shop, climbed into his car, and headed over to Emily’s.

  This wasn’t the first time he’d gone to her apartment late at night. Every single night after the bar closed, he’d always drive by her house, just to make sure she was safe, happy, warm. Not that he’d ever be able to tell behind her closed curtains, but he’d watch her apartment until he was sure everything was fine.

  Tonight would be different.

  He bought flowers. Then he parked his car in the only available spot and headed up to her apartment. He didn’t even hesitate and knocked.

  She opened the door within seconds. She wore a dress, a nice blue one that ended at her knees. She’d left her red hair down, and it looked full and silky. He wanted to have the locks wrapped around his fist as he pounded away inside her.

  Her pussy would be so tight.

  “I can’t believe you,” she said. Emily threw her arms up in the air and left him to take care of closing and locking the door.

  “Excuse me.”

  “I know what you did, James. I was so mad at you.”

  “What did I do?”

  She hadn’t taken the flowers, and he followed her down to her kitchen. He saw a nice big bowl of pasta and meatballs waiting for them.

  “I was mad at you for the way you spoke to Nancy, and don’t worry, I took a small gift basket as an apology. You shouldn’t have done that though.”

  “Done what?”

  “Talked to her like that and when I was angry at you, you know.”

  “Licked your pussy?”

  “Yes.” She put a hand to her head and dropped it.

  “You look cute when you’re angry,” he said.

  “I’m not even trying to be cute.”

  “It makes you even cuter.”

  “Just stop, okay? I don’t know what it is you’re trying to do, but just stop.” She nibbled her lip, and he saw she looked upset.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Do you mean it?”

  “Do I mean what?”

  “That you’re sorry.”

  “Look, I overreacted with Nancy, but I had every intention of giving her a bonus, and making things right with her, believe me. She’s one of my best waitresses, and the guys love her. So do the girls, which is rare. I bought you flowers.” He held up the roses.

  “No, you’re not going to get away with it that easily.”

  “I stopped a fight tonight.”

  “There was a fight at the club?”

  “No, there could have been a fight, but I stopped it. I’m a superhero.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he saw the smile and knew she wasn’t going to be mad for much longer.


  Emily didn’t want to stay mad at him for too long. After she had seen Nancy, the other woman hadn’t held a grudge and had even said it wasn’t the first time the boss shouted at her, and it wouldn’t be the last.

  For Emily, it was her first time hearing James raise his voice.

  “They’re beautiful,” she said, looking at the roses.

  “And they’re for you. They’re not nearly as beautiful as you.”

  She laughed. “I’m still mad.”

  “You can be mad. You made dinner for me.”

  “I told you I would. I spent all night working on it. It gave me something to do.” She wasn’t about to admit she’d also spent time watching porn as she wanted to be prepared for what happened next.

  You don’t know if he even wants sex with you yet.

  He had his face in my pussy.

  Doesn’t mean sex is the next step.

  She really had to stop thinking about sex and James, especially with him in the room. She’d never had a boyfriend, and up until recently, she hadn’t felt guys were necessary in her life. Until James.

  He’d been part of her life now for a few years. In his way, he’d been there when her parents were killed, and she remembered him coming to the hospital to see her every single day. Whenever she was upset, he’d take care of it, and no one would mess with him. He always stepped in to help her, to guide her. He was one of the best men she knew, apart from her dad, but he was gone.

  At first, she’d felt affection for James. He was a good friend, a great buddy, and a friendly boss.

  Only, one day, she couldn’t even remember when, he’d crossed over the threshold of being a good buddy to being so much more, of meaning a great deal to her, even now. She couldn’t be angry at him forever; she didn’t like the feeling.

  Putting the flowers in a vase, she put some water on them, and followed him out to her small dining room table.

  She’d already set two places, and with a small glance around the room she knew it looked like she was trying to … woo him.

  Was this a date?

  She put the flowers on the coffee table before taking a seat opposite him.

  “How was work?” Did that sound too familiar? Too corny? Too much like a wife? Get a grip, Emily.

  “It was great. I closed up early, but it was a slow night.”

  “Apart from your almost fight.”


  “Awesome,” she said.

  All the time she’d been around James, she never felt awkward or confused. Right now, she was nervous.

  “Don’t worry,” James said. He reached across the table, taking her hand. “You don’t have to be nervous about anything.”

  She laughed. “Please, I’m not nervous, not even close.”

  “You’re shaking.”

  “It’s nothing.” She waved her hand in the air, and again, she had no idea why she did that, but now, she was starting to feel a little out of it.

  “You’re cute when you’re nervous.”

  “Yay, cute.” She pressed her lips together and instead, pulled off a piece of garlic bread. She took a bite as James served up the pasta.

  Picking up her fork, she waited for him to have a taste.

  He closed his eyes as he took the first bite, and she wondered if he liked it? Hated it?

  “Oh, wow, I had no idea you could cook,” he said. He took another bite.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Like it? I fucking love it.”

  She watched him take a couple more bites before having a taste herself. She always enjoyed experimenting. With living alone, it made experimenting seem pointless, but she recalled all the times she’d stood with her mother as she was at the stove, cooking and baking up a storm.

  “I’m really glad you like it.”

  They ate their food, and James asked her about her day. She told him about Nancy, and her trip to the grocery store. It was all mundane, and it certainly wasn’t what Emily wanted to talk about.

  After their food, James cleared away the plates, and Emily moved to her sitting room, taking a seat, staring straight ahead.

  She was nervous.

  This was her first date.

  James returned to her seconds later. He’d grabbed himself a beer and handed her a glass of water. She didn’t drink.

  “Thank you.”

  “So, ask me whatever it is you want to ask,” he said.

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Emily, I know you. I know you don’t think I do, but I do.”


  “I’ve watched you.”

  “Isn’t that a little creepy?”

  “Does it bother you?” he asked. “I’ve kept an eye on you for a long time. I know when something is on your mind, and right now, you’re worried. Talk to me.”

  She took a sip of her water. “This is all so new.”

  “I know.” He put his hand on her knee. “Is this too much?”

  “No, it’s … fine. It’s more than fine.”

  “Good.” He stroked her knee, and she turned to look at him.

  His dark brown eyes, they looked so tempting. Her heart started to pick up, and in the back of her mind, she had the flashes of the images she’d watched that very day. A yearning unlike anything she’d ever felt started to work up her body, tempting her, encouraging her, driving her.

  “What did you mean when you said, I’m yours?” she asked.

  Chapter Four

  “Exactly what I said, you’re mine, Emily. You have been for a long time, and believe me when I say, I’m not giving you up,” he said.

  James watched her. Her tongue flicked across her plump lips, looking so tempting, driving him wild.

  “But what does it mean?”

  “You know what it means.”

  “I … tell me.”

  “You want me to spell it out for you?” he asked.

  “I want to be completely clear. If I’m yours, is that as a friend? Am I a good buddy? I don’t exactly know where you draw the line.”

  He silenced her with a kiss, plunging his tongue into her mouth, relishing her moan as he swallowed it down.

  Pushing her back on the sofa, he settled between her spread legs, staring into her eyes. Breaking from the kiss, he looked down at her and smiled.

  “It means you’re mine just as I’m yours. This body belongs to me. I had my head between your thighs hours ago. Your first orgasm is mine. Your pussy, tits, ass, and mouth, they will all belong to me, because I staked my claim on you and the town knows not to interfere.”


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