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The Good Girl

Page 3

by Tracy Reed

  No such luck. The sweet sound of her voice traveled into my ear and danced around my head before journeying to my core, awakening something I assumed had become immune to sweet talk. The funny thing is, she didn’t say anything seductive or enticing. It’s just something about her. I can’t quite put my hand on it, although I wouldn’t mind touching every inch of her.

  After we reached cruising level, Gil served lunch. I was starving. I drank so much coffee in Seattle, I think if you cut me, I’ll bleed Sumatra roast coffee.

  So far the only thing that matches up to the report Tony gave me, is that she’s very smart. Considering the amount of time she had to gather the information I requested, she did very well. I’m convinced she’ll be able to handle any task I assign her.

  She caught me off guard with her question. She’s a lot more perceptive than I anticipated, which is what she’ll need working with clients and the other executives. However, I’ve got to be careful not to slip up and make her suspicious of me. I need to keep the truth about her job and my position a secret as long as I can. I want her to be fully trained and comfortable working with me and Tony, before telling her why I really hired her. The longer she believes she was hired to be the Assistant to the new President, the better. She needs to believe there’s someone I report to.

  If Tony were awake, I could ask him about his report on Gabriella and the obvious missing facts. At the top of the list, why didn’t he disclose how beautiful she is. It’s as if he thought I wouldn’t want to hire her because I had other intentions for her. I’ve gotta say, he wouldn’t be too far off base.

  When it comes to a receptionist, it had better be an older, married woman.



  WORKING WITH PHILLIPPE HAS BEEN way more than I expected. Turns out, the problem in Seattle was with the building. It had been sold and the new owner wasn’t renewing any of the leases. Instead, they bought out all the leases and gave the tenants one month to vacate. Because Morgan Grant housed half of the building, Phillippe managed to negotiate some extra time, until the temporary space is ready.

  We went in and evaluated the current and future needs of Morgan Grant and the other tenants. Then we looked at other possible locations. My job was to compare the cost to buy the buildings in each of the cities we visited, and take over all the leases verses just relocating Morgan Grant to another property. I took all the data, compiled my report, and presented it to Phillippe.

  This was how the first three weeks went.

  We finally made it to Charlotte and all three of us were exhausted. Phillippe checked us into our hotel rooms with strict orders to eat and sleep.

  The following morning we all met in Phillippe’s suite for breakfast. The moment Tony opened the door, the aroma of fresh brewed coffee greeted me.

  “Good morning Miss Townsend.”

  He still won’t smile, but at least he’s not giving me intimidating looks anymore. “Good morning Tony.”

  I was beginning to relax in my job, in spite of the crush on my boss. Maybe it was his intelligence, or the way he took charge in meetings, or his sense of humor. Who am I kidding? It’s the whole package. If I were to tell God exactly what kind of man I want, it would be one like Phillippe. A man who knows how to handle his business. Who’s gentle and strong. Who makes me laugh, loves art and isn’t afraid to admit when he’s made a mistake. Let’s face it, if he looks like he just stepped off the cover of a romance novel, that’s even better.

  I followed the aroma and found Phillippe standing at the window on the phone. He had his back to me and the sight of his broad shoulders and tight backside, did more for waking me up than the coffee.

  “I understand you don’t like this, but…I see…I don’t think that’s a good idea…uh-huh…uh-huh…no…if we do that, it could set us back at least six months…I don’t agree…the whole thing could have been avoided if he’d told someone…exactly…a million three…about three million…exactly…I’m already on it…a couple of weeks, maybe longer…no…okay.”

  I walked over to the buffet and started piling food on a plate while staring at Phillippe. My, my, my…God, You have incredible sculpting skills. I wonder what he looks like naked.

  He started pacing, then looked up, saw me and smiled. I quickly turned my attention to my overloaded plate and put the serving spoon down.

  “We’ll continue this when I get back…not yet…because it’s too soon…yes it is…I do, but not now…I’ll let you know…no…don’t you trust me?…thank you…bye.” He pressed the button ending the call and placed his phone on the table. He rubbed his head with his hands and exhaled. Clearly whoever he was speaking with, upset him. A few seconds later, he seemed calm. “Good morning Gabriella. How did you sleep?”

  “Well. Thank you. And yourself?”

  He hesitated with his answer. “I slept.” He walked over to the buffet and picked up a plate. “Tell me about your family.”

  “My family?”

  “Yes. Tony said he met your mother when he picked you up.”

  He returned to the table with a modest serving of scrambled eggs, bacon and asparagus. He sat down in the chair across from me and looked at my plate. Oh great, he probably thinks I’m a drooling idiot and a greedy pig.

  “My dad’s a lawyer and my mother is a teacher.”

  He nodded as he chewed and swallowed. “Any siblings?”

  “A younger brother. He’s a junior at MIT.”

  “Impressive. What does he want to do?”

  “I’m not quite sure. He says he feels God is leading him into research. He’s only eighteen and works harder than I do.”

  “Wow. We may need to hire him.” He smiled and refilled his coffee cup. “What grade does your mother teach?” He sipped his coffee. His dark full lips looked even more delicious holding the white cup prisoner as he turned it up.

  “She’s an étiquette teacher.”


  “Actually, she teaches protocol to executives.” He looked vexed. “When my dad went to China, he asked her to help him not embarrass himself. She researched the culture and learned how he should conduct himself in business and social situations. He made a great impression and it helped with his negotiations. When one of his friends was preparing to go, he asked my dad for help and my mother coached him. He hired her and her business was born.”

  “I might need to hire your mother.” He sipped his coffee. “What do you do in your free time? Any hobbies?”

  “I like visiting art galleries and the museum. Once a month I take some of the kids from my church to the museum. And, I teach Sunday School.” It was difficult concentrating on my answers with him staring at me.

  He smiled. “How old are the kids in your Sunday School class?”


  “Do you have a boyfriend?” He picked up a stalk of asparagus, bit down and my stomach danced.

  I cleared my throat. “Uhm, no.” This is sheer torture. I should have just ordered room service and came over after I finished eating. Sitting here answering personal questions and watching his lips…it is way too early for…

  “No? You’ve got to be kidding?” He smiled.

  “No. I guess I’ve been too focused on getting stable in my career.” That was a lie. There was no one because there was no one who interested me, or found me interesting. “What about you…married?”

  He almost choked and patted his chest. “No, I’m not married.” He sipped his water and smiled.

  “Is there a girlfriend or girlfriends I need to know about?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Is there someone whose calls you always answer, or who I’ll need to rearrange your schedule for?” I smiled.

  “There was someone, but it ended recently.”

  “I didn’t mean to…”

  “You didn’t…we just wanted different things.”

  “How long were you together?”

  “Three years.” He sipped his coffee and carefu
lly placed the white china cup back on the saucer and wiped his mouth.

  “So if some chick calls or shows up and says she’s your girlfriend, I’ll call Tony and have him take care of her.” I smiled at Tony and he gave me a thumbs up.


  “What about you, what’s your family like?”

  “My family…my mother is an American who fell in love with a handsome African Frenchman. That’s how she tells the story.”

  “Wow.” I nodded. “How does he tell the story?”

  “His version wasn’t as romantic. He said it was her hips and laugh that put a spell on him.”

  I smiled. “Very romantic.” He nodded and the corner of his mouth turned up slightly. “How long have they been married?”

  “They were married twenty-nine years.” He shifted in his seat. “He died three years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.” I wanted to walk over and wrap my arms around him.

  “Thank you.”

  “That explains your name.”

  “Yes, I was named after my grandfather. My grandfather was French and my grandmother was African.”



  I didn’t think the company was in such bad shape when I agreed to take over. This antiquated dinosaur is in need of a major overhaul. I know the changes I’ve proposed to the board are drastic, but if I don’t force some action now, there won’t be a company to save.

  If I had the support I was told I’d have, things would be a lot different and this transition, much easier. I am not happy about being on the road for extended periods but, until I build a trustworthy team, I’ve got no choice. The only highlight to this insane travel schedule is spending time with Gabriella.

  I can’t believe she doesn’t have a boyfriend. How is that even possible? She’s an amazing girl…smart, funny, sweet and beautiful. I enjoy talking with her.

  I almost choked when she asked if I was married or had a girlfriend. I don’t know what Chantal and I were. Towards the end, it seemed like we spent more time fighting than anything else. I think if she’d been a little more supportive, we could have worked out all our problems. The number one reason we broke up was her not understanding why I had to take this job.

  I understand Morgan Grant, and I know I can bring it back to the kind of company it was. To an outsider, it seems like everything is fine. The reality is, there’s a lot of debt, dead weight, and antiquated operations and policies. Once I get the company healthy, I plan to get myself healthy. I want what my parents had, a loving marriage and lots of children.

  I don’t think I shared that story about my parents with any of my former girlfriends. Watching the gentleness on Gabriella’s face as I shared the tidbit was refreshing. If I’d shared that with Chantal, she would have thought I was weak. Being in love or surrendering to love doesn’t make you weak, it makes you strong and smart.

  I looked at Gabriella and still couldn’t believe there wasn’t a man that saw what I saw. She’s the complete package. When we get to Europe I’m going to arrange some private museum tours. I think she’ll like that.



  PHILLIPPE TOLD ME TO TAKE the day to rest and get ready for the party. He said if I needed help with my hair and makeup to go to the hotel salon and charge it to his suite. I could have taken his offer a couple of ways. One, he didn’t like my hair and makeup or, that he wanted me to amp it up.

  I don’t wear a lot of makeup every day, but I do know how to kick it up when I have to. Besides, when Cameron helped me with the gown, he suggested I do a complimentary pink lip, black liner and falsies. I’m already having a problem being relaxed in this dress and heels. I don’t think I can handle false eyelashes as well.

  I looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize myself. The salon did a good job with my hair. I have to let Cameron know the makeup was right on point.

  I sent my mother a selfie of me all dolled up. “What do you think?”

  “You look beautiful. Daddy says he likes your hair. Have fun. Call me later.”

  My phone dinged with a message from Phillippe. “Gabriella, meet me in the lobby.”

  I took a deep breath, grabbed my wrap and bag, and headed for the elevator. When I got to the lobby, I didn’t see Tony or Phillippe. I stood close to the entrance with my eyes on the elevators. A few minutes later, Tony walked past me.

  “Tony.” He stopped and turned around.

  “Miss Townsend?” His eyes were wide and he smiled. “Wow.”

  “Phillippe told me to meet him in the lobby.”

  “He’s in the bar.”

  “I’ll get him and we’ll meet you at the car.” He turned and left.

  I took a deep breath and went to the bar. I looked around and saw Phillippe standing at the end of the bar looking at the television. My heart skyrocketed to my throat. He looked like the black James Bond…suave, classy, sexy, dangerous. I walked over and tapped him on the arm and it was like tapping steel.

  He turned slightly and smiled, then frowned. Oh crap, I made a mistake with the hair, or maybe the dress. Cameron assured me this was how Phillippe wanted me to look. He stepped back and his smile reappeared. “Gigi?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I’m sorry. Gabriella. You look…” He slowly looked me up and down. I felt flattered and pretty.

  “Tony’s out front with the car.” I walked out of the bar ahead of him and felt his eyes on me.

  My nerves were racing around my stomach at the thought of possibly dancing with Phillippe. I kept telling myself, this is a work function, not a date. So what if that means spending a little time pressed up against my hot boss with his large, strong hands holding me, then so be it.

  “Tony did you see how beautiful Gabriella looks?”

  “Yes.” He looked at me via the rearview mirror. “Like the hair.”

  “Thank you.” Phillippe kept staring at me. “Is there anything I need to know?” He didn’t say anything. I repeated my question. “Phillippe, is there anything I need to know?”

  He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. “Uhm…no, I’ll introduce you to James and his wife and then just follow my lead.”


  “We’re representing Morgan Grant, but it’s also a party, so I want you to have a good time.” He smiled.

  Since I began working with Phillippe, this was the first time I’d seen him at a loss for words.

  We pulled up to valet parking and Phillippe got out, walked around, and helped me out of the car. He took my arm and wrapped it around his bent elbow. “You have nothing to be nervous about,” he assured me.

  “What about Tony?”

  “He’ll join us after he takes care of the car.”

  We continued inside and it wasn’t what I expected. Instead of a stuffy dinner, it was a carnival. There were game booths around the walls of the ball room, clowns, stilt walkers, balloon artists and gourmet carnival food. The theme was perfect for a children’s charity.

  “Wow.” I was relieved, but I was also disappointed about not being wrapped in Phillippe’s strong arms dancing.

  “This is so different from last year.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Last year it was a dinner and dancing.” He looked around and a huge smile appeared on his face. “So what do you want to play first?”

  I looked around the colorfully decorated ballroom. It reminded me of my family trips to the fair and my dad playing ring toss so he could win me a giant teddy bear. It took him four years, but he finally did it. “Ring toss.”

  “Are you kidding?”

  I looked at him. “With your height, we should be able to do some damage.”

  “Okay, ring toss it is.”

  We headed over to the ring toss game. Phillippe took his jacket off and handed it to me. “Okay, so what are we taking home?”

  I looked at the prizes and spotted what I wanted. “The bear.”

  He looked at me. “A
re you kidding? That thing is huge. How are you going to get it home?”

  “You have a plane.” I smiled.

  “How many rings does it take to win the bear?” he asked the attendant.

  “Get one on the red bottle.”

  “The red bottle?” Phillippe strained to find the red bottle.

  “Yep.” The attendant pointed to the red bottle deep in the middle of the green bottles.

  “I see.”

  “Get a ring on it and the little lady takes the bear of her choice home.”

  He looked at me. “You sure about this?”



  When I called Cameron and told him to take care of Gabriella, I had no idea this is what he was going to do. I was already having a problem being around her and to see her like this…she’s gorgeous. The way that dress hugs her curves is… and her hair. I like the curls, but straight, cascading down her back is very sexy.

  I was doing fine until I saw her thigh. When she climbed into the car, that deep split revealed a beautiful thick, smooth, caramel colored thigh. I’ve always been a leg man, with my taste veering more to the long legs of models, not those of petite, curvy women.

  I walked around the car, grateful for the breeze, because this woman was doing things to me I hadn’t expected. I got into the backseat and sat a respectable distance from her, still staring at her legs. She crossed her legs and although she covered them with her wrap my mind wandered. I imagined how both of those gorgeous thick thighs would feel wrapped around my hips as we…oh my God. I tried to push the thought out, but I couldn’t.

  My collar and tie felt tight. I needed some air. I rolled the window down and inhaled the cool air. I managed to compose myself and pay her a compliment. “Tony, did you see how beautiful Gabriella looks?” I didn’t hear Tony’s reply, because I was focused on her.

  It took a moment for it to register that she was talking to me. Her voice no longer sounded sweet and demure. In my mind it was sexy and seductive. With the help of a flat iron and an expensive gown, Gabriella went from being my sweet, young assistant to a sexy woman I wanted in my bed.


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