Goggles, Gears, and Gremlins (SteamGoth Anthology Book 3)
Page 10
“I want a divorce.” Screamed Silas as he writhed wildly. “I never want to see your goddamn face again or that little shit stained piece of bacon.”
“Good enough.” Kate turned to leave as Silas slammed into the ceiling three more times before dropping back onto the table unconscious.
At the door Kate turned. “Thaddeus are you coming?”
“I’ll be right with you I have one thing to do before I leave.” Thaddeus was holding the chastity belt. Silas’s pants were down around his ankles and Thaddeus slapped the belt around Silas’ hips locking it in place.
Kate laughed and walked out holding her precious little Prig.
Kickstarter Dedication Pages
Our most sincere thanks to the people listed on this page they made it possible to get this book out. Without them it would have been several more months before we would have had the money to pay all the authors… Thank you.
Thomas Krech
Miles Matton
Nathan Christianson
Ed Morbius
Jules Jones
Francis Waltz
Jim Kirk
Craig Hackl
Mark Taormino
Rik Spruitenberg
Sam Wright
Sean Donnell
Ana Silva
Cliff Winnig
Paul F
Matt Hogan
Neal Levin
Joseph Borquiren
Matthew Nehrling
Stephanie ‘Rodeo Ninja’ Curry
William Gunderson
Georgia J. Ballard
Vernon Putman
(The patron had the privilege of naming our gremlin mascot for this anthology and deserves a very special thanks)
Sharon Stanfill