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Page 5

by C. Tyler

  When I don’t feel like I’m going to pass out, I finally open my eyes. He draws back the same moment, and our eyes meet. I gently pull my bottom lip between my teeth as I reach up and touch his cheek. I love him, so much, and he knows it. I can tell by the way he smiles back at me.

  Spencer leans forward and kisses me again. Eventually, we have to part and head inside. I think his boxers are still in the dirt outside when we do, but neither of us bother getting them. Instead, we lock up the house and crawl into bed with one another. When he gets comfortable, Spencer pulls me to his side. I conform easily to him and we begin to drift.

  “Mike,” he says after a moment or two. He’s running his fingers up and down the length of my bare arm comfortingly.

  “Hm?” is all I can manage. I’m nearly asleep.

  “How’d you feel…” He hesitates briefly and it makes my attention sharpen just a hint, but I’m still incredibly close to falling asleep. “How’d you feel if I moved in here?”

  “You wanna live with me?” I say into his side. I’m too tired to try to pull back enough to speak clearly.

  “M-hm,” he replies. “Keep you safe.”

  I feel a soft smile tug at my lips briefly, but it falls a moment later. Again, I just don’t have the energy to hold it.

  “M-kay,” I mutter. “But sleep, now.”

  He chuckles again, and I feel him press his lips to the top of my head before the world disappears around me. I fall asleep next to one of the two men who have ever made me feel remotely safe and happy. Spencer Graves is one of the only men I actually love.



  I’m still surprised as hell that Mikey let me move in with her. She used to be so goddamn independent it was annoying, but now she didn’t care. No reservations or second-guessing. Travis scares her more than I thought, I guess.

  And that shit still pisses me off more than anything. I actually feel it in my bones, in my fingertips. It makes me vibrate. I don’t actually think I’ve ever been that angry before in my life, and the scars he left behind? Jesus Christ, I couldn’t see straight. My vision was actually tunneling and blacking out. If I ever see that motherfucker again…

  But she’s here now, here with me and the club where she’ll be safe. I’ll always keep her safe, from anything and anyone. She’s my girl. I love her more than anything, and I know as soon as Chas gets out in a couple of months, she’ll be doubly safe, doubly taken care of. Hell, I actually hope the giant moves into the house, too. That way we’ll always be there.

  My body hurts when I finally get home from the club. I like referring to Mike’s place as home. It feels right.

  I’m peeling off my cut as I make my way to our bedroom as quietly as I can, but I feel so goddamn heavy. I just want to crash. It was one of those kinds of days.

  As I reach the doorway, I see Mikey nestled in the blankets and I smile. I can’t help it. She brings the action out in me. I’m filled with the urge to be at her side, so I don’t really hesitate. Every step closer I take, I remove some piece of clothing until I’m in nothing but my boxers and standing beside the bed. She’s facing me and completely asleep. Shit, she’s beautiful. Every time I see her I’m actually happier. It’s never worked with anyone else, just her.

  Crawling into bed, I hear her take a deep breath because my shit-mattress is shifting from side to side, but I’m on her before she really notices. Since her neck’s exposed, I close the distance between us and kiss her softly. I hear her coo, and it spurs my actions, driving me to continue.

  I tenderly trace small kisses up the side of her neck and over her cheek before reaching her lips. She sighs and kisses me back. My back actually tightens and my dick twitches when I feel her tongue massage mine.

  “Mmmm,” she moans gently as we part. I love the half-asleep, druggy look she gives me when she looks up at me. “Hey,” she whispers.

  “Hey.” I smile back. “Missed you.”

  She laughs lightly, and the sound trickles down my spine. “You were only gone a few hours.”

  “Long enough,” I groan as I dip forward and kiss her again.

  She wraps her arms round my neck and holds me close. It never takes long for the two of us to get hot and bothered. Like everything else, she’s the only one that’s able to make my blood boil in the best way, and I’ll do anything to keep her safe and in my arms. Part of me actually wants that asshole to show up one day. I want him to see the plans I have for him, what I want to do to the guy who laid a hand on my girl.


  I’ve been living with Mikey now for another few weeks, and it’s great. Never thought I’d think that when it came to living with anyone. I was never good with roommates of any kind, but now I can’t imagine my life without waking up beside her every day.

  As I get out of the shower, I hear my phone going off. I reach for it quickly and answer before whoever’s calling me can hang up.

  “Yeah?” I answer.

  “Spence.” It’s my dad. “Need you to stop by the warehouse, son.”

  “Uh, yeah, sure,” I reply unsurely. He sounds off. “Why?”

  There’s a brief pause. “We got ‘im.”

  That’s all I had to hear. I don’t think I’ve ever gotten dressed so fast in my life.


  Our businesses are nestled deep in the industrial side of town, which means little traffic and lots of noise. It is perfect.

  I pull up to the driveway that leads to our junkyard warehouse. The massive metal gates are closed, but the two members hanging outside open them when they see me. As I pull in, they close the gates and lock them from the inside.

  After parking to the side, I practically jog to the massive warehouse and through the door. I’m overjoyed—fucking ecstatic—to see a man hanging from a set of thick chains hanging from the machinery above. The rig is used to lift vehicle bodies off their chassis, or engines out of anything, but right now, they hold a guy.

  A twisted, evil smile curls my lips as I step closer, tugging off my gloves in the process. After hearing her story—finally—I put some feelers out and a reward for anyone who could find the piece of shit who laid a hand on Mikey. It took some time, but it looks like that finally paid off.

  Travis’s head is down and his arms high. He is suspended just enough that the tips of his toes are all that touch the concrete floor beneath him. No hopes for traction. His shirt is ripped, blood touches his face, and he looks like he’s already had the shit beaten out of him. That is nothing compared to what’s coming.

  “’Ey!” I snap, slapping his cheek when I reach him. Travis jostles awake. His eyes dance around to the senior members, everyone that was there while Mikey grew up. We’re all very interested in meeting this guy, and when his eyes land on me, I smile wide. “Hey, man!” I chime almost happily. “How’s it going?”

  He narrows his eyes, and I can’t tell if he doesn’t recognize me—never met the dude before—or if he’s trying to be tough. Whatever the reason, it just makes me laugh in his face.

  “You fucked up, man,” I tell him almost happily.

  “Fuck you.”

  There are a few chuckles from the audience. No one’s even the slightest bit intimidated by this guy.

  I react swiftly. My fist smashes against the side of his face and he’s sent spinning. I let him for a while, but eventually stop him so I can look into his hate-filled eyes again. Holding his shoulders, I lean forward so he can see the rage I feel for him.

  “You shouldn’t have touched her,” I growl. “And I’m gonna make sure you never do again.”

  He leans closer just a hint. It’s actually funny how much he’s trying to remain in control, how hard he’s holding onto the “dominant” position.

  “Or what?” he dares me. He’s trying to make me think he’s a bad-ass, but it doesn’t work. I’ve dealt with scary people, and he’s not one of them. How do I know? I can see the fear lingering in his eyes.

  My lips pull back into another
smile. Before I can answer, there’s a click and whooshing sound from behind me. I glance over my shoulder to see my dad holding a lit acetylene torch. The light it’s giving off makes the old man look horrifying, and when I look back at Travis, the bravado’s gone. He’s suddenly aware of just how much shit he’s in, and I fucking love it.

  He’s not walking out of this warehouse. No one’s going to save him. No one is going to hear him. And no one is going to miss him when he’s gone.

  The best part? I can tell he knows it.

  He never should have touched my girl.

  The End

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