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Sleeping With The Billionaire - A Standalone Royal Alpha Billionaire Prince Romance (New York City Billionaires - Book #2)

Page 41

by Alexa Davis

  I went to move, to stand up, to maybe go for a walk outside, but before I got the chance to do so, I felt a light tap on my shoulder. “Roy, are you okay?” Of course, it was the preacher. “I… I’ve heard about the difficult time that you’ve been having and, well, I was hoping that you would come in here.”

  “It’s been rough,” I nodded slowly, my mind still filled with indecision. “But I think I’m just about getting through it.”

  “Well, you know if you need to talk, I am here to listen, not to pass judgment of any kind.”

  Could I tell him? Maybe I could at least unload some of it. I knew from all the things that I’d confessed to him over the years, particularly during the dark time of life when Shelley had just died, that he could keep a secret – he was obligated to do so. With that in mind, I slumped back on the pew, and allowed the words to spill out.

  “Well, obviously you know that I didn’t commit the murder…” At least, I hoped he did. “I was arrested because I shut my emotions down the moment I saw the body, which apparently made my reaction odd.”

  “That’s hardly surprising, considering what you’ve been through,” he smiled warmly at me, actually understanding, probably better than anyone else. “But I guess I can see why the police would have to jump on that, particularly if they didn’t have anything else to go on.”

  “Yeah, well, at least that part is mostly over, but now I find myself faced with a moral dilemma, and I really don’t know what way to turn.”

  “Tell me about it. Maybe I can help to point you in the right direction.”

  Finally, someone offering me some practical advice! “Yeah, okay. I know who committed the murder, but I also know that it was never quite as straightforward as that. The person who did it, from my understanding, it was mostly in self defense,” I shook my head, trying to get everything out in the best way possible, without actually revealing too much.

  “And, it was an addiction that’s plagued him for most of his life that led him to that awkward situation… Basically, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know whether or not it would be better to tell the cops the truth, put an end to all of this, or to try and help L…this person myself. It’s a friend, someone that I have put a lot of time and effort into. I don’t know if I can just give all of that up, you know?”

  “I cannot say for sure because I have never been in that situation,” he told me honestly. “But I believe that deep down, you already know what to do in your heart. You know what the best thing is for you and this person. It’s just taking you a few moments to come to terms with it all.” I bit my lip at that, not wanting to tell him that I’d been stewing over it for a day now. “Just remember: it isn’t your duty to pass judgment; that isn’t done in this lifetime.”

  He stood up and smiled serenely at me. I nodded gratefully at him and watched him walk away. Maybe he was right; maybe I did know what to do all along. Maybe this was a sign from Shelley, a clue that she was watching over me, after all, and that was her way of speaking to me…

  Ring, ring…

  “Oh shit,” I yanked my phone from my pocket, hating the way that the sound seemed to ricochet off the walls, and I answered it hastily. “Hello?”

  “Hello there, Mr. Larkin; this is Officer Hurley.” The cops? Now? “We need you to come down to the station, please, as soon as you can.”

  My heart beat faster, and my mouth ran dry with fear. Would Lewis have gone as far as to plant evidence on my property, too, just to keep his own ass safe? I honestly didn’t know and that scared the crap out of me. “May I ask why?” I asked, with a noticeable tremble in my voice. I was scared shitless that despite the fact I was innocent, I would end up locked away.

  “I can’t discuss police business with you over the phone. I just need you to come now,” she continued in her sharp tone of voice, leaving me with no wiggle room. “Thank you, Mr. Larkin. I will see you soon.”

  I wasn’t sure what this meant for me, but I did have the distinct feeling that it would force me to make up my mind about what to do with regards to Lewis much quicker than I intended to. I just hoped that it wasn’t too late. I prayed that I still had time to clear my name. I would kick myself if I ended up locked away because I was too afraid to protect someone else.

  With that one, horrifying thought in my mind, I raced from the church and hopped in my car as quickly as I could, knowing that whatever happened next would be life changing.

  By the time I jumped out of the car and hurtled into the station, my mind was all over the place. I was just lucky that the press had given up waiting around here trying to snap the most awful-looking picture of me that they could. They would have a field day today, that was for sure!

  “My name is Roy Larkin. I’m looking for Officer Hurley…”

  “Hello, Mr. Larkin.” She walked around the corner as if she were waiting for me. “Please, come with me. I have a room waiting for you, so thank you for being so quick.”

  “Yeah, sure, whatever.” I didn’t feel good about any of this, but I didn’t have much choice, so I followed closely behind her, trying to pull myself together. If I was going to convince this woman of my innocence, then I at least needed to appear innocent.

  “Now,” she started, as I sat in the chair opposite her. “We have had a development in the case, which you need to be aware of.” Oh God, it was just as I’d feared. “Your friend, June Powell, came in to see us.” My heart stopped dead in my chest. June was here? But why? “She gave us a statement, telling us that she is your alibi for the night of the murder. Now, of course, we need your statement, too, to check that your stories match up, which is why you’re here now.”

  “Wait,” I held my hands up to stop her for a moment. “June came here and gave you a statement, telling you everything? Really? But, her job…” I just couldn’t understand it, but of course, Officer Hurley wasn’t about to give me anything.

  “All I need you to do is write down anything that happened. You can contact your lawyer if you need to; that is within your rights—”

  “I don’t need him,” I interrupted sharply. “Just give me a pen and paper, and I will write everything down. Thank you.”

  As she left the room, giving me the time alone to gather my thoughts, all I could think about was the huge sacrifice June had made for me. She could be throwing away her career, her future, everything…just for me. I didn’t know what the hell to do with that information. It was absolutely insane.

  She had come to me a budding journalist, wanting to make it big, with dreams of getting the hell out of Florence. Now, she was tossing that all to one side, knowing that this information would blacken her name in that universe, just to help keep me out of prison. She knew that I had the information on Lewis, that I could have done this without her, but she did it anyway. That had to mean something, right?

  It hit me like a massive thump in the face that I was actually falling in love with this woman, and that I had been for a long time. I knew that I was developing feelings for her, and that they were intense and strong, but love… I hadn't been prepared for that again. I didn’t think it was something my future held, yet here I was, experiencing just that.

  When I lost Shelley, I had assumed I would never find love again, and I sort of came to terms with that. I figured that as long as I forced myself to keep going, then that would be enough. Yet here I was, tumbling into the abyss of love without even realizing it. It had happened so quickly, so powerfully, that I honestly hadn't even noticed it.

  I finally set my pen to paper, knowing what I needed to do, with a small smile playing on my lips. Once I was done here, I could get back to June and I could finally express what I was feeling inside. I loved her. I truly loved her, and that was something that needed to be celebrated.

  Whether this was Shelley sending me a sign, or it was the priest’s words about me knowing what the right thing to do for me and Lewis was, or whether it was just the knowledge that I had someone who cared enough about me to put her own nec
k on the line for me, but it was so damn obvious now.

  After this, everything would be okay.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  June – Wednesday

  “To yours?” I asked Roy into the phone, unable to keep the elated grin from my face. “Of course; I’ll hop into the car now.”

  Even now, a few hours after everything had settled in my mind, I still felt on top of the world. I knew for certain that I’d made the right decision, and that revelation wasn’t going anywhere. I wasn’t sure if Roy already knew what I’d done for him, and to be honest, I didn’t even mind either way. I didn’t do it for the glory; I did it because it was the right thing to do.

  But as I arrived at Roy’s house and he greeted me at the door with Tank by his side, it was obvious from the soft expression on his face that he had been told absolutely everything. Maybe the police had already called him, maybe they’d brought him down to the police station, too… Either way, he was looking at me with love shining in his eyes.

  “I can’t believe you did that for me,” he gasped as soon as I tumbled from my car. “But what about the newspaper?”

  “I quit my job.” I grinned at him, shrugging my shoulders as if it meant nothing. “So there’s nothing they can do to me. I’m free as a bird.”

  I moved closer to him, but he still looked concerned. “But what about your future? What about your career? Moving away from Florence, hitting the nationals… now what?”

  But I didn’t care about any of that, not right at this moment, so instead, I crashed my lips hard against him. I kissed him with all of the passion that I was feeling deep inside, pushing him through the doorway as I went. His mouth against mine felt amazing – it sent butterflies racing right through my body, making my body pulsate for him.

  “Wow, now that’s a greeting I can get on board with,” he joked, holding me close. “Shall we go up to the bedroom?”

  I nodded hungrily, needily, and he grabbed hold of my hand and practically dragged me up the stairs. When we were in his bedroom, for the very first time, I didn’t even take a second to take a look around; I simply went back to kissing him. Right now, I needed him. I wanted to express all of the passion that I felt deep inside, and that was all that I could think about. Everything else could wait – this moment was purely about me and him.

  The light brush of Roy’s fingers against my skin had tingles of electricity racing all over me. That intense connection that we had, that chemistry, was flooding me, heightening everything and sending bolts of powerful sensations racing through my veins. Animalistic tendencies overcame me, and I yanked Roy’s tee shirt up over his head quickly before trailing my fingers all over those incredible muscles of his.

  He was wonderful to touch, every inch of his body felt amazing, and my heart was already beating a whole lot faster. This guy was so damn hot, so sculpted…what the hell was he doing here with me?

  As his touch fell all over my thighs and butt, I felt addicted, intoxicated, and consumed, so as he walked me backwards until my legs hit the bed, I went willingly. I tumbled backwards and fell onto the sheets happily, enjoying his eyes flickering all over my body. His eyes were hooded with a deep, dark passion, which made me feel that much more desirable.

  “You really are so beautiful,” he said so quietly that it was almost under his breath.

  “Yeah, well you aren’t so bad yourself,” I teased, propping myself up onto my elbows long enough to pull him back down onto me. “Now come here and kiss me.”

  But his mouth didn’t find mine; it fluttered over my neck and collarbone, instead. As our clothes seemed to shed in a blur, my underwear vanishing in the heat of a split second, I felt totally right with this man, completely at ease as if destiny had brought us together.

  I tried to imagine a world where I hadn't taken on the interview with Roy Larkin, the one where I was still in the rat race covering boring stories and trying to make it big. I might have had to sacrifice a lot to make this relationship work, but I was utterly grateful that I’d followed my heart. This time, I knew for sure that it was right.

  As I gripped tightly onto the sheets below me, allowing Roy’s mouth to work its way down my body, I felt my back arch in joy. I was already feeling so many things, so many sensations, so by the time he positioned his body between my legs, and he moved his mouth nearer to my core, I was almost screaming with joy.

  “Oh fuck,” I buckled, feeling his breath on my entrance. “Oh fuck, Roy.” He moved my legs further apart and leant his head towards me, breathing me in. Eventually, he gripped my thigh and tossed my leg over his shoulder, exposing me even more to him. I didn’t even feel self-conscious about that. I just handed myself over to him willingly.

  As the tip of his finger ran up and down me, teasing my clit, I felt the wet heat inside of me intensify. Roy’s calloused, rough fingers felt like velvet against me, and I needed more of him, which was why I tried to thrust against his touch.

  He responded in the way that I so desperately needed by slipping his fingers inside of me and exploring how turned on I was for him. As he settled into a comfortable rhythm, I found my head spinning, my mind whirring, my body going crazy, and just as I was about to scream out, just to let some of the stuff inside of me free, he moved his mouth in and his tongue found my clit.

  “Holy shit.” I shuddered as phenomenal pleasure shattered through my body. His tongue was all over me, running up and down, exploring everything about me, and it wasn’t long before I found myself teetering on the knife edge of desire. This was the best sensation that I’d ever experienced and I wanted to hold on to it forever.

  Just as I could feel the wonderful pressure of pleasure start to build, Roy moved away from me and kissed me for a while, instead. I could feel his cock teasing my entrance, which was making me even hungrier for him, but he wasn’t giving in just yet. I got the strong feeling that he liked to see me writhe, that he enjoyed seeing me squirm, that he wanted to keep me on the edge of desire just a little while longer…

  But just as I was about to really lose my mind, he slid all the way in and filled me up in the most amazing way possible. His hot, sticky skin pressed up against mine and his gasps were showing me just how turned on he was by me also, which made me feel amazing. The way that his hands were gently caressing my skin and the intense desire in his eyes was wonderful, leaving me even more convinced that what I had done was right.

  He leant in and whispered something into my ear, still frozen still inside of me. I didn’t hear his words over the thundering sound of my heart. “Pardon?” I asked, turning to face him. “I didn’t quite catch that.” I had the strong feeling that it was important, and I really didn’t want to miss it in the heat of the moment. I might never get the chance to hear it again.

  “I love you,” he told me sincerely, shocking me. “I truly do love you.”

  Those words made my chest swell with joy, and my emotions spin into overdrive. He loved me? He really loved me? We hadn't gotten into this thing for love; it had been chemistry, temptation, almost the fact that it was taboo, but there was definitely something more intense developing.

  “I… I love you, too,” I whispered back, instantly knowing that it was the truth. “So, so much.”

  With that, Roy began to move slowly and sensually on top of me, running kisses all over as he did. We kept our eyes fixed upon one another, allowing the emotions, the true depth of our feelings to one another to shine through. It felt like the most romantic thing in the world.

  As the intense, clawing, dizzying pleasure tore through my body, leaving me clinging on to Roy for dear life, I took the moment to enjoy the loss of control. There was nothing better than giving myself completely to Roy, emotionally and physically, and it was a moment that I never wanted to end.

  As my breaths started to return to normal, I made the bold decision to flip him onto his back so he could watch me as I rode him. We’d given everything to one another tonight, sacrificed so much to make this happen, and I wanted him
to see everything about me.

  His eyes worked their way all over my body, and the appreciative look behind them made me feel safe and adored. That look, it was worth everything.

  I slid up and down him, settling into the rhythm that he seemed to enjoy the most. As his breaths grew heavier and he drew nearer to the brink of orgasm, he sat up and wrapped his arms tightly around me, allowing us to kiss as we moved in unison. He bit my lip lightly as the pleasure crashed through him, and we clung to one another tightly. I got the sense that we were in this together, that we were a union now and nothing in the world could tear us apart.

  “Oh God, June,” he cried out in joy. “Never let me go.”

  I knew in that moment I never would – I was in it for the long haul. I usually did everything I could to protect myself, but now that barrier was gone and I felt so amazingly free.

  As we collapsed on the sheets next to one another, panting and giggling alternately, I turned to face Roy with joy in my eyes. “Did you mean what you said?” I asked him, wanting to confirm everything. I knew I was probably acting a little needy, but surely now that we’d told one another we were in love, that ship had long sailed. Really, what I probably wanted was for him to just say those delicious words to me all over again.

  “Of course I did,” he grinned back at me, lightly stroking my cheek. “I wouldn’t have said it otherwise.”

  I never would have thought Roy was a man to jump in feet first, but that was what seemed to be happening here. It seemed like he was finally leaving his trauma in the past and moving forwards – with me. He trusted me enough to pass his heart over to me, and I felt truly honored for that.

  “I love you, too,” I just needed to confirm my feelings for him. I wanted him to hear it, just as I needed him to say it because this was totally and utterly real.


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